My Empire War Game

Chapter 399 Golem

Many people explored the ruins and got a lot of treasures. As a result, they became seriously ill not long after they came back, and even died of illness. Then there was a saying that the things in the ruins were cursed, and those people died because of the curse.

There is some truth to this statement. Some objects in the ruins do carry curses, but most of them are funerary objects. More are the ones that Su Lun and the others discovered, because they have been stored in this environment for a long time, and they have been contaminated with some negative energy, as long as they are removed.

These negative energy breaths are actually not strong, they can only make ordinary people sick, and at most they will feel some discomfort to professionals. Soon, several people installed all these things. After checking that there were no omissions, several people continued to search in the ruins.

The scope of the hall is not large. Now that some hidden rooms have been found again, and a lot of things have been obtained after opening them. After coming down a few times, several people are very satisfied with these gains, but what makes Su Lun unhappy is that they did not find them here. The battle soul stone he wanted.

There is a passage here! Bane the Wanderer shouted loudly, and Su Lun hurried over with the others.

The passage mechanism discovered by Bahn was well preserved, and he had reopened it at this time. A group of people walked carefully along the passage, and as they continued to move forward, they soon approached a fairly complete building, even Some bryophytes also appear here.

There are even a few faint magic lamps on the surrounding walls, but because they have not been maintained for thousands of years, these magic lamps have become mottled, and they seem to be damaged if they are touched. There are also some broken magic crystals around them. It is used to transmit energy, but I didn't expect it to still work after thousands of years.

Spot the intruder!

Spot the intruder!

Start the magic energy construct III! The backup energy starts charging! Execute the first-level alert defense plan!

As soon as the few people entered here, there was an icy mechanical sound coming from the surroundings. In the next second, there was a booming sound, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps. A three-meter-high body made of silver metal The golem puppet stepped out.

The lines on this golem puppet are smooth, and the silver-white metal is very smooth. The whole golem actually gives Su Lun a sense of technology.

Be careful, everyone, this is a high-level golem puppet! Bane the wanderer said in a deep voice after seeing the appearance of the golem.

Don't fight him head-on! This place has been closed for thousands of years, and they don't have much energy to fight! Su Lun reminded.

These ancient ruins related to the Arcane Empire often encounter this kind of steel golem. In the era of the Arcane Empire, these steel golems belonged to the city guards. However, although these golem puppets can still move now, the energy in them There are not many left, so although these golems are powerful, they are not without ways to deal with them.

Find the target!

Lock the intruder!

Execute the first-level defensive alert and clear the intruders!

Activate the element fission light blade!


With a soft sound, Su Lun saw some changes in the arm of the puppet golem in front of him, and then a weapon like a light blade appeared instantly.

Energy light blade weapon? After seeing the weapon in the golem's hand, Su Lun's face instantly changed. This energy light blade weapon was also a high-end equipment during the Arcane Empire period.

This kind of weapon is very sharp, the lowest damage is equivalent to the legendary level, and ordinary armor is no different from paper in front of this kind of weapon.

After the light blade weapon appeared, the puppet golem immediately launched an attack. To Su Lun's surprise, although the puppet golem looked extremely heavy, it was very fast.

The puppet golem rushed towards Jayne, and Jayne waved his long sword to meet him without showing any weakness. Su Lun's face changed drastically, Get out of the way! Its weapon is very dangerous!

After hearing Su Lun's reminder, Jayne's body, which was wielding the long sword, changed its posture instantly, and rolled to the side to hide. The light blade quickly slashed across his head, and a scratch appeared on the hard ground like cutting tofu. Jayne, who had escaped the catastrophe, looked back and felt a chill on his back. If he hadn't dodged just now, he would have been cut in two even with his sword.

Su Lun waved his storm halberd and rushed up, clang! There was a piercing metal impact, and the storm halberd drew a string of sparks on the puppet golem.

Bahn's figure also moved, and his figure flashed to the side to attack. The dwarf heavy warrior who also reacted quickly was the closest to Bahn. When the golem attacked Bahn, a charge swung a battle ax Cut at the golem's thigh, not because he doesn't want to attack other places, but because he can't reach it


There was a heavy impact sound, and Su Lun's attack did not achieve very good results, but only left some marks on the golem puppets.


The light blade swept across, and cut directly at Su Lun's waist. The speed was too fast to dodge. Su Lun's storm halberd swept across, and the light blade and the halberd collided. A huge force came from the halberd. withdraw. And the light blade flickered twice before returning to normal.

