My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 551 Meeting Xiaozhi for the first time


Alert cries rang out.

Kashiwagi's eyes lit up, what did he hear? One of the most classic Pokémon animated series——

Pikachu voiced by Ikue Ohtani!

This pure "Pika" is really hard to forget in this life. As soon as I heard it, it was like the DNA was activated. I quickly sketched in my mind the scene of Pikachu with his tail raised high and staring here.

He resisted the idea of ​​running over and said loudly: "Are those over there Xiaozhi and the gym leader Citron?"

"No! Don't come over!"

Bolkenion simply refused.

Then came the little girl's exclamation like a silver bell, "Brother, he seems to know you! He also knows Xiaozhi!"

"Idiot, how could you agree so casually..."

Bolkenion seemed a little angry.


This relatively mature girlish voice should be Serena, or Serena. Both names are also transliterated, the difference is that one is the official translation and the other is the civilian translation.

"I don't know...this voice doesn't sound familiar...Where is Xiaozhi?"

It must be Citron.

"Huh? I, I don't know, hahahahaha."

Xiaozhi! Rika Matsumoto! The standard voice of a hot-blooded idiot!

It was like a stage play in which all the protagonists appeared. Kashiwagi listened to them and felt a little happy unconsciously.

The power of childhood memories?

I don’t know if Team Rocket is nearby, but they should be there now, right? Secretly spying on Xiaozhi and the others.

Kashiwagi asked again: "Can I come over?"


"Beep beep beep~"

"It's really not possible...Ah, okay, Magearna, I understand."

Bolkenion seemed to be convinced by Magearna and said helplessly: "Come here, but don't blame me for not reminding you. If you have evil intentions, I will blow you away."

[Hang Fei], literal meaning.

The stubborn Volcanion is a fantasy Pokémon who keeps his word.

"You can rest assured."

Cypress passed through the dense bushes and saw the blazing bonfire beside the stream for the first time, followed closely by several people surrounding the bonfire, Pikachu, Magearna and the huge Volcanion.

Among them, Ash, dressed like an astronaut, attracted quite a lot of attention.

The hairstyle that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, the lively and cheerful temperament, and the strange clothes.

Even though he was extremely familiar with this plot, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw it in real life.

"Just stand there!"

Volcanion untied the long and thick arms on his back and faced him. The bright blue light flowed at the top, as if he could launch a mixed impact of water flow and energy at any time.

Kashiwagi raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and glanced at the other side of the stream in front of everyone's gaze.

Although his vision was not wide enough in the night, his excellent eyesight still allowed him to notice that there were two large and three small shadows behind several bluestones.

Team Rocket was indeed secretly observing.

He didn't alert the snake, as these guys would definitely attack from behind.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kashiwagi. I am a member of the rescue organization that cooperates with the international police."

Kashiwagi said to everyone, especially Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, you should be familiar with the International Police organization. Do you remember the handsome guy?"

"handsome guy!"

Xiaozhi's memory was pretty good. When he heard the name, he immediately fell into memories, and his little vigilance was completely put down.

Pikachu glanced sideways at him, and saw Kashiwagi smiling again, letting go of his alert posture.


"International police?"

Serena obviously watched a lot of TV dramas on weekdays. When she heard this name, it was like hearing FBI in her previous life. She looked at Xiaozhi nervously, then looked at Citron, and said: "Ash! Citron! You are in contact with the international police. Pass?"

"No, no, no, how is that possible!"

Citron waved his hands in denial.

Yurika, who was less than waist high, had eyes bright as she rushed to Kashiwagi and asked: "Are you an international policeman? How awesome! Where are your handcuffs? And the secret agent trench coat——"

"Yu Lijia!"

Citron was so frightened that a mechanical hand flew out of the big backpack behind him and pulled his naughty sister back.

He hurriedly bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yulijia didn't mean any harm."

"It's okay, don't be nervous, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding."

Kashiwagi took out his mobile phone, showed the temporary ID he asked for from Liuge, and said frankly: "I am not an international policeman, at most I am a non-staff member."

