My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 446 Mysterious Website

Valley Town.

A unique town full of western style.

At first glance, row upon row of large and small wooden houses line up in two rows, and the empty streets look like the set of a Western cowboy movie.

When Xiaozhi and his party traveled to this time, Moonstone, who was persecuted by members of the Pokémon Mystery Club - referred to as bad guys, broke into this place and used its strange radio waves to manipulate all the townspeople, including Miss Joy, and turned them into a Ghost town.

Fortunately, the protagonist is present and all the conspiracies are false.

The bad guys were driven away, and the Moon Stone successfully returned to its original residence. In the blink of an eye, the town was peaceful and stable for several years, but I didn't know what happened to the Moon Stone.


Kashiwagi was sitting on the bench next to the gate of the Pokémon Center. Next to him was Doronbalto, who was less than one meter away from him, his head lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Neither of them spoke, and there was silence.

It was half an hour ago that I went to the police station to take notes.

Miss Junsha was as sensible as she imagined and promised him not to spread the word about the ancient tomb casually. This not only satisfied his selfishness, but also brought peace to the wild Pokémon in that forest.

The only thing you need to watch out for is where the information from the three Pokémon hunters comes from. According to the head hunter himself, he saw it from a secret website, where many people were looking for Legendary Pokémon and revealed the traces of Legendary Pokémon to each other.

This group of people actually had a sense of luck at the beginning.

Affected by the upheaval of Iron Town, the most important safe way for Pokémon hunters to sell goods was gone. Those famous poaching groups were not having a good life. They had Pokémon on hand but didn't know who to sell it to.

There are those who are smart and open new sales on their own, and there are also those who are not smart who try to open up sales but are arrested.

The world of hunters is now in chaos.

In the chaos, there are always one or two trying to rise up. Just like the previous wave of people trying to capture Thunder King to make a splash, these three Pokémon hunters also have similar plans.


If they don't find it, they will naturally head to the hunting zone dozens of kilometers away to capture enough wild Pokémon from there.

Who would have expected that Cheng Yaojin would appear halfway and be captured in one fell swoop.

Not to mention, these three guys are actually famous "big shots" on the wanted list. They commit crimes in various places in the Fengyuan area all year round. The Fengyuan police have been having a headache for a long time.

That's why Miss Junsha came so quickly after learning the details.

Kashiwagi didn't particularly care about the final fate of those three people. He was more curious about the so-called secret website. He never thought that the website was actually a membership-only website and required invitations from others to register and log in.

He could only let Porygon II try to go around it and see if he could open a back door or something.

Porygon II responded, but unfortunately there has been no response so far.

In the Pokémon Center, Happy Egg is helping Miss Joy and all the Happy Eggs, and Boss Cordora and other Pokémon are doing routine physical examinations.

Originally, there was Doron Baruto as well, but this guy couldn't hide.

At first, Kashiwagi thought it was angry and refused to come in, and he was thinking about how to persuade him. However, as soon as the front foot sat down at the door, this guy on the back foot appeared.

He appeared quietly next to him, with a pair of narrowed triangular eyes without much expression.

However, even so, Kashiwagi did not dare to move, let alone speak.

He was afraid of startling this guy and causing him to become invisible and hide again.

There is no other reason.

It's so rare.

You must know that this is the closest time to Dragon Baruto except for taking back the Poké Balls and distributing food in recent days. This is a rare opportunity and must be cherished——

It makes me feel bitter just thinking about it.

The Pokémon in his family are really more unique than the last. Not to mention the Happy Egg and Big Mouth that have been following him since Iron Town. It took him so much effort just to set up the broken baby Sun Coral. If Menas hadn't encountered a good place like Longmen Falls, God knows how long it would have taken for him to evolve.

After thinking about it, only Boscodora and the three evil dragons made him worry the most. At most, one of them loved the territory and the other always liked to act coquettishly.

Now that they have finally been settled, another "problem child" has been sent to them.


It's three.

Fortunately, just like the Big Mouth Babies, my patience finally gave me the opportunity to take the relationship further.

And the intimacy that Dorumbaruto is showing now is naturally thanks to the Pokémon hunters.

