My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 507 Facing Xiaoyao

"No matter how you put it, it's too strong."

Xiao Sheng sighed, raised the Poké Ball and put away the defeated Nut Dumbbell.

The applause from the onlookers around him upset him.

If facing Porygon II and Sun Coral, he felt that he still had the strength to fight, then the three evil dragons gave him a feeling that even if Gardevoir and Cursed Doll were deployed, it would be difficult to sustain for several rounds.

He couldn't help but think of the pioneering minds that Xiaozhi had challenged, especially the "Pyramid Pharaoh" who controlled the legendary Pokémon.

Kashiwagi may not have reached the level yet, but he must be not far away.

This is genius, right?

Xiao Sheng looked at Kashiwagi and the three evil dragons walking across from him. He sighed with emotion and showed a look of admiration, "I always thought that my progress was significant enough, but I didn't expect that it was far behind compared to Brother Kashiwagi. The three evil dragons The dragon is too strong!”


The three-headed dragon thief was proud of being praised. He raised his chin and looked at Xiaosheng with approving eyes.

You're a very good boy!

Kashiwagi stretched out his hand to hold it down and instantly lost all its strength, making it look like a big head like Erha, and praised:

"Nowhere, your Pokémon are very powerful. They completely show your growth in all aspects. To be honest, I am surprised."

"Yes, Xiaosheng, dad will be very proud when he sees your current strength!"

Xiaoyao next to him also said quickly.

This is definitely not a polite word. Although the simulation picture is very abstract, it is enough for him to understand what level of strength the white genius belongs to.

And what level do those blue talents who can achieve good results belong to?

Xiaosheng's growth rate is changed to at least one blue talent in the simulation. In other words, the minimum guarantee is the top eight results. These were brought to him by the knowledge he learned before the trip and the experience accumulated from taking care of the Pokémon in the Chenghua Gym.

Compared to the ignorant Xiaozhi at the beginning, he is only stronger but not weaker.

As for whether he can win the championship in the end...

It depends on luck.

As the saying goes, the world is so big that it is full of wonders. Times have changed and exchanges between regions have been frequent. Trainers who have participated in alliance conferences in other regions many times are common. It is not surprising that any monsters appear.

It’s no longer the “locals” conference it used to be.

Kashiwagi even saw news on the Internet that the Padya League had recently produced a six-year-old king, which was simply outrageous.

Although the King of Heaven is a recommendation system, people without strength will definitely not be able to take up the role, at least it will be difficult to convince the public.

He came back to his senses, looked at Xiao Sheng again, patted the latter's shoulder, and said bluntly:

"I'm looking forward to your performance in the Higaki Tournament. You are currently a rising star trainer with four badges!"

"Don't worry! You won't disappoint Brother Kashiwagi!"

Xiaosheng also regained his confidence and nodded firmly.


He looked at Xiaoyao again and said expectantly: "Sister! It's your turn!"

"Me? Well... okay, come on."

Xiaoyao subconsciously looked at Kashiwagi and forced a smile. To be honest, she was a little frightened by the performance of the three evil dragons.

Furthermore, if she is still confident in a gorgeous battle, then she will be able to fight in a normal battle...

But I agreed.

Her friends may not lose so miserably!

"Is one-on-one okay?" Xiaoyao asked, her rabbit-ear-like headband swaying in the wind.


Kashiwagi nodded.

The surrounding onlookers were about to disperse when they found out that Kashiwagi was about to start fighting with a girl again.

Most of the roadside battles involve novices pecking each other. Exciting battles with big scenes like this are rare.

on the other hand.

Some of the onlookers' coordination trainers had already recognized Kashiwagi's identity through the three evil dragons and the matching faces.

A street battle between the new stars of the gorgeous contest!

This is a good opportunity to obtain information!

Many people took out their mobile phones to record quietly, but little did they know that in the online world, semi-closed windows representing their mobile phone systems appeared in front of Porygon II.

The firewall above is as simple as a latch on a wooden door, which can be opened with your eyes closed.


Porygon II moved its body and was ready to start work.


Kashiwagi and Xiaoyao went to both sides, keeping an appropriate distance.

Walking room.

He tried to retrieve the three evil dragons into the elf ball, but the latter dodged the recovery beam while shaking its three heads.


"It's good that you have participated in the battle. Give other partners a chance. Come back soon."

Kashiwagi said again.

As a result, the three evil dragons were further away, and the three heads shouted hoarsely in unison, "Ouch! Ouch!"

It didn't want to seize the fighting chance of its companions, but it was a strong protest against the fact that Doron Baruto and the Doron siblings could stay by his side, but he had to return to the Poké Ball to rest!

