My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 188 Determined by birth experience

It has been raining for a long time in Huangtie Town.

There is no doubt that this is the masterpiece of dragon trainers.

They dispersed the acidic substance surrounding Huangtie Town to an uninhabited place, and attracted clean rain clouds, washing away the ruin-like land.

The heavy rain slowly extinguished the fires everywhere, and also brought life to the hearts of the people in Huangtie Town.

Trainers who are superior in the hearts of civilians will not do this kind of thing, because these people only care about themselves, and when their own interests are damaged, they will make up for it from them.

Not so with rescue organizations.

The people who belong to this organization are not only from around them, but they are not all strong and tall men or women. Even those with short stature or weak strength are also members of the rescue organization.

Whether it is the dark underground mines or the once bustling underground cities, they have been closed down. Even the above-ground casinos and fun shops have not been spared.

Smelters and mines that once worked at least sixteen hours a day now work eight hours a day, and wages have not fallen but have risen.

There is no longer a need to pay high contribution fees and "taxes". The new taxes and fees are pitifully lower than before.

And the rescue organization will help build collapsed houses at extremely low prices, provide free medical treatment, and save their families who are buried under the rubble... and even call on those who were in power to force them to build houses for them.

What made them even more happy was that Pokémon that were once out of reach gradually appeared around them, doing the same thing to help them.


The most important thing is to have enough to eat.

To get the assets that should belong to them.

In the past, things like "taking over local tyrants to allocate their fields" were the exclusive domain of those in power, but now they can also get their share.

But not everything went smoothly.

For civilians, the rescue organization's requirement that everyone be literate is really too much.

Literacy was not a necessary survival skill for them - initially civilians thought so, but with the jobs offered by rescue organizations there was a strong demand for literacy.

For example, after attending literacy classes for several days, they learned how many words they knew. The requirements were so detailed that they had to work hard to learn those weird shapes.

To prevent those enviable job opportunities from being taken away.

Under the heavy rain, Huangtie Town glowed with new vitality.

But at this time.

Kashiwagi is experiencing a very embarrassing scene.

The wooden sign he made was being studied by a group of people in cloaks. Awu was jumping around next to him, making jokes and adding his own opinions from time to time, which made him less attentive in chatting with Daigo.

"It seems I didn't pick a good time."

Dawu didn't mind his rude behavior of frequently looking away. This was just an after-dinner chat. He smiled and said, "But I still have to thank you for your thoughtful hospitality."

In order to entertain these guests who came from afar to help.

Kashiwagi temporarily bid farewell to his trainers, turned into a full-time chef and personally prepared a lot of delicious food to repay them.

For Daigo and the others, being able to eat such delicious food after the battle was enough to cheer them up.

"No, no, no, compared to Dawu-san's help, a meal or something is nothing."

Kashiwagi waved his hand quickly.

Genji went to rest after eating. Although his body was still strong, it was still quite a burden for an old man to fight for a long time.

But according to Genji's crew, compared to the fatigue of fighting, the old man is actually not used to staying on land for such a long time, and Huangtie Town is still a desolate inland without any sea water or plants, so he can just rest.

Kashiwagi listens and believes it.

"Okay, please don't pay attention to me. Although Huangtie Town is deserted, the atmosphere of collaboration between Pokémon and humans is really wonderful."

Daigo stood up, as if planning to go out for a walk, "Besides, I heard that this place is rich in various metals. I wonder if there are any precious stones that I desire. My desire to collect is driving me to go to the mine."

Say it.

The champion left. Judging from his simple clothes, he probably had plans.

Kashiwagi wanted to go with him but had to wait where he was, watching the single-headed dragon nibbling on his right hand and smoothing its fur with his left hand.

Because whenever he tried to go somewhere else, Awu would suddenly shout "Kashiwagi, where are you going?", causing all the dragon trainers to look over.

Thieves are scary.

Back on the sofa, the big-mouthed kid next to me was drinking black tea.

I don’t know who stuffed this thing into the rescue supplies. There were several cans. After Shanmin threw it at his house, Boscordola discovered it——

The big monster smelled the smell of dry plants. He thought some fool had brought his tree into the house and burned it. He rushed in and found out that it was tea.