I think he succeeded in attracting the favor of Doronbaruto based on his confrontation with those guys and his decisive fighting behavior. In the game, he must have at least three pink hearts of friendship, right?

Kashiwagi thinks so.

Therefore, he felt that the opportunity was before him, and even if he had not yet mastered the Dragon Heart, he could not do nothing.

If nothing else, try to communicate with Doronbaruto!

He was certain in his heart.

Little did he know that Doronbaruto next to him actually had similar thoughts to him.

It had already known earlier that the human youth in front of it was different from the bad guys it had encountered before, and the battle just now confirmed its idea.

The three evil dragons came to the rescue, which made it quite grateful. Burning with anger, it was too reckless to rush into the forest. Looking back later, it was autistic after being lost to the dragon. It couldn't hide in the forest. Dare to come out.

If the other Pokémon hadn't been around at this moment, Dragon Baruto would probably not have dared to get so close to Kashiwagi.

There is no other reason.


It only found it interesting when it watched those Pokémon acting coquettishly with Kashiwagi. Let it do it on its own... It was too much.

Therefore, even if he has a good impression of Kashiwagi and even has the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to show his kindness, when Doron Baruto is about to take action, he can still only get close to the former.

Then he remained silent on the outside, and was as tangled as a twist on the inside.

What to do next?

Is there anyone who can teach me?

Doronbaruto subconsciously looked to his side, and happened to meet the eyes of Kashiwagi who turned his head.

It froze for a moment, then entered the invisible state and disappeared.

"Hey! Don't!"

Kashiwagi raised his hand in annoyance, thinking that he was really afraid of something, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Doronbaruto reappearing, but his eyes were wandering, and he still refused to look at him.


He couldn't help but feel a little strange when he looked at Doronbaruto's evasive gaze.

At first, I thought this guy was too unruly and withdrawn, making him difficult to talk to and get close to. But now that I took a closer look, I felt that he looked like a shy little boy.

Speaking of it, it had only been four or five days since he conquered Dorumbaruto, and his knowledge of the latter was limited to the illustrated book, the medical examination form at the Pokémon Center, and the first few exchanges.

He didn't even know what kind of food this guy liked to eat. Doronbaruto would not refuse anyone who came and would eat whatever he was given.

Kashiwagi was silent for a moment.

Lean less.

He smiled and said, "What do you want to have for dinner?"

I want to talk to Dorumbaruto about its past, I want to ask Dorumbaruto what he thinks of himself, I want to touch Dorumbaruto’s head, all kinds of thoughts and plans keep appearing.

But in the end, he realized it wasn't necessary.

This guy is obviously not good at communication. He can be either unruly or timid. Being speechless for a long time must be part of his personality.

Then what are you forcing?

Strong feelings and bonds take time and experience to brew slowly. A few in-depth words alone are of little significance. Doronbaruto fought so many Pokémon today and chased two more Pokémon. Dream hunter, rest is more important.


let it go.

When Doronbaruto heard those plain and warm words, recalling what he had seen and heard these days, his chaotic and restless heart suddenly calmed down, his eyelids trembled slightly, and his huge triangular head turned to look into the distance.

Just when Kashiwagi thought he would not get a response, he barked softly.

"...Lu, spit."

"...Yesterday's meal was quite delicious. 』

Even though there was no translation for Porygon II, he somehow understood what Doron Baruto meant, just like he understood Doron Mecia's eyes before.

He smiled happily and said, "Okay, let's make it according to yesterday's menu."

"Lu saliva~"

Doronbaruto responded again, this time his cry was much smoother and not as stiff as before.

The relationship between the two has quietly improved a little.

There was no further communication.

They just silently watched the people coming and going on the street in front of them, children and Pokémon playing, like two silent observers.

Doronbaruto enjoyed this feeling very much, and what made him even happier was that he didn't have to rack his brains to think about how to speak to the people around him or what to say.

Although it doesn’t say it explicitly, it understands the meaning conveyed by the people around it——

Don't force yourself.

This made him think for the first time that staying with Kashiwagi might be a happy thing.

It didn't take long.

Happy Egg walked out of the Pokémon Center pushing the cart, wearing the nurse's hat that had been knitted for it in Cypress, Green Town, "Happy~"

On the car, in addition to the Poké Ball where Boscado pulled them, there was also a big, curved-horned cat with a black face and white fur.


