My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 549 mega wholesale

At the moment of falling.

A sudden pull came from behind Kashiwagi, causing him to hover in mid-air.


Porygon II transformed into a large umbrella and cast a shadow, with small floating electric balls spinning around its periphery.

This shape helps block ultraviolet rays and saves its energy.

"Thank you."

Kashiwagi reluctantly said something, quickly put on the mask he had prepared in advance, and relied on the compressed oxygen bottle inside to supply oxygen to smooth his breathing.

Surprisingly not that cold?

It feels like subzero... five or six degrees? It is still within the tolerance range of regular lava suits.

If you go further up, you probably have to wear the space suit version. That thing is a black technology that can accompany Rayquaza to break through the atmosphere alone. It represents the highest technological crystallization of Team Lava.

Presumably, we should be in the stratosphere of the atmosphere at this moment, probably close to the top.

Of course none of this matters.

What matters is.

Where's the dragon?

Kashiwagi looked left and right, then lowered his head to look down at the sea of ​​clouds below. He remembered that he asked Hupa to open the door a hundred meters away from the heterochromatic Rayquaza. Could it be...

He turned his head quickly and suddenly saw a familiar jet-black dragon head behind Jin Huan, looking curiously at him and Jin Huan. Its two front paws were swinging up and down, as if trying to catch it.



Before Kashiwagi could open his mouth to reminisce about the past, the heterochromatic Rayquaza was the first to roar excitedly.

The air is vibrating with ripples visible to the naked eye,

Fortunately, its roar was mainly released higher into the sky, otherwise he would be shaken up and down, making him dizzy for a while.

"Well, long time no see. I'm so sorry for not seeing you for so long..."

He shouted quickly, almost at the top of his lungs because he was worried that the heterochromatic Rayquaza could not hear clearly.


The heterochromatic Rayquaza acted much more anxious than him.

I saw this big guy circling around the golden ring, and his huge head pushed directly towards him. Kashiwagi, who was unable to dodge, was forced to be close to him with a snap.


His stomach was churning and he almost felt like vomiting his breakfast.

It is extremely difficult to get along with a super-large Pokémon like Rayquaza, but he also has a rude personality.

Fortunately, he was strong, otherwise the punch just now would have broken several ribs.

This guy!

Kashiwagi gritted his teeth and managed to turn over with the help of Porygon II with great effort. The latter turned into a shape similar to a seat, allowing him to hold Rayquaza's wide dragon horns with both hands.

But before he could take a breath, Rayquaza, who seemed to notice that he was sitting firmly, turned around and roared down towards the ground like a long dragon.

"hold head high--"


Kashiwagi felt that his face under the mask was being forcibly stretched, thinking that this was much more exciting than a roller coaster.

The roller coaster can go up to a few dozen meters, while Rayquaza can plummet down to a height of 10,000 meters!

You are not a human being, so don’t treat me like a human being!

He was full of grief and anger and had nowhere to vent his anger, so he could only endure it and pretend that nothing happened. After Rayquaza left, Hoopa stuck his head out of the golden ring. After looking left and right, he only saw the strange-colored Rayqua that had turned into a small black dot. sit.

"Xiaobai walks so fast."

Hoopa grumbled and stepped back into the golden ring, closing the door.

It really wanted to go and play with Rayquaza with Kashiwagi, but Balza and Mayari both asked it seriously for help, so it had no choice but to suppress the idea of ​​playing around.

Playing is important, but Balza and Mayali's requests are even more important!

Hupa wandered into crowded places to see if anyone needed his help.


A person who was a bit unfamiliar to it but very familiar with [Xiao Bai] stopped it.

"Hopa-chan, where is Kashiwagi?"

"Xiao Bai went to play with Rayquaza!"


Liu Ge was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard something wrong, "Who did you say went to play with whom?"

"Xiao Bai! Went to play with Rayquaza!"

Hupa also thought he didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it loudly.

Of course, Liu Ge, who couldn't understand this sentence at all, was almost full of question marks.

Who is Xiaobai?

Kashiwagi’s nickname?

He went to play with Rayquaza? A person nicknamed Rayquaza?

Daigo, who was about to leave, heard what he heard. Seeing Ruge's expression of doubt about life, he smiled helplessly and told him about the friendship between Kashiwagi and Rayquaza.

Liuge: "..."

He covered his forehead, lowered his head and exhaled, "Hiss-ha-"

A thought flashed through my mind:

Otherwise, the champion of the Ole region should be directly appointed.

How to fight this!

The legendary Pokémon Rayqua is sitting there!

It is a special existence that humans cannot understand until now!

