My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 182 The Power of Dawu (45/53)

Chapter 182 The Power of Dawu (4553)

The slightly embarrassed shadow players continued to move forward.

After the gas explosion and the Pokémon's self-destruction, they experienced many traps. Although the protective suits were rarely attrited, many Dark Pokémon were lost, and...

That's disgusting!

At this stage, almost all the Shadow Team members are holding their breath, waiting to vent their frustrations when they meet the Rainbow Team members.

In order to meet their requirements, Kashiwagi and others came.

Boom——! !

The ground beneath their feet suddenly collapsed, and in an instant a huge silver beast exploded out of the ground, making a piercing scream like a speeding high-speed train!

"Attack! Dark Charge!"

"Dark Storm!"

A group of shadow players frantically released dark Pokémon and ordered them to attack the super giant steel snake.

same moment.

Pokémon kept popping up in the surrounding buildings to launch various long-range moves at them. Team Rainbow's people walked among the many Pokémon, constantly throwing various flash bombs and gas bombs to attack.

The members of the Shadow Team at the front and back were attracted to them and released dark Pokémon to fight against them.

The one in the middle continues to target the super giant steel snake.


The super-giant steel snake took several attacks in a row and couldn't help but let out a roar of pain, but it didn't just run away. Instead, it twisted and moved its body to find a position and suddenly stood up, letting the four horizontal steel bones rotate wildly!


The manic sandstorm quickly gathered and turned into a huge sandstorm that covered the sky and the earth like a natural disaster, blocking the sunlight and causing most of the dark Pokémon that rushed forward to be thrown away!

"What a strong Pokémon!"

The cadres of the Shadow Team were shocked by the super-giant steel snake and shouted quickly: "Don't get close! Long-range! Use long-range!"

Sandstorms of this size are often beaten back when they rush in. Only a ferocious enough long-range attack can kill them.

"Dark Storm!"

"Dark Lightning—ah!"

A member of the Shadow Team suddenly screamed. People nearby heard the sound and looked around, and saw a pair of bright blue light balls rising from the ground.


Boscodora waved his arms casually, knocking the man away with a bang, then raised his head and roared as numerous Pokémon continued to pour out from behind him!

They suddenly came out of the hole dug by the super giant steel snake!


Boscodora was like a heavily reloaded tank, emitting a dazzling white light that kept knocking away many dark Pokémon, specifically selecting those shadow players to do it.

If you can catch it, swing it around like a baseball bat.

Aren't you particularly durable in protective clothing? Let's see how long you can last!

Taking advantage of its petite size, Big Mouth uses electromagnetic floating to shuttle among many Pokémon. When it sees anyone in danger, it rushes up and punches or kicks its enemy.

Geely Egg is running around rescuing people. For ordinary people, it may be difficult to distinguish between dark Pokémon and ordinary Pokémon, but for it, which can see through other people's moods, it is not easy to distinguish.

no doubt.

Under the design of Kashiwagi and N, the shadow team members who were attacked from the front and back were thrown into chaos, and they almost couldn't tell the difference between friend and foe.

However, due to the fact that Dark Pokémon can exchange injuries for injuries, and the two hundred shadow team members carrying nearly a thousand Dark Pokémon, Big Steel Snake and the others gradually became somewhat powerless.

"Retreat! Don't be wary! Retreat!"

The sound of retreat echoed in the sky.

A dark Pokémon launched an attack into the sky, but in the end it was just a drone.

More drones began to make cypress sounds, allowing Boss Cordora and Steel Snake to retreat with the injured and incompetent Pokémon.

In the alley, Kashiwagi and Awu were breathing heavily, surrounded by the dark Pokémon lying on the ground, as well as several shadow team members.

The former kept shouting with a walkie-talkie, and the big-mouthed boy was guarding him, while Awu's double-axe battle dragon and red-faced dragon were covered with scars and were observing the surroundings vigilantly.

Although there was no expectation that the Pokémon tamed by N would win over the Shadow Team from the beginning, the situation turned around a bit too quickly.

Retreat is necessary to avoid unnecessary sacrifices in delaying tactics.

"You take the people and retreat to the second line of defense. N and I will cut off the rear for you." He turned to look at Awu and ordered him to evacuate.

Awu hesitated, "But."

"There is no time to hesitate now! Go quickly! Let the people there get ready!"

Kashiwagi pushed the latter and was about to scold him.


He looked to the sky.

"Day shooting star?"

A bright silver light streaked across the sky, suddenly turned a sharp corner in his confused vision, and rushed towards them blankly.

Turn around.

Boom——! !

The shining silver meteor crashed not far away, and the ground shattered like a cracker. The surrounding houses collapsed in an instant, and countless dark Pokémon that tried to chase the retreating Pokémon were blown away!

The shadow players with ferocious faces stared blankly at the smoke billowing, looking at each other in confusion.

At this time, a vague figure emerged from the smoke.

"Looks like I'm still a step late. Are you Team Shadow? These are the Dark Pokémon."

A tall and tall young man with a smile walked out of the smoke. Behind him was a strange robot-like creature with eight thick arms and a shiny silver body.


The latter made an extremely powerful cry.

A member of the Shadow Team tried to launch an attack, but was stopped by the Shadow Team cadre. He was keen enough to realize that the person in front of him was definitely not a native of Huangtie Town, whether it was temperament or other places.

Faintly, there seemed to be a figure in his mind that could confront him.

"W-who are you!"

He asked loudly: "This is Huangtie Town, and we are suppressing the rebellion! Don't get close to the rest of us!"

"Suppressing the rebellion...hehe, a group of guys who deceive the world and steal their reputation dare to claim that they are the righteous party."

Daigo looked around, taking in everything, and the smile on his face gradually turned cold, "It seems like your Pokémon don't quite agree with what you said."

Dark Pokémon become manic due to long battles, and their eyes are gradually covered with scarlet color.

"Where is all this nonsense! Beat him! Attack! Attack them all!"

One of the shadow team members couldn't hold back anymore and yelled.

Many dark Pokémon immediately attacked Daigo.

And this time.

Daigo's body seemed to teleport to the top of Metagross, and he said in a neither high nor low voice: "Okay, let you see who is the strongest and most powerful in the world. "



Countless black lightning and black air waves bombarded the Super Metagross from all directions, but were blocked by a light blue light wave.

When the Shadow Team cadres saw this scene, they suddenly trembled, and countless memories emerged.

"He is the champion! Daigo, the champion of the Hoenn region!"

He let out a scream.

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