My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 497 Two dragons come to the world!

After half a minute.

The transport plane stopped shaking violently and unsteadily.

When Kashiwagi and the others quickly looked outside, what came into view was the sea near Karnaz City, which had been turned upside down by Original Groudon and Original Kyogre.

I saw layers of huge waves condensed by the terrifying freezing air, turning into sharp ice fronts with claws and teeth. The exaggerated coverage area makes it a small island made entirely of ice.

The abnormal temperature originally brought by the Ending Land has been neutralized, and the environment has become a little more comfortable...

But the situation became more tense.

The police and TV helicopters in the distance barely managed to stabilize their aircraft in the energy storm just now, and are now escaping back to the dock as fast as possible. It can be seen that they have also experienced the battle between super ancient Pokémon. They are definitely not ordinary people. You can watch the excitement from the sky.

And right in front of the island.

The culprit, the original Kyogre, was half floating on the water, staring indifferently at the original Groudon that was frozen by the ice and turned into an iceberg not far away.


After a series of crisp sounds, the original Groudon, with the hot magma flowing on its surface, destroyed the iceberg that imprisoned it. There seemed to be a stalemate between the two, and they seemed to be fighting again.

Everyone in the transport plane inevitably felt heavy-hearted, but they all unanimously paid attention to the shining light in the sky.

"The energy expansion rate of the sea surface continues to rise! The crystal density is also accelerating, and it is about to start solidifying!"

The intelligence officer's timely reminder made everyone become serious.

Kashiwagi glanced at Ai Lan without any trace, and saw that his expression was unnatural for a moment, and knew that Fradali was chatting privately with this guy and asked him to rush up and see him off.

You said "the legendary boulder has meaning only if it belongs to human beings", which caused such a middle-aged boy to be coaxed into confusion. Lion Head, you have no heart at all!


Ai Lan suddenly said in a deep voice: "I understand."

He casually took out the elf ball and threw it out, "Go! Charizard!"

Dawu looked confused and shouted when he saw his movements: "Ai Lan! What are you doing!?"

"I'm going to stop those two Pokémon!" Ai Lan said resolutely, quickly taking out the keystone and completing the Mega Evolution with the Charizard flying outside.

The sights of Primal Groudon and Primordial Kyogre were attracted by it, and the brief stalemate was instantly broken.


Super Charizard X suddenly dived towards Primordial Groudon.

The latter also had a fiery temper. He opened his sharp mouth that could bite off steel plates, and the emerald light shining like the sun quickly condensed, and then turned into a roaring emerald light beam and sprayed it at the incoming Super Charizard X!


boom--! !

The sea surface continued to explode with huge splashes of water as the emerald light pillar swayed and rippled!

Fortunately, Super Charizard X reacted quickly enough and quickly circled around the beam of light, avoiding the solar beam from Primordial Groudon with his dexterity.

In the transport plane, Daigo had no choice but to release Metagross with a headache, and Shijana next to him also released the Tyrannosaurus without saying a word. The two worked in tacit agreement to stop the original Gai who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to swallow the uncondensed boulder. Oka.

"Cannon light cannon!"

"Dragon Wave!"

The bright silver and blue energy beam rushed forward, and with a bang bang explosion, it knocked the original Kyogre with its mouth wide open like a fish leaping through a dragon's gate to the ice.

The heavy body immediately crushed a large number of ice floes.



The Metagross and the Tyrannosaurus looked at each other, and they both knew that despite the fact that the move was successful and effective, it actually did not cause any damage to the original Kyogre at all.

The ability to knock it down depends entirely on gravity.


Ai Lan, who recovered from Super Charizard X, looked at Daigo and Shijana.

The former said solemnly: "Do you plan to guard the boulder from their hands just by relying on the fire-breathing dragon?"

Ai Lan clenched her fists, "But I can't just sit idly by and watch!"


Shijana said without looking back: "The legendary boulder must not be taken away by them. This will be a disaster to Hoenn Continent and even the world!"

"You are really..." Daigo swallowed the word reckless. It was meaningless to complain or accuse at this time. He pinched the brooch, and Shijana not far away also showed her anklet.

"I'll be in charge of Kyogre! Mega evolution!" "Tyrannosaurus! Mega evolution!"

The two of them shouted one after another, and the super-evolved colored light immediately drowned the Metagross and the Tyrannosaurus.

After a short breath, the super Metagross, which has eight thick arms like precision machinery, and the super Tyrannosaurus, whose wings merge into one to form a bloody crescent, all appeared.



The two roared and flew towards the original Kyogre, their explosive speed causing huge waves on the sea surface!