Didn't you agree to go out to find Lugia of Ole? How did you find Rayquaza? Are there any similarities between these two Pokémon?


Lugia has been found.

If one is not enough, let’s get another one...

Playing Jenga with mythical beasts!

Liuge took a deep breath, a decent smile appeared on his face again, and said to Daigo: "I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"Where, where..."

The words are divided into two parts.

As Rayquaza passed through the thick clouds, a land that was somewhat unfamiliar to Kashiwagi came into view.


Kashiwagi immediately understood that Rayquaza had been staying in the airspace above the Fradari Research Institute as per his request, monitoring the legendary boulder below.

Did it see Z2 when it was captured?

If you saw it, what thoughts do you have about human beings now?

No matter how.

"Thanks a lot."

He gently touched Rayquaza's head beneath him with his eyes.

"hold head high--"

Rayquaza screamed in a low voice and spiraled towards the uninhabited island offshore Kalos.

Although it can live in the atmosphere for a long time without falling, but if it wants to communicate normally with humans, it still has to return to the ground——

Past experience tells it so.

"Huh? What is this island?"

Kashiwagi stared at the island below, feeling the unusual fluctuations in his chest and the slight shaking of several pokeballs in his pocket, and said in surprise: "Super Island?"

Super island.

A mysterious island that first appeared on the journey is home to a large number of Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution and contains many Mega Stones.

Directly turning the originally rare super evolution into something that can be wholesaled.

Just strictly speaking.

Although the island is uninhabited, it is managed by Coco Bull, the former leader of the Sara Gym.

"It might cause a misunderstanding..."

Kashiwagi twitched his lips, hoping to end the communication with Rayquaza's divine power before Cocobul arrived.

no doubt.

He knew exactly what Rayquaza had brought him to the surface for.

After a while.

Lieku was located on the highest cliff of Super Island. Kashiwagi took off his mask and looked down, and suddenly he could see many Pokémon running away quickly.

Among them are many late-blooming Pokémon such as Tyrannosaurus and Biting Shark.

"I accidentally broke into someone else's territory."

He said something to Rayquaza, but the latter didn't answer. He just looked at him unblinkingly with his golden eyes, full of expectation.

Kashiwagi reluctantly stretched out his hand and placed his palm on the tip of its nose.

"Listen to your voice and speak my voice"

With highly concentrated mental power and skillful skills, he still easily brought Rayquaza to the spiritual space even though the time was one month apart.

The long-lost scene made Rayquaza quite excited, and he could hardly help but roar.

Kashiwagi quickly raised his hand to comfort him.


Mind interaction begins.

Kashiwagi passed on everything that had happened since the separation. After Rayquaza digested it, he also passed on some of the scenes he saw after coming to Kalos.

There are also a bunch of embodied emotions.

But he didn't blame Kashiwagi for leaving it in Kalos for so long. To Rayquaza, who had a long life, a month was just a blink of an eye.

But many things happened in that "moment" that made him extremely happy.

Whether it's the occasional strange fluctuations from the legendary boulder, or the strange experiments conducted by Team Flare on some unknown islands, including the hunt for Z1Z2, it all makes it feel extra exciting.

That's right.

It's exciting.

The heterochromatic Rayquaza is a mischievous ghost who takes the initiative to offend Hoenn Rayquaza's misfortunes just for fun. Isn't it exciting to see these scenes that have been rarely seen before?

Whatever Team Flare did, it felt like "something big is coming".

As for whether Z2 was angry or not when he was caught...

Feel sorry.

I don’t really feel much.

Kashiwagi removed his hand from the tip of Rayquaza's nose and looked at the latter with a particularly complicated expression.

There was a saying circulating on the Internet——

[Human beings hope to understand legendary Pokémon, but legendary Pokémon have never cared about humans]

This sentence is definitely wrong.

But from another point of view, it also seems to be saying that the legendary Pokémon never wanted to understand the human mind, not arrogance.

It's a gap in awareness.

The thinking of legendary Pokémon is very different from that of humans. They often care about things that humans don't care about, and they don't care about things that humans care about.

There is a deep gap between even legendary Pokémon and legendary Pokémon.

"Well...I still have something to ask you..."

Kashiwagi looked at Rayquaza, whose eyes were bright and clear as he gradually digested the scenes he had passed on, and took out Poké Cubes, prepared food, etc. from his backpack.


Rayquaza blew out two streams of white smoke from his nose, began to enjoy the meal prepared by the person in front of him, and listened to the other person's request.


Soon after.

Kashiwagi stared at the different-colored Rayquaza going away and sighed.

Although I really want to get closer to this guy, there are still many things to do immediately, and I can only wait for everything to settle down.


The heterochromatic Rayquaza seemed quite satisfied.

