My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 289 Super Transformation!

It is slightly inferior in terms of combat effectiveness, but this is not entirely Porygon's fault.

The main reason is that Geely Egg is strong enough.

Next comes the issue of Porygon's combat experience and getting used to the trainer Kashiwagi. It always pauses when receiving Kashiwagi's orders.

It's as if a computer program takes a certain amount of time to respond.

However, according to the actual situation and the manual given by Dr. Akihabara, this is a trust system specially established to make the polygon appear more biological. Just like intimacy, the trust level must be raised to a certain level before it can be driven like an arm. .

To evolve Porygon into Porygon II, all that is needed is to increase the trust level.

There are ten levels of trust in total, and the manual states that raising it to level six is ​​enough to prevent Porygon II from disliking the trainer and lowering its trust level after acquiring a lot of knowledge.

So how do you know what the trust level is?

Very simple.

The first step is to get Porygon into any device with a built-in screen.

Kashiwagi chose his old mobile phone and stuck it on Porygon's forehead according to the procedure.

In an instant, the prismatic eyes of the polygon released intense incandescent light, and its body began to blur and twist, and finally turned into a white light and penetrated from the data cable interface.


The screen of the mobile phone lit up, and the figure of Porygon suddenly appeared in it.

"Hiss! Did you really go in?"

Kashiwagi looked at the Geely Egg who was watching next to him, still feeling a little incredible, just like when he saw the Pokémon teleportation device.

Although the latter didn't quite understand why the trainer was so excited, since he had such an expression, it must be something very powerful, so he was very shocked.

When Porygon enters the mobile phone, an interactive system will be derived. Even through the screen, Kashiwa can communicate with Porygon through touch, which is even more convenient than in the real world.

The polygons in the electronic space will automatically generate animations when they express various emotions, but there are no animations in the real world.

Back to topic.

Press and hold the polygon's body, and a heart will appear on its forehead. A heart symbolizes the first level of trust. At this time, Kashiwagi's trust level was three stars.

The manual states that it starts with two hearts. It seems that although the battle just now did not allow Porygon to gain much advantage, it also improved its trust level.


Kashiwagi was a little curious about whether Porygon had any trust in Pokémon, so he handed the phone to Gilly Egg and asked it to press it.


"Keep pressing and don't let go, wait until the love heart comes out... By the way, one, two, three... huh? Four? Huh?"

He looked at the polygon with four red hearts on its head on the phone screen, and its head was filled with question marks.

Gilly Egg didn't quite understand what was going on, so he said, "lucky?"


Kashiwagi responded by stroking its head with his hand. After thinking about it for a while, he had to admit that the polygon had a higher intimacy with the Geely Egg than he, the trainer.

Just because I failed to hit it with one move, I gained two hearts?

Use your feet for balance!

"Ahem, can you come out?" Kashiwagi couldn't help but curse, but the friendship between teammates is a good thing, and it will also help Porygon join their big family.

So complaints are complaints, there is nothing much to say about this matter.


The polygon still poured out of the data cable interface and transformed into an entity again.

A Pokémon weighing 36 kilograms can actually fit into a mobile phone without adding any mass to the phone. It can only be said that there are so many black technologies in the Pokémon world.


Kashiwagi touched its smooth body surface.

The trust level of six hearts... I don't know how long it will take.

However, at this stage, there are no signs of Geely Egg and Galar Sun Coral evolving, so there is no need to be so anxious. Even if Porygon evolves, it will not be useful if it does not have enough useful moves.


There is another thing about Porygon that deserves special attention from Kashiwagi.


Dr. Akihabara not only gave Porygon this move, but also gave it the ability to change forms.


The polygon can actually change its appearance. In the animation, it has been shown to transform into a sharp cone form, a shield form to resist attacks, and a tyrannical hammer form.

If you include [Texture] and [Texture 2] that transform its own attributes, it’s actually not much different from Rotom——

Well, not even close.

But the great significance of [angularization] is not to compete with Rotom, at least not here in Kashiwagi. For him, the significance of angularization is more to use his imagination.

A polygon that can transform by angular shape is like a wild monster. You never know what potential it has.

But transformation is not as easy as just talking about it. So far, Porygon can only transform into the form that was loaded into it when it was born.

That is, the long cone, shield, hammer that Kashiwagi has seen in the animation, and a platform type that has never appeared before.

These shapes all have one characteristic, that is, they are full of edges and corners without any roundness.

Kashiwagi must abide by this rule if he wants to expand on this.

However, in the manual, Dr. Akihabara seems to understand that there will be people who will try to make the polygon into other forms, saying that if you want the polygon to have more forms, you must have extreme patience.

Because Porygon's understanding outside of information technology and combat is very low, so low that it makes people crazy.

In order to make up for this "flaw", Dr. Akihabara further upgraded Porygon and created Porygon II, a Pokémon equipped with an AI system that can learn and grow independently, in order to give it super learning ability.

Who would have thought that it would be self-defeating? The upgrade was successful and the strength was increased, but the character was unsatisfactory.

"Let's try it."

Kashiwagi looked at the polygon in front of him, "Use angulation! Long cone!"


The polygon's body surface lights up with brilliant white light, and its head changes as if evolving.

The light dimmed, and this guy's duck head became long, flat, and pointed, and he looked like he couldn't balance well.

"Sure enough, only the head part has changed."

Kashiwagi circled it and nodded thoughtfully, "Angled! Shield!"

The white light shines brighter again.

What changed this time was his entire body. This guy changed from a building block duck into an octagonal shield with an animal face. It seemed to be very defensive when suspended in the air.

Maybe it would be good to wait until it evolves into Porygon II and use it in doubles?

"Angled! Hammer!"

The third transformation.

This time its lower body came back, and its head turned into a boxy pink hammer, which looked quite intimidating.

"Angled! Platform!"

The fourth transformation.

The lower body disappeared again, and this time the polygon transformed directly into a large, flat floor tile that could be stepped on.

Kashiwagi was about to give it a try when he saw it suddenly changed back to its original state.

"Pah, pah..."

The polygon looked a little tired, but it didn't need to breathe, so it didn't pant violently.

"Well, you've worked hard, you've worked hard, let's drink some juice to replenish it."

Upon seeing this, Kashiwagi realized that four consecutive transformations were a bit too much for the opponent, so he hurriedly filled the Porygon with juice drinks and the healing wave of the auspicious eggs.

Theoretically, the polygon does not need to eat, but Dr. Akihabara designed a feeding system for it.

unknown reason.

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