My Empire War Game

Chapter 438 Unified Military System

After returning to the place where they lived at night, Su Lun still felt a little swollen in his head. After all, he had read so many books in a short period of time. Even with the talent of [Potatic Scholar], he couldn't bear it. The traverser of the scanning function.

No matter how much knowledge you have, you only need to scan it to memorize it all. No matter how cumbersome the spell model is, you can directly master it by scanning it in, and it can be optimized and improved. It is simply not too powerful. And in addition to these functions, it can also optimize meditation methods and improve deduction, which is completely a humanoid super brain.

Hathaway, how much do you remember? Su Lun rubbed his temples and looked at Hathaway.

Hathaway still had an intellectual and quiet look, with a small magic gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, her slender fingers casually directing a quill to record something, and the pair of towering ones on her chest easily held up the notebook, looking Su Lun's heart felt hot for a while.

It's okay, I've written down all the knowledge we don't have. Hathaway said relaxedly.

Emmm, sure enough, people's physiques are different, and talents are also different. It's like you and Xueba both got 100 points in the exam. It's not that you are as good as Xueba. You finally got it after studying hard One hundred, one hundred for the Xueba test is because the test paper only has one hundred points.

How's the quality of that knowledge? Su Lun asked. The information he read today was okay, but it wasn't the kind that made people's eyes shine.

Hathaway snapped her fingers, closed the notebook, and arranged a spell barrier around the two of them, before saying, I found a hidden special space on the third floor of the library today. , it should be where the former powerhouses of the Emerald Tower hid, but the juniors of the Emerald Tower didn’t find it, but I accidentally found it.”

Hearing Hathaway's words, Su Lun was also stunned, So lucky? What's in it?

Magic energy particle rail gun technology!

What? Su Lun couldn't help but exclaimed, and even rushed to Hathaway's side.

What you said is true? Did you really get the magic energy particle rail gun technology?

Surely Su Lun is not excited. This thing can be said to be a big killer. In the era of the Arcane Empire, the magic energy particle rail gun may not be the most powerful offensive weapon, but in this era, it is the killer weapon among the killers. .

This kind of technology has been inherited by only a few large wizarding organizations until now. The wizarding tower can only be regarded as a real wizarding tower after it is equipped with a magic particle rail gun. A wizard's tower without such a weapon is at best a wizard's laboratory. With this thing, it directly becomes a war fortress.

Because the wizard tower in Zhenbei City is not equipped with a magic energy particle railgun, it basically has no ability to attack fortifications, and it has no deterrent effect on powerful enemies. If you shoot down, you can kill it in seconds.

The Magic Particle Railgun has many characteristics, such as powerful power, fast attack, and strong penetrating power, but it also has many weaknesses, such as being unable to strike across planes, and can only attack in a straight line, and consumes a lot of energy. Of course, for Su Lun, these shortcomings are completely tolerable.

Listen to what I have to say. Hathaway rolled his eyes at him and continued, What I got is not the complete information, but part of it.

Part of it. Su Lun was a little disappointed.

But? Hathaway deliberately elongated her tone. But what? Su Lun asked immediately.

However, the theoretical design principle of the magic particle railgun is still complete. Hathaway said proudly: As long as I have some time to study, I have 80% certainty to deduce the complete information of the magic particle railgun again. .”

Thank you for your hard work. I will reward you heavily when I go back! Su Lun said excitedly.

The spell exchange meeting started on the third day when Su Lun and the others came here. The exchange meeting was held at the Tower of Wisdom, a 60-meter-high wizard tower next to the Emerald Tower. When Su Lun and Hathaway came here, there were already many people waiting here.

Welcome to come, I am the Tower Master of the Emerald Tower, Alfred. A middle-aged wizard on the high platform said, and the entire Tower of Wisdom fell silent in an instant.

We can speak freely in this spell exchange meeting, the purpose is to explore and gain more knowledge

For the next three days, Su Lun and Hathaway have been exchanging knowledge at the exchange meeting. It has to be said that although this exchange meeting will not bring out too high-end and important knowledge, many times other wizards Some of their whimsical ideas will also inspire them unexpectedly, so overall, the harvest is still very good.

Of course, the harvest of the Emerald Tower is not small, and Su Lun and Hathaway also produced a lot of dry goods. After three days passed, Su Lun and Hathaway left the Emerald Tower contentedly.

They didn't know that Hathaway had obtained the technical data of the magic energy particle rail gun that originally belonged to them.