No injuries! No return to the Poké Ball!


"...You guy." Kashiwagi has a headache. [Independent Operations] has been going on for a while now, but it can be said that there is basically no progress.

I'm still clingy when I should, and even more exaggeratedly because I haven't posted much recently.

Even though he was as patient as he was, he felt that if they continued, they would just torture each other, so they might as well call it a day.

After all, no matter how "independent" he is, there are not many opportunities to leave his side. What's more, the real age of the three evil dragons is still young, so why pursue it in one step?

As for being too clingy and unable to evenly share time with other Pokémon...

This is his problem as a trainer.

"you are vicious."

Kashiwagi put down the elf ball, and the expressions of the three evil dragons not far away suddenly became particularly bright, and they flew close and flying around him.

Doronbaruto, who was originally hidden on his right side, quietly moved away.

It was a bit unable to cope with the three evil dragons, because the latter always looked at it with friendly eyes mixed with hostility, and there was a strong sense of competition hidden in the hostility.

This ultra-evolved Duolong brother is simply its nemesis, and his scalp feels numb after being stared at for a while.

far away.

Xiaoyao's hand passed over the Poké Balls around his waist, and he finally selected the Pokémon that would appear.

When she looked up at Kashiwagi, the latter had already thrown the elf ball.


White light flashes.


A low roar sounded, but what was more surprising than the sound was the terrifying body that looked like a giant pillar in the sky.

The light from nearby street lamps could only illuminate part of it. The ferocious head like a giant beast's skull was mostly hidden in the night, and the red copper eyes that were made of lava were full of a condescending feeling, which was particularly breathtaking.


"This is too big!"

"Is the big steel snake of Shiba, the Four Heavenly Kings, that big!?"

Everyone's heads were raised high involuntarily, looking at the giant steel snake that looked like it was made of fine steel with excitement or fear, and everyone was talking about it.

Xiaoyao's expression was stiff, and he stopped mid-throwing the elf ball.

She had to admit that she was scared. It was not that she had never seen Pokémon like Big Steel Snake before. Xiao Gang, her former travel companion, had one, but it was definitely not that big.

It feels like at least twenty meters!

When she looked hesitant, the sound of her brother Xiaosheng cheering hard suddenly came over.

"Sister! Come on! I believe you can do it!"

Xiaoyao turned his head and suddenly saw Xiaosheng clenching his fists and looking at her nervously among the amazed and shocked onlookers.

This cheered her up.

As if a bucket of cold water had been poured on his brain, he quickly calmed down.


Xiaoyao closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly stretched out his hand to look at the camera lens in front of him, and said to himself very seriously: "Adventure fans around the world, you have been waiting for a long time.

"This time the Xiaoyao expedition team encountered an unprecedented crisis. A giant steel snake blocked our way. Can the Xiaoyao expedition team defeat it and survive the crisis? Let's wait and see!"

After she finished her long words, many onlookers showed strange expressions, and Xiao Sheng also covered his face and felt embarrassed.

Only Kashiwagi opposite him was smiling.

[Xiaoyao Expedition], what a long-lost scene. I remember that in the animation, Xiaoyao often poses like a TV host to relieve his inner tension, and this is also due to Xiaoyao's habit of watching TV.

I remember that she would watch the Pokémon series alone almost every night... Maybe she and Big Mouth would have something in common?

While thinking.

"Leave it to you! Flame Chicken!"

Xiaoyao shouted and threw the elf ball forward.


There was a flash of white light.

The tall and strong Flame Chicken landed on the ground, and when he saw the mighty figure of the giant steel snake, his wrist immediately ignited with flames symbolizing fighting spirit, and bursts of hot breath were released.


"Spray flames!"

Xiaoyao quickly ordered, intending to take the advantage of attacking first.

The Flame Chicken also reacted quickly. With its excellent jumping ability, it jumped up from the grass with a bang, and easily jumped to a height high enough to look at the giant steel snake.

The chest and abdomen covered with white feathers swelled high as it leaned back, and bright firelight overflowed from the bird's beak.

next moment.

The raging flames spurted out and poured towards the big steel snake with a loud roar like a heavy rain falling from the sky!

"Quicksand Hell."

When the flames surged toward the latter, a violent airflow pulled the flying sand up from the ground, blocked it in front of the big steel snake, and collided with the flames. The airflow then carried the scorching flames away.

In an instant, fire and sand swirled.

The two briefly constructed a terrifying flame tornado on the surface of the giant steel snake, and then suddenly grew in size like a giant wall and knocked the falling flame chicken away!

