My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 453 Kandu is shocked

The superpower who successfully defeated Yaluo gained a certain degree of popularity.

[When you go out, you are surrounded by many battle enthusiasts. When you hear their praises, you feel a little overwhelmed]

The entrance to the Caolu Arena.

The person with superpowers was surrounded by many people. He seemed to be in a hurry, and various expressions of shame were constantly flying above his head.

And there is no doubt about it.

This is the result of everyone in the Galar region loving Pokémon battles, and the Malokomon Group working behind the scenes.

Based on the Pokémon Battle League and using Dynamax as a selling point to vigorously stimulate the local economy and turn gym leaders from local leaders into "club" players, President Roz is particularly good at creating star trainers.

But how can a person with superpowers endure this?

The pixelated figure suddenly flashed and disappeared, leaving only a group of confused and noisy spectators.

Transform into a living person!

As the simulator screen moves, the narrator explains what is happening on the screen.

[You had no choice but to use teleportation to escape the scene, but what you didn’t expect was that your superpower would become widely spread]

The superpower in the light screen carefully emerged from the grass and took the injured Pokémon to the Pokémon Center.


Can you even teleport?

Kashiwagi was a little surprised. He remembered that the only human being who had used teleportation in the animation was Nazi's father. He didn't expect that people with super powers could now master such advanced skills.

[Restart after changing zones] Isn’t the foundation given too profound?

Thinking carefully about the battle just now, even if Yaro did not bring out the strongest Pokémon, Fengmilong was at least one of the main Pokémon. So it seems that the strength of the superpower may be even more powerful than he imagined. Some.

You must know that the gym leaders in the Galar region are also very involved with each other. If they are not strong enough, they will be dismissed as the gym leader immediately.

Therefore, despite his appearance as a grass-type gym owner, Yaluo is actually one of the nine strongest people in the Galar region.


Thinking about it this way, the results of this simulation are very exciting.

Kashiwagi dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind and continued to watch the simulation content on the light screen.

However, it was said that after the superpower "escaped" Caolu Town, he did not rush to Shuizhou Town where the second gym was located. Instead, he took a car to Mugan Town and found the Pokémon Research Institute here.

[You learned from others that there is a Dr. Mulan here who studies Dynamax, and you hope to collect detailed information about Dynamax from her]

The battle in the grass arena made the superpower understand that becoming Gigantamax is not just about getting bigger. He originally wanted to ask Yaro, the gym leader, for advice, but he couldn't find him at all - they said he would go to the suburbs. Grazing and busy with farming.

The superpower had no choice but to go to Mugan Town to find Dr. Mulan under the guidance of others.

He was lucky, Dr. Mulan happened to be at home, but when he knocked on the door and entered, the super-powered person didn't make a move, which made Kashiwagi quite puzzled.

[You look at the door of the institute and think carefully about how to explain your purpose and how to communicate with Dr. Mulan. Half an hour later, you knocked on the door and came in]

What the hell?

Struggling at the door for half an hour?

Kashiwagi couldn't help but feel ashamed, and thought that when he asked for a recommendation letter, he was so decisive (reckless) and (confrontational), which made him think that the character of the skinny kid who envied his peers playing together had also grown up in the past three years.

Unexpectedly, he still looks like he is not good at communicating in person.

He remembered that in the previous simulation, the superpower user spent a long time just thinking about how to communicate with the staff at the testing center. Three years later, there was no difference?

Where was your previous courage? Use the courage you had before!

But fortunately, Dr. Mulan inherited the tradition of all doctors and taught the superpowers the basics of Dynamax very kindly, and even explained everything he wanted to know.

[You have mastered the basic knowledge of Dynamaxing by consulting Dr. Mulan]

Satisfied, the superpower returned to Caolu Town by car and followed the map along Route 5, trying to go to Shuizhou Town to the east to challenge the second gym.

Into the wild.

[You met the passerby trainer ×××, and he asked you for a Pokémon battle]

Just as the people of Galar love Pokémon battles, there are so many wild trainers here that roadside battles are much more frequent than in other areas.

Naturally, a person with superpowers will not be afraid of these, and decisively showed off the charm of his Pokémon.

For example, the "Hypnosis Punch" that the Dream Tapir is best at knocking others to the ground to hypnotize them; the Jeweled Starfish uses its tentacles to lock the opponent's joints to prevent it from escaping, and attacks at zero range to avoid consecutive misses like a certain shameless dragon. "Technical Water Cannon"; and the Slow King calmly uses mental strength to deflect the opponent's attack, and when he gets close, he takes off the nut on his head and uses the mental blade to slam the opponent's "mental nut".

Let the trainers in the Galar region have a good taste of the unique styles from the Kanto region.

It gave them a little shock.

Presumably as a new member, Iolup must have been deeply shocked by his companions, but he just didn't know whether he could learn these excellent skills.

