My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 317 Consciousness Conjecture

After meal.

Returned to the room.

Kashiwagi began to try to make the two-headed tyrannosaurus understand that it had grown two heads, and he also began to confirm whether this guy was "two" single-headed dragons or "one" single-headed dragon.

There is no other reason.

The movements of the two heads are so neat.

From lowering the head, chewing, swallowing to making coquettish sounds, and even burping all at the same time, it is difficult not to make people think of it.

After all, even if the new head is obtained by splitting the old head in two, it may not do the same thing after becoming the same individual.

Unless one consciousness gives the same instructions to different parts of the body at the same time.

According to the information Kashiwagi has currently obtained from Awu, no one has really struggled with this. Whether it is one head with two heads, a two-headed tyrannosaurus or a two-headed tyrannosaurus, its essence will not change.

As long as it does not cause any harm to itself, most residents of the Dragon Country will not study in depth anything that is too profound.

The reason why it is said to be the majority.

Because Awu recommended to him the number of a scholar who was born in the Land of Dragons and did not become a trainer but was admitted to Yuhong University and engaged in Pokémon ecological research.

The two sides talked a lot about the two-headed tyrannosaurus.


Surprisingly, researchers in the Pokémon academic community are studying multi-headed symbiotic Pokémon.

It's just that they often have multiple opinions and hold their own opinions.

Some scholars believe that after the single-headed dragon evolves, it will change from one self-consciousness to two self-consciousnesses. However, when the two separate, they inherit the same memory, so many forms and styles will converge, but in essence they are still the same. Belong to different individuals.

He took as an example a Pokémon that also changes from one to many.

The second scholar claimed that after one head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus died, the other head could no longer survive. But the three gophers do not have the same properties as a basis for rebuttal. If there are two consciousnesses, then why can't a head continue to survive after it dies?

Furthermore, it is a consensus that different Pokémon are vastly different, so this should not be assumed.

A third scholar objected to the second scholar's opinion by suggesting that it might be because a single brain could not bear the burden on the body, and that it was a medical issue.

The fourth scholar believes that after the two-headed tyrannosaurus evolved again, even though it had three heads, because only the middle head had a brain, there was only one consciousness. They believed that the number of brains was the basis for determining the number of consciousness.

The fifth scholar retorted with Pokémon such as Eggy, saying that although Eggy is composed of six, if one is lost, it will naturally give birth to a new sixth one, and this sixth one has All previous memories and habits. The missing egg will wither.

Therefore, the brain does not determine the amount of consciousness.

The sixth scholar said that after the Variety Monster transformed into a two-headed tyrannosaurus, it was still a consciousness, and the fact that there was no schizophrenia was a platform for the two-headed tyrannosaurus to have a separate consciousness.

In short, in terms of the consciousness and body realm of the multi-headed Pokémon...

No conclusion has yet been reached.

Whether they have the same consciousness, but have different personalities due to the existence of multiple heads processing problems, just like split personality; or whether they belong to different consciousnesses but are imprisoned in one body, is an unsolved mystery.

The spiritual realm cannot be explored even by people in the Pokémon world.

The Dragon People scholar told Kashiwagi.

If you are not interested in the body and the theory of consciousness, but just want to know how to face the two-headed tyrannosaurus with two heads, then just continue to observe patiently.

The one who really made the decision was the two-headed tyrannosaurus himself.

It believes that the other head has nothing to do with "itself", so even if the initial movements are similar, there will be differences later, as if another personality is constructed to influence the other brain.

If you realize that both brains are "self", then there is a high probability that the new personality will not be in opposition to the old personality.

It will make different moves very naturally, just like a person manipulating his left and right hands, and there will be no quarrels.


Huge floor mirror.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus looked at its own appearance, and then looked at the mobile phone held by Kashiwagi next to it. The screen showed its original appearance as told by the trainer.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

No wonder it feels so weird, it turns out I have an extra head!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus suddenly realized it, and then turned to look at the head next to it. It had an inexplicable magical feeling that it was looking at itself, like looking in a mirror.

How strange!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus couldn't help but open its mouth and bite forward, but it opened its two mouths at the same time to bite, but found it difficult to bite at the same time, and the teeth would always touch each other. Fortunately, the neck was long enough, and it ended up with a rather twisted pair. They are biting each other's hair.

Well, it tastes like my own!

It often gnaws its own fur or paws when it has nothing to do, and it knows exactly what it smells like.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

I see!

The two-headed evil dragon raised its right paw and then its left paw, easily taking in the current situation——

Since it has two front paws, two back paws, two small wings, two black patterns on its abdomen, and two particularly sharp toes.

So what’s so strange about having two heads? You see, there are even two little knots on the forehead!

This is how it should be!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus realized it, ran to the trainer happily, and bit his left and right hands. It feels that these two heads appear just to bite all the trainer's hands.

It's a pity when you realize that you have two hands that love to hold your mouth.

Now the Great Consummation!

"Hey woo..." "Hey woo..."

The two-headed tyrannosaurus let out a cry of satisfaction.

Kashiwagi looked at this tank-like guy and didn't know what part of it was thinking...or was it not thinking at all?

never mind.

As long as he doesn't treat them differently, there is nothing wrong with learning to treat a bowl of water equally.

Furthermore, the period from the two-headed tyrannosaurus to the three-headed evil dragon is probably not particularly long, and the leap from level 50 to level 60 for Big Mouth Baby is not that long either.

"Okay, okay, you can let me go."

He took out both hands to prevent one of the heads from shaking because there was no hand to hold it. Then he turned over and lay on the back of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, placed his head between the two heads, and took out the mobile phone illustration.

[Pokémon: Two-headed Tyrannosaurus]

[Attribute: Evil + Dragon]

[Gender: Male]

[Height: 164cm/61kg]

[Feature: Vitality]

[Level: Level 50]

[Moves: Crash/Dragon's Fury/Bite/Head Blow]

[Dragon Breath/Double Combo/Evil Wave/Power of the Earth]

[Flame Fang/Thunder Fang/Frozen Fang/Ghost Face]

[Dragon Wave/Dragon Dive/Big Sound/Bite]

The last two are the new skills brought about by evolution, a normal attribute group attack move, and another evil attribute contact move...

Whether it's good or bad is another matter, but there are definitely times when it can be used.

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