My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 234 Dawu’s gift

Burger shop.

Kashiwagi was eating the hamburger that Big Mouth Baby took two bites but didn't want anymore. He was watching the people passing by with various Pokémon outside the window, and his thoughts were still stuck on half an hour ago.

"If you find any rare stones in the future, you can send them here."

Lysa took him to the sample storage room next door, where not only were various rare gems and evolution stones stored, but also various super stones that could lead to the super evolution of Pokémon.

There are even two keystones.

Lysa introduced him to the functions of key stones and super stones, and said that if he encountered multiple key stones, he could also send them to Dewen Company.

Plural keystones…

It is very difficult for him to obtain a single keystone now, let alone multiple keystones.

"Meteor People... what exactly is the arrangement? I don't know if you can contact me." Kashiwagi sighed, playing with a gray and black ball in his hand.

[Boscodora Evolutionary Stone].

There is no doubt that this is the gift given to him by Dai Wu. Although it is not the iron dumbbell and key stone as imagined, this gift is still considered precious and saves him the effort of searching all over the world.

You must know that there is more than one Pokémon in his team that can Mega Evolve, and one Mega Stone cannot satisfy him.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much."

Kashiwagi finished the burger in two bites, while the big-mouthed boy next to him was still sucking the milkshake, "Fries, chocolate pie, egg tarts and a whole cup of milkshake, you don't need to eat this dinner."


The big-mouthed baby looked indifferent. Not to mention that it had no appetite for food now. Even if it was really hungry by then, it would probably go to the Lucky Egg and order some.

"There's no dessert left after the meal."

The sudden addition made the big-mouthed kid's eyes widen, "Hey!"

"I am serious."

"Hey~" The big-mouthed boy grabbed Kashiwagi's sleeve and looked up at him dissatisfied. Seeing his resolute attitude, he drank milkshake with a straw in his mouth and puffed up his face to sulk.

I don’t have any cake to eat anymore, I’m so annoyed.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi said calmly: "Eating too much can easily lead to obesity. It's not like you haven't seen those Pokémon that become fat after eating. They are ugly and unhealthy.

"And you can't eat desserts, but you can drink black tea. Let's buy some good black tea this time? Let's go to the mall and buy something you like."

Although he can't taste it, Big Mouth Boy can tell whether the black tea is good or bad as soon as he takes it in his mouth. The black tea that Daigo brought before was undoubtedly of high quality, but Kashiwagi later bought two cans and was rejected because the price was not ideal.

Now that I have made a fortune and come to a big city, I might as well buy something expensive.

When the big-mouthed kid heard that he could go shopping again, he stopped being angry and his expression became expectant and excited.


As the leading large city in the western part of the Hoenn region.

The city of Karnaz is terrifyingly large.

Especially the large shopping mall here has more than twenty floors, and each floor sells a variety of different things. The dazzling array makes the big-mouthed kid dazzled.

Taking advantage of the excitement, it just took Cypress and walked outside in the dark. It was over when everyone was very hungry.

“It’s really nice to go shopping.”

Kashiwagi was shocked by Dazuiwa's energy.

But it’s not like he didn’t buy anything himself. As the headquarters of Devon Company, the high-tech products here are new, good and cheap.

For example, a new backpack with twice the internal space of his current bag can be purchased for half the price.

The super-compressed large tent only needs to press a button to avoid the difficulty of setting up the tent. All the user has to do is to fix the four corners with nails to prevent it from blowing away;

Devin diving equipment allows you to move freely on the seabed without carrying an oxygen tank. It is a good helper for trainers who like water-type Pokémon.

Running shoes can improve the trainer's ability to escape. They can run as fast as possible when being chased by Pokémon such as Stingy Bee and Circle Bear. They are a must-have for trainers who like to seek death.

After buying a lot of them, Kashiwagi suddenly realized that he had easily spent more than two million.

“It’s so uncomfortable to make money slowly and spend it fast.”

He sighed and went to a hotel to ask for a room.

Accommodation in the Pokémon Center is undoubtedly free, but its big problem is that there are not enough single rooms in big cities. If you want to continue living there, you have to find a way to share a double room with others.

Kashiwagi doesn't have that habit and would rather spend some money to go to a hotel. In order to attract trainers to stay here, all the services and facilities are much better than those at the Pokémon Center, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to win over Ms. Joy.

in the room.

He released a bunch of Pokémon, and Big Steel Snake was undoubtedly sent back to Huangtie Town. He originally wanted to keep it for food, but after hearing that it still had a thirty-meter-long tunnel to dig, it wanted to go back and continue digging. , had to let him go.

This guy is really "wild".

Kashiwagi took out the Super Stone and walked towards Boscodora, "This thing will be yours from now on."


Boscodora blinked, grabbed it and observed it. It wasn't until the trainer explained it that he understood what a good thing it was.

Kashiwagi looked at every part of its body, wondering where he should place the super stone so that it would not affect the battle and would not fall easily. How could he make a claw ring? Find a way to inlay it on the tail.

He lowered his head in thought, and when he looked up again, he found that the super stone in Boscodora's paw was missing.

"Eh? Where did you stuff it?"

He was stunned for a moment. He looked through both paws but still couldn't find the super stone. His expression changed, "You don't want to eat it, do you? This thing may not be digestible...ah! This thing is very precious." You can’t eat it!”


Seeing that the trainer was extremely anxious, Boscodora let out a proud growl, flipped his paws, and transformed the Super Stone again.

"Where did you stuff it?"

Kashiwagi grabbed the longest sharp horn on its forehead and threatened: "If I don't get up in the middle of the night, I'll grind your forehead!"


Listen to the trainer. Boscodora is full of waves, and there is a sense of comfort that finally makes you anxious for a while.

Immediately, it demonstratively stuffed the super stone into the hole on the side of its head.

"...It's okay to stuff it in your 'brain'."

How could he have imagined that there was such an operation? He climbed up and looked at the hole in his head, and suddenly saw that the super stone was stuck in it.

In fact, he had observed it a long time ago and found no flesh, blood or brain tissue. Instead, it looked like some kind of miniature mountain tunnel.

"It won't be convenient for you to sandblast in the future."

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel worried.

When Boscodora heard this, he pointed to his mouth, indicating that his mouth was the main force of sandblasting, and the holes on his forehead only played a supporting role to speed up the amount of sandblasting.

No big deal.

And it still likes the feeling of something blocking the hole.

"What kind of habit do you have..." Kashiwagi looked at it speechlessly, "But you still have to test it. You have to use it to the extreme many times. I don't want to hit the super stone and suddenly fly out."


Boscodora agreed.

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