Bolkenion didn't understand a word he said from the beginning, but he also understood that he was not a bad person. He snorted and said: "There are more and more humans. After resting, hurry up and go home, Ma." Jiyana.”

"Beep beep beep~"

Magearna stared at the cypress tree and nodded when she heard its words.

Across the stream.

Kojiro put down the night vision binoculars and wondered: "Why is a stranger here?"

"They don't seem to know that person, meow."

Meow Meow said blankly.

"He's a handsome guy, and he's such a young handsome guy!" Musashi said excitedly, attracting speechless side glances from a person and a cat nearby.

Kojiro said troubledly: "It doesn't look like a passerby. What should I do? Do I need to notify Jarvis?"

"It's not necessary! Just proceed as planned! Don't forget our new secret weapon." Musashi decisively rejected the proposal, revealing the dark gold bracelet on his wrist.

When Kojiro and Miaomiao saw this, they couldn't help but get excited.


"That's right, meow!"

"Idiot, you're too loud! Shh! Shhh!"



Xiaozhi's side.

After some self-introduction.

Kashiwagi had initially gained the trust of several people, and the key was to convince the only brain - Citron.

After all, among the four people, Xiaozhi has the most travel experience but is the least defensive.

Serena generally looks to Xiaozhi as the leader, and occasionally relies on Citron, but if Xiaozhi is not around or Xiaozhi is in some kind of predicament, she will definitely be able to carry the banner.

Not to mention Yulijia, she is an optimist, a mischievous person, and has no idea except when choosing a bride for her brother.

Only Citron, the young inventor, was barely reliable.

Why do you say reluctantly?

Because normal people can't always make inventions that can explode and perm their heads, I feel that he will definitely achieve extraordinary achievements by studying bombs.

In fact, there is a hidden brain Pikachu among the four, but it is too difficult to convince it.

Everyone sat down around the campfire.

Citron was the first to ask:


"Just call me Kashiwagi."

"Okay, what do you want to do with Xiaozhi and me?"

"If I have to say it, I'm not looking for you, but the one in Yurika's bag." Kashiwagi smiled and pointed to Yurika's bag.

Yulijia opened her pocket in confusion and said, "Looking for Dong Dong Rat?"


The rat's head popped up in confusion.

Citron looked at Xiaozhi and Serena as if he suddenly understood, his expression became serious, and asked again: "Are you going to...capture Xiaoruan?"


Another green being like a planarian emerged from the yellow packet.

"Capture Xiaoruan?"

Yulijia's expression changed drastically, she quickly closed the bag and resisted: "No! Don't take Xiaoruan away!"

Kashiwagi said helplessly: "Of course not, you can rest assured. I came to you in order to cooperate with Z1... Xiaoruan."


Several people looked at each other.

He was about to explain when he caught sight of Z1 staring at him seriously.

Then, a loud, majestic but slightly sharp voice sounded in his head.

"Are you the will of the earth?"

"The Will of the Earth?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, and the first scene that flashed through his mind was the scene at the deepest part of the Awakening Temple before coming here.

He couldn't help but look down at his various places, faced the puzzled looks of Xiaozhi and others, and asked: "May I ask why you said this?"

"...Don't worry about it, it's just my eyesight that is stupid."

Z1 didn't expect to respond with an awkward expression, so he retracted his head.

Kashiwagi: "..."


I will torture you again after rescuing Z2 and see if you will tell me when the time comes.

He looked at Xiaozhi and the others and said, "You must have been in contact with Team Flare, and these people captured Xiaozhi and another Zygarde core in order to use their power to kill other people in Carlos. ."


Xiaozhi and Citron's faces were full of disbelief, Serena covered her mouth and her eyes trembled, and Yulijia raised her thin eyebrows as if she was quite indignant.

Z1, who had just shrunk his head, raised his head again and stared at Kashiwagi who was whispering.

Bolkenion, who was listening in, sneered.

"This is human beings. It's not enough to persecute Pokémon. They also want to use Pokémon to persecute their own humans, hahahaha."

"It's a part of the human race. Your classification is too general."

