My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 241 Demonic Wind and Fire Dance

Just as Kashiwagi thought, the north-facing nose is a rare characteristic of the power of sand.

If it had the chance, it should activate sandstorm weather to maximize its combat effectiveness. Unfortunately, Big Mouth Baby failed to give Du Juan this opportunity.

He was killed in one encounter.

"I'm amazed by Dazui's explosive power, and his mastery of electromagnetic levitation is superb."

Du Juan handed the rock badge to Kashiwagi, "Congratulations! You deserve this badge!"


The latter took it and admired it.

Unlike the Libra emblem of the Orange Blossom Gym, which looks like a dumbbell and the pattern on Rayquaza's body, the rock emblem is like two staggered triangular rocks.

I remember that in games four generations ago, badges could improve one of Pokémon’s abilities. I wonder if there is one in the anime...

There should be none.

Du Juan next to her was still sighing at the explosive power of the big-mouthed kid. Apparently, the ghostly dashing ability just now really shocked her and left a deep impression on her.

But in fact, Big Mouth Baby's "Explosive Rebound Attack" has very high requirements on the venue. The rocky venue of the Karnaz Gym just has a springboard that allows it to move flexibly. It would be a shame not to use it.


Du Juan asked: "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Uh, sorry, I have to prepare for the gorgeous contest tomorrow." Although Kashiwagi didn't know what she wanted to do, she still refused.

The other party suddenly showed a regretful expression, "I originally wanted to invite you as an assistant to help me teach a lesson on the difference in Pokémon size. But there is no other way if you want to challenge the gorgeous contest."

"I'm so sorry."

"It doesn't matter. On the contrary, I am making things difficult for you. I wish you a successful start in the gorgeous contest."

Du Juan nodded in greeting.

Kashiwagi also bowed slightly to say thanks.

Following them, the two of them came to the hall of the gym and took a look at Du Juan's various collections.

It has to be said that as a stone lover, Du Juan has a lot of fossils, ranging from fossil helmets and ammonite beast fossils in the Kanto region to fossil fish, birds, dragons and sea beasts in Galar.

I just don’t know how many fossil Pokémon she has...

Maybe all of them?

Kashiwagi was suddenly curious about the ecological garden where Du Juan cultivated Pokémon, and wanted to go in and see what it was like.

However, such thoughts only passed by in a flash. Not to mention that Du Juan was very busy, Big Mouth Boy was also eager to try out various special moves and techniques in the gorgeous competition.


Exit the Pokémon Center.

After confirming that the two Pokémon on the field had no hidden injuries and no abnormality, Kashiwagi sent Big Steel Snake away and returned to the hotel to comfort the excited Big Mouth.

"Calm down, our theme has not been confirmed yet, and there is also a clothing issue."

The Glam Competition does not require contestants to put on any dignified or luxurious dresses, but in order to ensure that they are pleasing to the eye, many trainers will put on a dress or special clothing, or put on makeup to brighten their appearance.

Such as Xiaoyao's dancer costume, Xiaoguang's princess dress, etc.

Although Kashiwagi had no idea of ​​dressing up in a fancy way, at least a suit for a formal occasion was necessary.


The big-mouthed baby stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking left and right. During this period, the soothing bell behind its head made a clear and sweet sound, making it nod with satisfaction.

It’s perfect, no need to add any additional costume embellishments!

"You're perfect and I'm not. Are you going to let me go up there in this traveling outfit? I don't care." Kashiwagi poked its forehead.

The big-mouthed boy covered his bangs and looked at the trainer with some dissatisfaction.

Kashiwagi continued: "Okay, come with me to buy clothes. Maybe you stay in the hotel and continue watching the video while I go by myself?"


Of course I want to go!

The big-mouthed baby responded quickly. It had to look at the trainer. It would be bad if Kashiwagi wore some strange clothes... Although the trainer has always been reliable, what if?

It thought of the funny costumes of some trainers when watching the video, and felt uneasy.

Half an hour later.

Kashiwagi returned with the big-mouthed baby, with some pain still on his face, "The word high-end is really scary, and one set actually costs half a million!"

Suits in the Pokémon world also have different grades. There is a huge price difference between high-end brands and popular brands. Based on the principle of buying a better one, he went to a custom-made suit shop that was said to be high-end, and got a set with leather shoes. It was so expensive that he wanted to cry.

I was originally going to turn around and go to the cheap custom-made suit store next door, but I was stopped by the big-mouthed boy.

Seeing the expression on his face that this was a great product, Kashiwagi had no choice but to grit his teeth and buy two sets, one to wear during the competition and the other for emergencies.

"The theme! Even if we don't get the ribbon this time, we will still make a splash!"

He said seriously to Big Mouth Baby, who nodded equally seriously.

The core elements of the first review of the Gorgeous Contest are——

How do you bring out the best in Pokémon?

The shining point of Big Mouth Baby...

First of all, it is undoubtedly its appearance. Its soft and shiny hair, cute big eyes, delicate cry and girl-like posture all prove its cuteness. Being praised by Lucia, Kashiwagi believed that it was definitely a perfect creature in terms of mental outlook, and as long as it kept its appearance, it would definitely not be low.

Secondly, in terms of personality, as a delicate eldest lady, although she loves sweets and is very competitive, she is very good at treating others with etiquette. At least Kashiwagi didn’t teach her much, and she can also do all kinds of things that look pleasing to the eye. Greeting and farewell gestures.

At the same time, he is caring and compassionate. He has never bullied any Pokémon in the team, and he can't help but comfort Lucia when she is depressed.

So finally it’s a specialty, can you eat a whole cake in a day?

Well, if you want to say that the explosive power of the baby with a big mouth is one, then it is the use of electromagnetic levitation to fly, and the fighting skills that barely count... and then there is dancing?

In order to learn the sword dance move, Dazuiwa learned various strange dances under the guidance of Kashiwagi.

"How about a sword dance?"

He turned to look at Big Mouth Baby.

"Hey?" The latter was a little confused and didn't understand what he meant.

"Although it looks promising, I can't dance a sword myself, and I can't order a Han sword now..." Kashiwagi thought for a while and decided to postpone this promising theme.

After thinking about it, it's more reliable to go around in circles.

It shouldn't be a problem to find a way to make the scene grand and spectacular and pass the first review.

"With fairy wind and electromagnetic levitation as the core, what do you think?"

Kashiwagi showed the demon wind demonstration video that he had shot before, "Disassemble these wind blades into warm wind, combine them with electromagnetic levitation and flame fangs, and then perform a whirlwind dance to form a demon wind flame dance. how do you feel?"


The big-mouthed baby hesitated for a moment. It was a bit unimaginable that he could not share the same brain with his trainer.

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