My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 228 Miss Junsha

In the creek.

Kashiwagi kept splashing water on Boscodora and the single-headed dragon. The latter two lowered their heads and took a deep breath of water, then raised their heads and squirted out.

Confused, he wiped the water droplets off his face and hated himself for not buying a water gun.

Turn around.

Boscodora used surfing to stir up the stream, and Cypress and the single-headed dragon sat on the board, enjoying the joy of rushing through the rapids. If the stream is not too shallow, it would be a good idea to invite the big steel snake to play diving.

And half an hour of research on shore.

The big-mouthed kid who really couldn't research the handmade ice cream gave up and came to the big steel snake to borrow his body to play on the water slide——

The latter really agreed.

Seeing that the lucky egg was still studying there pitifully, Kashiwagi sighed and climbed ashore. He took the small bucket in the former's hand and poured moo milk, light cream, white sugar and tree fruit puree into it, and sealed it with a lid.

"Big mouth kid! Let me use your freezing fist!"

He took the ice pick and asked the big-mouthed boy to come over and freeze the stream water.

The reason why you don't freeze the keg directly is because it can't withstand the low temperature caused in a short period of time. If you dare to touch it, it will break without any hesitation.


The big-mouthed boy curiously put his fist into the stream and created a large piece of ice. Bai Mu moved it ashore and started chipping away.

Make a pile of ice chips and pour them into the big bucket together with the salt, then put the small bucket into the big bucket.

"The next step is just to keep spinning. It doesn't take much effort." He touched the head of the lucky egg, and the latter started spinning the bucket enthusiastically.

The big-mouthed boy was curious about the principle of this, so he couldn't help but squat down and watch.

And just as Kashiwagi said, it didn't take long for the ice cream to be made. The two Pokémon looked at the delicate ice cream in the bucket, their eyes shining with wonder.

"Hey, it seems that the boss really didn't sell me fake goods!" Kashiwagi took a look and nodded with satisfaction after finding that there wasn't much ice.

I have made it with diluted moo milk before, and the result is not so much ice cream, but it is more appropriate to describe it as smoothie.

Later, I made it with pure fresh milk and some cream, and it was a success.

Obviously the raw materials have a lot to do with it.

Kashiwagi brought small bowls, divided them one by one and handed some of them to Gilly Egg and Big Mouth Baby, "Eat it, the taste should be similar to the ones bought outside. Guys! Let's eat ice cream!"

He called to Bosco to pull them, and then went to the tent to wake up the Galar Sun Coral, "It's time to eat."

Galar Sun Coral: "..."

If it doesn’t taste good, you’ll pay me to take a nap!

It flew up slowly and slowly leaned out.

Kashiwagi was really worried that the ice cream would turn into water when it flew, so he simply stuffed it into the tent and enjoyed it slowly.

Everyone ate it with relish——

Includes single-headed dragon.

Although eating was quite "painful" and it would raise its head once it took one bite, it still insisted on finishing the meal. The key is not to let it eat it, it will be anxious, and it will be even more anxious if others have it.

I don’t quite understand the psychology of this young dragon.

"Speaking of which, you are already level 35..." Kashiwagi glanced at the illustrated book. The single-headed dragon came to the house two months ago. He had many battles and ate a lot of glowing food. Even the simulator's All level rewards have been taken.

The latter did not disappoint him. It was obviously a Pokémon that took more time to grow, but its progress was no slower or even faster than other Pokémon.

It is indeed a Pokémon with excellent vocabulary.

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go before evolution.

He looked at the other Pokémon, Boscodora - level sixty-eight. Previously, it was raised to level sixty at once, and it later worked hard to reach this level.

Of course there are three levels of simulator rewards from Ranch Uncle.

Big Steel Snake - Level 64, Big Mouth Baby at Level 56, Lucky Egg at Level 51 - this one finally reached this big level after receiving multiple level rewards.

This means that the future [lv.50 limited] will all belong to the single-headed dragon and Galar Sun Coral, which is gratifying.

However, although Galar Sun Coral only spends a few hours a day training or fighting, it has actually risen to level thirty-seven, which is two levels higher than when it first arrived.

God knows how fast it can progress if it's not broken.


Maybe it’s too loud when playing in the water.

Or maybe the size of the Big Steel Snake and Boss Cordora are too conspicuous.

According to the original guide, wild Pokémon will often come to the stream to drink water. If you are lucky, you can find rare super-powered Pokémon like Lalulas.

