My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 527 White Duck Dancer


"Congratulations! You deserve this Water Column Medal!"

Mi Keli pinned the ribbon on Kashiwagi's chest with his own hands, patted his shoulder meaningfully and said: "Kashiwagi, you are an excellent coordination trainer worthy of praise. In addition, I will look forward to your challenge."


There was a lot of noise in the audience, and countless people looked at the two people on the podium with excitement.

At the end of each Miccoli Cup, Miccoli would praise the final winner, but this was definitely the first time he said "Looking forward to your challenge."

Are you so optimistic about Kashiwagi? ?

The on-site director in the studio was so happy that he slapped his thigh directly. Now the ratings of the replay are guaranteed, and it is even possible that the Michaeli Cup will be trending!

So rare!

That Mr. Mikri who does whatever he wants actually helps create hot spots!

The venue was filled with a weird atmosphere.

Only a few people know the true meaning of Mikri’s words——

Gym challenge!

After meeting the requirements to participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration, the Glass Gym will also be Kashiwagi's last stop on his way to the Hoenn Alliance Conference.

As early as in Akiye Town, when Kashiwagi was chatting with Daigo, they mentioned that Mikri was very much looking forward to him coming to challenge, and hoped that he would adjust the order of challenges and wait for the eighth badge before coming.


He bowed slightly.

The heterochromatic Menas next to him looked at each other and received a "come on" look from the latter.


Written as [naive] and pronounced as [idiot], it swung its tail happily.



Huge water columns scattered like gorgeous flowers. Under the scorching sun, Michaeli and his Menas completed the closing ceremony with the same high-level performance as always.

So far.

The Miccoli Cup has officially come to an end.


Liuli City Pier.

"Are you all leaving so early?"

Kashiwagi, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang looked at Xiaosheng and others in front of them. The white ferry in the distance continued to receive tourists who were still interested.

Xiao Sheng nodded and said firmly:

"I plan to speed up the gym challenge and try to collect eight badges before the Higaki Tournament! Brother Kashiwagi! I will definitely not lose to you!"

"I am also preparing to get the fifth ribbon as soon as possible. The grand and grand celebration is very close." Xiaoyao scratched his face and then said seriously: "Kashiwagi and Xiaoguang should also work hard! I will always pay attention to you! "

"Of course! I'm totally fine!"

Xiaoguang patted her chest confidently. Although she did not suffer the same psychological shock as Xiaoyao and Xiaoshun after losing to Lucia, she also gained certain gains.

Afterwards, they said goodbye to Xiao Shun, Harry and Ulala, and watched the five of them board the ferry.


The whistle sounded, and the huge white ship gradually moved away, passing through the tunnel and disappearing at the end of the sea level.

"So, what do you two think next?"

Kashiwagi turned around and asked Xiaoguang and Xiaogang.

Xiaogang said: "We are going to stay and continue to help Miss Joy, and then go to Dusk Water Town to participate in the gorgeous competition there."

"Yes, I heard that the Twilight Water Conference is very famous, and the coordination trainers it attracts are no worse than the Michaeli Cup!" Xiao Guang said with admiration on his face.

"Okay, are my former partners traveling together again?"

He said with some envy.

The experience of traveling with friends is different from that of traveling alone. Kashiwagi, who is used to traveling alone, occasionally imagines what it would be like to travel with a group of people.

"Why don't Kashiwagi come too!" Xiaoguang suggested without saying a word.

Xiaogang also nodded, "I agree!"

"Ah... I'm sorry. Although I really want to go with you, I have other things to do." Kashiwagi apologized and explained that he wanted to practice at the Liuli Gym.

Xiaoguang said in surprise: "Practice! The method of cultivating heterochromatic menas! It's amazing in every sense of the word!"

"Yes, I can let Mr. Adam teach knowledge and so on." Xiaogang knew that as the same gym leader, Adam's strength and foundation were much better than him.

Of course, their ages are also very different.

"But I have nothing to do tonight. If you don't mind, let me join in to help Miss Joy." Kashiwagi asked with a smile: "Do you think it's feasible?"

Both are inevitable and even welcome.


Happy Egg once again experienced the work of the Pokémon Center after a long absence, which made it feel quite happy.

And when it is happy, Kashiwagi will naturally be happy too.

The main reason why I offered to help was for the Happy Egg. This guy's high points were focused on healing others and other Pokémon. Battles and other things could only be regarded as condiments, not as delicious as "meal".

We must be grateful that Xiaogang has the status of a Pokémon doctor, a trainee, otherwise Miss Joy would not be able to let her join the important medical system no matter how much she likes the happy egg.

As if to thank Kashiwagi.

Happy Egg has learned a new move: [Wish to Heal].

It is a top-notch healing move that uses up all your physical strength to restore all teammates' status, but to be honest, there are not many occasions where it can be used.

"It's good to have new moves."

Kashiwagi didn't get too entangled, and his attention fell on another thing.

[Simulation countdown is over].

Nearly a month has passed, and after the orange talent superpower has ended, the new blue talent has finally arrived.


The recent events were too intensive, and the cooldown time had not been reduced much, which made him feel that he had not performed a blue simulation for a long time.

Kashiwagi sorted out his current simulation gains.

In terms of level rewards, the only one left is [increase 5 levels for those below lv90]. Others limited to level 70 or even level 50 are given out as much as possible.

The accumulated moves include [Spinning Silk], [Hard Hold], [Magic Shine], [Brave Bird Attack], [Treasure Gathering Skill], [Magic Space], [Ice Breath] and twelve skill blind boxes.

Among them, the [Magic Space] was left over from the last big box opening event. No one could learn from it, so it was stranded.

