My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 490 Riding the Black Dragon

The heterochromatic Rayquaza closed his big mouth and savored it for a while——


It opened its eyes suddenly and blew out a strong snort at the nearby cypress tree!

The latter was unexpectedly thrown away, and Hupa was blown back into the ring with a scream, almost hitting Mayali on the other side of the ring.

The mutation woke up the three sleepy evil dragons, and this guy rushed over with saliva.

Unfortunately, Doron Baruto was faster than it and had never dozed off, so he immediately used his tough tail to catch the trainer who flew out.

"... Luspit." It gently swung its tail to let the trainer stand firm.

"Ugh! San-Doron Baruto, thank you."

Kashiwagi subconsciously thought it was three evil dragons. After all, the only one that could react so quickly in his impression was one that cooperated tacitly.

Who would have thought that it would be Doronbaruto, with whom the relationship had become friendly not long ago.

This surprised him but also felt a little relieved. He looked at each other with burning eyes. This is how to cultivate Pokémon. As long as you are willing to work hard and stand the test of time, even the hardest-hearted Pokémon will be softened one day. .

Not to mention that Dolong Balututo has begun to actively protect his safety.

With its autistic character, it would have chosen to sit on the sidelines in the past, thinking that the three evil dragons could rush to save it anyway, so there was no need to waste more of its energy.

Things are so different now and then!

"Lu saliva."

Doronbaruto was a little embarrassed to be seen and slipped away invisibly.

With a smile on his face, Kashiwagi touched the three evil dragons that flew over, and looked at Rayquaza who was shaking his head with a look like "This thing is powerful enough" and wanting to sneeze again.

The powerful rainbow-colored Poké Cube has a complex flavor, including five flavors: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and astringent. But the interesting thing is that after you eat it, it will amplify according to your favorite taste.

For example, if a big-mouthed child who is happy with sweetness eats a rainbow-colored Poké Cube, the sweetness inside will be infinitely amplified, reaching what its body considers to be the best taste, bringing a supremely wonderful taste.

He believes that Poké Cubes are comparable to Poké Balls as one of the greatest human creations in history.

And judging from Rayquaza's performance...

Well, this guy loves spicy food, he’s a little bit addicted.

"What a loud tone!"

Hoopa flew back out of the ring in amazement and flew around Rayquaza's head, "Why don't you sneeze if you eat Poké Cubes for Shrimp Hoopa?"

Because you like sweet food, you will find it too sweet at most.

Kashiwagi cursed secretly, opened his backpack and took out things. Unfortunately, there were no trees in the buried tower, so it was probably impossible to warm himself up by the fire.

Then let’s keep it simple tonight.

"Hupa! I'll make something to eat later. Do you want it?" He held a bunch of elf balls and opened them, asking Hupa in the flickering white light.

“Are there any donuts?”

Hoopa sucked her hands curiously, probably like a baby bear, savoring the scent of the donut left on it before.

Kashiwagi shook his head, "No."

"Then Hupa won't eat. Hupa is going to sleep." He left very decisively and said goodbye immediately when he heard that there were no donuts.

The ring closes.

Boss Cordora and other Pokémon looked around and were startled when they saw Rayquaza. However, they gradually felt relieved after finding that it had no intention of attacking.

As Kashiwagi turned on an incandescent lamp, illuminating the platform that was still slightly dim under the green light from the ground, Happy Egg quickly ran over to help.

Boscodora walked to the edge of the platform and looked out through the huge window at the magnificent deep sea.

If the Buried Tower hadn't faced the continent where the Johto area was located, it might have been able to glimpse the colorful light brought by human cities - which was actually light pollution.

There are so many lights in human cities that even the dark night can be illuminated purple.

Where is this?

While Boscodora was thinking, Menas's cry sounded in his ears, "Milo~"

The two of them usually have no other hobbies. They just like to watch the sea together, as if they can see something from it. Even Cypress cannot understand their fun.

It's still simple and easy to understand.

This guy turned on his phone and took a look. After finding that there was a signal, he found its pillow, lay down and played with his phone while waiting for dinner.

Sun Coral hid next to Big Mouth and was lazy, because it found that this was the only place where it would not be disturbed by any Pokémon.

Except for trainers, of course.

Porygon II emerged from Kashiwagi's cell phone and carefully began to scan the body of the heterochromatic Rayquaza. It was like Ash's Rotom illustrated book and liked to record the data of the mythical beast and leave it in the database.

The three evil dragons couldn't stand their sleepiness, so they got into the tent and went to sleep. They were also teamed up with the duolong Mexia sister and brother.