He responded and continued: "In order to stop these people's conspiracy, I hope to get the help of Little Soft, break into Team Flare's base with it, and be one step ahead when they control another Zygard core. Get it out.”

"Isn't this too dangerous..."

"Of course, I won't be the only one taking action, but many people will be involved."

Kashiwagi glanced into the distance. Porygon II had just confirmed that Team Rocket would not hear what they were talking about, and whispered:

"If I guess correctly, Team Flare will take action soon, so I came here, hoping to get help from Xiao Ruan."

"I agree!"

Z1 agreed without hesitation.

This made Kashiwagi, who had thought about a series of persuasion content, hold it all back. He looked at Z1 in surprise. Xiaozhi and others were also very surprised.

Why is Z1, who rarely agrees to others, so active today?

Youlijia said in surprise: "Is it okay, Xiaoruan?"


Z1 nodded, then softened.

When it escaped, it seemed that part of its power was transferred to Manon's Harry, causing the latter to fall into coma, and it also became weak, just like Ultraman, fighting with a limited time limit.

"Then, does the big brother want to take Xiaoruan away?"

Yurika looked at Kashiwagi pitifully.

As a preparatory trainer who made a subsequent agreement with Z1, she was naturally very reluctant to part with Z1, but she also heard the importance of this matter from the latter's tone.

"No, you can come with Xiaoruan. Of course, I won't assign you any action tasks. That would be too dangerous."

Kashiwagi smiled.

He came to Xiaozhi and his group for another purpose - to use the latter's righteous victory buff.

Regardless of their fighting ability at the Alliance Conference, when it comes to fighting against evil, Ash and Pikachu will never lose to anyone.

If you can't do it yourself, there will be divine beasts to help you.

There is no reason not to keep such a humanoid super buff with you to ensure the success of the operation.

Yulijia smiled again. It was great that she didn't have to go through inner disputes. She stood up and shouted, "Hey! No need to separate from Xiaoruan!"


"Beep beep beep~"

Sensing her happiness, Dongdongshu and Majiana also shouted.


Bolkenion sneered, but his eyes were particularly soft when he looked at Magearna.

Citron looked at his sister lovingly, bowed his head and thanked Kashiwagi: "I'm sorry, my sister has caused you trouble."

"No no."

Kashiwagi waved his hand and glanced at Serena, who seemed worried and kept sewing on Xiaozhi's clothes.

What kind of maternal hand line?

Or will Shi Niang make clothes for you?

He looked at Xiaozhi who had a cute look on his face and sighed inwardly, this little girl is so straight forward and you don't have any reaction at all!

Fighting against idiots is nothing more than that.

"Speaking of which, Xiaozhi and I have a close relationship."

Kashiwagi opened the photo album on his phone with a smile, flipped through the photos taken with Xiaoguang and the others, and said to Xiaozhi and Pikachu: "I have met almost all of your previous traveling companions, and I always heard them talking about you."

"Hey, hey? Is that so?"

Xiaozhi leaned over excitedly, his movements a little funny because he was unfamiliar with the thick clothes on his body.

But he didn't care, he just looked at the photo of Kashiwagi, Xiaoguang and others with Pikachu expectantly.

"Ah! It's Xiaoguang! Pogaman!"

"Pika pika!"

"Xiao Gang also has one! The good luck eggs have evolved into auspicious eggs..."


"Xiao Sheng! He has already started traveling? What kind of Pokémon is this? It looks so strong!"


"It's Xiaoyao! Huh? This is... Xiaoshun? Hallisan! Urala! Is this the Mickle Cup? Who won in the end? Huh? Are you also a coordination trainer? Amazing!"

"Pickup? Pickup!"

At first, only Kashiwagi, Xiaozhi and Pikachu were discussing. Soon Yurika joined in, then Serena, and finally Citron also came to join in the fun.

Even Bolkenion couldn't help but raise his neck and take a look.

The joyful atmosphere suddenly swept away the dullness just now, and the matters of Team Flare were temporarily forgotten.

"Hahahaha! It's been so long since I've seen everyone. I miss them so much. It's great to see them still so healthy."

Ash sat on the ground, looking up at the stars with Pikachu.


