My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 538 A fierce battle between two dragons!

Kashiwagi came to where Mikri was standing, lowered his head and thought about the next strategy.

That Gyarados...

Very strong!

At least the energy level will not be low, otherwise even if the Water Tail has a rainy weather bonus, it will not be that simple to kill Porygon II with one hit.

The evolutionary stone has always been hanging on Porygon II.

"Maybe there is a gap of more than ten levels...or the physical attack training is particularly extreme."

"As expected, I'll leave it to you."

Kashiwagi took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and glanced at the situation around the field from the corner of his eye.

As we are about to enter the second round of the battle, the light wall and the magic space have ended, and the rainy days have a tendency to stop, and everything has returned to its original appearance.

This is good for him.


Mikri's laughter came from afar.

"Yeah~~ What a wonderful move. I focused all my attention on Porygon II, and I didn't expect that the discharge was just to obscure my field of vision."

The strong flash created by the electric-type move dazzled Mikri's eyes, which also prevented him from noticing the flying sun coral for the first time, and by the time he saw it, it was already too late.

The existence of the magic space and the remaining physical strength of Lotte Kappa are not enough to resist the dark shadow of Sun Coral.

In addition, as Adam said, the rhythm of the battle was tightly controlled by Kashiwagi during most of the first round.

Even if he tried to regain the initiative several times by using abnormal status or separating Porygon II and Sun Coral, the opponent was always able to resolve it and find an opportunity to attack.

The output capabilities of Porygon II and Sun Coral are indeed not outstanding, but the strategy specified by Kashiwagi, from light wall, magic space to avatars, curses and other moves, has gradually become the decisive bargaining chip for their victory.

This kind of cooperation between Pokémon and trainers and the gradual accumulation of victories really moved Mikri.

If it were just an ordinary gym challenge, his performance in the first round alone would be enough for him to willingly offer the glass badge to Kashiwagi.


"Then let me wait and see what other amazing performances you can perform next."

Mikri threw the elf ball.


The white light flew into the water and turned into a huge figure.


Gyarados appeared again, its terrifying roar making people's scalp numb and trembling.

It stared at the strange Pokémon with erratic eyes across from it, a little surprised that its intimidating characteristics didn't work, as it clearly looked quite scared.

And when his eyes fell on the other party's head, he was stunned for a moment.

This is the trinity of Pokémon, right? Why did it only work for one small one?


Gyarados' small pupils were filled with great doubts.

"Oh? Doron Baruto of the Eternal Pure Body? But the situation looks a bit strange."

Mikri does recognize Pokémon like Doronbalto, after all, even Porygon II recognizes it.

What puzzled him was the small figure shivering in one of the launch holes of Doron Baruto. The opponent's body actually lit up with a blue light of declining ability.

【Eternally pure body】.

An ability cannot be reduced by the opponent's or companion's moves or characteristics. In other words, intimidation should be ineffective.


Kashiwagi's expression did not change. He knew best why this was the case.

Theoretically, when the Dragon Mesias inhabit the launch port above Dragon Baruto's head, they will be treated as a whole, just like Pokémon like Eggman and Duduli.

Therefore, when the ability value is affected by the enemy, the decrease or increase is also synchronized.

However, when the influence of Doron Mecia and Doron Baruto's ability values ​​were out of sync, according to the information he found, the reason was that one of Doron Mecia or Doron Baruto could not accept the other for the time being. .

Pokémon are a very magical and spiritual species.

For example, the flames on the flaming horse will not burn the person he likes, and the shark skin of the megalodon will not hurt his trainer.

But the problem is not big.

In regular battles, Doron Mecia can only be used by Doron Baruto to fire dragon arrows, and the power of the dragon arrow move is determined by Doron Baruto and has nothing to do with Doron Mecia's own attacks and ability changes. .

"Shadow clone."

Kashiwagi waved his hand and ordered.

"Lu saliva."

Doronbaruto breathed a sigh of relief.

It has long been unable to stand the "aggressive" gaze of Gyarados, and it feels like there are ants crawling all over its body if it is looked at for a second longer.

I don’t understand what’s so interesting!

Its body lit up with white light.

In an instant.

Countless similar figures flashed in the air densely packed into the venue.

They moved quickly with Gyarados as the center, causing the latter to look left and right with wide eyes.

"Don't be fooled! Kill them all in one go! Storm!"

Mikri knows very well that although shadow clones are powerfully deceptive, these created phantoms can be said to be vulnerable and can be defeated with any move.


