My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 196 Shenma Dongxi (53/55)

Chapter 196 Shenma Dongxi (5355)

The screen went black.

Then it lights up.

The ranch uncle stood there holding the pitchfork, and suddenly blew the whistle, "Didi——"

Many Pokémon on the plain looked over, and then three Pokémon emerged from it and slowly approached it.

Kashiwagi took a closer look and found that they were Kentaro, Flame Horse, and Electric Dragon. They were very classic ranch-type Pokémon. They must be the partners of the ranch uncle.

[You learned from a neighbor who brought his child to your door to apologize that your daughter was teased by her classmates for a long time because you did not attend the assembly yesterday. You thought about it all day, discussed with your wife for a long time, and came to the ranch to gather your former partners]

[You decide to challenge the gym and tournament from scratch]

A little pixel figure walked out of the house. She was holding her bag and seemed a little worried. The bubbles on her forehead were also intermittent: "The head of the house..."

The ranch uncle collected Kentaro and other Pokémon with Poké Balls, comforted his wife, and finally faced his daughter who was hiding in the room.

[You want to say goodbye to your daughter, but your daughter doesn’t know if she’s still angry with you and doesn’t want to come out to see you]

[You feel a little regretful and take your old partners to the nearest Asakusa City]

The ranch uncle drove away from home. The modern transportation made Kashiwagi feel a little emotional. People with clear goals are different.

But the picture does not zoom out.

Just as the car was driving away and about to disappear, the ranch girl rushed out of the house, seemingly crying and shouting something.

The ranch uncle’s car quickly returned.

Through the narrator Kashiwagi, we learn that the ranch girl is apologizing to her father and persuading him not to leave. It doesn’t matter what people in the school say.

However, the ranch uncle has made up his mind.

[Tell your daughter that you made this decision not only to keep her head up among her classmates, but also to consider that you still have the energy to attend the alliance meeting and fulfill your teenage dreams while there is still time. Tell her that if you have a dream, you can Want to chase]

[You say goodbye to your wife and daughter again, and head towards Asakusa City with their happy and tearful eyes]

The beginning is a little long.

Kashiwagi only felt that the simulation background this time was complicated enough.

Terry, who was driving the car, was still talking enthusiastically. Seeing that he was concentrating on "reading a book", he gradually stopped and asked again: "Do you mind if I turn on some music?"

"As long as it's not too noisy, that's fine."

The car audio is on.

What surprised Kashiwagi was that Terry listened to music that was quite soothing, rather than the rock and rap music that ordinary old-timers thought.

Seeing the surprise on his face, Terry smiled and said: "Personal preference, most people will only get sleepier and sleepier when listening to this kind of music while driving. I am different, the more I listen to it, the more energetic I become."

That's really different.

Kashiwagi gave her a thumbs up and continued watching the simulation.

As a "veteran" who went to the Alliance Conference at the age of thirty-seven, the ranch uncle is commendable for his courage, but this age is actually not particularly late.

Not to mention the anime, there are also many trainers older than him in the games.

Of course, people basically start breeding Pokémon from a young age until they are middle-aged or old. Their battle experience is something that the ranch uncle cannot compare to.

However, Rancher Uncle is not completely without advantages. As a breeder, aside from the classic ranch-type Pokémon, he has handled and cultivated hundreds of large and small Pokémon over the years.

The narrator said that with his excellent skills, the Pokémon he cultivated have a good physical foundation. They have participated in the Most Beautiful Big Milk Tank, Fastest Flame Horse, and Strongest Kentero competitions many times, and won many times.

In other words, as long as the ranch uncle accumulates combat experience through many battles, he can still fight very well.

At least attending the convention shouldn't be a problem.

After all, he has a blue talent, so he shouldn’t even be able to go to the conference.

in the screen.

The ranch uncle came to Asakusa City. With a clear purpose, he did not hesitate and immediately came to challenge Ami as the gym leader.

But the two seemed very familiar and started chatting as soon as they met.

Through the narration, Kashiwagi learned that the moo-moo fresh milk of Qiancong Gymnasium has been purchased from the ranch uncle’s home, and he has been a regular customer for many years.

After learning about the ranch uncle’s idea, Ami also gave her 100% support.


The exciting gym challenge begins vigorously.

Under the strong request of the ranch uncle, Ami showed her strength to face the challenger who came to obtain the eighth badge, and then...

There's no after that.

The ranch uncle obviously overestimated the strength of himself and his Pokémon. He was almost unilaterally crushed by Ami's Pokémon and couldn't even use the three-word mantra.

[You regret that your strength has declined so much. Remember that you were once a powerful trainer with seven badges, just one step away from the competition]

The narrator told Kashiwagi that the ranch uncle almost obtained the eighth badge when he was young. Unfortunately, due to family changes, he had to give up his career as a trainer, inherit the ranch and become a breeder.

The records of participating in the gym over the years have been scrapped. If the badge is still there, but there is no record of it, he will have to challenge it again, but he still wants to start with the strength of seven badges.

He never thought that Ami's strength was far beyond his expectation, and he was immediately stunned.

The middle-aged man lost all his dignity.

The ranch uncle drove home in despair, pretending to be fine in front of his daughter, and then exposed his weak side to his wife.


How come you can still eat dog food while watching a simulation?

Kashiwagi frowned in dissatisfaction, but fortunately the simulator did not dwell on similar scenes for too long, and the focus was still on the gym challenge.

The next day, Uncle Ranch came to Qian Cong Gym again.

[Under Ami’s advice, you returned the intensity of the gym challenge to a novice level. Although it was a bit embarrassing, you knew that you should really start over]

Returning to the strength of a novice, the rancher uncle was indeed much more comfortable. His ace flame horse also successfully defeated Ami's Magnemite and Fritos with attribute advantages.

[You defeated Asakusa Gym Leader Ami and obtained the Steel Badge]

After winning, the ranch uncle was very excited, as if he had found the passion of his youth and the joy brought by winning the battle, and he took the boat non-stop to the Azure City on the other side.

What Kashiwagi didn't expect was that Azure Gym Leader Ah Si seemed to be very familiar with him.

The side said that the ranch uncle is quite proficient in Aikido and got acquainted with Ah Si at the Aikido Conference, and Ah Si happened to be a trainer who likes sweets and can't stop eating Moo Moo fresh milk.

The two of them became familiar with each other as they went back and forth.

The connections of middle-aged men are really scary...

Kashiwagi couldn't help but complain.

When he heard that the ranch uncle planned to regain his dream of participating in the conference, Ah Si was deeply moved. He not only provided verbal support, but also gave action support, and forced the ranch uncle to conduct special training with him.

The ranch uncle thought about it and felt that it would be good to regain his past strength, so he agreed.

The two middle-aged men began to practice.

These include the most classic one-handed push-ups with back pressure on a big stone, and standing under a waterfall to exercise your mind. Obviously, the flame horse cannot accept this kind of special training, so he usually watches from the side.

[Physically strong] This talent is gradually revealed——

How can a normal person withstand such high-intensity training? But not only did the ranch uncle not feel tired, but he also found it extremely fulfilling.

As if to prove his words.

The simulator kept showing terrifying pictures of ranch uncles holding large logs on their shoulders and carrying numerous closed milk buckets that looked to weigh at least fifty pounds.

There was even a terrifying scene of him wrestling with the crazed Kentero, first blocking him, and then backhanding him with a big force that forced him to the ground.

Oh my god!

Is this Ma Dongxi?

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