Su Lun stepped hard, and rushed up again in a flash. The storm halberd stabbed the golem puppet with powerful lightning power.

The golem figure turned around, and the light blade aimed at Su Lun, slashing across the enemy's waist.

Clang, clang!

The storm halberd and the light blade kept colliding, each time making a huge sound, which made everyone's ears buzz, and Su Lun's expression became more serious.

The power of the golem puppet is not inferior to that of Su Lun at all. Under a series of attacks, Su Lun's body backed up again and again, and the floor under his feet shattered, but it was not without any gains. Scars appeared on the golem puppet. Even the light blade was visibly dimmed.

Thunder field!

A powerful force burst out from Su Lun's body in an instant, and then he raised his head to the sky and roared. The muscles of Su Lun's body swelled as if they were inflated with air. With the sound of crackling bones, thunderbolts appeared around him.

The light blade slashed again, and Su Lun's storm halberd instantly supported the light blade. At the same time, the halberd deflected, and with a sweep, the sharp halberd blade directly slashed across the puppet golem's arm joints. There was a piercing sound of metal friction, and a serious gap appeared in the joints of the golem puppet.

When Su Lun was entangled with the golem, other people also took the opportunity to attack the golem's leg joints to deal with the golem in the ruins. These experienced adventurers had their own way, although the golem's defense was very weak. Strong, but it will still cause serious damage in the face of continuous attacks from the same part.


The energy of the elemental fission light blade is insufficient! The elemental fission light blade is turned off!

The Magic Construct Guardian switches to battle mode!

Just as Su Lun was fighting fiercely with the golem puppet, the light blade in the golem puppet's hand flickered a few times before disappearing, and then the arm of the golem puppet began to move rapidly, and the steel changed rapidly. With one breath, the light blade in the hand of the golem puppet transformed into a large metal sword.

Take advantage of the trend!


After the transformation was completed, the golem puppet giant sword swept across, directly sweeping away the dwarf heavy warriors who could not dodge, and the magic steel giant sword slashed on Varadin, sparks scattered, Varadin's body was like a baseball being hit, instantly Flying backwards, even the fine dwarven heavy armor on his body was torn a hole. If it wasn't for his armor being strong enough, Varadin could have been cut in two with this blow.

Fortunately, they are heavy dwarf warriors. If they were replaced by Bane and Jayne, they would be either dead or injured. It can be said that they are not the main targets of the golem puppets, otherwise even the three high-level professionals would not be able to attack them. Will be easily hammered by it.

If the golem puppet in front of him is in a complete state, it is basically the same as a Gundam. With the energy weapons out, he won't be surprised even if there is some long-range energy attack or even an energy shield. Fortunately, this relic has been buried for too long, no one maintains it, and lacks energy, otherwise the fighting power of this golem would be even stronger.


The puppet golem slashed at Jayne, Jayne's face changed, and he swung his sword with both hands, trying to block the attack of the golem puppet, a harsh metal impact sounded, and Jayne was killed even with weapons. Chopped and flew out, and the fine steel long sword in his hand was bent at 90 degrees. His chest was also hit hard, the ring of chain mail on his body cracked, his body hit the wall like a mural, and then slid down. If it wasn't for his undulating chest, Su Lun would have thought he was dead.

The storm halberd swept across, metal and iron rang out, and deep scratches appeared on the body of the puppet golem. This kind of alloy craft metal from the Arcane Empire era had a strong defense. Challenge the feeling of high.

After the golem is enchanted with a special craft, its physical defense and magic defense are very high, and it is immune to most negative states, which can be said to be very difficult to deal with. In fact, in the face of this situation, heavy weapons cause relatively higher damage.

Su Lun dodged sideways, turned his footsteps, and had already circled around the golem puppet, turned the storm halberd in his hand with one hand, and slashed hard at the golem puppet's knee joint with a sweep. After dozens of heavy blows , The metal at the knee joint of the golem puppet finally couldn't bear it, and a hole was torn open by the storm halberd.

Seeing this situation, Su Lun would not miss this opportunity. In an instant, more than a dozen lights and shadows were waved out from the Storm Halberd, constantly attacking its knee joints.

Clang, clang!

The continuous sound of metal clanging sounded, and the golem puppets wielded the magic steel long sword to fight back, but Su Lun did not back down at all this time, sparks flew everywhere, and after the storm halberd lifted the magic steel long sword away, he continued to attack again.


There was a soft sound, and the knee joints of the golem puppet were completely damaged, its body shook involuntarily, and its moving speed was greatly reduced.

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