Gyarados raised his head and took a deep breath, then suddenly spurted it out!


The violent air current roared and raged in the sky above the venue, and the afterimages of Doronbaruto were instantly blown out like candle flames, leaving not a single one left!


Mikri raised his brows and shouted, "Expand the attack range! It's invisible!"

As early as when Doron Baruto used the shadow clone, he had been staring at the afterimages and even counted the number. Unexpectedly, even so, he was still invisible by the other party.

This is a bit troublesome.

Both have innate invisibility abilities. The invisibility of the Hidden Dragon can be traced - the red zigzag pattern in the middle, but the invisibility of Doron Baruto is watertight, even the Doron Mei in the launch hole. Xia can also hide together...

No wonder it is classified as a invisible Pokémon.


The long-breathing Gyarados swung its head like a blower, trying to bring everything in the field into the scope of the raging wind.

In the darkness, Doron Baruto was hiding quietly, and the two Doron Mecia in the launch hole also covered their mouths.

One of the disadvantages of invisibility is that it cannot block sound. Once when fighting other Pokémon, Doronbalto was unfortunately caught because the opponent's ears were quite sensitive and Doron's brother kept laughing.

From then on, the Doron Mecias spontaneously covered their mouths when they were invisible together. Even if they couldn't bring much help, at least they couldn't hold them back, right?

They wait silently for the opportunity.

in the venue.

The pale white violent air flowed everywhere, but found nothing.

"did not find?"

Mikri was stunned for a moment, thinking that the storm had attacked almost all parts of the field. Without Doronbaruto cheating and running out of the field, only——

His eyes fell around Gyarados, and he shouted like a flash of inspiration: "It's hiding under you! Lift your body and use the water cannon!"

All of a sudden.

Kashiwagi on the opposite side also shouted, "Dragon Arrow!"

The light and shadow are mottled and flickering.

The multi-dragon Baruto, which is almost parallel to the Gyarados's belly, appears, with fire splashing from the launch hole above his head!

Bang bang!

The Doron Mecias dragged a long line of gunpowder smoke behind them, flying like missiles launched at high speed towards Gyarados, which was only two or three meters away!


The latter suddenly leaned back and raised his upper body in an attempt to distance himself from Doron Baruto, but in such a close situation, it was basically impossible to dodge.

The excited brother Duolong bumped into the nose of Gyarados, and sister Duolong followed closely, choosing the left eye of Gyarados.

Bang bang!

Two balls of gunpowder smoke exploded.


Gyarados screamed. Even though it had a huge body and thick skin, its nose and eyes were still fragile.

"So fast!"

Lucia exclaimed, and soon she saw the backward Gyarados swinging its tail hidden under the water, and the huge bright blue pillar suddenly broke through the water and swung towards Baluto the dragon.

"Water tail!"

Even if he is injured, he does not forget to use other methods to attack his opponent. Mikri's Pokémon is really extraordinary.

Unfortunately, Doron Baruto had already disappeared and retreated, and the two successful Doron Mecia also laughed and disappeared into the air together.

Disappeared again...

Even an experienced person like Mikri couldn't help but put his inner seriousness on the surface when encountering this situation.

Naturally, he had been fighting against Kashiwagi very seriously, but he had to admit that the latter's strength was far beyond his imagination.

If I had known, not only the strength rules for gym battles, but also the gym owner restriction rules for gym battles, such as the fact that only the challenger could exchange Pokémon, should have been banned.

Mikri clearly realized that he was paying the price for "underestimating" Kashiwagi.



In response to the roar, Gyarados stood up and shook its huge head. Obvious injuries could be seen on the nose and left eye, especially the closed left eye.

Mikri knew that Gyarados could only observe its opponent through one eye for the time being.

"—Use Dragon Dance around the pond!"

"Turn back quickly!"

The two almost gave the order jointly.

Gyarados suddenly jumped up, its huge body unscientifically left the water and floated in the air, and began to spin around the pond on the site.

At the same time, a green light appeared out of thin air!


The air made a sharp whistle, and a stern look appeared in Gyarados' single eye. He was about to collide with it head-on to see who was stronger, but he didn't expect that the opponent was much faster than it.

The fins on its back almost passed by in a flash.


A small explosion of smoke exploded.


Gyarados felt as if his back had been hit by someone. It hurt a little, but it was just that.

what's the situation?

It was very puzzled, and Lucia in the audience was even more puzzled when she saw what Kashiwagi did.

