My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 399 Dragon Clan Civil War

On the dunes.

At dusk and sunset.

Kashiwagi looked into the distance, and at a glance he saw the Pokémon Center, accompanied by an oasis in the sunset, with its huge Poké Ball sign glowing faintly.

"Here we are, it's not a mirage."

The soft warm light from the floor-to-ceiling windows came into view, unconsciously dissipating the heat and fatigue in his heart.

"Finally! Thank God!"

Alice and Axetooth followed behind. When they heard these words, they burst into tears and fell in the sand. They only turned their heads slightly to give themselves some room to breathe.

The two of them walked from afternoon to evening under the bright sun. It was still a special desert environment, which was a great test on their physical strength.

This guy fell for the mirage twice in a row and ran for a long time in vain. When he saw a desert dragonfly, he chased it like crazy, again consuming a lot of energy.

Kashiwagi walked with her for half a day, and the idea of ​​traveling alone deepened again and again.


Walking together is not without fun. Having a companion to chat with while walking can make you forget a lot of fatigue. It is very different from chatting with Pokémon such as Boskodora.

The two parties revealed a lot of personal information to each other during the exchange——

Strictly speaking, Alice talks more.

This person is the same as Xiaozhi. Whenever he chats with others, he can't help but describe his ideal of becoming the "Dragon Master".

Maybe I didn't have this habit before, but after traveling with Xiaozhi for a long time, I unconsciously got into it.

Nothing bad.

Except for some annoying brats and villains, most adults in the Pokémon animated world will appreciate and support the ideals of others, so no one will laugh at them even if they talk about it all the time.

Kashiwagi, who also has his own goals, is even less likely to laugh at her.

What's more, he will be the United Champion in the future, one of the eight masters of the World Championship, and the only powerful trainer who can reach this level without relying on any system.

No matter from which aspect you look at it, your strength is very admirable.

But it's limited to strength.

"Excuse me."

Kashiwagi strode into the Pokémon Center, with a frowning Kuailong behind him holding its trainer Alice, who had a sad expression.

As soon as the inner sensor door opens, the cool air from the air conditioner rushes towards you.

Like spring breeze.

Even Alice, who had always been indifferent to air conditioning, now realized what it meant to feel comfortable.

“So comfortable~”

Since the Pokémon Center is located near a desert, Ms. Joy here is often very laid-back, and it is rare for a trainer to come to her door and she seems very enthusiastic.

Kashiwagi and Alice handed over a lot of Pokémon, sat down on the sofa in the center of the hall to rest, and talked about the unfinished topic——

How to learn [Dragon Heart].

"So the key point is to understand and appreciate the mood of dragon-type Pokémon and understand their thoughts."

"That's right!"

"Wouldn't it be like falling into some kind of dead loop? I want to rely on my dragon heart to understand and understand the mood of dragon-type Pokémon, but I have to understand and understand their mood first?"

"Uh... It's a bit of an endless loop... Ah! I don't understand the principle or anything like that!"

"I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

He apologized to Alice, who was scratching her head in annoyance.

The ability that is inherently innate requires him to come up with a principle and logic for him to learn. It would be weird if others can come up with it, and it would be great if he can cooperate with it.

It’s just that Kashiwagi is really interested in Dragon Heart.

After all, if he uses the clues next, he will most likely meet a quasi-god with complete dragon attributes who is quite old and of a very high level.

Having a dragon heart can quickly make that dragon-type Pokémon understand his mood, and let him understand the mood of those dragon-type Pokémon, so that everyone can benefit from each other and benefit himself.

Otherwise, cultivating a quasi-god that can be considered fully grown in all aspects will be no less difficult than cultivating a quasi-god from scratch.

It’s a pity that it may be more difficult to learn the heart of a dragon!

When Kashiwagi felt regretful, Alice next to him suddenly said: "Let's fight! We need to fight to understand dragon-type Pokémon!"


He was stunned for a moment.


Alice thought he didn't hear clearly, so she repeated, "During the battle, the Pokémon and the trainer are one. Don't you think you can better see what your Pokémon is thinking at that time?"


Kashiwagi somehow felt that it made sense.

If she just wants to fight tonight, it's probably not possible. Alice's Pokémon has been tired for a day, and she herself is too tired to get up. She urgently needs a good rest to restore her condition.

The two agreed to fight tomorrow morning.


The temperature outside dropped sharply.

Kashiwagi, who was too lazy to cook, had a meal in the cafeteria of the Pokémon Center. Miss Joy's cooking was good, and he enjoyed his meal quite happily.

Ever since I became rich, I rarely stayed at the Pokémon Center, and even less often visited the cafeteria. I usually either cooked for myself or went to a restaurant, so it was quite fun to come here suddenly.