I guess it was my recent experience that made it feel wonderful, plus the high-quality Poké Cubes and glowing food were delicious enough.

"...Let's go quickly."

He murmured in a low voice and took out his cell phone to contact Balza.

At this time.


Suddenly there was a loud shout in my ears.

Kashiwagi's mouth twitched, he raised his hands and turned to look at the person coming——

An old man in purple with long gray hair, a beard tied like a broom, a keystone embedded in the middle, and extremely long eyebrows.

Cocobol: Mega Evolved Immortal Form.

Behind the old man is a floating Hu Di, whose bright purple outline shows that its mental power is ready to go.

"A good citizen... Bah, an ordinary trainer who broke in unintentionally."

He replied coherently.

"Ordinary trainer?"

The long-haired old man was obviously not satisfied with his answer and asked again: "Is the different-colored Rayquaza that flew away just now your Pokémon?"

"How is it possible? It was just the object of my pursuit. It was because of it that I entered this island by mistake."

Kashiwagi was sure that Cocobul didn't see the scene of him communicating with the heterochromatic Rayquaza, so he made it up casually.

Although it is made up, every sentence is true.

"Chasing the heterochromatic Rayquaza?"

Cocobule repeated it again like a repeater, but it was obvious that he believed it. After all, chasing legendary Pokémon is what most trainers in the world do.

Put down the cane.

Cocobul was about to say something else when his eyes suddenly fell on his chest and said as if he could see through it: "Keystone!?"

The latter showed off his super necklace and said calmly:

"My father-in-law has good eyesight."

"...You are actually here to find the evolution stone, right?"

Cocobul said abruptly, and his expression became serious again.

"It's really not true."

Kashiwagi explained calmly.

After all, he was the one who appeared in someone else's jurisdiction inexplicably first, so he should be suspected, but if he couldn't explain it, it would give him a headache.

"My Pokémon all have Mega Stones. Do you want to show them to you?"

He took out two luxury balls, looked at Cocobul, and said, "Can I open the elf ball?"

Cocobul was silent, looking at Kashiwagi who looked upright and calm, and then at the two well-maintained jet black luxury balls in his hands.



Bang bang.

White light flashes.

When Boscodora and Dazuiwa landed, they first looked at Cocobul and Hu Di without knowing why. When they noticed the tense expressions on their faces, they all took a step back to protect Kashiwagi.

"Goo ho!"


The two Pokémon looked at Cocobol and Hudi with evil eyes.

Cocobul's eyes fell on the floral decoration on the head of the big-mouthed baby and the holes on the side of Boss Cordora, and his expression quickly changed from serious to embarrassed.

"Uh hahahaha, that's it. I'm sorry, young man, I misunderstood you."

He scratched his head, then simply took off his wig and fake beard, revealing his true face.

Big Mouth Boy and Boss Cordora stared at each other, both shocked by the scene in front of them.

It turns out that both hair and beard can be taken off?

"I am Cocobul, the former gym leader of the Salo Gym, and this island is under my jurisdiction. Because the super stones here are very important, I suddenly got a little excited."

Cocobul looked ashamed and kept apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It doesn't matter, the misunderstanding will be cleared up."

Kashiwagi nodded and said: "I came here uninvited in the first place, and it's my side to apologize. You came just in time, please show me a clear way so that I can leave here safely."

It's not possible to summon Hupa in person, so we might as well borrow Cocobul's boat and go to Salo City to take a rest.

He is still a little dizzy from the 10,000-meter-high roller coaster ride.

"Of course, please come with me."

Cocobul agreed without hesitation and took Cypress on his speedboat parked outside the island, driving all the way to the castle-like building.

When disembarking.

Cocobul took the initiative to invite: "Since you have come to Salo City and you are the owner of Mega Evolution, why not take a stroll at the Refining Tower?"

The Tower of Refining...

Kashiwagi looked at the huge castle in front of him and nodded, "I'll trouble you."

"Hey, no talk."

Cocobul smiled slightly and pushed open the door of the Refining Tower.

The Sara Gym happened to be located in the Tower of Refining, and when the two of them walked in, they could hear an extremely fierce banging explosion coming from inside.

"A very powerful challenger came today, and he also has a super evolution. He is fighting against my granddaughter, the current gym leader. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Cocobul said he was asking, but actually he took Kashiwagi to the auditorium on the side.

He looked down and was startled.

"Ai Lan? Charizard?"

In the earth-yellow field, the Pokémon fighting Super Lucario and the trainer commanding it were Charizard and Toolman Ai Lan.

And this scene also indicates that the theatrical version of "Volcanion and the Clever Magearna" has begun.

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