The picture flows.


The super-powered person who "passed all the obstacles" along the way arrived at his destination.

[You have arrived at Shuizhou Town, a port city with lively shops, markets and famous restaurants. You hesitated for a moment and decided to go to the famous Fangbo Pavilion Seafood Restaurant for a feast first]

The camera pulled back, allowing Kashiwagi to appreciate the pixel version of Shuizhou Town, which is surrounded by water on three sides, from an overhead perspective as usual.

The largest building among them is naturally the Water Boat Arena built on energy points. The gym leader Lulina inside is known as "The Stormy Waves". In addition to being a gym leader, she is also a very popular person with many fans. model.

The vertical painting is particularly cute.

The camera moved down to the Fangbo Pavilion Seafood Restaurant.

The superpower came here mainly for a feast, but he didn't expect to see an acquaintance here.

[You met President Roz. When he saw you, he smiled and waved to you. You thought for two seconds, shook your head in resistance, and prepared to turn around and leave.]

Good guy.

Kashiwagi didn't know how to complain for a while, and suspected that Roz appeared here just to wait for the superpower.

In the scene, Roz saw that the super-powered person was about to leave, so he sent his secretary Olivia to stop him, and forcefully brought him to his side to talk with him.

[You heard President Roz praise your performance in the grass arena, and solemnly said that you only showed your due strength]

Ellipses keep popping up on the heads of the pixelated figures of superpowers.

[Although your body has gradually become healthier due to exercise, you are still not good at interpersonal communication. Faced with the enthusiastic President Roz, you don’t know how to respond]


Mild social fear.

Kashiwagi subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Doron Baruto, who looked over inadvertently. When the collision happened again, he suddenly disappeared as if he was shocked. After a few seconds, Kashiwagi turned back and then reappeared. His eyes were full of sarcasm.

in the screen.

Roz didn't talk to the super-powered person for long, and only asked a question before leaving.

[You hear President Roz ask you if you like the Galar region now. You shake your head again and tell him that you haven’t seen enough scenery. The other party left with a smile and said he was looking forward to your performance in the water boat arena]

It is obvious that Roz admires superpowers very much, otherwise he would not ask the latter again whether he likes the Galar region.

The former also seems to be very good at talking to people who are not good at talking. He probably got the experience from one of the gym leaders in Suchuan Town, the more socially fearful Onio.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but sigh, how much courage it took for the super-powered person to reveal his super powers in public.

Talk about it.

People with super powers are also honest enough.

After all, logically, it was Roz who first asked him sideways, "Why should I give you a letter of recommendation?", and the person with super powers responded, "That's all."

In short, he is a well-behaved and honest person.

The scene changes.

The superpower came to the water boat arena and made an appointment to challenge. When he went out and entered again, the timeline successfully arrived a few days later, and the second gym battle officially kicked off.

[You challenged the leader of the Water Boat Gym, Lulina]

As soon as Lurina appeared on the stage, the audience cheered like waves, which proved how popular she was.

What’s interesting is that when the superpower appeared on stage wearing a challenge suit, he also received cheers from the audience.

Both parties release Pokémon, and the background music starts instantly.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but trembled, causing the Pokémon around him to cast curious glances, but after seeing that the trainer just changed his posture, he silently took it back.

In the light screen.

As usual, the superpower chose the dream-inducing tapir as the starter, while Lurina chose the armored warrior.

The screen is appropriately enlarged and matched with the narration subtitles so that Kashiwagi can see the "details" clearly.

When the two Pokémon landed, the Armored Warrior took the lead in attacking the Dream Tapir head-on. Due to the preemptive move, it struck very quickly. It could be said that it arrived at the Dream Tapir in the blink of an eye. In front of the person, the thick front claws shot out quickly——

Then the dream-inducing tapir man indifferently slapped him away with [slap].


The armored warriors were dumbfounded and their brainstormed instantly.

Wait! Where does your super-type Pokémon get such strength? Is this a head-on blow? What did you use? Eh? etc! ? Why are you so strong? Why do you still have such obvious muscles! ?

How can the dream-inducing tapir be polite to it? He grabs the armored warrior and smashes it to the ground. After smashing it, he flattens it three or four times with the Thunder Fist Ola Ola, and then beats it to the point where it is suspected that Chongsheng himself is exhausted. , and then took out the coin hidden in the hair on the neck to prepare for hypnosis.

Who would have thought that just as he was about to take action, the armored warrior's characteristic [danger avoidance] was triggered and flew back into Lurina's elf ball.

[You look at the opponent who failed to win and feel a little regretful]

The superpowers and the dream-inducing tapirs both had sighing expressions on their heads, causing a long series of ellipses to appear on Lurina's head.

Fortunately, the latter was not a vegetarian, and when he saw something was wrong, he immediately released the big-billed gull.

