My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 484 Ghost Assassin

Go through the arched door of the Sky Pillar.

Sure enough, as Shijana said, a layer of turbulent water suddenly emerged, indicating that the invisible seal did not hinder his progress.

Since the scroll containing the "ancestral blessing", another thing has proved his bloodline from the people of the Meteor.

Fortune plays tricks on people.

Who would have thought that the wooden sign that was used to pretend to absorb new Pokémon would eventually evolve to this point and have an impact on his life.

Kashiwagi could feel Shijana's gentle gaze from behind, and suddenly thought that if he couldn't get in and was blocked by a seal, the scene would probably be very touching.


Amid the cries of the three evil dragons, his vision suddenly turned black, leaving only streaks of mottled light shining through the gaps in the wall to slightly illuminate the road ahead.

I have seen a similar scene once in the Tower of Phantoms, but the visibility of the Sky Pillar is obviously lower——

Because it's relatively not that broken.

However, when Kashiwagi wanted to complain about why Xiaozhi and his party could easily see the surrounding things clearly when they broke into the ancient ruins, the wall suddenly emitted a thin light, as if it was mixed with luminous stone inside.

Coupled with the adaptability of his eyes to light, the Sky Pillar gave him enough visibility to see most things within twenty meters of him.

Kashiwagi held a flashlight: "..."


As expected, the creativity of the ancient Meteor people was beyond his reach.

He thought for a moment and gave up turning on the flashlight for the time being. The situation in the Pillar of the Sky is unknown, so I can clearly see why a large light source was needed to attract those lurking things.

Maybe there are some special guards here like the Phantom Tower.

Speaking of this, his curiosity gradually rose. Looking around, he found that the interior of the Sky Pillar was not the layered building full of traps in the GBA gem version, but more like a gem replica, composed of countless A strange tower composed of broken floor slabs and thick triangular load-bearing columns.

A huge mural covering the entire wall, even where it is out of sight, comes into view.

"Super Rayquaza..."

Kashiwagi murmured in a low voice, and what was carved on it was undoubtedly the history of the ancestors of the Meteor people standing on the legendary boulder thousands of years ago, praying to Super Rayquaza to prevent the original Kyogre and the original Groudon from fighting each other.

The pattern is as abstract as ever, for example, Super Rayquaza's head is drawn as a straight triangle, and the cheeks are painted with twisted fireworks tearing the sky. The slender body is like high-altitude turbulence, but the overall charm is not lacking.

A solemn symphony seemed to ring in his ears to highlight the sanctity of this place.

"How high does this have to be?"

He walked to the mural and looked up, but the meager light was not enough for him to see the top of the tower. The darkness was like a bottomless black hole, swallowing up all the light.

Just when he was curious, he suddenly lowered his head and held down the evil dragon's head that was trying to poke out from his crotch, "What are you doing? We agreed to walk up with both feet, didn't you understand?"


The three evil dragons confidently stated that they did not listen at all, and continued to carry the trainer on their backs.

"Idiot, you said no!"

Kashiwagi was so angry that he grabbed its morning-flower-like hair, covered its eyes and shook it from side to side, but because the posture was too awkward, he tried hard to shake it for a few times before giving up.

He knew very well what the three evil dragons meant - Shijana couldn't be seen outside anyway, so just rush forward and be done with her.

But this kind of deceiving others and yourself is meaningless. It is better to just turn around and walk out and say give up.

The three evil dragons retracted their heads and snorted angrily, making a mooing noise. They were quite unhappy that their bold and somewhat immature suggestions were banned.

between conversations.

The two suddenly looked towards a certain corner.

In the shadow blocked by the pillar, a dark object stopped twisting, like an assassin caught red-handed.

Then the assassin went berserk.


The strong dazzling flash brought about a huge ghost shadow that spread to the feet of Kashiwagi and the three evil dragons. The ghost energy boiled and turned into ferocious ghost claws to grab the two!

[Flash] magnifies the shadow, and then uses the enlarged shadow to perform [Shadow Sneak Attack].

He even knows how to combine tactics!

However, they were not just standing targets for each other. As soon as they noticed the peeping person, the three evil dragons fluttered their wings and flew into the sky, while he grabbed the guy's "feet" and used it to get there. in the air.

The rising speed was very fast, so it successfully avoided the opponent's sudden attack.