Compared to the extravagant him, Alice, who was born in the Land of Dragons and the future successor to the Double Dragon Gym, was much more simple.

If there is a Pokémon Center, you can live in a Pokémon Center. If there is no Pokémon Center, you can climb a big lush tree and lie down on the tree trunk as a bed, just like a wild animal.

Therefore, it has been mistaken for a wild Pokémon by other trainers many times.

She didn't learn her lesson either. She was hit again and again, ran up the tree again and again, and was occasionally driven down by Miss Junsha or other managers.

Asked her why, she replied that she felt comfortable and at home in the tree.

This guy even wanted to climb the bushes in the oasis outside. As a result, his front feet were frozen when he stepped out. He was shivering and rubbing his arms.

The desert wind at night can freeze people to the point of hypothermia.

Kashiwagi recalled Alice's childhood and could roughly understand the latter's thoughts. He had lived with wild Pokémon since he was a child, and had developed habits in all aspects.

When it came time to feed the Pokémon, the two sides were almost "open to each other."

Iris was amazed by Pokémon such as Boscordora.

"You really can't tell from your team that you are a dragon tamer!"

During the previous chat, Kashiwagi told her that he was barely a member of the Meteor People from Meteor Falls, and was not a particularly formal dragon tamer.

She didn't understand what "not particularly formal" meant at first, but now after meeting Boscodora and the others, they understood that after a long time of trouble, a dragon trainer only had one dragon-type Pokémon in his team.

Counting the Menas in the dragon egg group, it counts as one and a half.

"You're not much better than me."

Kashiwagi glanced at the dragon-headed gopher and the electric flying squirrel, and finally his eyes fell on a bird and animal creature with colorful feathers and a snake-like head that looked both fierce and weird——

Archeopteryx, the ancient bird Pokémon, has one of the most useless characteristics: "Weakness".

I didn't expect that Alice's sixth Pokémon would be it.

Do you remember holding it in the game?

"This child was resurrected from the fossil I picked up from the street stall. It took a lot of trouble to do it!" Alice saw that he was very interested in Archaeopteryx and told a short story.

It's basically a standard plot of picking up a fossil by luck, successfully resurrecting it with the help of others, but accidentally losing it after being targeted by a poaching group, and then successfully searching it back with the help of the round land shark's sensing ability.

There is also a way to gain the trust of the ancestor bird by being chewed.

No matter how irritable a Pokémon is, as long as it bites someone, it will soon be overcome by their eyes and words. The method of gentleness will always be the magic weapon to defeat the animated version of Pokémon.

If you were like the group in the game "Legend of Arceus"... it wouldn't be bad if they didn't beat you until you lost your memory.

"By the way, does your Archeopteryx have a double-edged hammer?"

Kashiwagi suddenly asked.

It's so hard to find a Boss Cordora who can use the double-edged head hammer. Even though the big monster has a hard head, it still hasn't learned this rock-type ultimate move.

The sharp stone attack is certainly enough, and after the super evolution, the characteristic becomes filtering, and the rock attribute is gone.

But it doesn’t always feel like there’s something missing from the double-edged hammer. Furthermore, even though it is an egg move, maybe Boscodora can learn it from the Archaeopteryx?

Reluctantly, Alice shook her head.


Kashiwagi patted Boscodora's arm regretfully.

The latter doesn't matter, even if there is no so-called double-edged hammer, its power will not waver.


The next day.

Early in the morning.

Alice, full of energy, came knocking on the door.

"Good morning! Kashiwagi! Wake up! Kashiwagi!"

Although the two were together, they didn't share a room like they did when they traveled with Xiaozhi. Not to mention whether Alice cared, Kashiwagi was definitely the first one not to want to.


Happy Egg, who was pushing the cleaning truck, pulled the corner of her clothes and pointed outside.

"Huh? Has he gone out already?"

Alice easily understood the meaning of the happy egg, and nimbly rushed downstairs and out of the Pokémon Center. She suddenly saw Kashiwagi doing morning exercises by the pool of the oasis in the distance.

In the sparkling pool, the Heterochromatic Menas twists and turns, its golden scales and tail fins illuminated by the sun, making it dazzling.

She couldn't help but feel dazed for a while.

"so beautiful……"


A voice sounded in her ears, startling her.

Only then did Alice realize that Kashiwagi, who was doing morning exercises at some point, had already arrived beside her.

Kashiwagi said with emotion: "Even as its trainer, I am always deeply attracted by it. Obviously before, when I watched other Minus videos on the Internet, I would just find them interesting, and then flip through them without any hesitation. "


"Why...maybe it's the heart."

