My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 890 Giant Tree Hill

After a while.

Happiny finished treating the spirit horse.

Kashiwagi immediately put it back into the ball and shook his hand that was numbed by licking. Although there was no saliva on it, he still had the illusion that his hand was going to rot.

"It really doesn't eat people? I strongly suspect it's eating me."

It doesn't make sense that it can lick even a hand so happily. Whose horse doesn't chew carrots and loves to chew people?

Multi-sided mobile phone: "No changes in body temperature, blood pressure, etc. were detected. Do you feel tired? Do you feel sleepy?"

"I am very tired every day, but I don't feel sleepy."

He said seriously.

Multi-sided mobile phone directly ignored the meaningful look and responded: "That's your illusion, Kashiwagi. It just has the same quirk as the three-headed evil dragon."

The quirk of the three-headed evil dragon is based on the energy and desire for destruction that it had nowhere to release all day when it was a young single-headed dragon. In addition to Kashiwagi's hand, it would chew something up almost every week.

Spirit horse...

It's hard to imagine its pony period.

Kashiwagi raised his hand and released his Pokémon, including the three pillars that had been in the ball.


As soon as the three-headed dragon appeared, it rushed forward anxiously, as if to declare its sovereignty, and wanted to gnaw its hand.

Of course, it was rejected.

Being licked by a Pokémon was disgusting enough, and being licked by another one, Kashiwagi, who was a little bit of a clean freak, couldn't accept it.

Moreover, the sovereignty consciousness of the three-headed dragon was very dangerous. If you follow its temper too much, it will easily make its temper more violent and release its wildness completely.

Occasionally, it has to be suppressed.

In order to be strong in battle, wildness and rationality must coexist.

"Hold it down for me."

Poor Hassock was instantly suppressed by Happiny and Boskodora.

Coming to the stream to clean his hands, he glanced at the Mimic and Mouth who were playing in the water, and said, "I don't blame you, you don't have to be so timid."

The light on his side was mottled.

The sneaky Doronbaruto popped up, his triangular eyes wandering around, his expression slightly nervous and uneasy.

"Lu Tu..."

"You did a great job in attracting the Spirit Horse. But next time, don't act on your own without asking, understand? I'm worried about you. Idiot!"

He knocked on its head with a smile and scolded.

I had thought about teaching the Shedinosaur a lesson before, so that it would learn a lesson, but when I saw it diligently calling the Spirit Horse, I decided to forget it.

It's not that the merits and demerits offset each other.

I was just a little touched when I saw Doronbaruto take the initiative to help him and use his abilities to do something that made him happy.

"Lu Tu? Lu Tu!"

The Shedinosaur saw the smile on the trainer's face that didn't seem fake, and his uneasy mood gradually became happy.

I hadn't called it before, which made it particularly nervous.

I followed Kashiwagi secretly and observed him, wondering if he was angry or not, whether I would be scolded or kicked out of the house directly or something like that...

Luckily, I didn't.

Droneloto flew away happily in stealth.

Kashiwagi called Kotaku and Milotic, who were having fun, and returned to the camp that was mostly built by the Pokémon. The big hole made by the play had already been filled by Steelix.


Bud Crown also participated in it, and was using the power of spirit to set the table with Happiny.

"Your Majesty——"

Kashiwagi wanted to call it, but it didn't show any grievance or reluctance, but was doing its job seriously, so he shut up.

The three pillars did nothing as usual.

But they have only been bodyguards since ancient times, and they don't consume any food, so it's good that they don't have to serve them.

Kashiwagi didn't assign any tasks.

Everyone acted spontaneously. Even though the three pillars had regained their wisdom, they still followed the instinctive logic of following orders.

At lunch time.

He sent the Duolong siblings to deliver food to Duolongqi and Duolong Messia, but did not call them over to enjoy it together, so as to avoid embarrassing the dinosaurs of a certain society.

Who knew that Duolong Baruto secretly saved some of his own rations and prepared to send them over.

The three dragons met magically at the door of their hometown.

This incident naturally attracted everyone's laughter. Duolong Baruto, who kept making tricks, made Kashiwagi laugh and cry.

"You kid!"

He nodded helplessly and stopped scolding it.

If Duolong Baruto was autistic again, it would be very troublesome.



After a short rest.

Kashiwagi was ready to take the Bud Crown King to the Crown Temple, where it might recover faster.

But he was rejected.

"No need. '

The Bud Crown King said: 'The Crown Temple is high on the snowy mountain, the climate is cold and the environment is harsh, how can you live there normally? Besides, it will take time to recover your strength, and you will go to the temple sooner or later, so there is no need to rush. '

Seeing its serious expression, Kashiwagi nodded and said, "Okay."