"That's outrageous..."

Kashiwagi knew that it was impossible for ordinary Pokémon to defeat these legendary Pokémon, even those trained by champions. At most, they could only suppress them briefly.

So he still expected Rayquaza to come forward and suppress it.

Unfortunately, the three people around him are already on board. Can he stay out of it alone?

"Please! Focus on containment! Don't fight with Groudon at will!" He sent out Doron Baruto and two Doron Mecia. Such a super long-distance weapon without a super-evolved mind is connected. Under such circumstances, basically don’t think about commanding.

Therefore, it is the best choice to send out Doron Baruto, who is more autonomous, can be invisible and has high speed.

"Lu saliva..."

As soon as She Dinosaur appeared, the three people next to him quickly cast their gazes.

Although no one said anything, Dragon Baruto already felt his scalp numb and cold sweat breaking out on his back, so he quickly entered the invisible state and flew towards Primordial Groudon.

The latter was certainly scary, but it was nothing compared to being stared at by so many people.

All of a sudden.

This battle has changed from a one-on-one battle between Super Ancient Pokémon to a four-on-two battle between Mega Pokémon plus Quasi-God Pokémon and Super Ancient Pokémon. It is clear that the mission is mainly about containment, but whether it is Ai Lan or Daigo and Shijana were both overwhelmed by the strength of the two super ancient Pokémon.

He even took the initiative to attack Primordial Groudon and Primordial Kyogre, as if he was ready to compete with them.

Fortunately, the bosses also had limits. They knew very well that they couldn't take the moves of these two Pokémon, so they tried their best to let their Pokémon dodge while attacking.

It's just that the moves he chose are weird.

Ailan's Super Charizard

Fire hits fire, steel hits water, or is it a special attack? Why are you afraid of inflicting damage?

It's not like there aren't other more effective moves.

Aren’t the Dragon Claws and Mental Powerhouses both there? They’ve been used against each other before...

It can only be said that the two are fighting at the same time and understand that they cannot engage in close combat casually.

Kashiwagi observed it for a while and felt that Shijana's choice of moves was obviously much smarter. She knew how to use the flying skin characteristics of the Super Tyrannosaurus to remotely hang Kyogre to destroy the damaging light and create chaos for it.

On the other side, Dragon Baruto, who was attacking Super Charizard Use Stealth to teleport away.


Different from the instant one-sided scene in the original work, the original Kyogre successfully fought, and the original Groudon was also troubled and angered due to its size.

Everything is developing in a good direction——

Um! ?

Kashiwagi suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the motionless primitive Groudon. It was unclear whether it was an illusion. The bright yellow energy that flowed like magma on the latter's body seemed to shine more and more. The primitive Kyogre in the distance It seems to be the case too.

The uneasiness in his heart immediately rose to the extreme, and he shouted: "Get back quickly! Doron Baruto!"

"Retreat! Hold!"

Daigo's voice also sounded in his ears, and then he saw Super Metagross and Super Tyrannosaurus trying to stay away from the original Kyogre, which was also motionless.

It seems that he is not the only one with keen senses.

But what is helpless is that the super ancient Pokémon will not wait for all their Pokémon to evacuate safely before using Shiran's ultimate move.


I saw Primordial Groudon raising his head and roaring, the lava land quickly spread out in all directions, and countless red lava pillars rose from the ground. The thumping sound was like a dull drum, and it surged in all directions like a stone forest. !

There was absolutely no sign of the little fight just now.

At the other end, countless blue energy bombs were suspended on the surface of the original Kyogre, spewing out dense beams of brilliant blue light. Everywhere they landed, there was a terrifying mixture of explosions and water splashes!

Rumble——! ! !

The huge energy impact once again caused the transport plane to shake wildly, but the four people present were more concerned about their Pokémon.

The spherical light shield in front of Metagross was easily defeated, and the remaining energy bombarded its body, causing it to fall from the air.

Super Tyrannosaurus was slightly better. It successfully used the churning water splash to escape a beam of light, but it did not dare to get closer to the original Kyogre.

On the side of Original Groudon, Dragon Baruto saw that the situation was not good and retreated into the "different dimension" of the sneak attack.

I originally wanted to bring Super Charizard X in, but who would have thought that the latter flew too fast and dodged too hard to stop him, and directly hit a giant lava pillar, and was stabbed in the head and head by two giant pillars one after another. Belly position!


Super Charizard X is covered in twisted fireworks.


The horrified Ai Lan shouted at the top of his lungs and saw Super Charizard X falling towards the ice in the smoke, making a big crater with a bang and being buried in the ice. He rappelled down with a rope without hesitation.