And [Ice Breath] is the harvest from the last three ordinary simulations.

The other two normal simulations are [Wide Area Destruction], which was given to Dragon Baruto as a gift for joining the team; and the other is [Momentary Amnesia], learned from Galar Solar Coral, there is nothing much to say.

There are three clues left.

They are designated attributes, designated attributes (excellent), and legendary clues.

His eyes rested on the last one for a long time.

He remembered that when he first chose it, the word "conquerable" was not mentioned on this thing, which made him guess that even if he searched for the past based on clues, he might not be able to conquer the legendary Pokémon.

but no matter.

He was extremely curious about this clue, but he really didn't have time to mess with it in the past few months. He waited until the Caiyou Conference was over before using it.

Kashiwagi thought to himself and clicked on the simulation option.

【Choose your birthplace▽】

Last time it was the Galar region, so this time it should be the Padia region’s turn.

For this place, since the time card was too accurate before traveling and he didn't have time to play the game, he inevitably had some small expectations.

Will legendary Pokémon appear? Like that time with the musician?

Click on Gender.

The superpower is a male, this time it's a female's turn.

Click on the Pokémon.

Since the last round of ordinary simulation successfully participated in the alliance conference, even if there was no breakthrough in the preliminaries, this column was not left blank.

"Huh? This is it?"

Kashiwagi looked at the three words [Moisturizing Duck] displayed on it and didn't react for a while.

It took him half a second to remember that this thing was the Yusanjia of the Padia region, a cute duck with a blue hair-like head feather crest, a bit like an airplane-headed gangster.

Start with three royal families!

The simulation object this time is good.

He was looking forward to it even more. Although the limit of blue talent was probably the runner-up in the conference, the lower limit was so low that he could only break through the preliminaries!

The difference in gains between the two results is quite large.

Talent, talent!

Kashiwagi pressed the talent option in anticipation.

Fixed talents:

[☆Properly cultivated (Pokémon’s overall quality is higher)]

Optional talents:

[Elite system (won’t conquer too many Pokémon)]

[Sentimental (mindset is easily shaken)]

[Kind-hearted (willing to help others)]

[Peach Blossoms (possibly dating with the opposite sex)]

This talent matches...

He fell into deep thought. Needless to say, the fixed talent was the same as that of Fragrance Sister, a very good talent. Subjectively, among the optional talents, there is one positive talent, two neutral talents, and one negative talent.

A kind-hearted person must definitely be selected. This talent has never tricked him. There is no need for a lot of peach blossoms. Sentimentality and meritocracy...

Kashiwagi decided to choose the latter. The sentimental supplementary explanation was too scary. What kind of mentality is easily shaken? Isn't it easy to break the defense? This is not a good talent for a trainer.

Quick selection.

He took a deep breath, lay down on the sofa, turned on the soda, potato chips and TV, and adjusted himself to the best viewing position.



【Simulation starts】

The familiar light screen slowly unfolded, and the pixel-style sky and white clouds came into view.

Then a carriage appeared, being dragged by many colorful birds.

"Angry parrot..."

Kashiwagi glanced at the illustrated book.

The above shows that this strange bird that looks like a parrot is a Pokémon that specializes in transportation in the Padia region. It is similar to the armored crow taxi in the Galar region.

After a while.

Angry Parrot descended slowly and parked the carriage in a bustling city square.

A girl in a student uniform opened the car door.

A narrator appears.

[When you were eleven years old, you went to the Orange Academy in the Padia region at the request of your parents. This made you very dissatisfied because you were obsessed with dancing. After all, you had no interest in becoming a trainer]

Is the simulation object this time a female student again?

He was stunned for a moment, and his eyes caught the key points of the next two sentences——

I love dancing and don't want to be a trainer.

Oh ho.

Something goes terribly wrong.

A guy with a well-developed talent just wants to dance. Kashiwagi has been simulating it for so long. This is the first time he has seen a simulation object that can turn multiple-choice questions into single-choice questions.

Obviously musicians, calligraphers, chefs, etc. have all used their strength to prove that there is no conflict between their main business and their side business.

However, this person right now...

It seems like your brain hasn't turned around yet?

To make a distinction, let me call you a dancer.

Kashiwagi remembered that there was such a trainer-type NPC in the game. As for whether the model looked like her, he couldn't remember clearly.

It just so happened that her starting Pokémon was Teal.

It's a good match.

He remembered that Teal was a Pokémon that was good at dancing, especially tap dancing and jive dancing.

Kashiwagi used his mobile phone with one hand to flip through the Padia illustrated book, watching the dancers from the corner of his eyes as they walked into the castle-like building and signed up at the front desk.

[You successfully completed the registration and came to the class you were assigned to - Class 1-B]

Inside the classroom.

There were many pixel figures sitting in a row, and the dancers had to search hard before they saw where they were.

[You look at the large number of strangers around you and feel at a loss]

The wonderful picture gave Kashiwagi a sense of déjà vu when he was simulating a miniskirt, but it was obvious that Orange Academy was less "serious" than the Pokémon Research School where the miniskirt was located.

Because it releases Pokémon.

[Under the reminder of the teacher, you received your first Pokémon - Pidgeon, but you have no intention of becoming a trainer and have no idea how to treat it]

The dancer returned to her seat holding a Poke Ball.

After the narrative narration popped up, it was quickly replaced by the system narration.

[You get the duck, and you have more dance partners]

Dance partner!

What an apt metaphor!

The teacher was chattering a lot on the podium, and the words in the bubbles above his head were flying so fast that Kashiwagi couldn't see clearly, so he could only guess the content through the narration.

[You learned from the teacher that a major feature of Orange Academy is that all students must participate in an extracurricular activity-"Treasure Hunt\

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