My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 223 God·Stabilization Method

When a hyperkinetic ape falls into a cursed state, it means that its physical strength begins to count down.

"Shadow ball!"

Qianli knew this very well and planned to make a quick decision.


The hyperkinetic ape suppressed the pain on his face, and used his claws to create a pitch-black energy ball, which he threw towards the Galar Sun Coral like a bowling ball.

"Hold on!"

Kashiwagi shouted, neither letting Galar Sun Coral dodge nor using any moves to resist, but chose to eat the shadow ball forcefully.


The shadow ball exploded on the Galar Sun Coral, causing all its tentacles to pop out in pain.

"The body-fixing method!"

Blue light replaced the red light in its eyes, a huge blue halo spread out, and the tentacles of the smoke also extended, piercing into the body of the hyperactive ape, making it freeze in place and unable to move.

The ghost of the curse reappeared, tearing at the shadow of the hyperkinetic ape.


The latter let out a scream.

The effect of the immobilization method in the animation and special chapters is different from that in the game, at least it does not have the effect of forced confinement. Xiaoxia's reachable duck can be called a bug in the early stage, which is partly related to this move and telekinesis.

"Get away!" Qianli shouted.

The hyperkinetic ape gritted its teeth viciously, desperately resisting the shackles of the immobilization method, and quickly regained its freedom with its own strength, but accordingly it was unable to use the shadow ball in a short period of time.

Kashiwagi: "Absorb power!"

Now that the immobilization method is over, other moves can be connected.


The Galar Sun Coral swung its tentacles, and green light spots floated from the hyperkinetic ape's body and quickly sank into its body.

The counter-injury caused by the curse and the damage caused by the shadow ball were quickly compensated.

The physical attack is really high.

Kashiwagi secretly smacked his lips. Absorbing power is a move in which the higher the opponent's physical attack, the better the recovery effect. It's amazing that the Hyperactive Monkey can recover the Galar Sun Coral to this level even if its physical attack is reduced.

And the other side.

Chisato was amazed at Kashiwagi's control of the rhythm.

Essentially, since his first two Pokémon are slow-paced, and Hyperkinetic is fast-paced, he can affect the challenger's judgment through changes in the battle rhythm.

Unexpectedly, Kashiwagi seems to be very adaptable to the change of rhythm. Boss Cordora is still the type to actively attack and look for opportunities, while Galar Sun Coral has become the type to passively counterattack, and successfully established an advantage at the beginning.

"Kashiwagi, you are really worthy of my praise in many aspects." Qianli couldn't help but said loudly, looked at the state of the animal, and suddenly shouted: "Then, the last move is next!



The hyperkinetic ape raised its claws, and the surface of its body lit up with dazzling lightning, which then converged into a thunder dragon and bombarded the Galar Sun Coral!

Kashiwagi didn't say a word. He took out the Poké Ball and replaced the Galar Sun Coral before the Hyperkinetic Monkey made his move, and alternately mounted the Super Giant Steel Snake.

The giant steel snake that came on stage was hit by the oncoming thunder before it could make a sound.


It looked blankly at the lightning jumping around on its body. Although it felt a little hot, it was not as hot as the hottest noon in Huangtie Town.

"Ah... Lu..."

The hyperkinetic ape, who had unleashed all his strength but lost to the attributes, widened his eyes. He lost his last bit of strength under the effect of the curse and fell to the ground with a thud.

"After all, the hyperkinetic ape has lost its ability to fight, and the big steel snake wins. This time the winner is Kashiwagi!"

Jin Zhi glanced at the giant steel snake in shock and announced the result of the game loudly.

Qianli was stunned for two seconds before reacting, and smiled helplessly, "Until the last moment, I still managed step by step without being arrogant or impetuous, and did not force my Pokémon. Thank you Kashiwagi, you staged a great battle for me. !”

"Thank you!"

Kashiwagi shouted back.

When many trainers find out that they are about to win or lose, they will involuntarily become anxious and make some irrational moves.

Kashiwagi did not.

He didn't even try to make Galar Sun Coral resist thunder. Instead, he implemented the right of free exchange of Pokémon as a challenger and replaced the Big Steel Snake, which can withstand thunder, on the field.

As for its body shape... although it is rare, in Qianli's opinion, it is far less dazzling than the characteristics displayed by Kashiwagi.

"You have worked so hard to take care of the ape."

He put the hyperkinetic ape back into the elf ball, bypassed the sand pit created by Boscodora earlier, and approached the cypress tree on the opposite side.

And at this time.

The latter is comforting the big steel snake.

"It's okay. It's important to bear the injury, okay?"


"I'll let you fight next time. I don't lie to others. Anyone who cheats is a big fart swallow."


"Good boy, you are already great if you can block thunder. Don't you dare let Galar Sun Coral block it until you see me?" Kashiwagi patted the head of the big steel snake. When he saw Qianli approaching, he greeted him, " Qian Lisang!"


Qianli smiled and took out the prepared Libra badge from his pocket, "This is the badge you deserve, keep it."


Kashiwagi took the badge. He was very curious about the feel of the badge when he was playing the game. Now that he actually touches it, he feels inexplicably powerful. Maybe a sense of accomplishment bonus?

Qianli continued: "If you are not in a hurry to leave, come back for dinner in the evening. We didn't make much preparation before you came all the way. We will definitely entertain you well this time."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Facing the enthusiastic Qianli, he couldn't refuse, so he simply agreed.


Pokémon Center.

When Kashiwagi handed the Boss Cordora to Miss Joy, he saw Hideki coming in from the door again.

When their eyes suddenly met, the latter's eyes lit up and he came closer.

"Kashiwagi—brother, did you win?"

"It's true that we won." Kashiwagi nodded.

Hideki was surprised for a moment, as if he didn't expect the opponent to win so smoothly, and hurriedly said: "Then have you decided where to challenge at the next gym?"

"Of course it's the gym in Kanaz City. Why, you want to encourage me to challenge your gym again?" He looked at the other party with a half-smile.

"Hey hey hey..."

Hideki's mind was exposed and he scratched his head in embarrassment, then begged: "Please! Please challenge our gym - I, I can pay you!"

"Hey! Are you fooling around again? If you pay someone to challenge you and get reported, your brother's gym will be closed tomorrow."

Kashiwagi knocked Hideki on the head and said angrily: "You are a young brat, why do you have so many clever ideas that harm others but do not benefit yourself?"

"I don't know."

Xiushu covered his head in grievance. He really didn't know many things he shouldn't do.

"Where is your brother?" Kashiwagi looked around, but did not see Toshiki. "Since you usually don't have challengers, what is he doing? Sitting in the gym and waiting?"

"As the gym leader, my brother must be waiting for the challenger in the gym. Otherwise, if someone comes and he is not there, wouldn't he miss it?"

Hideki cried out for his brother Toshiki.

"...Your brother also has a lot of tricks, and you two brothers are evenly matched." He sighed.

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