"Ghost Face! Suppress it!"

When the trainer and Pokémon are hit by a blinding attack, it is impossible to determine the type and specific range of the opponent. It is irrational to attack indiscriminately. Time must be given to allow the eyes to recover.

[Ghost Face] can do just that.

Sure enough, when the three evil dragons showed extremely ferocious expressions, under the dual effects of emotion and energy, the other party further let out a cry of panic.

"Yummy!" "Yummy, dumbmy!"

Two seductive eyes?

Kashiwagi quickly ordered, "Follow the sound - the wave of evil!"


The three evil dragons raised their heads on the left and right sides, and aimed their three mouths at the place where the sound was coming from, turning the evil energy from their ears into beams and firing them out!

rumble--! !

The entire Sky Pillar echoed with the sound of the explosion caused by the beam falling on the ground, and the screams of the two enchanting eyes seemed to be drowned out.

The commotion was a bit loud.

Kashiwagi was helpless. Most of the Pokémon moves were very loud, and he couldn't even try to be quiet.

He could only pray that he didn't attract more attackers.

As his vision gradually recovered, he could suddenly see two twitching and smoking eyes behind the intact triangular pillars, with only a little smoke flying.


The unexpected cries of three evil dragons reached his ears.

Obviously this guy also knows that his destructive power shouldn't be enough to break the floor and pillars, but it turns out that this thing is very hard, and its moves can't hit it at all.

The material is unusual.

Kashiwagi let go of his hands and landed lightly on the ground. He took out the Poké Ball and looked around for a place to hide. He felt that with his current physique, even if he jumped from a height of ten meters, he would not be injured as long as he could roll forward properly to relieve his force. .

Of course, it was just a feeling. So far, he had never taken such a risk. At most, he had jumped off the head of a big steel snake, scaring this iron fool to the point of confusion.

At that time, the latter's head was lowered and he was almost seven or eight meters tall.

He and the three evil dragons hid behind another large pillar for a while, and were somewhat surprised that they were unable to wait for the second wave of attackers.

Are all Pokémon in Pillars of the Sky deaf?

Certainly not.

Then there is only one possibility.

"These guys should be the resistance for us to move forward during the test." He came to the two ecstasy eyes and poked their bodies as hard as rocks.

In the game, there will also be Pokémon such as Aridos, Gab, and even Gab in the Sky Pillar.

But there is no doubt that these Pokémon need to eat, unlike ghost-type Pokémon that can resist their own wear and tear by sleeping.

His entry probably awakened these sleeping ghost-type Pokémon.

Most of these guys have the mission of blocking the testers. They will not swarm them, but will only appear at the right time to attack them and cause all kinds of trouble.

Although there are only guesses at the moment, they are probably close to ten.


The three evil dragons nodded in understanding. It did smell a lot of strange smells nearby, some were strong and some were weak, but they were definitely no match for him.

After thinking about it, Kashiwagi released Doron Baruto and two Doron Mecia.

"Lu saliva..." "Hee acridine~" "Hee acridine!"

Doron Baluto carefully observed the surroundings. Sister Doron's eyes fell on the soul-stricken eyes, and younger brother Doron excitedly turned into a facehugger and attacked his face.

Three Pokémon live in three balls and have three different personalities.

When fighting, they are one unit.

Kashiwagi forcibly took the Duolong brother off his face, told them the current situation, and said: "Next, I will serve as the left and right guardians together with the three evil dragons. Do you understand?"

Duolong Baruto and Duolong sister nodded to express understanding, while Duolong brother continued to joke around happily.


He suddenly wanted to smoke this thing.

Before he could even try to put his idea into practice, the considerate sister Duolong took the initiative to help him vent his anger.


The crisp sound of slapping melons.

Brother Duolong's excited expression quickly turned into grievance. He covered his head with a look of being bullied, and got into the launch hole on Duolong Baruto's head under the eyes of sister Duolong.

Apparently it heard what Kashiwagi said just now, but just pretended not to hear it.

He was extremely emotional.

And when Sister Duolong got into the launch hole on the other side of Duolong Baruto, a complete Duolong finally took shape. The latter's face was filled with joy, as if he was afraid that the former would have any objections.

How embarrassing it is.


The three evil dragons flapped their wings and came closer, assigning a warning area to Doron Baruto, while Kashiwagi allowed them to discuss.

At this time.