"Everyone misses you very much and often tells me about you, especially Xiaosheng." Kashiwagi said with a smile.

"Kacchan? Really?"

Xiaozhi looked surprised, knowing that Xiaosheng often said that he was unreliable in private.

Kashiwagi nodded, "Of course, he said that the trainer he most admires is you, and he has been traveling hard with you as his goal. Looking forward to your performance in the Kalos League."

"Hehehe, that sounds a little embarrassing."

Xiaozhi rubbed his nose and said softly: "That's it, Xiaosheng..."

There are too many precious memories with his former partners, and these memories can become the motivation for him to move forward.

Kashiwagi realized that he might have given him a friend BUFF, and maybe there would be a memory kill or something like that in the finals.

It's getting late.

Xiaozhi and others informed Kashiwagi of the current situation.

The latter was able to go to the Nibel Plateau together with Bolkenion's "as you wish" consent.

It was obvious that this phantom Pokémon, which did not trust humans, had put down its guard against him.

This is often the case with Pokémon. They talk about distrust and distrust, but once humans show kindness and closeness, they will gradually trust them.

Everyone settled in a cave to rest and prepare for the journey tomorrow.

Kashiwagi was also a little sleepy and closed his eyes for a while to rest.

Wait for the Rockets to come and kill you.

I do not know how long it has been.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw Volkenion beside him and Pikachu opposite him getting up together.

"You feel it too?"

Volcanion glanced at him and Pikachu.


Pika nodded and ran out of the cave immediately.

Kashiwagi followed closely behind, and Volkenion took heavier steps. The magnetic chain on his foot was triggered as it moved, forcing him to wake up the sleeping Xiaozhi.

outside the cave.

As soon as Pikachu ran out with its front legs, countless emerald green projectiles poured down from behind, hitting the ground with a thump, and countless green smoke billowing up.

The seemingly ferocious attack failed to hit even a single hit.

Kashiwagi, who was following behind, twitched the corner of his mouth, and immediately saw Pikachu's body explode with electricity and shoot a bolt of lightning upwards.



The smoke on the top of the mountain woke up the remaining people in the cave.

Kashiwagi turned his head and stared at the two people and one cat who appeared very proud on the top of the mountain, as well as Kairos and Heracross who were higher up.

A smile gradually appeared on his face, and he asked: "Who are you!"

The trio of Team Rocket on the top of the hill lit up when they heard this, laughed and assumed seductive poses.

Musashi: "Since you asked the question sincerely!"

Kashiwagi: "Then I will tell you with great mercy!"

Kojiro: "Then I will tell you with great mercy... huh?"

Musashi: "Uh... to prevent the world from being destroyed?"

Kashiwagi: "To protect world peace!"

Kojiro: "For...hey..."

Musashi: "...Evil that implements love and truth?"

Kashiwagi: "A cute and charming villain!"

Kojiro: "Hey, hey..."

Musashi akimbo: "Musashi!"

Kashiwagi raised his right hand high: "Xiao~Jiro!"

Kojiro couldn't bear it anymore and yelled: "Wait a minute, wait a minute! These are my lines! What's wrong with you!"

"Hahahaha, I couldn't hold it in for a while, I couldn't hold it in, you guys continue." Kashiwagi waved his hands, but he couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

This made Xiaozhi and the others look at him with strange expressions.

Three black lines ran down Meow Meow's forehead, "What is this person doing? How does he know about our appearance, Meow Meow?"

Kojiro bared his teeth, "I still want to know!"

Musashi was full of confidence, put his hands on his hips and said, "Maybe he is one of our fans!"


Meowth and Kojiro both looked at her.

py a new book

"Are you an elf legal?"

Why are you charging straight at a bear with "belly bulging" and "super speed" but also "blocking" it?

Something's's not legal!

“My mushroom has three characteristics, and the green caterpillar is the “finishing touch”. "

"The elves developed it themselves, and the cultivation is justified. You bite me."


Chen Yuan: Why, people keep calling me "Juice Succubus" recently!


The earth's fusion worldview, the daily writing of elves, and the snake bear are so cute! If you are interested, you can take a look~

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