But as Xiaoyao's ace Pokémon, it was not a vegetarian. It regained its balance with a backflip and landed lightly on the ground.

It raised its head and looked alertly at the giant steel snake that was spinning thick horizontal steel bones after the flames dissipated, manipulating the wild sand.


"Not bad."

The smile on Kashiwagi's face did not diminish.

Using the quicksand hell shield to resist fire attacks that are easily triggered by the wind has long been a basic habit of the big steel snake, and it can be used without any order.

Xiaoyao exclaimed, "Counterattack protective shield!?"

"you know?"

Kashiwagi was a little surprised. Xiaozhi pioneered this special tactic in the Sinnoh region. It should not have been developed during the Mickle Cup period in Sinnoh.

Xiaoyao replied a little embarrassedly: "Xiaogang told me. I played against him once, and he used it."

I see.

Xiaogang really makes use of this special skill all the time. On the other hand, the creator Xiaozhi has never used this skill again in Super Wish, XY, or Sun and Moon. It seems that it was used during the journey, but he can't remember clearly.

Kashiwagi was thinking like a wandering god, Xiaoyao immediately seized this opportunity and shouted:

"Flaming Chicken! Soaring Fist!"


Grass clippings and sand splashed, and the Flame Chicken rushed forward, its claws wrapped in brown-red airflow, and the surging fighting attribute energy almost turned into a pair of fist gloves.

Soaring Fist, Soaring Fist.

Not only does the fist fly into the sky, but the opponent is also forced to ascend to the sky!


The flame chicken's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he went straight to the jaws of the giant steel snake regardless of the swirling sand!

However, just a second before it jumped up, the giant steel snake suddenly lowered its head, its red copper eyes looked directly at the flame chicken that was coming with a fist, and its huge black mouth opened slightly.


The same color flashed in the eyes of Cypress and Big Steel Snake.



The roar exploded, and a transparent light wave erupted from the giant steel snake's mouth, quickly forming a sound wave to stir up the airflow, and shocked the leaping flame chicken!

The latter endured the pain of the sound wave and continuously waved his fists. The fighting attribute energy collided with the sound wave, exploding a milky white shock wave in mid-air!


The Flame Chicken, which did not yet have the ability to fly, was forced to fly backwards. The harsh sound's physical defense reduction effect caused it to be shrouded in the blue lowering airflow, but Kashiwagi did not intend to let it go so easily.

"Tie it tight!"


The big steel snake rushed forward suddenly, and when the flame chicken fell to the ground, its long snake-like body quickly rotated, tightly holding it like a chain, and at the same time, it tightened continuously to bring continuous pressure to the latter.


The flame chicken howled in pain.

"Flame Chicken! Attack the big steel snake's head with superheat!"

Xiaoyao was inevitably panicked, but he soon thought of a way to get rid of the shackles of the giant steel snake.

Kashiwagi shouted: "Don't give it a chance! Earthquake!"

Among the lawns.

The flame chicken's body, which was constantly being squeezed, suddenly turned bright red. Its strong will made it open its beak with difficulty and determination, and the terrifying high temperature gradually overflowed from it.


Where could the big steel snake let it continue? It raised its tail high and locked it, and suddenly fell down!

Boom! !

Like a percussion drill pounding the earth, the earth-yellow energy shock wave with a dull rumble instantly blasted countless yellow weeds and gravel into the sky, and the flying sand and gravel drowned everything.

The onlookers covered their ears and moved back. Even though they were far enough away, they did not want to be splashed by the flying sand and dust.

But soon, there was another heart-stopping white flame rising into the sky!

boom--! !

The sky was illuminated by spiraling pillars of flame.

Like fireworks in an instant, this giant pillar of flame suddenly appeared and then disappeared.

In the smoke, Xiaoyao covered her mouth and nose with her arms, coughing and shaking away the dust and smoke around her. She looked worriedly at the place where the big steel snake and the flame chicken were.

"Flaming chicken!"

She tried to call her Pokémon to confirm its status.

Suddenly a gust of wind came, and the dust and smoke that blocked the view were blown away by the wind, exposing the scene on the lawn to everyone's eyes.

In the shallow sinking hole, a giant steel snake still stood proudly and slowly rotated its horizontal steel frame. There were obvious black marks on the joint between its head and torso, which was undoubtedly the result of the intense burning of the flames. .

And underneath him.

The flame chicken, whose eyes were replaced by black mosquito-repellent incense, fainted in a large-character posture, and undoubtedly lost its ability to fight.

"...Xiaoyao expedition team may not be able to get through today."

Xiaoyao thought in frustration.

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