My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 478 Special Doubles

Huangtie Town is far away from Silicon Beryllium City.

The establishment of a subway will help residents of the two towns communicate with each other and is beneficial to regional development.

Furthermore, the Ourei area is not without subway technology. The Shadow Team once buried a train tunnel deeper in the underground city leading to the base outside Huangtie Town. Although it was later abandoned, everything is still there.

Therefore, Shanmin can extend the tunnel and use the subway directly, which is very convenient.

"Infrastructure construction has begun..."

Kashiwagi understood that this was evidence that Yamaminami had almost completed the basic greening and began to allocate efforts to develop in other directions.

The development of the Ourei region cannot rely solely on environmental transformation. Without the blessing of Pokémon and black technology, revitalizing the region must be a huge project that will take thousands of years.

He understands the reason.

How to do it depends entirely on Shanmin's decision.

Kashiwagi wants to help, but he is really not good at government affairs. Becoming a star champion like Dandi is his limit.

At most, you can chat with various business giants when you are out and bring some investors back.

For example, his equipment supplier Lava Team, their technological strength is also outstanding, and the boss Chi Yansong loves the large tracts of land that can be planned arbitrarily.

There is no more suitable candidate than them.

"Let's practice!" Kashiwagi decided to work hard and do his job well.


The big steel snake happily swung its thick iron tail that could knock people flying, and followed the trainer's instructions to learn earthquakes. The bang-bang-bang sound was extremely noisy along with the tremors of the ground.

Although I often practice independently in Ole, it is different after all when there is a trainer beside me to teach.

Of course, it doesn’t feel lonely if it is separated in two places. It can do what it wants to do and often see the partners it wants to see. What’s so lonely about it?

On the contrary, it feels happy! I am so free!

Although it was very comfortable to stay in the Poké Ball, the big steel snake had a natural tendency to drill holes, and it would make his whole body uncomfortable if he didn't drill holes for a day.

Practiced for a while.

Kashiwagi was so shocked that he couldn't bear it anymore. After giving an order, he ran farther away and took his time.

The main point of [Earthquake] is the energy shock that rolls up when the ground is shaken, but there is no terrifying scene like the game screen that shatters the earth.

Of course it is possible.

It's just that there is no need to waste attribute energy on the earth, it is better to evaporate it all.

"The moves with no dead ends even shock the trainers, it's too much."

He murmured in a low voice, and from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Doron Baruto and three evil dragons approaching him, as if the civil war was over.

Judging from the expressions of the two, the three evil dragons with their heads high and chest high should be the final winner, but the faintly unhappy expressions of the siblings Doron Baruto and Doron Mecia prove that the former may not win completely.

Narrowly winning by one move or half a move.


I'm so proud of defeating a dragon, Baluto!

Kashiwagi wished he could give it a slap on the head. Dragon Balto had only been in the team for half a month, and he had just participated in training not long ago, and he was no different from half a wild Pokémon.

You three evil dragons have experienced many battles, right? No future!


The Husky, who was about to take credit, saw the trainer's eyes and didn't realize it. He had won!

"It seems that I have cared less about you recently." Kashiwagi rubbed his strange morning-flower-like hair in his confused expression.

In order to make this guy more independent, he has indeed been consciously "isolating" from the former these days.

did not expect……

It seems that strict discipline is worse than isolation.


The three evil dragons looked at Kashiwagi's loving eyes and shrank their necks inexplicably, as if they had been in three big fights.

The trainer obviously has a bright smile, but why does it feel so wrong?

But before it was confirmed, Kashiwagi had already turned his gaze and landed on Doron Baruto. The latter and Doron's sister had reached some kind of silent tacit understanding - as if both parties could maintain the missile in peace as long as it was not exposed. relationship with the transmitter.

So facing him now, Brother Duolong held his chin high, Sister Duolong's eyes were wandering but did not fly out, and Baruto Duolong was extremely guilty and didn't know what he was thinking.

"...Don't be discouraged, just win it back next time."

He said this, and stroked the heads of these three guys in turn. It was a pity that Dragon Heart could not learn it, otherwise it would be extremely interesting to explore their inner thoughts at this moment.

"Lu saliva..."

"Hee!" "Hee!"

The three Pokémon responded in unison.


In the past few days since Daigo left, Kashiwagi has been paying attention to the news about Hoenn.

