My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 221 Uncle Qianli

There are quite a few differences in character between the anime and the special version of Chisato.

Qianli in the special chapter is powerful and mysterious. He has a temperament that prevents strangers from entering. He hides all his strong emotions in his heart. His personality is tough and stern, and he looks very domineering.

Chisato in the anime is relatively gentle, and his voice is quite powerful and majestic, but he is relatively more people-friendly, and he even goes out of his way to create surprises for his wife, making him more considerate in a way.

It is impossible to evaluate the two.

But in terms of contact, the latter is definitely easier to contact. Perhaps this is also the reason why he has a city full of fans.

Kashiwagi's arrival was undoubtedly warmly welcomed by Qianli and his wife. When Xiaosheng had a video call with them, he specifically mentioned his first friend who he met after leaving home.

Xiaosheng's mother, Mitsuko, insisted on making something for him to eat, and she couldn't stop her.

On the table.

"Aunt Mitsuko is too enthusiastic."

He said to Qianli dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, this is what it should be. Why don't we treat you well when you come all the way? Then Xiao Sheng will blame us when he finds out."

Qianli laughed loudly and said: "And only when you are full can you have the strength to exert your full strength, are you right?"

"That's right."

Kashiwagi couldn't help but agree.

One of the standard traits of the top players in the Pokémon animated world is easygoingness and confidence. Whether they are a ten-year-old child or an arrogant trainer, they can deal with it the way they should.

"The delicious bread is freshly baked and ready to enjoy."

Mitsuko placed two plates of bread in front of the two of them.

Fortunately, the amount was not much, so Kashiwagi, who had just finished breakfast, breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked carefully again, a strong aroma of wheat hit his face and poured into his mind from his nose.

In an instant, golden waves formed phantoms and rolled continuously.

“It smells so good!”

He couldn't help but say something.

It was not a deliberate compliment to Mitsuko, it was indeed the wheat aroma of this bread that was so strong that he was hallucinating.

Raw material problem?

"If you like, I'll make some more and you can take them on the road to eat." Mitsuko chuckled, and Chisato said you're welcome.

Kashiwagi nodded and quickly asked about the source of the flour.

Mitsuko said that it is a brand from Luyin Town and is still very famous in Fengyuan area, but it is not as famous as Kamayan Senbei.

"Green Town..."

He vaguely remembered that it was a good place to recuperate.

Good mountains and good water produce good food. With the flour from Luyin Town, maybe his luminous cuisine can be upgraded to a higher level.

After all, raw materials are very important when it comes to the quality of dishes.

Had a good "meat".

Seeing Qianri's satisfied expression, Kashiwagi knew that the gym battle was finally about to begin.


In the basic battle arena.

Kashiwagi and Qianli each stood in their designated positions.

The latter asked: "Is this your first time to challenge the gym?"


"But using Chenghua Gym as your first challenge may not be a good choice. After all, I won't give in."

"It's my pleasure."

"By the way, my basic requirement is three versus three, which is the same no matter how many badges you have. Have you prepared enough Pokémon?"

Qianli smiled when he heard Kashiwagi's "yes" response, "In that case, let's get started, Jin Zhi, I'm sorry to trouble you today."

"Okay master!"

Jin Zhi held the green and red double flags and said loudly: "Now the gym challenge begins. Use only three Pokémon. If the Pokémon of either the gym leader or the challenger lose their ability to fight, the game will be deemed to be over. .

"At the same time, only challengers can freely change Pokémon during the game."

Gym challenges often allow challengers to take more advantage, whether it is free exchange of Pokémon or other aspects.

Qianli said loudly: "Kashiwagi, winning or losing in the gym challenge is actually not that important. If you can let the gym leader see the tacit cooperation between you and Pokémon and see your will, you can still get the badge even if you lose in the end. of.

"Of course I still hope you can move forward with the goal of winning, understand?"


"Then I announce that the game begins!"

Qianli was the first to take out a Poké Ball and throw it out, "My first Pokémon is - Madara! Please!"


There was a flash of white light.

A red-spotted bear doll about half a man tall fell to the ground.

Its two eyes were replaced by mosquito-repellent vortexes, and it had a pair of fat, big ears that swung back and forth in place, as if it could use Zhanyi Shibatu.

Kashiwagi took out the picture book and took a picture. It wasn't that he didn't recognize it, but the picture book would only register this kind of Pokémon after taking a picture of it. Otherwise, it would always be there? ? ? pattern.

Although he didn't know the opponent's characteristics clearly, he had already formulated a strategy on how to target Pokémon with general attributes.

"Go ahead."

He threw the Poké Ball.


White light flashes.

Boscodora landed on the ground, and the heavy weight caused the ground to tremble slightly.


The big monster roared angrily, feeling that it had not appeared for a while and it was time to show off.

"Cannon light cannon!" Kashiwagi launched the attack without hesitation.

Qianli waved his hand calmly and said: "Shake dance!"


Boscodora opened his mouth, and the bright silver light quickly gathered and turned into a thick silver beam of light that shot towards Shaking Ban!


But just when the beam of light was about to hit the swaying spot, it suddenly raised its head and lowered its waist to avoid it.

The timing is perfect, not too much, not too little.

Then, the soft and boneless Dangling Madara quickly raised his head, twisted his whole body, and his two arms shook like kelp, as if he was dancing some kind of mysterious dance.

Kashiwagi frowned. Sure enough, his memory was correct.

Some of Qianli's Pokémon master a special swinging rhythm, allowing them to easily dodge and attack regardless of whether the opponent attacks meleely or remotely.

The individual that Xiaozhi met was a lazy man, and the one he met was Madara.

"Dig a hole!"

After hearing the command, Boscodora jumped forward and managed to escape underground before being affected by the swing dance.

"Keep rocking and don't stop!"

Qianli responded quickly, scanning all over the field with his eyes, and suddenly shouted: "Roll to the right!"

The swaying spot suddenly fell to the right and rolled out like an old rag doll.

next moment.


The land where it originally stood rose up in a large area, and a giant silver beast suddenly rushed out!


Boss Cordora returned to the ground, and it was unbelievable to find that he had not attacked his opponent again.

Qianli quickly seized this opportunity, "Absorbing punch!"

"Surf!" Kashiwagi followed closely.


Shaking Madara swung his small fist covered in brown vortex, and hit Boscodora's abdomen with a bang. The latter's expression did not change at all, and the blue vortex condensed in the heart of his claws followed and hit its body.


The water ball suddenly exploded just as Shaking Madara was about to raise his head to dodge, and the overwhelming waves continued to hit the opponent.

It rolled back and forth uncontrollably in the water, until the water spread out in all directions before it was able to support its body, and saw the giant tail coming like lightning!

"Get out of the way!"

Qianli gave the order, but Madara was unable to react and was knocked away.


Shaking Madara, who fell outside the field, twitched, but could no longer stand up.

"Kangbang Madara loses the ability to fight, and Boss Cordora wins!" Jin Zhi raised the flag and shouted.

Qianli was a little surprised, "This Boss Cordora is of a very high level..."

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