My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 264 The Light of Tie

The waves are rolling.

A rare good wave rolled in, but no one participated in it.

Most of them were very far away, either lying on their surfboards, or dragging their surfboards up and down in the water.

Because on the one hand, they were abiding by the principle of not jumping on the wave, on the other hand, they were looking at the Boscodora riding the waves in surprise, and the cheering boys on its back.


Can rock-type Pokémon surf in the sea?

They remember that Boscodora can't resist the water attribute!

I thought it would be a curiosity in the world for makushita rikishi and iron palm rikishi to go surfing, like surfing at Bosco Dora...

I just can't understand it.

But unlike the confused surfers, Kashiwagi and Boscodora were immersed in happiness at this time.

Especially the latter, it was the one who was begging and resisting at first, and now it is the one who keeps shouting for one more time. It is carrying the trainer forward with the rolling tide, as if it has turned into a lonely boat.

Although he was helpless, the sound of breathing and laughter coming from his back made him feel extremely at ease.

Both the mind and body were greatly released.


It’s not just Boscodora.

Kashiwagi also enjoyed the erratic feeling of stepping on the waves, with his body swaying as if he might fall into the sea at any time. It was very exciting.

But also very reassuring.

Because his most trusted Pokémon is under his feet, and he will never put himself in danger.

Every time the waves rolled up and formed a vortex, Kashiwagi had to lean down, put his hands on Boscordora's back, and feel the sense of security brought by its trembling body.

And as his skills became more proficient, he almost had the illusion of being integrated with Boscodora, as if he was connected to it as a whole.

"Come on!"

Kashiwagi shouted, and Boss Cordora couldn't help but speed up the swing of its tail. It just relied on the force brought by the waves to speed up its horizontal movement, and then——

Then I almost bumped into someone who wasn't paying attention.

Fortunately, a hurricane suddenly came from the side and the man flew a little distance, thus avoiding an unnecessary accident.

"Are you OK?"

Kashiwagi was startled and asked the man quickly.

The man shook his head in the water, wiped his face again, and said, "It's okay... I accidentally got distracted, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

He moved his gaze to the direction where the wind came from just now, and immediately saw a figure more than two meters tall. His palms were like banana leaves, exaggeratedly big, and his body was as fat and bloated as a sumo wrestler, but it also gave people an impression. A feeling of immense power.

Iron Palm Warrior...

"Novice surfers should not speed up casually, even if they are capable."

A young man with mid-length hair as flamboyant as a blue lion's mane and wearing orange short-sleeves appeared next to him. The other person smiled and said: "It's very dangerous. And I recommend you to use a surfboard to play, it's also fun." "

"Thank you, I understand."

Kashiwagi nodded and accepted his suggestion, and said: "You are Teng Shu, right?"

Teng Shu was stunned for a moment, and his expression turned awkward for a moment, "Challenger? I'm sorry, I'm closed for rest today. I really can't miss such a good weather..."

It seems that he is often approached by challengers and has a fixed response technique.

"It's okay. I've already made an appointment. As long as you don't miss it tomorrow." Kashiwagi patted Boss Cordora's head and motioned it to walk toward the shore.


"Don't always take advantage of us. We've been asked so many times. Let's go up and have a rest. I'm tired."

Hearing what the trainer said, Boscodora slowly swam towards the land.

Teng Shu looked at the backs of him and Boss Cordora, a little afraid to say that if the waves were good tomorrow, he would continue fishing, but there was nothing he could do if there was force majeure.

The desire to survive forced the owner, who often travels around in the summer, to become clever.


Kashiwagi and Boss Cordora walked towards the parasol.

The latter shook off the water from his body as he walked. He noticed that there was a lot of water left in the hole in his head, so he lowered his head and shook it around.

After throwing it away, I was not happy enough, so I started to spray sand out.

The hole on the other side was obviously blocked by a super stone, but it still pulled it out and tried to spray it twice.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, not feeling balanced.

But just when it was about to stuff the super stone back, it suddenly seemed to find that the super stone lit up, but when it opened its eyes and looked carefully, there was no movement.

Boscodora was a little confused.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that he hadn't followed up, Kashiwagi turned his head and asked.

Boscodora raised the Super Stone and said, "Goooo~"


"Goo ho!"

"Glowing... is there such a thing?" Kashiwagi was shocked, and hurriedly came over to observe, and said casually: "Are you sure it's not the sun reflecting light, but the light it emits?"

When Boscodora said this, he was stunned.

"Gu... roar?"

It scratched its head in embarrassment and suddenly thought it might be the sun's reflection.

"This guy... just think it's okay if it really shines. What does it prove when it shines? It proves that we have a close relationship. It's not that there's anything wrong with it."

Kashiwagi patted its head hard and was very satisfied with the solid popping sound.

Mega Stones generally do not light up. When they do light up, they either have Mega Evolved, or the key element of Mega Evolution has been triggered - the trainer and Pokémon have established a deep bond.

When Boscodora heard what he said, he thought it made sense. In addition, the surfing just now was really enjoyable, and there was a feeling of soul resonance, so he stuffed the super stone back and didn't worry about it anymore.

As soon as Kashiwagi sat down, two girls ran up from a distance. They expressed their wish to take a photo with Big Mouth Baby, and told him that they had already discovered and confirmed it, but the trainer was no longer embarrassed to come up and talk casually.

Finished taking photos.

The two girls leave.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but complain, "You are so famous now, you can be recognized just by basking in the sun."


The big-mouthed baby moved his arms lazily, looking so pretty.

What he experienced in the past two days really made him extremely happy. He had never thought that one day he would be so popular. Many people were filled with love and admiration when they saw him.

"You will be famous again in the future, don't panic." Kashiwagi reassured him, it might be enjoyment now, but it might be trouble in the future.


The big-mouthed boy turned around angrily.

trouble? How can it be! It will never be bothered by such a good thing in its entire life.

Kashiwagi smiled and changed the subject: "Be mentally prepared for tomorrow's game. I plan to play you, Boscodora and Galar Sun Coral."

The three called Pokémon nodded.

Geely Dan, who was stroking the hair of the single-headed dragon on the side, felt a little disappointed when he heard this. Although he has been practicing, he seems to have rarely been sent to play recently.

"A fighting gym with more physical attacks is not suitable for you." Kashiwagi had been paying attention to the lucky egg. Seeing that it looked a little depressed, he hurried over to comfort it.

After all, this is the third gym, and Geely Egg was originally considered the main player. How can I not be disappointed that I haven’t had a chance to play for a long time.

"Your day of performance is still to come, don't worry."


The comforted Jilidan felt the gentle big hand above his head, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

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