At night, the immortal cultivator Dorong Baruto has not yet appeared, and he may have to be shy for a while.

When Rayquaza recovered from the strong and spicy taste, what he saw was such a heated scene.

It was certainly true that it had never seen the scenes of trainers and Pokémon living before, but it was definitely the first time to be so close, so it felt quite novel.

Besides novelty.

It recalled the taste just now.

The Poké Cube is obviously just that big, and you don't even need to chew it. Just sip it and you can turn it into powder, but why is it so delicious?


Rayquaza wanted to eat some more, and his golden dragon eyes looked at Kashiwagi who was preparing dinner.

As if sensing its gaze, the latter turned his head, was startled for a moment and then smiled: "You still want to eat? Okay, but I don't have much on hand."

The powerful rainbow-colored Poké Cubes are already relatively precious. After replenishing them in Shuijing City, we encountered many situations and were severely depleted.

Therefore, the taste of Rayquaza was okay, but it was basically a dream if I wanted to be full.

He thought for a moment and simply mixed the spicy monochrome Poké Cubes with the rainbow colors, walked up to Rayquaza who was full of expectations, and poured it into its slightly open mouth.

After pouring, seeing its long snout closed, Kashiwagi felt like he was feeding a crocodile.

"Don't sneeze at me casually, the pot and tent will be blown away by then." He warned.

When dealing with a Pokémon as large as Rayquaza, you have to be careful and careful. Didn't there just happen to be a person who was blown away by a sneeze?

If you get up close and listen to its cry, it will probably be like hearing the cry of a sonic boom monster, and you will be deafened for a while.

Rayquaza was not too embarrassed after hearing this, and turned his head to the other side in cooperation. After savoring it carefully, he felt the spicy taste on his head, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.


It almost made a groaning sound, but it was really comfortable.

Kashiwagi looked at its slightly trembling body, smiled and went to help Happy Egg make dinner.

And as various ingredients and many condiments are slowly fused in the flames of the gas stove, the aroma that makes people and Pokémon dream away also spreads.

Rayquaza, who recovered from the excitement, was quickly attracted to it.

It looked at the big pot in front of Kashiwagi curiously. It didn't quite understand why the contents of the pot would also glow, even if the flames would glow.

It's also very attractive.

It makes a dragon that eats dust on the ozone layer every day hungry.

"I'll give you a bowl later!"

Kashiwagi was quite confident in glowing dishes, so it was completely expected that Rayquaza would look over. He was usually used to making super large portions, so he would just give the Big Steel Snake's portion to Rayquaza when the Big Steel Snake wasn't around.

Not long after.

A bowl of glowing assorted fried rice appeared in front of Rayquaza. In addition to the fried rice, the bowl also contained a lot of tree fruits that dragon-type Pokémon especially loved to eat.

Rayquaza stared at the fried rice closely, with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth. He also raised his body, revealing a pair of three-fingered claws.

It looked at the other Pokémon who were starting to eat in big chunks. It couldn't hold it back any longer and tried to eat.

A bit unaccustomed to it.

But it doesn't matter at all.

Because this stuff is so delicious and so satisfying.

It even wants to fly up and sing a song to show its joy - no, I can't hold it in any longer!

Rayquaza flew towards the ceiling as high as a dragon, letting out a thunderous dragon roar as it flew, causing its roar to echo throughout the buried tower and even the platform to shake.

"Good guy!"

Baimu quickly held on to the folding table to prevent the kitchen utensils from falling off, and Happy Egg also held on to the gas stove. .

The other Pokémon looked up blankly, wondering if it tasted too good or too bad?

Sister Duolong lowered her head and forcibly pulled her brother out of the rice bowl. Rayquaza was so loud that he could still sleep!

Forget it if you go to sleep, just eat and sleep at the same time!

It turned to look at the other dragon that was eating and sleeping, thinking that it couldn't control this big guy and left it to the trainer.

Half a minute later.

After his madness, Rayquaza flew back and ate the rest of the food, with a very human look of satisfaction on his face.

"I only have these two hands to entertain you."

Kashiwagi said to it.

In fact, he also has a Pokémon massage. Although it is not a particularly exquisite skill, at least his Pokémon have experienced it and said it is good... He is embarrassed to say it.

Mainly because he was afraid of scaring Rayquaza with his massage expression.

Besides, he was quite tired. He had been working hard for most of the day today, and it was really too much for him to give a massage to a dragon as big as Rayquaza.

Let’s talk about it when we have time.

The bright moon is in the sky.

Rayquaza hoped that Kashiwagi would bring him more things that would please him, but unfortunately, after the latter said hello to him, he got into the tent and got ready to sleep.