Sharing hardships can certainly cultivate feelings, but it is not his habit to endure hardships.

Even if the temperature difference between day and night on the giant bed is large, it is definitely better than the top of the snowy mountain where the temple is located.

Moreover, you can continue to go south.

"I would like to go to the Giant Tree Hill to see it, what do you think, Your Majesty?"

He asked.

In the game, the Giant Tree Hill can trigger the plot of the three Galar birds. He has already seen the Zapdos. If he goes there, he may find the remaining Moltres and Articuno.

What? In the game, these two are actually in the wilderness area and the Isle of Armor?

What if there is?

Kashiwagi didn’t want to give up any possibility.

King Lei Guan has no objection, as long as he doesn't go to the Crown Temple now, other places don't matter at all. There are too many sad things in the temple, and it will only dare to go back after riding a snowstorm horse or a ghost horse.


The hoverbike headed towards the southernmost part of Galar.

There is a huge river separating the Giant's Sleeping Cot from the shore of Qiu Lake. On both sides of the river are steep mountains that are difficult to climb.

Kashiwagi thought about it for a while.

Decided to fly over on the Big Steel Snake airship.

The main hoverbike cannot float on the water due to some principle, and the three evil dragons are injured...

Boss Cordora surfing?

He really wanted to give it a try if he were alone, but Lei Guanwang was beside him.

Considering that the head of the big steel snake was really hard and riding for a long time would be extremely harmful to the flesh of the buttocks, he put two thick cushions on it and just invited Lei Guanwang to sit down.


The big steel snake roared and "swam" to the other side like a high-speed train taking off.

Many wild Pokémon appeared in the river out of curiosity, and some even jumped out of the water, seemingly wanting to play.

But after taking one look at the big steel snake's terrifying red copper-like eyes and exaggerated body shape, he fled silently.

Flying up quickly.

This made Kashiwagi, who wanted to spread bait to feed the fish, particularly depressed.

"Can you stop being so cruel!"

He lowered his head and slapped twice, which made his palms hurt.

The big steel snake was also aggrieved and said that it was unreasonable to blame it for being born like this.


Kashiwagi said: "I'm talking about your temperament!"

Among all Pokémon, the one that has changed the least before and after being tamed is undoubtedly Big Steel Snake.

He was fierce when he was not conquered, but after he was conquered, he was not fierce at home but fierce to the outside world. He was quite similar to his former eldest brother Soshiro.

Maybe the reason why Soshiro bought it is because he saw similarities in personality?

It's a pity that its level is too high.

At that time, the Quicksand Team was in a crisis where the big boss was under house arrest. As a result, Soshiro had no time to tame it and finally took advantage of Kashiwagi.


The big steel snake was still aggrieved. How could it understand such advanced vocabulary?

The trainer's requirements for it are too high.

King Lei Guan saw Kashiwagi complaining about the big steel snake, saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and heard the aggrieved but not irritable voice of the big steel snake, and suddenly felt an emotion called envy.

It used to have such a harmonious relationship with its beloved horse, but in the end everything became different.

Can we go back to the past by condensing the flower of glory into a bridle?

King Lei Guan hopes so.

But remembering the question that Snowstorm Horse asked it, Linyou Horse completely ignored his attitude. King Leiguan understood that perhaps only by answering it could he get what he wanted.


Life is not easy, Xiaolu sighed.

When King Leiguan was alone and sad, the big steel snake successfully arrived on the other side of the river, and the vast circular plain and the eye-catching fiery red tree came into view.

The top of the big tree is white, with a cockscomb-like pattern at the top.

The whole thing looks like a cake.

“The weather here is so nice!”

Kashiwagi sighed.

Although it is only separated by dozens of kilometers and a large river, the cold air flow from the south of the Wangguan Snowfield cannot reach here due to the influence of the mountains on both sides.

The body temperature seems to have returned to the Alola region in an instant, and it is not as humid and hot as the Alola region.

Sure enough, shifting positions was correct.

Training Pokémon here and waiting for King Lei Guan to condense the Flower of Glory, isn't it better than the gloomy place in the ancient tomb?

Maybe for ghost-type Pokémon, Ancient Tomb is more comfortable.

He took back the big steel snake and continued to ride his motorcycle close to the big tree.

The noisy engine noise caused a large number of wild Pokémon to peek out, most of which rarely saw humans. Instead of hiding, they tried to catch up.

