My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 482 Partner? Best friend?

Although they cannot compete on the same stage.

But a roadside...ship battle with Ulala is still doable. As long as you don't damage the hull with excessive moves, no crew member will stop you.

"Bite the land shark..."

She glanced at the big shark next to her who was too sleepy to open her eyes, hesitated for a while, and finally chose another Pokémon——

A cute chubby little dog.


This guy once partnered with the fang land shark at the Asana Conference in Sinnoh, and his performance was quite outstanding. Unfortunately, he didn't play against him in the animation, so Kashiwagi didn't know much about him.

He thought for a few seconds and sent out the heterochromatic Menas.


The beautiful snake appears, with its delicate whisper paired with gorgeous golden scales and smooth cream-colored body. Under direct sunlight, it seems to be plated with a layer of gold, as if it has its own spotlight, exuding an elegance and beauty involuntarily. His unique temperament attracted the attention of other passengers and Pokémon near the deck.

Colorful Menas!

Their cherished nature prompted them to get closer, and after realizing that there seemed to be a battle here, they simply started to watch in groups of twos and threes.

The originally drowsy Liebite Land Shark instantly woke up after seeing Menas. His pale golden dragon eyes slowly enlarged. Not only was he completely sleepless, but he also looked eager to try.

Ulala and Pang Keding also showed shocked expressions.

"What a nice view……"


Menas's appearance and temperament are definitely on the level of killing both men and women, but the reaction to biting a land shark seems to be particularly large.

——Aren’t you a female?

Kashiwagi took a second look at its dorsal fin and confirmed once again that there was absolutely no gap found only in males.

Maybe there is another reason.

He didn't pay much attention and raised his hand to prepare Menas for battle.

Although the battle area is located on the deck of a ferry, it can still be considered a water environment. Places with heavy water vapor are obviously beneficial to water-type Pokémon.

Of course, the more important thing is to let it participate in serious foreign wars and accumulate experience.

It is also a Pokémon that came out of the "greenhouse". Big Mouth accompanied him to fight his way out of the former Iron Town, so even if he devotes his energy to dealing with the gorgeous competition, his combat effectiveness can still be guaranteed to be very high.

Menas is not good, it cannot and cannot survive in that harsh environment, so it is naturally worse in all aspects.

Therefore, more street fighting became the only way out.

"Pan Qian."

Kashiwagi was not polite. Wild battles never pay attention to order. The battle begins when the Pokémon is released.


Menas curled up very naturally into a big cream-colored lump, and her eyes, which were already full of brightness and brilliance, inexplicably gained a bit of sharp color, and her spirit suddenly changed from a lazy beauty to a Valkyrie full of fighting spirit.

The orange-red light rose up in response, and its attack, defense, and hit rate were temporarily significantly improved.

at the same time.

After Ulala and Pang Keding on the opposite side praised them, they did not remain stunned and responded quickly.

"Big sound!"


Accompanied by a deep breathing sound, the pink and tender chubby Keding instantly turned into an extremely huge ball. With a forced mouth, it aimed at where Menas was and suddenly opened its mouth.


Like the screams of a group of death banshees, the pale white sound waves visible to the naked eye poured out from Fat Keding's big mouth, which was enough to stuff half a person into it, turning into a gust of wind and blowing forward. The onlookers and treasures around him Kemeng couldn't help but cover his ears.

What a power!

By inhaling a lot to increase lung capacity and volume, even if it cannot affect the amount of energy output, it will definitely bring the overall power of the move to a higher level.

It's just that in order not to spread the power of too many moves, Fat Keding chose to narrow the attack range of the loud sound from an obtuse angle to an acute angle, which also gave Menas room to dodge flexibly.


Then he saw it quickly turning to the side and avoiding the loud energy impact with Kashiwagi behind him.

The latter hit the steel fence on the edge of the hull, causing it to vibrate violently and make a buzzing noise.

But that’s all.

"So fast... Panhuan shouldn't have the effect of increasing the speed, right?" Ulala pursed her thin lips. Menas's dodge ability exceeded her expectations.

What was even more unexpected was that the latter's dodge did not rely on Kashiwagi's instructions at all, he judged the direction on his own and succeeded.


It's impossible no matter how you think about it, it must be a Pokémon with stronger autonomy.

Ulala has seen many similar Pokémon, but often their combat capabilities are very extreme, either extremely powerful or extremely weak.

The Menas in front of him should be in the powerful category.