Unfortunately, no relevant images of Super Rayquaza were found.

Instead, I caught a glimpse of Naqi's personal interview film that I saw in Yinyu City. After many days of editing, it was finally broadcast. The response on the Internet was actually quite good.

no way.

Who makes the Pokémon world worship individual heroism more due to the popularity of trainers.

As expected, the director didn't give him a shot, but there were Dazuiba and a few of them. They cut a few parts of the battle process but didn't cut the result. The background music was so weird that it made people excited.

It made Big Mouth Boy happy and unhappy at the same time. After all, the last time he was on TV, there were so few pictures.

But what it doesn't know is that usually town-level glamor contests are broadcast simultaneously on local stations, so it has actually been on TV a long time ago.

Kashiwagi has almost never watched TV programs in the Pokémon world, so naturally he doesn't know much about it. He comforted him: "Don't worry, the gorgeous and large-scale celebrations are broadcast live throughout the region."


The big-mouthed kid whose little idea was revealed stretched out his fist and hit him, and glared at him angrily, with an expression on his face that said, "Am I so stinky?"

Kashiwagi wanted to answer in the affirmative, but considering the characteristics of Hercules, he decided to give up on seeking death and go to Boscordora.

Just a few days.

The big monster has gained a lot.

First, he learned an invisible rock, and secondly, he succeeded in further developing his combat awareness through the mutual training with Daigo's two Boss Cordora.

Each Pokémon has a fighting style that each Pokémon is good at. For example, Kickboxer is good at using fists, and Kickboxer is good at kicking; and depending on the personality of the Pokémon, there are further detailed differences.

Boscodora learned the fighting method extended by instinct from his two seniors——

Explosive collision.


This is different from Kentero's bull rush, which relies on long-distance sprints. Boscodora's explosive collision is mainly characterized by long-distance leaps.

To put it simply, it uses attribute energy to generate a propulsive force under the body, and then hits the enemy with a move like a rocket launcher.

You’ll understand after Boscodora demonstrated Kashiwagi.

In the anime, Daigo's Boss Cordora relied on this technique combined with a heavy impact to successfully win a head-on fight with Ash's Dragon Dive, defeating it in one fell swoop.

It is much better than the jumping collision he has always asked Boscodora to use. The jumping attack path is almost arc-shaped, making it easy for the opponent to dodge.

"Make money, make money."

Kashiwagi smiled and patted its shiny silver steel shell.

The current level of Boss Cordora is level 73. Since the level rewards have saved it a long way, the improvement speed has been frighteningly slow. It would be unusual for it not to increase by one level for half a year in the future. .

Potential exhausted?

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but the thought disappeared soon after. As long as the level does not increase but the ability value increases.

What's more, similar to the situation of Dazuiba's learning of writing, the limit of Boss Kedora cannot be determined so easily in a few words and a period of time.

The slower the level, the slower it will be. At worst, it will all be fed by simulation rewards. Pikachu's ability to grow up to a head-on battle with Dandi Charizard will not be achieved overnight. There are many failures in battles that are scolded for acting.

Raising Pokémon is a lifelong journey!

The Pokémon ranked after Boss Cordora in order of level is still Big Steel Snake, which happens to be at the bottom of level seventy, followed by Big Mouth and Dragon Balto at level sixty-nine. The three evil dragons at level 7, the happy egg at level 65...

That's right.

The three evil dragons that were originally ranked behind the Happy Egg succeeded in catching up. They are worthy of being called "excellent" Pokémon.

Then there is the level 58 Porygon II, the level 57 Galarian Sun Coral, and a heterochromatic Menas that just reached level 50 due to level rewards.

These three new team members who were conquered after coming out of Olei have already worked very hard, and they have not lacked the level rewards that should be given to them.

Although his growth to this point cannot be compared with that of Ash, who competed in the World Championships after only one year of Pokémon training, he can still be regarded as the best among trainers.

What surprised Kashiwagi was that the sun coral showed no signs of evolution at all.

Although he personally thinks that it might be better not to evolve, if Sun Coral evolves, he will not stop it and will only be happy for its growth.

Unexpectedly, like Ash's Squirtle, it has no signs of woolly evolution.

At least Bulbasaur managed to withstand the light of evolution once... I guess it's because Sun Coral doesn't have the consciousness to evolve. The Pokémon's own thoughts are also very important.