"Why do we need to exchange Pokémon? Doronpaluto is obviously in an advantageous situation?"


Adam said nothing. Although he had been a gym leader for decades, he could not see through all the tactics used by trainers.

What does Kashiwagi plan to do?

He and Mikri had little doubts in their hearts.

"It's your turn! Meteor swarm!"

Kashiwagi threw the Poké Ball the moment he took back Dragon Baruto.


White light flashes.


The three evil dragons raised their heads and roared wildly, and energy gathered in its chest and abdomen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not far away, with the high-speed rotation of Gyarados based on Dragon Dance, the strong wind in the venue made a rumbling roar, and the waves in the pond were rolling, seeming to be surging!


Its roar was mixed with thick anger.

The rules strictly restrict trainers when exchanging. They must wait until the red light transformed by the previous Pokémon is completely absorbed into the Poké Ball before the new Pokémon can be released by throwing the Poké Ball or pressing a button. .

Otherwise it will be considered a violation.

This period of time may be considered very short by ordinary trainers, but for powerful trainers, it is enough to command Pokémon to complete a turnaround strategy!

Mi Keli stared at the three evil dragons opposite him and sprayed out three huge energy bombs that made the air throb, without any emotion on his expression.


Three energy bombs exploded together, and hundreds of light arrows dragged down long orange-red flame tails, falling from the sky like a meteor shower!

The intense light dimmed the lights in the venue.

But this is.

"Incite flowing water! Soar into the sky!"


A ferocious water dragon, whose entire body was wrapped in crystal blue water, roared and circled into the sky. The exploding light arrows fell crazily, but only caused a layer of ripples.

It was impossible to break through that layer of water film!

Gyarados looked down at the three evil dragons in the distance, its body curled up as if it were a spring that was pressed to the extreme.

"Climb the waterfall!"

Like a general commanding a cavalry charge, Mikri waved his hands heavily.

The next moment.

The monstrous water dragon bathed in light arrows high in the sky rushed towards the three evil dragons like a speeding train!

boom--! !

There was an uncontrollable explosion in the air!

The speed was so fast that it almost flickered. Lucia in the audience felt her eyes dazzled. The huge dragon head had already slammed into the three evil dragons. The ferocious impact of the water flow was like a huge waterfall falling down, as if it was about to burst her eardrums. !

The aftermath of the impact flew around, wildly blowing the corners of Cypress and Mikri's clothes, and completely dissipating the few remaining dark clouds in the sky.

What a terrifying blow!


She covered her exclamation mouth and stared at the venue.

Adam also stood up.

But they were not moved by the power displayed by Gyarados. The two people who were familiar with Mikri were already used to seeing similar scenes.

What really surprised the two of them were the three evil dragons.

It actually stayed in place, resisting the terrifying offensive of the Gyarados using the Dragon Dance and Waterfall Climbing to stir up the water in the pool, just like the head-on impact of a 10,000-ton waterfall!

What defensive capabilities? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an iron wall!


Adam's eyes narrowed.

Vaguely, he seemed to see a fragmented honeycomb-shaped light shield between the two.

"Hold...I see, but even if you hold on, being able to block it head-on is worthy of praise." He said softly.

The words just fell.

The flowing water surrounding Gyarados scattered all over the ground, instantly turning the originally flat grass into mud.

But the two Pokémon did not disperse, because the left and right heads of the three evil dragons were biting the horns on the left and right sides of the Gyarados, making it difficult for it to retreat.


The three evil dragons stared closely at the approaching Gyarados, with the scarlet light in their eyes even causing the latter to feel frightened!

not good!

Seeing this scene, Mikri immediately felt bad and shouted:

"Frozen Fang!"

"Thunder Fang!"

Kashiwagi's command sounded almost at the same time as him.

In an instant.

Bright lightning danced like a small snake, spreading from Gyarados's horns to its whole body, causing its body to twitch crazily involuntarily!

The biggest feature of electric-type moves——


But at the same time, a giant tooth made of ice bit hard on the three evil dragons!


Smoke exploded.

Soon another strong wind blew the smoke away.

They were the three evil dragons retreating. This guy's lower body was slightly frosty, but he was extremely energetic.


It raised its head and roared.

Not far away, Gyarados fell on its side on the ground, with wisps of white smoke coming out of its body, and burnt black marks crisscrossing its body.

The old housekeeper said loudly:

"Gyarados, lost the ability to fight!"

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