My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 286 Love and Understanding

The next day.

The sun is bright.

Kashiwagi went to the New Water Fleet Research Institute early in the morning, but learned about the doctor's absence from a navy member at the door.

"He said he went to test the Porygon drone. He might be back in the afternoon. Do you have anything to do with him?"

"I got a polygon from him yesterday, and I want to ask him something." He responded to the man's question very calmly, and declined the other party's invitation to join the New Water Fleet.

I don’t know if there was a task in the team to recruit people, but the navy crew member was extremely enthusiastic.

"Are you really not going to join? The treatment will be favorable! How about we have a Pokémon battle?"

"We have something to discuss, handsome boy!"

“The cause of saving the ocean is great!!”

Kashiwagi walked a hundred meters away, but the man was still standing there shouting.

Seeing the other party's energetic appearance, he increasingly felt that he might have misunderstood the New Water Fleet. Although it is not necessary for criminal organizations to hide when recruiting new blood, they are eager to absorb an individual when they see him...

It's a bit like a Pokémon fan club.

Kashiwagi was walking on the road and sent a message to Dr. Akihabara but there was no sign of reply, so he simply returned to the Pokémon Center.

Compared to the lively scene yesterday.

The Pokémon Center seemed much deserted today, which was undoubtedly caused by the departure of those tourists who came specifically to attend the beach bonfire party.

Since the doctor is not here, Kashiwagi simply continues to study Dragon Dive and communicate smoothly with his new teammate Porygon to prevent this guy from despising his IQ after evolution.

In fact.

Boscodora and the single-headed dragon can learn Dragon Dive completely independently, and do not require the participation of the trainer Kashiwagi.

But not long ago, the latter came across an article published by Dr. Kukui on the Pokémon Blog - "On the Benefits of Trainers in Pokémon Learning Moves."

The above clearly depicts how quickly a Pokémon progresses if a trainer is present to shout cheers or to accompany the training; and how quickly a Pokémon progresses without a trainer to coordinate training. The final conclusion is drawn -

Trainers practice with them. As long as the method is correct, it will not affect the efficiency of Pokémon learning moves, but can also significantly improve the efficiency.

From this point of view, when Pikachu was learning Iron Tail, Xiaozhi's behavior of doing push-ups crazily on the side was not only not ridiculous, but was actually a beneficial thing for learning moves and worthy of his imitation.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Kashiwagi patted Boscodora's arm and rubbed the single-headed dragon's head.

It's still the same process as yesterday. By withstanding the attack of dragon attribute energy, you can sense and stimulate the body to produce dragon attribute energy. As long as you can make the horns light up, the Dragon Dive move is more than half complete.


Boscodora nodded. As an ace, it didn't want to lose to the younger brother of the single-headed dragon. It was a bit humiliating to be so far behind the latter.

The wild Boss Cordora looked at it helplessly, feeling a little at a loss, "Guhou?"

"Don't be impatient. Your work is still behind you. Just take a short rest now. Are you feeling a little tired after being in the ball for too long?" Kashiwagi raised his hand and touched its head.

Compared with the big monster, this one's size is a little "confusing". Kashiwagi only needs to stretch out his hand to reach its face. Unlike when touching the big monster, if it doesn't lower its head, he may have to reach a little. enough.


Wild Boss Cordora shook his head. It was quite comfortable to stay in the luxurious ball. Otherwise, how could even Team Rocket's meow almost be addicted to it?

Kashiwagi withdrew his gaze and clapped his hands at the single-headed dragon as a reminder, "Okay, let's start practicing!"

"Cui Yao!"

The single-headed dragon yelled, and according to the trainer's instructions, he condensed a fist-sized ball of indigo dragon flame in his mouth and sprayed it on Boscodora in front of him.


The small fireball exploded, but Boscodora's expression didn't change much. He closed his eyes and felt it silently.

Kashiwagi watched from the side, and after considering it for a few seconds, he said to Shanshoulong: "You can also give me a fireball to try. The power is the same as that felt by Boscodora."

"Sui Yao?"

The latter couldn't understand what he meant for a while. After the latter explained in detail, he showed hesitation and said, "Hey..."

The little guy has been here for so long, but he has never attacked the trainer before - biting his hands and head doesn't count.

"It's okay, don't underestimate my endurance, it's such a small amount of power."

Kashiwagi responded with a smile, and then said to Boscodora, who was worried about not knowing when he would open his eyes: "Be prepared for a rainy day, a strong body is what you can rely on to continue walking.

"Besides, when I fought those dark Pokémon on your back, did I suffer less of the aftermath? Or is there no problem at all?"

He deliberately showed off his muscles.

When Boscodora heard the trainer's explanation, his expression softened, and he couldn't help but raise his paws and give Kashiwagi a big hug, "Gooho~"

It never wants to see anything happen to its trainer, and hopes that it can protect the person it cares about most just like it was once loved and protected.

Land is important, but cypress is even more important.

Without the territory, it can still be snatched. If there is no can't imagine that day will come.

"Relax, relax, you've become like a lucky egg, hugging someone when your emotions get intense." The latter smiled and hugged Boscodora, patting it gently on the back.

Fortunately, the arm circumference is long enough, otherwise it would be funny if I couldn't even touch my back.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Realizing that he was being left out, the single-headed dragon squeezed in between them as hard as he could, while the wild Boss Cordora watched from the side, not quite able to understand the deep feelings between the two.

But it is also very regretful that it would be great if this human being could settle near its territory. Yesterday’s meal was so delicious~

Go ahead and start practicing.

This time Kashiwagi also joined in, taking turns with Boscodora to bear the indigo flames swallowed by the single-headed dragon.

It was really painful at first, and it felt like someone had stabbed me hard. I couldn't help but wonder why I was so full and had nothing to do, but it got better after I got used to it.

Being sprayed, he suddenly understood why Dr. Kukui always liked to experience Pokémon's attacks personally.

Because every time the fireballs hit him one after another, when he looked at the expression of the single-headed dragon, he could always feel the emotion the other party was trying to show.

From worry and hesitation to trust and determination, this is a scene that is difficult to see when standing behind or to the side of a Pokémon.

What will your Pokémon look like when fighting?

fear? Cringe? Or are you confident and determined?

"Understanding Pokémon, getting close to Pokémon, and caring for Pokémon. This is the true meaning of the profession of a trainer."

The famous sayings that Dr. Oki once said on a TV show suddenly appeared in Kashiwagi's mind, and the dragon flames that hit his body suddenly turned into a ball of bright energy that stayed in front of his eyes.

All of a sudden.

He turned to look at Boscodora, who was as calm as a mountain and also moved his gaze.

"bring it on!"

"Goo ho!"

The two rushed towards each other and collided without hesitation!

Bomu was violently knocked away, but he dexterously twisted his body and fell to the ground. When he looked up, a smile appeared in Boscodora's blue eyes, and his sharp horns and even his entire body were illuminated by a flash of blue light. cover.

"you made it."

He couldn't help but laugh.

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