The lowest level of the team.

The two Doron Mecias were not even level 20. If Kashiwagi didn't tame a low-level Pokémon within a short period of time, the level rewards would either be saved or fed to them.

But if one of them evolves into a Duolongqi, wouldn't it mean that we have to find two more Duolong Mecias?

The Duolong family really has a headache.

Kashiwagi decided that one day when he goes to the Galar region in the future, he must seek advice from Alchemy Emperor and ask him how to deal with such matters.

Now words.

"It's almost time to set off!"

He packed his things and checked the time on his phone.

There was still an hour left before the gym battle started, so he should arrive at the exam room early to ensure that the gym leader could see him in time.


Green Ridge Gym.

At first glance, the appearance looks like an astronomical museum. The whole is made of net-shaped spherical transparent glass, with golden arch-like eaves at the bottom. A pink heart with a ruby ​​inlaid in the middle hangs at the main entrance.

Kashiwagi took a closer look—

Isn’t this the spiritual badge? It's a shame that it's big enough so you don't have to worry about being stolen.

He stepped into the gym, and as soon as he looked in through the open automatic door, a woman with blue hair and blue eyes wearing glasses came up to him, "Hello, are you the challenger who has made a reservation for today?"


"My name is Rey, and I am the manager of this gym. Please follow me." A woman named Rey took the initiative to guide the way.

Different from the gym assistants that Kashiwagi met before, the Rey in front of him is the main manager of the gym, because the gym leaders of the Green Ridge Gym are a pair of underage twins, and there are many things that they cannot handle.

Go through halls and tunnels.


A wide closed battle arena appeared in front of Kashiwagi.

What’s interesting is that there are several huge spheres symbolizing planets suspended above the venue, revolving around the center of the venue and slowly rotating themselves.

Siblings Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan, who were very similar in appearance, were standing not far away, looking at him with interest.

"Good afternoon, Challenger!"

"Are the preparations for the war in place?"

The two of them spoke out one after another, and both wore light blue jackets and trousers, resembling some ascetics whose goal was immortality.

In the game, they have the superpower of telepathic communication, which seems not to be shown in the animation, but... Kashiwagi is not sure that they really don't have it.

"Always be prepared, and please give me your guidance."

He nodded in greeting.

"Well, there are some things I need to tell you in advance."

"The Green Ridge Gym adopts a doubles battle system, that is, you must send two Pokémon to fight with us. And this field includes the planet above."

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan spoke in unison, speaking very clearly.

Kashiwagi nodded again.

The two siblings smiled at each other and then looked at Rey, who had walked to the referee's seat, indicating that she could start reading out the rules.


"What is about to be held is a doubles battle at the Green Ridge Gym. The total number of Pokémon that each side can use in the competition is four. If either side's Pokémon loses all combat capabilities, it means the winner. At the same time, neither side is allowed to exchange Pokémon. Pokémon!”

The doubles at the Green Ridge Gym look like doubles, but in fact they don't really look like doubles.

After all, there is no doubles match in the world where two trainers are on opposite sides, and even the challengers are not allowed to exchange Pokémon at will. This is too unique.

Fortunately, Kashiwagi had done his homework before coming and also prepared the Pokémon that were going to play.

"Game start!"

After the words fell, the three people on the field threw the elf ball forward.

"Please! Moon Rock!" "Go! Sun Rock!"

"Prepare for battle!"

Bang bang bang bang!

There was an explosion of four Poké Balls opening.

Kashiwagi didn't originally release the Pokémon's voice preamble, but unfortunately when the other party called him and didn't shout, he always felt that something was missing, so he simply plagiarized Shinji's vocal habits.

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan are the Pokémon they are best at once they take action——

Moonstone and Sunstone.

The two Pokémon, which to some extent come from outer space, both have the composite attributes of rocks and superpowers, and both have the characteristic of floating. Even their race values ​​are exactly the same. The only differences are their ability value distribution and move pool.

Kashiwagi did not dare to underestimate these two, so he also chose the "ace combination" for this battle.



Porygon II and Big Mouth Baby landed on the ground, looking at the floating moon rocks and sun rocks in the distance. There was no trace of nervousness on their faces, only anticipation for what was to come.

The battle is about to begin!

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