After further treatment, Absol tried to jump out of bed, but was stopped by Happy Egg with great seriousness.

The two Pokémon looked at each other, and it was Absol who chose to give in first.


"Happy!" Happy Egg told the trainer that Absol's hind leg injury was neither serious nor serious. After treatment at the Pokémon Center, it would be fine after just one more day of rest.

"Quite fast."

Kashiwagi stepped forward and looked at Absol's better-bandaged hind legs in surprise.

Happy Egg's skills were actually quite good, but he had no choice but to deal with the wound in the rain, and the conditions were very crude. The bandage was soaked black by the rain in a short while.


Absol responded to his voice, looking at the Happy Egg and the Pokémon Center behind it with a slight fear in his eyes. In just a few hours, everything he encountered was like a nightmare.

I really want to go back to the mountains and forests...

"You can go back tomorrow, don't worry, I will take you back personally then." Kashiwagi stretched out his hand and gently stroked the big white cat as he wished.


Absol nodded when he felt the kindness, and his rather human movements and smooth responses all symbolized that he had wisdom no less than that of a human teenager.

Being able to understand human language and being able to understand the trainer's meaning are ultimately different.

Beep beep.

The vibration made Kashiwagi lower his head.

Under the curious gazes of the Pokémon around him, he turned on his phone.

The first thing I saw was Lysa's response to the ancient Braille photo on the ancient tomb door.

Lysa: "I have consulted people who know this. They said that ancient Braille is different from modern optimized and simplified Braille. You can only judge the content by touch, and you cannot tell the meaning by looking at it. 』

Kashiwagi: "Can you only rely on touch?" Why did ancient people create such a strange writing..."

Lysa: "The history of human growth is very complicated. The origin of ancient Braille is believed to be created by a group of people who lived deep in caves all year round without seeing the sun and only relied on several senses other than vision to recognize objects. 』


Kashiwagi suddenly remembered that the text about the three sacred pillars recorded that the ancient ancestors of the Fengyuan area came to the cave to thrive with the help of the sacred pillars.

Although the ancient ancestors subsequently thanked several divine pillars, they sealed the three divine pillars on the grounds that their power was too terrifying.

It can be regarded as repaying kindness with hatred.

Poor gods.

After thinking about this, he asked Lysa where he could learn ancient Braille.

Lesa: "You're asking me a question now. The people I contacted only have a superficial understanding of ancient Braille. I think it's impossible to understand ancient Braille. I don't understand this either... So, I I'll help you look for it and I'll get back to you when I find something. 』

Kashiwagi: "Okay, okay." 』

Among the famous archaeologists in the Pokémon world, he only remembered Zhulan.

But they are familiar with the history of Sinnoh, and archaeologists are not equal to linguists, so it is difficult to interpret the contents on the door smoothly.


Porygon II brought him good news.

"solved! Now you can browse without any trace! 』


Kashiwagi praised in a low voice, opened the website and quickly browsed the contents, and found that it was much more serious than expected.

Most of the website contains information on various legendary Pokémon - including folklore, legends and even sighting information.

Horrifyingly detailed.

"It looks like the intelligence database of the International Police..." Kashiwagi complained casually. Of course, he had never seen the internal database of the International Police, he just thought so.

There is no such thing as a communication forum in the international police database.

He clicked into the forum and saw the title "Legendary Giant, Sleeping in [Ancient Tomb]" at first glance. Then he clicked in and found a large number of ancient braille.

The poster stated that he managed to decipher a section of the text after consulting information, reading various documents, and learning ancient Braille on his own.

The content is probably as Kashiwagi thought before, it is some records of the ancient ancestors of Fengyuan when they huddled in the cave under the protection of the divine pillars.

it says above.

[We seal the eternal Pokémon here, hoping that future generations will never have to open the seal]

It was difficult for him to understand the brain circuits of the ancient ancestors of Fengyuan.

Not to mention the fact that the other party protects human beings, but he has the ability to seal in his hands, but he is still so afraid?

This is no different from shouting, "It's terrible, it's terrible," while waving an iron palm to slap someone's head off.

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