My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 296 Farewell to Friends

After four long days of study.

Boscodora finally learned the inherited move of Dragon Dive, successfully adding to the growth of his own strength.


The mission of Wild Boss Cordora is over.

When Kashiwagi sent him back, the former showed obvious reluctance, but just thinking about what he was reluctant to let go of was obvious.

"These are just for you. They are more durable. Save some for me. God knows when the next time I come over."

He handed jars of Poké Cubes to the wild Boss Cordora.

The wild Bosco Dora burst into tears, but hugged the jar and refused to let go. If this guy hadn't been an iron-eater, it would be difficult for the glass tube to survive by then.

"See you again when we are destined, take care of us."

Kashiwagi patted the wild Boss Cordora on the forehead and waved goodbye.

The latter also tried to swing his claws, but failed to grasp the jar and fell to the ground. He lowered his head to retrieve it in a panic. When he raised his head, he could no longer see the figure.

It glanced at the clear water and the empty cave, recalling its life these days and feeling a little desolate for some reason.

However, this emotion went away as quickly as it came. With its territorial awareness returning, it began to clean its own territory. It had not been back for several days and there were many strange footprints on the ground.

A wild Pokémon must have stepped on it.

Wild Boss Cordora will defend its territory to the death.

the other side.

Kashiwagi turned left and right until he reached the nest of the seducing eye, and happened to bump into the seducing eye walking back from a distance.

"Yaimi? Yumi!"

"It's me."

He smiled and caught the excited look on his face, touched the latter's skin that felt a little strange, and said: "I'm leaving here soon, so I'll take a look at you before I leave. By the way, Bring something here."

Kashiwagi had already prepared powerful Pokmon cubes from his bag, and smiled in his puzzled eyes: "As a parting gift, I don't know when we meet again next time. If I can give you a little more, I will give you more. Just a little."


Guhun glanced at the Poké cubes on the ground, then looked up at the smiling Bai Mu, and suddenly burst into tears and threw herself into his arms again.

"Yu Mi! Ya Mi!"

In the past life, Juhunyan had never seen a being who was so kind to him, and he never expected that the friend he had made unintentionally would miss him so much, and he could no longer hold back the surging emotions.

"calm down……"

Baimu gently stroked his forehead and whispered comfort.

Not long after.

Guhunyan gradually calmed down, turned around and went into his lair, and took out a lot of crystals again. This time, he had to take them all away no matter what.

"Okay, okay, I'll accept them all."

Unable to defeat this guy, Kashiwagi had no choice but to accept the crystals.

After that, the two sat outside the nest and communicated for a while. Although the donkey's words were different from the horse's, it could be seen that the eyes were quite happy.

But the time of separation will eventually come.

"It's time for me to go. Take good care of yourself and see you again next time."

Kashiwagi waved his hand.

He never had any bad feelings towards Seductive Eye from the beginning to the end, but there were many reasons for not abducting him, such as the other party's memory of the Stone Cave and so on.

It comes down to it.

Or it comes from his understanding of the relationship between humans and Pokémon.

Does the relationship between people and Pokémon have to be limited to the relationship between a trainer and his partner?



Maybe a trainer and his Pokémon are closer, but that doesn't mean that people and Pokémon can only have this relationship in the end. It's also possible to form a friendship that is happy when they meet and sad when they part.

Throughout Xiaozhi's journey, he often encountered some wild Pokémon that he could not conquer but had extraordinary relationships with.

Kashiwagi hopes that he can have Pokémon who are close enough to him, and he also hopes that he can have wild Pokémon friends. Life must always be colorful to be beautiful enough.


Gouhun looked at his human friends who were gradually leaving. There was both reluctance and blessing for his next journey in his eyes. He imitated the way humans would and waved his paws, "Yummy! Mute!"

Cherish it! my friend!

"I will."

Kashiwagi seemed to understand what it was saying and responded with a smile.

Guhunyan put down his paws, grinned widely, and watched his human friend go away.

For a moment, it wanted to chase after the other person, follow the other person's footsteps and enjoy the scenery that the other person can only see. I guess it would not be boring that way, and it would be very happy, right?

But it was only for a moment.

Because there are countless things in the Stone Cave that make it memorable. Maybe there is just one human friend, but there are more Pokémon friends.

Ah~ today is such a beautiful day~

Guhunyan returned to the lair, looked at the carefully kept jars, and grinned even wider.


Wudou Town Pier.

Kashiwagi bought a ticket to Kaina City and successfully boarded it.

But compared to the time I went to Wudou Town.

There are a lot more people this time, perhaps because Kaina City is big enough, which is not comparable to rural areas like Wudou Town.

"Kaina City... Is it time to participate in the gorgeous contest again? I wonder if we will encounter one or two tough opponents this time."

He swiped the phone screen.

Although there is no mandatory requirement by the competition, in order to ensure that the moves are fashionable and fresh, most coordination trainers will change the performance theme every time they participate in the gorgeous competition.

In order not to be criticized and scolded for resting on his laurels and thus affecting the reputation of the Ore region outside the country, he also decided to make a change.

What should I change?

While he was thinking, a voice suddenly came from next to him.

"Big, big brother! Let's have a Pokémon battle!"

Kashiwagi looked sideways blankly, and saw a kid with bangs almost covering his eyes holding a poke ball, speaking to him nervously and excitedly.

"Are you talking to me?"

He pointed at himself, and immediately saw the kid looking at the empty pokeballs hanging around his waist, and he suddenly understood.

"Okay, but this kind of place is not suitable for fighting. Let's go to the deck."


The kid nodded quickly.

When they came to the wide deck, they looked around and saw that there were no warning signs indicating that combat was prohibited. The two parties each threw their elf balls.

Bang bang!

White light flashes.


Mariruli, who was as round as an enlarged duck egg, with a pair of elongated rabbit ears and slightly short limbs, appeared.

Its opponent is the single-headed dragon.

The kid scanned the information about the single dragon through the illustrated book, and his eyes suddenly lit up when he heard that it was a Pokémon with the attribute of a dragon!

God help him!

"Mari Luli! Use the freezing beam!" He shouted first.


Mariluli opened her mouth quickly, and a small ball of ice-blue lightning flew towards the single-headed dragon!

"Get away!"

Kashiwagi gave the order, and the single-headed dragon immediately ran towards the cabin wall next to it. With the burst of speed, it actually used its strength to run along the side of the cabin, causing the ice blue lightning to continuously fall, grazing the cabin to form gorgeous ice crystals.


The single-headed dragon had already fallen behind Mariluli.

"Thunder Fang!"

"Cui Yao!"

It opened its teeth filled with blue electricity and bit down on Mariluli's back!


The electric current danced like a silver snake, then exploded into smoke.

Kashiwagi wanted to shout something more, but when he saw the flickering ice crystals in the smoke, a light suddenly flashed in his heart.

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