When the landing characteristic is triggered and rainy weather is activated, the big-billed gull does not dare to get too close to the dream-inducing tapir under Lurina's order, for fear of being caught and smashed to the ground.

Their tactic seemed to be to use long-range attacks to capture the dream-inducing tapirs.

The superpower user simply chose to exchange and gave Gem Starfish up. As a Pokémon with superpower attributes, the latter also had the ability to fly even without the electromagnetic levitation move.

Moreover, its tentacles are particularly powerful. After bending and exerting force at will, they can fly to extremely high places with just a scratch, and spread out like a spider web to maximize the body coverage area.

The large-billed gull tried to use the storm to resist the attack of the gem starfish. Unexpectedly, the latter was unusually tenacious. It was stuck in the air with its mental power and allowed the storm to attack itself. It survived until the storm ended before continuing to attack. .

Now there was nowhere for the former to escape. The latter hugged him tightly like an octopus, and a hundred thousand volts of electric power came close to his body, like a big-mouthed seagull.

It's as if you can smell the stench of burnt feathers through the screen and cypress wood.

Lurina obviously didn't expect that her Pokémon would be defeated so quickly. Of course, she also discovered that the Gem Starfish that was previously attacked by the storm was in poor condition, and immediately sent out the Devouring Turtle to catch the former with [Bite and Hold]. It runs away.

[You want to let the gem starfish use self-regeneration, but it's too late]

As the last Pokémon chosen by Lurina, the Devouring Turtle was extremely ferocious, and Gem Starfish couldn't resist it as it gnawed open the core gem and fainted.

Lurina, who had won the battle, was not idle either, and activated Gigantamax without hesitation.

The background music also became passionate along with her movements, as if the accompaniment of cheers was constantly shouting, and finally transformed into the shouts of thousands of people singing in unison with the birth of the super-giant turtle.

"La~ la la la~"

The vigorous rhythm almost made Kashiwagi twist.

And the game has indeed reached its climax, and the superpowers are also not to be outdone and will dynamize Europ.

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, why Oulupu? No, it has insect properties! Is it too little attention to the output of the Devouring Turtle?

At the end of the narration, he realized that on the one hand, the superpower wanted to let Europu officially play and cultivate his awareness of fighting in large-scale competitions. On the other hand, he wanted to know whether Europu could become gigantic.

Previously, the superpower received a list of Pokémon that could become Gigantamax from Dr. Mulan, including the Pokémon Eolup.

It's a pity that Orup can't go to Gigantamax, it can just go to normal Gigantamax, which makes superpower users quite disappointed.

But what should be fought should still be fought.

The Devouring Turtle used a huge rock first, stretched out its neck and bit Iolup's head, summoned a huge rock from the ground and threw it at Iolup, turning the rainy day into a sandstorm.

But Yiolup relied on his excellent physical resistance to absorb this damage, and hit the giant grassland with his backhand!

The spectacular scene of huge plants rising up from the ground and blowing up the super-giant Devouring Turtle made the audience gasp. Fortunately, Orup's level was not very high, and the Devouring Turtle withstood it.

Who would have expected the subsequent two rounds of mutual attacks. First, Oulupu used a giant defensive wall to block the Tyrannosaurus Turtle's [Super Giant Rock Formation Waiting], and then the Tyrannical Turtle used a giant defensive wall to block Iou's side. Lu Pu's giant grassland was carried down.

The two sides fought each other back and forth twice, without anyone hurting the other, and the time for the Dynamax was completed alive.

The superpower tried it out three times and knew that Oulupu was definitely no match for the Devouring Turtle, so he decisively replaced it with the Dream-Causing Tapir.

"Haoli", who was wearing the skin of a dream-inducing tapir, rushed forward and hit the Devouring Turtle's head with an absorbing fist. The latter shrank into its shell, and when the former was exhausted, he stretched out and bit it tightly. , who knew that the dream-inducing tapir man would quietly continue his Qi fists and wait for it to appear in advance.

When he saw it sticking out to bite, he stuffed his left fist into the mouth of the Devouring Turtle without hesitation, and smashed it down with his right fist.

The Devouring Turtle was already in a bad state after being beaten by Europu's Giant Grassland, but this Zhenqi Fist took it away directly, making Lurina and the audience feel numb.

This is a Pokémon with super powers!

Needless to say, the last armored warrior came up and struck head-on, and then was slapped away. He grabbed his head and slammed it on the ground twice, and then used a lightning fist to catch it.

Dream-inducing tapirs have always been recognized as masters of hypnosis, and they enjoy tricking children into swallowing their innocent dreams.

This dream-inducing tapir of a person with superpowers completely subverted their cognition——

Could it be that this guy grew up to this point by dreaming of being a fighting master? ?

[You defeated the water boat gym leader Lurina and obtained the water boat badge]

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