While she was thinking, Kashiwagi had given another order.

"Lean over, hypnotism."


Menas immediately transformed into a swift and fierce snake and came to Pang Keding's side at a speed comparable to a sudden advance.

"Hold your breath and bounce up!" Ulala quickly followed the instructions.

Fat Keding also reacted very quickly. He inhaled very naturally, held his breath, and then jumped to the ground. His round body suddenly shot straight into the sky like a rubber ball.

Unexpectedly, this jump actually reached a height of ten meters without stopping, causing Menus's hypnotic spell to miss.

Kashiwagi looked up at Jigglypuff in the sky, thinking that this was not a degenerate Jigglypuff. You should know that the latter was a terrifying existence that could take Little Lan flying into the sky in the special episode.

Sooner or later it will fall off.


When Pang Keding bounced to a height of almost twenty meters, it finally fell. Affected by the inertia of the ferry's navigation, it would not fall into the sea, but its falling position would inevitably shift.

At this time Urala chose a move that Kashiwagi expected.

"Gyro ball!"

Pang Keding began to rotate at high speed in mid-air, shrouded in silver light, making it look like a dazzling silver ball in a ballroom that would continuously emit mottled light.

The offset position has been corrected and the appearance looks very intimidating.

Menas and Kashiwagi looked up and watched Fat Keding plummeting down. Different from the active dodging just now, they didn't move at all, as if they were waiting for something.

Ulala was stunned at first, but when she saw the bright blue water film on Menas's body, she suddenly realized, "Fat Keding, run away quickly!"

It's too late.

"Ring of water."

The sound of the cypress made the blue water film turn into several thick blue water rings. They overlapped each other and finally formed something similar to a slide. When Menas actively rotated, the water slide caught it. The spiraling Fat Keding.

How can I handle this! ?

This thought could not help but flash through the minds of many onlookers, but for Menas, who had already used the water flow ring in ever-changing ways, it was not difficult to unload and guide.

It’s not like the water flow ring has never been responsible for heavier and more powerful things.

In the state of the gyroscopic ball, Pang Keding was spinning all the way. Before it even reacted, its body had already reached the deck and was right in front of Menas.


"Angel's Kiss——"

Kashiwagi and Ulala gave orders in unison, but Menas's reaction speed was faster than that of Fat Keding. Even if it was only faster, it might not be half a second, but when Fat Keding was about to kiss the former's cheek, the pink and purple lips Colorful light waves have enveloped it.


Fat Keding rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

Menas lowered his beautiful and huge head, with a bright blue light accumulating in his mouth.

"That's enough! That's it!"

Ulala raised her hands in surrender and sighed regretfully.

Generally speaking, street battles are about the same at this level. If you don’t want to go to the Pokémon Center over and over again and have your Pokémon turn into bandaged mummies, you usually don’t bother to read whether the Pokémon can be moved. The extent to which he wakes up before being killed.

What's more, the medical conditions on board can only meet emergency standards.

However, Pang Keding got down, and Liebite Land Shark came closer eagerly and looked at Menas with great interest.



Menas met its gaze and his expression immediately became serious.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of momentum alone, Fat Keding can't compare with this guy. Even if it hasn't reached the level of its big brother Boscodora, suppressing it is definitely enough.

Ulala was stunned for a moment, then looked at Kashiwagi and said, "One more fight? My Fierce Bite Land Shark is ready, and I will never let you down!"

She has full confidence in biting land sharks.

"...Forget it, let's go to the shore first."

The latter looked at the distant coastline, and the island where Duskwater Town was located was constantly enlarging.

When Wu Lala saw this, she had no choice but to comply, and grabbed the biting land shark next to her that was eager to try.


I regretted biting the land shark fiercely.

Menas looked at it and wondered what the probability of defeating this guy was, 50%? Well, maybe only 40%... or maybe 30%.

The melon-eaters who were watching gradually dispersed. A few people who recognized Kashiwagi came up and quietly asked for autographs before leaving, attracting a large number of people without making any announcement.

This made Kashiwagi quite grateful.

At the Shuijing Market, he was almost blinded by the traffic jam. The fans of the gorgeous contest were so crazy.


Twilight Water Town.

A seaside town that is quieter and more suitable for sightseeing than Kashiwagi expected.


It may not be livable.

The long-term exposure to wind and sun at the beach has caused many people here to have dark skin, which can be said to be wheat-skinned.