The two ecstasy eyes that were knocked unconscious by the waves of evil woke up, or in other words, they actually woke up early and have been looking for opportunities to escape, and now they regard it as a good opportunity to escape.

"Yummy!" "Yummy, dumbmy!"

Amidst the screams, two enchanting eyes rolled and crawled away.

The three evil dragons chased after them excitedly, but Kashiwagi quickly stopped them with his hand.

"Why are you chasing them? Our goal is to climb to the top of the tower, not to play a hide-and-seek game." It was often difficult for him to understand this guy's brain circuits and many behaviors. Three heads share one brain, so he became stupid?

All right.

People can't understand one "dog", two.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but sigh when he saw the eager eyes of brother Duolong.

After a few minutes.

After visiting the entire first floor, he began to formally climb the stairs.

I remember that the Sky Pillar in the game only has about five floors, but the building in front of me has more than ten floors. The key to going up is not the vertical ladder in the game. It is still a sloping staircase, connecting the seemingly weak floors. , it is quite strange to fly horizontally, vertically and zigzag.

Fortunately, this thing will most likely not collapse if stepped on, and is as hard as the ground and pillars.

The disadvantage is that there are no handrails.

In case of encountering a battle on the stairs, if there is a problem with the movement, it is easy to fall directly from a high place. At that time, we can only pray for the good treatment of Team Rocket who can find buffers every time, otherwise we can only fight with our own Pokémon. We meet in the dream world.

Considering safety issues, Kashiwagi is particularly careful when walking up the stairs.

But what is coming will eventually come back.

"Ta hee hee..."

There was a strange laugh.

A cursed doll suddenly stopped at the end of the stairs, but disappeared before the three evil dragons and the hidden dragon Baruto could attack.

Most ghost-type Pokémon have the ability to hide in the shadows, and the environment inside the Sky Pillar is perfect for them.

If others enter here casually, they will only become a living target——

Kashiwagi looked indifferent and took out a strong flashlight and pointed it at the place where the cursed doll disappeared.


In an instant.

The scorching sun is coming!

The high-tech portable flashlight with 150,000 lumens summons daylight that is no different from the outside world, and also makes the cursed doll that moves tiptoe invisible.

"Bah da——"

It wailed and raised its hands to cover its eyes, its originally evil and weird face almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, filled with resistance and panic.

Who the hell throws flash bombs!

The cursed doll at this moment was just like the Kashiwagi that was struck by the flash of the Seductive Eye a few minutes ago. It was forced to be temporarily blinded in both eyes. Even if it didn't roll around on the ground, it was considered to be very tolerant.


The three-headed evil dragon rejoices in others' misfortunes until their scalp itches. It likes to treat others in their own way.

Kashiwagi patted its butt and said, "Why are you standing there in a daze? Come on!"

After realizing it, this guy just opened his mouth and sprayed out a wave of evil at the cursed doll. At the same time, the invisible Doron Baruto also made a move. It appeared in front of the other one and hid on the back of the stairs, trying to detect the ghost. Behind the cursed doll that came down from the cypress trees, its dark tail flicked sinisterly.


The second cursed doll turned its head at the sound of the wind and was hit by its tail.



A heavy sound and a soft sound.

The pair, with one attracting attention and the other carrying out sneak attacks, was captured in an instant, and they didn't even last as long as the first two eyes.

Many ghost Pokémon who were watching in the dark couldn't help but tremble.

The two failed Ecstasy squatted in the corner and drew circles in resentment. They never imagined that their methods would be "learned" by Kashiwagi so quickly, and would be used against the next group of ghost Pokémon who were playing pranks.

There is no justice!

the other side.

Baimu dropped the two "corpses", turned off the flashlight and arrived at the second floor of the Pillar of the Sky without any hesitation. The floor full of hollow holes immediately came into view, and judging from the edge of the big hole, the floor was only a little thick at best. A little thicker than Oreos.

Do you really not know how to step on it?

He slowly settled down, and a pair of strange glasses appeared on his face at some point——

Night vision goggles.

To be honest, he actually didn't like wearing this thing, because he felt that his field of vision would be narrowed, but in order to prevent himself from being caught by those ghosts with their flashes, he resisted the awkwardness and wore it.

bring it on!

Look what kind of tricks you guys can do! ?

Kashiwagi is always looking forward to it.

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