"Ai Lan!?" Dawu couldn't stop him. He was almost scared to death by the reckless young man. Thanks to the latter's good skills, he landed safely.

He immediately ran to the cockpit, "Get down quickly!"

The pilot responded.

Shijana looked at the legendary boulder that had not been condensed for a long time, and she didn't know what to do for a moment. The performance of the original Kyogre just now, how could she beat it!

No wonder the ancestors could only pray for help from the Dragon God Rayquaza.

On Iceland.

Ai Lan reluctantly lifted up Mega Charizard

The two guys fought off the other intruders and started fighting each other without hesitation.

Hand-to-hand combat was even staged.

Primordial Kyogre leaped into the air and was caught by Primordial Groudon, throwing him from a distance and instantly destroying many glaciers. The latter's lava bomb erupted again like a volcano, causing the explosion shock wave to rage in all directions. It also caused Ai Lan's fragile body to be blown away and hit hard on an ice rock.

What is destiny?

Kashiwagi was almost speechless when he saw this scene, and the pilot also shouted, "Someone opened the back cabin!"

He looked around and saw that it was indeed Manon and Halili, two restless guys. When they saw Ai Lan being injured, they rushed over regardless.

"Manon..." Daigo's scalp was numb, so there was no comparison, but the more calm Kashiwagi stood beside him, which made him feel that these two newly met children should not be too impulsive.


Strong winds hit and the glacier burst.

The transport plane that was just about to land had to quickly increase its altitude.


"Leave it to me!" Kashiwagi held down Daigo's slightly impatient arm, gave him a calm look, and immediately used Porygon's teleportation to reach the safe ice surface.

He quickly caught up with Manon. In the distance, Primordial Groudon used solar beams to bombard Primordial Kyogre's body. The shaken ice rocks hit him crazily along with the shock wave.

"Do not move!"

Kashiwagi grabbed the frightened Manon and the unconscious Ai Lan, hooked Harry with his feet, activated teleportation again, and landed on an ice floe close to the transport plane.

Super Metagross and Super Tyrannosaurus rushed to rescue them, constantly using various moves to defeat the energy aftermath of the battle between the mythical beasts.

The transport plane dropped again so that Kashiwagi could teleport up again.

After a while.

Kashiwagi brought Manon, Ailan and Harili back to the transport cabin safely.

"Huh...fortunately you're here." Dawu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled reassuringly.

He was really afraid that something would happen to Manon and Ai Lan. As a champion, he would not be able to escape the blame. Even if others did not blame him, he would blame himself.

Shijana also nodded appreciatively. In any case, his willingness to take risks to save people is worthy of praise.

"Don't be so impulsive next time."

Kashiwagi said something to Manon who finally came to his senses. He looked towards the corner of the cabin and felt relaxed after noticing the presence of Doronbaruto.

One of the reasons he rushed down was to save people, and the other reason was to see if Doron Baruto was secretly protecting the fallen Super Charizard X.

This was confirmed to be the case.

It's a pity that Ai Lan couldn't save him at that time. He was too busy crushing the flying ice fragments and couldn't help the young man.

"It's not a big problem."

Kashiwagi checked Ai Lan's physical condition. This guy just hit his head on an iceberg and fell into a coma. It might be a little more serious than in the original plot because the distance was relatively closer, but it was just a matter of lying down for a long time.

Anyway, he didn't have much of a role to play after that, and the whole process shocked the party.

Baimu turned his head and saw the light outside suddenly brightening like the sun coming into the world, knowing in his heart that the huge boulder was condensing.


The surging energy turned into violent vibrations, impacting everyone's sight.

"Reborn!" Shijana's voice reached her ears.

The crystal clear huge existence in mid-air was suddenly the legendary boulder they had been pursuing.



Primordial Groudon and Primordial Kyogre both raised their heads and roared, but after passing the boulder, their eyes were placed on the dark clouds that suddenly surged and rotated.

As the clouds moved around, the dazzling golden light illuminated everything like a god descending to earth.

Daigo couldn't help but look at Kashiwagi, "Is this true?"


Kashiwagi looked up at the sky and replied decisively.

The words just fell.

There was a rumble in the clouds, and two golden dragon eyes with red light fell from the sky. One green and one black hovered in the air, making their golden dragon whiskers wave continuously, making them look extremely sacred!

"Two of them appeared together!?" Daigo and Shijana were both shocked.

Kashiwagi was even more shocked, "What happened? We formed an alliance! Why didn't I know!?"

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