If it were Orei's Pokémon, it would probably hide when it heard the sound of the motorcycle.

After all, most of them were captured by Pokémon hunters riding motorcycles and off-road vehicles, and they brought their own transportation ptsd.

Thanks to these active wild Pokémon.

Kashiwagi was lucky enough to see all of Galar's "specialties" in a very short period of time.

Among them, the electric-chasing dogs are the most active. They chase the suspended motorcycles in groups, and fine electric currents are generated under their feet. The crackling sound is quite scary.



"Woof woof woof!"

The excitement made Kashiwagi think that these guys could chase him for dozens of kilometers, but unfortunately they stopped after only a few kilometers.

It's like there are NPCs with a range of activities in the game.

He knew that this was caused by him coming to the territory of other wild Pokémon.

And soon.

The owners of the territory revealed themselves——

Galar goes straight to the bear and blocks the bear.

They blocked Kashiwagi's path, spitting out their pink tongues with evil expressions on their faces, undoubtedly recognizing him as an outside intruder.

Especially blocking bears.

It crossed its arms, and a huge red X appeared in front of its body, clearly using its exclusive move [Block].

It's a pity that this little trick is not enough in front of the suspended motorcycle.

Kashiwagi pressed the runaway mode on the handle, and the engine roared loudly. Indigo flames spurted out from behind, startling King Lei Guan.

"My dear——"

"Sit tight, Your Majesty!"

He suddenly tilted the front of the car, and the hoverbike jumped up incredibly high, flying over the blocking bear and Galar like an acrobatic in an anime, and heading straight for the bear!



This group of evil-type Pokémon with the aura of a bosozoku widened their eyes as they watched the hoverbikes fly by, then land heavily behind them, and quickly move away.

They were silent for a moment.

Instead he burst into shouts of joy, without the slightest hint of offended anger.

Being born with the rampage factor, they suddenly felt that this move was really cool. Unfortunately, the hoverbike ran too fast, otherwise they would really have to catch up to see who it was.

other side.

Lei Guanwang's heart hung high and then fell heavily.


This exciting feeling reminded him of the days when he rode on his beloved horse and galloped across the land of Galar.

It smiled unconsciously.

The cypress who was quietly observing it also relaxed and looked at the giant thing that gradually appeared in front of him——

A group of strange jawed dragons with baby tyrannosaurs.

With a body of nearly three meters high, they look no worse than the Tyrannosaurus rex in the previous life, not to mention that they are much stronger than the Tyrannosaurus rex.


What's more important is that one of the fossil Pokémon from the Kalos region is still alive on the shores of Ball Lake.

If Kashiwagi releases this news, it is estimated that the ecological environment of Qiu Lake will not be so good in the future, and a large number of Pokémon hunters will sneak in to hunt here.

But the world of animation is really bullshit.

Theoretically, in the background setting, the resurrected fossil Pokémon are actually different from their true appearance in ancient times, so they all have a rock attribute.

But the animated world has never been so crowded. In the world located in the north of the Kanto region, there is an extremely large fossil Pokémon population.

Everything from fossilized dragons, scythe helmets, ammonite beasts and more.

Kashiwagi silently took out the ball.

Even though the Lightning Chaser and Blocker Bear can be avoided by relying on the performance of the hoverbike, this group of ferocious Pokémon may just...

All right.

He thinks too much.

The strange jaw dragons did not block his way, but on the contrary, they gave way to the active path. Maybe it was because the cub was beside him?

Kashiwagi glanced at the baby tyrannosaurs playing around and felt that these juvenile tyrannosaurs were really cute.

He threw out the Poké Cubes in his pocket as a gift in return.

"My dear, what did you lose?" 』

King Lei Guan asked curiously.

Kashiwagi: "Poké cubes are a kind of candy with different flavors. Would you like one, Your Majesty?"

He casually handed over a jar of Poké Cubes, "Each color represents a different flavor. Your Majesty, you can try the one you like best. If you think it tastes good, tell me."


Lei Guanwang silently opened the jar and tasted it slowly.

After a while.

Kashiwagi didn't get any feedback for a long time, so he quickly turned his head and glanced, and immediately saw King Lei Guan's eyes narrowing with pleasure.

Apparently it likes Poké Cubes.

After all, the heterochromatic Rayquaza cannot resist the temptation of Poké Cubes. This kind of snack that naturally exists for Pokémon is enough to capture most Pokémon.

Another ten minutes passed.

The giant tree hills are close at hand.

In the shadow.

Gengar came out and looked at the tall trees, knowing that he would complete his super evolution here!

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