My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 254 Contest Winner

"The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest and the Karnaz Tournament finally ushered in the finals of the Gorgeous Battle!"

During the host's introduction, the audience roared with passion.


No matter where it is, it is the climax of a game, symbolizing the highest level. It is the moment that everyone is looking forward to.

And when Kashiwagi stood at the trainer's seat and looked around at the many faces that were either excited or looking forward to, he saw that he was a little nervous for the first time in a long time and his heart was beating very fast.

Want to win.

I want my debut to come to a successful conclusion.

We are only one step away from the final victory. We cannot be careless or underestimate the enemy. We must carefully consider the Pokémon on the field.

Kashiwagi knew very well that Urala, who possessed the Biting Land Shark, was powerful, even if she had not participated in gym challenges and alliance conferences as a coordination trainer.

But years of experience in gorgeous competitions also taught her how to make her opponents significantly deduct points.

He looked at Ulala, who was wearing a black dress, from a distance across from him. His eyes met those confident and proud eyes, and they both saw an emotion in the other person's eyes——


"The gorgeous battle final! Begin!"

With a shout from the host, Kashiwagi and Urala threw the elf ball at the same time!

Bang bang!

The red flames suddenly shot up in front of Ulala, and Fire Eevee stepped out of the flames, its fluffy hair fluttering in the wind like the spirit of the flames.

And the other side.

In the dark smoke, a blood-red light lit up.

Immediately, the silvery giant claws dispersed the mist, and the towering body was revealed as if the cloak was torn off.


Boscodora swallowed the remaining black mist, but did not roar up to the sky to intimidate the opponent as usual.

It knows that the stage of the gorgeous competition is different from the battles it has experienced in the past. It must ensure that it is handsome enough and cannot act too fierce or violent.

How to act?

The trainer taught him a trick - keep quiet.

So what was exposed to the eyes of the audience and judges at this moment was a silver giant beast as huge as a mountain but always silent.

The silver armor on his body reflected brilliant brilliance in the sunlight, and the scars were like the most glorious medals, causing admiration to be heard from the audience.

The three judges looked at each other with undisguised approval on their faces.

A very important part of the Gorgeous Contest is to observe how well the Pokémon is cultivated. Most of the time, the reason why the score is not as high as others is not because the combination of moves is not gorgeous enough, but because the Pokémon's appearance and mental outlook are not very good.

It's hard to say how powerful Boscodora is, but at least it was cultivated very well.


The same is true for Fire Eevee. The closer its hair is to the shape of jumping flames when blown by the wind, it proves that its condition is better.

"Fire vortex!" Ulala decided to strike first.


Fire Ibrahimovic took a deep breath, and the hair all over his body seemed to swell and tremble violently, then a bright tongue of flame spewed out in a swirling direction!

But Ulala's command was not over yet, "Flash Charge!"

In an instant, Fire Ibu's hair ignited with sky-blue flames. It rushed forward quickly and actually escaped into the flame vortex, turning it into a rotating flame channel.

The blue flame ball is looming, and the interweaving of red and blue is extremely beautiful and visually impactful!

What surprised Kashiwagi was not only that Fire Eevee completed a combo in an instant, but also that the power of the move was brought to normal levels by superimposing two moves.

Create more gorgeous changes by lowering the power, and obtain normal levels of power by combining moves.

From a battle point of view, this kind of flashy performance means nothing, but in the gorgeous competition, this move will undoubtedly get very high scores.

If Boss Cordora fails to successfully crack it, he will lose a lot of points.

"Come forward! Explode with metal!"

Kashiwagi shouted.

Boscodora paused for a moment after hearing this. As the Pokémon that has the most tacit understanding with its trainer, it had already heard what was special about this instruction.

During the week that Big Mouth Baby was practicing its performance in the gorgeous battle, although it expressed no interest in it, in order to give the trainer more confidence in the gorgeous battle, it also secretly practiced the technique of reducing power and increasing changes.

It’s time to verify the results!

Boscodora took heavy steps and rushed forward without saying a word. Silver light enveloped its body, and it collided head-on with Fire Eevee without hesitation.


The red and blue flames swooped down like the fire Yibuyan returning to its nest, and all of them splashed on Boscodora's body.

The flames surged up and instantly covered it, forming a terrifying scene like a large torch!

Kashiwagi's score was instantly deducted by nearly one-fifth.

But facing the scorching heat of over a thousand degrees, there was no expression of pain on Boscodora's face. Instead, he reached out with his claws extremely ferociously to catch Fire Ibu who was trying to retreat.

"Throw it up!"


Boscodora let out a low roar and threw Fire Eevee into the air!

Like a living creature, the flames on its surface converged with the silver light toward its mouth, forming a silver ball of light.

"Blow smoke!"

Ulala did not panic and gave her orders in time.

No matter what move Boscodora uses, the black smoke will weaken the gorgeousness of the move, so this move can be considered a good move with hindrance properties.

But it was obvious that she underestimated Boscodora.

I saw a silver ball of light wrapped in the air flow, spinning and rising into the sky, and exploded before Fire Eevee spewed out hot black smoke.


What was released in the explosion was not smoke, but an extremely gorgeous silver firework!

Huoyibu was so dizzy from the explosion that his body, which had fallen with gravity, flew up again. He subconsciously used the smoke from his mouth, and the hot black smoke suddenly fell down.

"Quicksand Hell!"

Kashiwagi shouted.

Boscodora raised his claws, and a narrow but dense whirlpool of quicksand surged toward the sky, forming a flower-of-sand appearance. In the air!

Urala's points were deducted twice in a row, nearly one-third.

At this time, there are only two and a half minutes left in the five-minute countdown.

"Use the charged flame attack to accelerate! Rush out!" Ulala clenched her fists nervously.

The Fire Eevee in mid-air immediately turned into a red flame ball, spinning and accelerating in the direction of the quicksand hell, causing itself to be thrown out and regain freedom.

This move was so beautiful that Kashiwagi was deducted a lot of points.

But Huoyibu never thought that Boss Kedora had been waiting for it to break free for a long time.

"Rock closure!"

When it found its landing point, Boscodora also found the place where it was about to fall. He stamped his feet suddenly to make the ground bulge, and many rocks instantly imprisoned Fire Ibu in it.

Strictly speaking, this move has no beauty at all, but it is a decisive move.

Urala wanted to crack the move again, but the moment the rock turned into gravel and disappeared, Huo Yibu was already shaking and falling.


It fainted.

Boscodora may be far inferior to it in terms of creating gorgeous scenes, but its combat capabilities are enough to make it look up to.

"Fire Eevee has lost the ability to fight! The winner of this gorgeous competition - the Karnaz Tournament is Mr. Kashiwagi!"

The host shouted, announcing the victory of the game.

Ulala was stunned for a long time, until the judges next to her began to comment on the battle, then she showed a helpless smile and said, "I lost."

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