Kashiwagi tried brewing a few cups, but almost no one was willing to try a second cup. Only Dazuiwa fell in love with the mellow taste and asked Kashiwagi to brew it for him as a private property every day.

Naturally, Kashiwagi will not be dissatisfied with this small request.

"Oh...I should have known better to find N."

N and his two sisters are still taking care of Pokémon. The number of rescued Pokémon is estimated to be in the tens of thousands. This man is eager to find a good home for them instead of keeping them in the Poké Ball.

However, the current environment of Huangtie Town is barely tolerable for Pokémon with rock, ground, steel, fire, and grass attributes, but it is not very friendly to Pokémon with ice, insect, and water attributes.

What's more, Pokémon also have a variety of complex attributes.

It is imperative to open up a Pokémon Sanctuary with a variety of environments.

Of course, such a project is huge and cannot be completed in a day or two. N knew very well that it would be difficult to build such a place with Pokémon alone, so he took the initiative to ask Pokémon to help the people of Huangtie Town. busy.

Let the people of Huangtie Town give back to Pokémon in the future.

As long as Shan Min is here, I believe the people of Huangtie Town will not be ungrateful.

Kashiwagi also blessed this man who has successfully found a starting point for his career, and firmly believes that he can create a beautiful kingdom where Pokémon can rest and recuperate in the Orei region.

When thinking.

The group of dragon trainers came closer.

One person asked with a smile: "Where did your brand come from?"

"My father left it to me."

Kashiwagi didn't know if these people saw that this brand was newly made. Anyway, he insisted that someone else gave it to him. He just didn't know anything.

You can’t say you did it yourself, right? That makes it even harder to explain.

"When your father gave you this thing, did he tell you about your grandfather or ancestors?"

The man continued to ask.

Kashiwagi Jun shook his head, "I was still young at that time and I really can't remember it. Is there anything wrong with this brand?"

After all the dragon trainers looked at each other, they said: "We found that the history of this brand is no more than twenty years at most, but this system... was a hundred years ago."

"--How many?"

He froze.

"A hundred years ago." Some people thought he didn't hear clearly. "Dragon people have always been accustomed to spreading their branches and leaves all over the world. It's not very strange for someone to come to the Ourei area...

"We contacted the people in Meteor to compare the genealogy. It is true that many dragon trainers ran away more than a hundred years ago and never came back. I guess your ancestors are among them. As for this brand, it is probably your father. After breaking the old one, I made a new imitation."

All the dragon trainers laughed.

This can also be rounded off! ?

Kashiwagi was dumbfounded. He didn't quite understand why the other party inferred these things based on the fact that he was a descendant of the Dragon Nation, and even closed the loopholes himself.

"So I can't be counted as one hundred percent dragon people?" he asked tentatively.

"That's not the case. Dragon people don't care about pure blood. As long as they are descendants of dragon people, they can call themselves dragon tamers or dragon people."

An older man chuckled and looked at the single-headed dragon, "Your single-headed dragon is quite well bred. It has strong limbs and a strong body. The key is to be able to master the strength of its bite. This pair of dragon-type Pokémon is coming." It’s a difficult thing to say.”


"This white dyed."

"You only have one dragon-type Pokémon, right? Remember to tame a few more, that way you can be considered a dragon tamer!"

"If you don't mind, you can come to Meteor Falls to see me in the future. I still have a few dragon-type Pokémon at home, which I can leave to you to cultivate."

These people's words to each other completely confirmed the bloodline and origin of Kashiwagi.

Kashiwagi responded with a smile, his little heart beating wildly, and Awuze next to him was still shouting, "Two-axe fighting dragon! How can a dragon trainer not cultivate a two-axe fighting dragon! Look at these sharp fangs, look at it Can other dragon-type Pokémon compare to this powerful big tail?"

"What a boy! I just like an arrogant dragon trainer like you! Come and compare with my baby!"

Hearing this, others took out their Poké Balls and released various dragon-type Pokémon to compete.

There are also comparisons between Gyarados and Charizard, and the house is almost too big to fit in.

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