He smiled and said, "In the past, those Meenas belonged to other people's families, but now I have one as my partner, and the mood is completely different, so the feeling is very different. Another possibility is that the video only uses vision and hearing. , and it is also limited by pixels and image quality, so it is not as realistic as reality.”

Alice mused.

In the blink of an eye, she said as if waking up from a dream: "Wait! Fight! Let's fight! It was agreed yesterday!"

"Are you going to fight without breakfast?"

"It's the same thing if you eat it after the fight!"

Alice said impatiently, as if she had been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

Kashiwagi looked at her expression, and for a moment he didn't know whether the other party wanted him to learn the heart of the dragon, or whether she simply wanted to challenge him as a dragon tamer.



He nodded, "Then how should we fight? One on one? Three on three?"

"Of course it's three versus three! I will send all my dragon-type Pokémon!" Alice directly disclosed her choice.

Seeing this, Kashiwagi looked at Menas in the pool and said, "In that case, I'll just use the three most dragon-like Pokémon in my team."


The two arrived at the battle arena behind the Pokémon Center.

Even though it looked like it was rarely used, Nurse Happy Egg still kept it very clean, with only a thin layer of gravel blown by the wind on the ground.

Since there is no drone referee, Miss Joy and Happy Egg are also busy, so they have to make their own rules.

"Is there any point in attacking first and releasing Pokémon first?"

Kashiwagi asked.

Alice, who was standing on the trainer's seat opposite, replied loudly: "Let's go together! Let's attack together!"


He took out a Poké Ball and exposed it to the sun, "Are you ready?"



As Kashiwagi's voice fell, two elf balls flew up and opened with two bangs.

The white light shook.

The Axe-toothed Dragon and the Colored Menas each landed on both sides of the field.



The morning sun is not particularly strong and has less impact on the water-type Menas, so Kashiwagi chose it as his starting Pokémon.

It's just that Alice actually chose to start with Axetooth Dragon, which surprised him a little.

What are the characteristics?

Fighting spirit? Breaking the rules?

It would be interesting if it was the former. When a male Axetooth encounters a female Menas, the power of his moves will inevitably decrease... Unfortunately, it is most likely an exceptional trait.

"Dance of Dragons!"

"Charge over! Black Mist!"

Trainers from both sides ordered.

The Axetooth Dragon danced a fierce war dance on the spot, and its body surface lit up with an orange-red light.

Before he could even think of swimming forward, Menas suddenly sprayed out black mist as thick as a cloud of smoke, covering most of the venue in an instant, causing the orange-red growing light that had just lit up to quickly turn into a light blue descending light.

Alice was stunned for a moment, and then she became acutely aware of ice-blue light flashing in the black mist.

"Get aside quickly!"

she shouted.

The next moment.


The icy blue cold current visible to the naked eye mixed with milky white snow spots suddenly dispersed the black fog, and also froze the ground of a small half of the venue into ice ballast.

Its source comes from the mouth of the heterochromatic Menus and the dazzling golden fan-leaf-shaped tail fin. The former sprays out cold breath, and the latter rapidly flaps to intensify the power and scope of the blizzard.


Alice, who proved to be feeling the aftermath of the storm, folded her arms and trembled.

Fortunately, thanks to her timely command, the Axetooth dragon standing at the edge of the field successfully avoided Menas' attack and looked at the frozen ground not far away with a horrified expression.

Opponents who can use ice-type moves.

The type it is least equipped to deal with.

However, with such a powerful and wide-range move, there will inevitably be an attack gap after using it - or the move will swing back, which also makes Alice choose to be reckless.

"Axodon uses dragon claws!"


Shouting to embolden himself, the Axetooth Dragon rushed over and approached Menas who had just finished breathing out like a suicide attack. He raised a pair of bright green claws and grabbed fiercely.

Bang bang!

The dragon's claw fell on Menas' body, exploding two clouds of smoke and dust, which also caused the latter to show a slightly stinging expression.

But before the Axetooth Dragon could retreat, a golden tail wrapped around it at a speed far exceeding its speed.


Even if the move cannot be used, it does not mean that Menas' body cannot move. For a "snake", binding the opponent is a basic skill!


The Ax-toothed Dragon was shocked, and Alice also showed a surprised expression, "The Ax-toothed Dragon quickly breaks away!"


Kashiwagi did not give them this opportunity.

Menas's gem-like light blue eyes lit up with a moving brilliance, and countless translucent pink-purple halo of light was released forward. The eyelids of the Axetooth Dragon quickly became heavy.

In a blink of an eye.

It actually buried its head and fell asleep!

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