His Pokémon's love for the seaside was limited to playing there once in a while, and even Menus didn't miss the sea deeply - it was a freshwater party, not those idiotic pickled fish from the saltwater party.

Everyone agrees that the most comfortable place is undoubtedly Green Town.

That place has a magical power that makes people want to stay there forever. Happy Egg, who has relieved his inner demons there, often wants to stay in his sister's shop for two more days.

Kashiwagi made an agreement with them to go to the Liuli Gym after finishing the fight.

He decided to continue to improve his strength in Green Shadow Town, and then go to the conference to kill gods and Buddhas.

Not long after.

Kashiwagi and Urala came out of the Pokémon Center together, booked rooms in the best hotels nearby, and politely separated before starting to pack their belongings.

The main thing is to give the big-mouthed baby a puppet array. Without the puppet array, it would be uncomfortable to lie down and watch TV on a mobile phone.

Then I took out the stale ingredients in my backpack and replaced them. The items were stained by various factors on the way to clean and couldn't be cleaned in a short time.

With the help of Happy Egg, he was able to free his hands in ten minutes.

"Thank you! You're a homebody!"

Kashiwagi touched the raised hair on Happy Egg's head, and the latter smiled happily.

Turn around and go to the master bedroom.


He closed the curtains, and the sun outside was getting more and more dazzling.

God knows what's going on, but the sunshine has been particularly fierce in the past few days, as if the time is approaching winter and the autumn tiger has decided to come out for a prance.

If there is a little basis, in addition to global temperature change, which is also a topic discussed in the Pokémon world, Groudon is located near this sea area, which is also a good answer.

Have you finally returned to the Hoenn region from the Kalos region?

It's so hard.

Thinking that in two days, Groudon, who had just fallen asleep, would be called out to fight for the legendary boulder again, Kashiwagi couldn't help but laugh... No, he was so sad that he shed tears.

Unless the Groudon Hupa called was also the second one, like Rayquaza.

Kashiwagi has not been in contact with them and cannot comment.


Ulala, who had returned from registering at the Twilight Water Conference, invited him to have dinner with him. She wanted to refuse directly, but turned around and recalled the previous situation with Xiaoguang in Kaina City, and nodded in agreement.

During the meal, Kashiwagi brought up the fact that the biting land shark had a strange attitude toward Menas.

Ulala smiled when she heard this, feeling embarrassed but also proud.

"It's looking for a mate. It just took a fancy to the appearance of the heterochromatic Menas and wanted to know how strong it really is in combat."

"...Mate? My Menas is a female!"

"Partners that have nothing to do with reproduction are, strictly speaking, similar to friends, but they are definitely different." When she said this, her face turned a little red, almost like her pink spiral twin ponytails.

Could it be that she is a best friend?

Kashiwagi secretly complained that in fact, as long as the Pokémon agreed and would not do anything that would harm itself, he had no problem with his Pokémon having multiple partners.

[Not only did the state officials refrain from setting fires, they also encouraged the people to light lamps! 】

That's what it means anyway.


After obtaining Menas's wishes and borrowing the friendship between the two trainers, Liebite Land Shark started the first round of private communication with it.

Half playful and half combative.

After a set of pinging bells and bangs, Liejie Lusha was indeed stronger and had the upper hand. Unfortunately, Menas also had some skills in controlling ice. Both sides seemed to feel helpless for a while.

The tie successfully promoted the relationship between the two.

Unfortunately, due to Kashiwagi's personal reasons, Menas had to temporarily separate from his new best friend——

Shijana arrives.

This person doesn't look as wild as he appears in the game. He can wear ordinary T-shirts and jeans, and he can also find a coffee shop to slowly drink coffee and wait for others.

Paired with Gu Niuniu, it actually gave Kashiwagi who was looking out the window a sense of déjà vu as if he was about to meet an urban white-collar worker.

"Sorry, I'm late."

He sat down opposite Shijana.

"It's not too late." Shijana said with a smile: "But are you ready? Prepare for the test. I must remind you that the test has a certain degree of danger, and you must be careful."

Shouldn't normal logic be to point out the danger and let him retreat on his own?

Why are there only warnings but no options?

Kashiwagi took a sip of tea and asked knowingly: "The test location is in Duskwater Town?"

"Of course not. The test location is in the holy land of our people of the Meteor, in the great miracle built for the Dragon God Rayquaza." Shijana didn't mean to sell it off at all, and said straightforwardly:

"Pillars of the Sky, a great place."

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