There isn't any other show.

It was a little disappointed, but it also understood that human beings must rely on sleep to replenish their energy.


It also slept.

Rayquaza slowly curled up, pressed his head against his body, and fell into a deep sleep like a snake.


The soft and melodious chirping of birds awakens the cypress trees.

He rubbed his eyes and looked outside the tent, and found that sunlight shone through the hollow in the middle of the buried tower, making the interior somewhat bright.

On the steps of the hollow area, there were several blue cotton birds with folded wings.

They looked inside curiously and very boldly.

Kashiwagi glanced at Rayquaza who was taking a nap, and once again confirmed that these blue sheep birds were very courageous. Pokémon's sense of dangerous smells was much stronger than humans, and they actually didn't run away when they saw such a fierce Rayquaza.

"If you dare to come here later, I will feed you!"

He thought to himself, and the happy egg in the tent also woke up. The action of getting up disturbed the big mouth baby, who turned over impatiently and faced the sun coral.


The three evil dragons woke up.

All Pokémon wake up as it wakes up, and everyone is forced to wake up.


The big-mouthed boy gritted his teeth and turned over to sit up. The bangs on his forehead were a little messy and fluffy, like a little girl who had just woken up.

Rayquaza was also among those woken up.

But it wasn't angry, just a little surprised.

It's a dream.

Rayquaza hadn't experienced this kind of dream in who knows how many years. An existence like it that didn't need to land on the ground could even go for hundreds of years without sleeping and fly freely into the sky.

Unexpectedly, the night he met Kashiwagi and experienced new things, he actually had a dream.

To be honest, it doesn't feel so bad.

Although many scenes in the dream seemed very strange to it, this hazy illusion was also like a real scene, which particularly struck it.

And when he smelled the aroma of food, Rayquaza became excited again.

Can I eat it again?

That food that glows!

"Well, good morning, Rayquaza!" Kashiwagi turned around and greeted him, "After breakfast later, can you take me back to the Pillar of the Sky?"

He made an appointment with Shijana to go back in the morning, but he didn't want to break his promise.

Rayquaza didn't comment, just stared at the pot in confusion.

This dragon...

A bit greedy.

Kashiwagi could understand the power of glowing food, but he didn't expect Rayquaza to be captured so quickly. Logically speaking, the latter should be more reserved...

All right.

If it were Hoenn Rayquaza, he might actually be more reserved.

The heterochromatic Rayquaza has a free and easy nature, doing whatever he wants and never hiding his thoughts.

Kashiwagi shook his spoon and began to think for a while about how to convince this guy to bring him back to the Pillar of the Sky in Hoenn, even if he didn't get close.

He was actually very worried about Hoenn Rayquaza, and the two Rayquazas would fight over the territory.

That wouldn't be very interesting.

During meal.

After all, those green cotton birds didn't dare to get close. The intimidation of Rayquaza when he woke up was ten thousand times stronger than when he was asleep. These future dragon-type Pokémon were not very courageous.

Kashiwagi felt regretful and frequently looked at Rayquaza who had a happy face.

In fact, he was not sure that the latter was really willing to let him go. Through a brief exchange of hearts, he understood that Rayquaza's character was somewhat domineering in the eyes of humans.

Especially when you come across something that interests you.

It will be like a little boy holding on to his favorite robot and refusing to let go.

So Kashiwagi was a little worried.

But he never thought that it would take a lot of effort to convince Rayquaza to take him back, but as soon as he repeated it, the latter agreed very simply.

And she was willing to let him sit on her and go back.

"Huh? Really?"

Kashiwagi looked at Rayquaza in great surprise. The other party nodded slightly and found a position that would allow him to get up smoothly.

what's the situation? Dreams come true so soon?

He became a Rayquaza Knight in just one night?

He felt somewhat dreamy, and he felt that he seemed to understand Rayquaza a little, but he actually didn't know much at all. Maybe he could have more spiritual interactions.


After Kashiwagi thanked him gratefully, he sat down on Rayquaza's neck with great excitement.

The latter felt the weight coming from his neck and quickly raised his upper body, causing Kashiwagi to quickly grab its horns to prevent himself from being thrown down.

"Ah! Sorry! I didn't mean to-"

Just as he was about to let go, Rayquaza whipped his tail and rushed outside, letting out a world-shaking roar as he rushed back.

"hold head high--!!"

In an instant.

The bird Pokémon that had landed on the outer wall of the Buried Tower started up and flew around. After escaping to a safe place, they looked at the distant Rayquaza.

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