Back in San Firto City, Hathaway did not stay here, and returned directly to Zhenbei City through the teleportation array. She is busy researching the information now. The last time Su Lun gave her the Making and Principles of Mysterious Locks, she has not fully grasped it yet. The production of the Enigma Lock is still far away. This time, I have obtained the materials of the Magic Energy Particle Railgun and Elemental Fission and Elemental Fusion Technology and Elemental Furnace.

Taking any one out can make other people scratch their heads. Now Hathaway is hurrying up to study, trying to understand all these materials as soon as possible, and then build them and install them on the wizard tower.

A wizard tower that can enter the astral world cannot be supported by relying solely on the function of the element pool, and the energy of the element pool cannot continuously fire the magic energy particle orbital gun. The tower can only run at full capacity for a few hours before it has to be brought back to the surface to resume power.

Hathaway went back to study with the information, and Su Lun began to rectify the army in San Felt.

The military system in Zhenbei City is a bit chaotic and too simple. Of course, at the beginning, it was because of the small number of people. Su Lun did not have a unified military system. A team of barbarians has five people, and a bow and arrow team of half-elves has twelve people. A squad of soldiers is ten people.

Now Su Lun has become the king of Florence, and the number of troops is increasing. If it is done like before, it will easily cause chaos, and it will also affect the combat effectiveness of the army, so Su Lun has already planned to unify the military system.

The army is divided into the regular army and the reserve militia. The regular army is the army that is completely out of production. This is the standing army of the Kingdom of Florence. Ten people form a small team, with a team leader and a deputy leader. Ordinary soldiers are equipped with iron leather armor , while the squad leader and deputy captain are armored.

Usually, the deputy captain in the army does not directly report to the soldiers, but only exists as the deputy of the squad leader. During the battle, the battle is carried out in units of squads. If the squad leader is killed, the deputy captain will continue to lead the soldiers to fight. If the deputy captain dies, the soldier with the most kills takes over, and so on.

Then the five squadrons form a squadron, with a squadron leader, five personal guards, a standard bearer, a deputy squadron leader, and two messengers, a total of 60 people. If the squadron leader is killed, the deputy squadron leader will take over, and then the squad leader will continue to take over.

The three squadrons form a brigade, with one captain, one deputy captain, a ten-person guard, two standard bearers, four messengers, and two medical soldiers, a total of 200 people.

The five brigades consisted of one general, two lieutenants, five bodyguards with fifty people, five standard bearers, ten messengers, two medical soldiers, and two scouts with forty people, totaling 1,100 people. .

The five divisions constitute an army, with one army commander, two deputy army commanders, two hundred personal guards, twenty standard bearers, fifty messengers, fifty medical soldiers, and one hundred and eighty scouts, totaling 6,000 people.

In addition, each squadron is also equipped with auxiliary soldiers and cooks who are responsible for logistics work. There are 30 auxiliary soldiers and ten cooks who are responsible for living, cooking and transporting supplies. Add 70 auxiliary soldiers to the first division, 30 cooks, and 500 auxiliary soldiers to the first army. The total number of soldiers in a legion is 10,000, with 6,000 regular soldiers and 4,000 auxiliary soldiers. .

Under normal circumstances, a legion is used as a combat unit, of course, it can also be split, or several armies can form a larger legion. Now there are only two legions in the city of San Firto.

The reserve militia is half farmer and half soldier. It cultivates the land during the busy farming season and trains during the slack season. Generally, it can be quickly replenished when the regular army suffers losses. The number is not limited. After joining the reserve service, they will receive certain tax breaks.

Now in the palace of Florence, there are only two legions under the direct control of Su Lun, and other lords have their own private armies. There are quite a few armies in the territory directly under the kingdom, but these armies still need further reorganization.

Although the northern provinces are still honest under the cooperation of Su Lun and the Marquis of Savoy, they still need to maintain enough troops to deter him. Su Lun does not believe that these fools will always support him. Once his strength is weak, these nobles will It became ambiguous again.

So he intends to replace some nobles who opposed him before, and the territory will be directly under the control of the state. They were not dealt with a while ago because the situation was not stable at that time, and Su Lun didn't want to push too hard and cause more losses, so he could only stay temporarily.

Now that Su Lun has firmly secured the throne, although there are still many rebels in the south, he can take his hand and slowly deal with these people. At the same time, in order to deal with domestic opposition forces, he also needs to expand the army, at least one to two times.

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