As a result, Kashiwagi has been here for several hours, and he hasn't even seen a single spinytail, let alone Lalu Lasi.

It's very uncomfortable.

"Forget it, there's nothing you can do about it if you don't encounter it." He patted the ashes on his butt and decided to start collecting dry firewood for the night.

Although the campfire has a strong smell of smoke, without it it always feels like something is missing.

It just so happened that there were rocks beside the stream and it was far away from the forest. There was no need to worry about accidentally burning the trees and causing a forest fire or the like.

"Who will go with me to collect firewood?"

Kashiwagi shouted, and Boscodora and the single-headed dragon responded quickly, "Okay, it's just you two. Gilly Egg, Big Mouth Boy, help take a look at the camp. Big Steel Snake! Come down and have a rest!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs for a while, then led Boscodora and the single-headed dragon into the forest.

Although it is summer, there are many dead branches on the ground. He just walked around and picked up a big bundle. It happened that the single-headed dragon couldn't hold the firewood in its mouth because it would get wet. He was so anxious that he simply tied up all the firewood and tied it to the single-headed dragon's back.

"Sui Yao? Si Yao?"

The black-haired little dragon swayed around excitedly.

"Slow down, it's about to fall!" Kashiwagi suppressed it forcefully. He didn't want to tie the firewood to one side after finally tying it. "Be good, take it back to the camp and let the lucky egg help you untie it, and then come back with the rope."

"Cui Yao!"

The single-headed dragon nodded and ran towards the camp with joy.

Kashiwagi stared at its back, and then heard Boscodora's low roar, "Roar!"

"What did you find?"

He leaned over and took a look and found that it was a withered and fallen tree covered with moss. The big monster picked it up and pretended to take it back to the camp.

"This won't work. This won't work. This is too trendy."

Kashiwagi hurriedly stopped. Burning too damp firewood would make the already choking smoke even more.


After hearing this, Boscodora had no choice but to put down the big tree.

However, the tree cannot be taken away, but the mushrooms growing on it can be picked. Kashiwagi took out his mobile phone to take pictures and search, and then picked it after confirming that it was indeed an edible mushroom.

"You can have mushroom soup at night. It's very fresh! This is a delicacy!"

Kashiwagi smiled and said to Boscodora. When the latter heard about the mountain, his eyes suddenly lit up.

at this time.

Boom! !

There was a violent explosion not far away, and the blue light was clearly the attack of a single dragon.

Kashiwagi hurriedly put down the mushroom and ran over. He thought it was a trainer who saw the single-headed dragon trying to catch it, so he waited until he got to the place to take a look.

A police motorcycle with a sidecar, a Katy dog ​​leaning over and growling, and a beautiful blue-haired woman in a blue police uniform.

Who is this if not Junsha?

At this time, the single-headed dragon's nose was twitching, as if it was confirming the location of the Kati dog. When it smelled the smell of cypress wood, it immediately screamed in surprise, "Cui Yao!"

"Is it your Pokémon?" Miss Junsha glanced over with sharp eyes.

"Uh, yes."

Kashiwagi protected the single-headed dragon and asked: "I am a trainer. What happened?"

"Please show your trainer ID card or Pokédex." Miss Junsha seemed to relax a lot after hearing Kashiwagi's self-introduction.

But when she confirmed Kashiwagi's identity and saw the column for new trainers, her expression completely calmed down, "Does that campsite by the stream and the Pokémon belong to you?"


"Someone reported to me that there was a particularly dangerous and huge Pokémon near the stream, so I came here to take a look." Junsha explained the reason.

After she discovered that the big steel snake had a trainer, she took the Kati dog to the forest and followed her when she discovered the single-headed dragon.

Who would have thought that the latter would be too vigilant and would launch an attack without saying a word when it discovered that a stranger was following it.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Miss Junsha!"

Kashiwagi apologized quickly and said: "It may be... psychologically shadowed. I rescued it from a group of poachers with my friends. At that time, many of its friends were also captured by poachers. He left. So when he found out that a stranger was following him..."

"I see."

Upon hearing this, Miss Junsha's expression softened instantly, and she even squatted in front of the single-headed dragon and gently touched its head, "I'm sorry for reminding you of bad things."

The Kati dog also barked softly, "Woof woof!"


The single-headed dragon seemed to understand that the source of the strange smell was not a dangerous person, and with the trainer beside him, he responded very softly.

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