My Empire War Game

Chapter 469 Happy New Year to all book friends!

Obsidian's physical resistance and magic resistance are very good. It is the main material for building the floating city, and the amount consumed can be described as astronomical. In the construction of a floating city, the base must be built with obsidian, and other cut corners are absolutely not allowed.

As for the method of using ordinary rocks and adding hardening techniques, it is not acceptable. You must know that the floating city is a super city that can fly freely in the sky and even in the astral world. It is also the most powerful battle fortress for wizards. He doesn't want to save money. Instead, in this way, if the floating city worth hundreds of billions of kinnars was damaged due to quality problems, Su Lun would have nowhere to cry.

There is no rush to build the production line of rock golems. With experience in the production line of clay golems, the production line of rock golems needs further adjustments. Besides, we have just spent so much energy building the production line of clay golems. Hathaway I also need to rest for a while, otherwise what should I do if I am hungry and thin?

Although Hathaway's body has always been majestic, and Su Lun has measured it himself, he doesn't want to relieve the heavy pressure on his chest. Every man wants to be big, and big is the truth.

After Su Lun returned to Zhenbei City, Chris also came back from the underground world. After this period of mining, the underground world has begun to produce gold, and besides gold, other silver, copper, iron, lead, etc. Various metals were also produced, and even a small amount of various magic gemstones were produced. The most important thing was three catties of pure gold.

Fine gold is a metal that is very difficult to refine. Ordinary blacksmiths have no way to do it. Only dwarves have mastered the method of refining. Blacksmiths in the human kingdom have no way to refine this metal. Wizards have a way to refine it, and it is better than dwarves. The technology is advanced, but the difficulty is still very high.

Even in the era of the Arcane Empire, it is quite troublesome to refine a large amount of fine gold. Although three catties of pure gold is not much, it means that Zhenbei City has a stable production of fine gold.

Fine gold is the same as Mithril. Although it is indispensable in many cases, it is generally not used in large amounts. Although three catties is not much, but saving a little every month is almost enough.

Seeing the little succubus Chris come back, Su Lun was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He was busy with work during this time, and didn't have time to play a few games of Gwent with them. This card belongs to a multiplayer game, and the more people there are, the more interesting it is to play. There is another name for this game, which is called ** card.

If you lose, you will be punished. Su Lun is also ready. He found a box from the mezzanine of his study, opened the box, and there are more than a dozen kinds of leather whips of different lengths, and the materials of these leather whips are also different. Similarly, after picking and choosing, Su Lun chose a beautifully woven linen whip, a few red cotton ropes, and a few candles, and then went to Chris's room.

The game was very intense, the little succubus Chris and Su Lun were rivals riding seams, and the battle was halfway through, but the little succubus couldn't bear it and could only beg for mercy, Su Lun brought over two half-elven maids from Ahn'Qiraj A piece of gwent. Su Lun has great marksmanship and strong impact, and everywhere he passes is defeated and begging for mercy.

Nothing to say all night. The next day, when the sun was rising, Su Lun came to the restaurant unsteadily, and she was happy to omit 12,300 words here.

It's been a long time since I played, I had a lot of fun last night, and I'm still a little depressed now, but the ending is still good.

At this time, the roads in Zhenbei City have been blocked by heavy snow, and the city is preparing for the New Year. This festival was also brought by Su Lun, and he is the only one who can hold this kind of festival.

But at this moment, a Jin Yiwei brought news of the war.

The rebel nobles in the south elected the Medici family as the king and formally ascended the throne and established the country.

The Medici family ascended the throne and established the country?

Su Lun, who was sitting on the main seat, was a little dazed. The Medici family was also one of the Elector families in the Kingdom of Florence, but the strength of this Elector family had always been at the bottom in the Kingdom of Florence. Unexpectedly, this This time he dared to stand out.

Since he ascended the throne, the nobles in the southern provinces rebelled. Because of lack of strength, Su Lun did not carry out the crusade. It was just an official condemnation, and there were not many new troops assembled in San Ferto City. Su Lun's original plan was to After pacifying the north, they marched to the south. As a result, the nobles in the south actually elected the Medici family as the throne and founding the country.

This is no longer a matter of rebellion or not. Although the Jinyiwei recruited by Su Lun has begun to infiltrate the south, they have not received much information. Now they have not only ascended the throne and proclaimed themselves emperor, but also formed a large army to prepare for the attack.

Su Lun, who got the news, couldn't sit still. He wasn't worried about Zhenbei City, but San Firto City couldn't do it. Without him in charge, Phyllis alone couldn't hold back the situation.

Su Lun returned to San Ferto City through the teleportation array. As soon as she arrived here, Phyllis hugged Su Lun like a suckling swallow and did not let go.

What's the matter? Does anyone dare to bully my little baby? Su Lun felt the moisture on his chest and asked softly, stroking Phyllis's north.

It's you, you big villain, and you haven't come to see me for more than a month! I'll bite you to death! Phyllis showed two small silver teeth at Su Lun, and then bit Su Lun hard. go down.

Su Lun didn't feel the pain, but was worried that his flesh would be too hard to bite her teeth, so she quickly controlled her muscles and pretended to be in pain.

Ah, I didn't mean it! I'm sorry. Let me rub it for you! Seeing Su Lun's expression, Phyllis said nervously.

Su Lun secretly smiled in his heart, and directly hugged her by the waist with his arms. Regardless of her resistance, he carried her back to the bedroom, and soon a melodious singing sound came from the palace.

Early the next morning, Su Lun held a court meeting, and all the nobles from San Feltuo City came to attend. After everyone arrived, Su Lun asked an attendant to announce the founding of the southern rebel nobles, while he and Phyllis sat on the throne with a blank expression.

It's just that Phyllis seems to be lack of sleep and has been unable to cheer up.

After the attendant finished speaking, the faces of the nobles in the hall were different. For these nobles, Su Lun has been weakening and suppressing their power and encroaching on their interests since he ascended the throne. Being strongly suppressed by Su Lun, the remaining people now keep everything in their hearts, and secretly wait for the opportunity.

Now hearing that the southern aristocrats unite to build a country, they all want to watch a good show. The rebel nobles in the south formed a large army and wanted to make a northern expedition. These nobles didn't take it seriously at all, and even wished that they would come over quickly and completely overthrow the cruel, corrupt and depraved Su Lun.

Of course, not all of these nobles agreed to allow Su Lun to die, and some nobles surrendered to him, such as Rex, who was the Minister of the Interior. He is also very proficient. Now he is handling many of the government affairs of the Kingdom of Florence, while Su Lun and Phyllis are only in charge of the general direction.

Rex stepped forward to salute and said: Your Majesty, the southern rebels openly established a country, which is a blatant rebellion, and they even formed an army to attack. This is very strange!

Although the nobles in the south are richer than the north, because of the long-term peace and prosperity in the south, the strength of the army in the south is low. It is far from the opponent of the army in the north that often fights with the orcs. Now they dare to take the initiative to attack, if there is no ghost.

Su Lun smiled leisurely, and glanced at the many nobles above the hall: There are some weird things, but don't worry about it, since they have come, let them die right away!

Your Majesty, I am willing to be the vanguard and lead the army to kill all these rebellious officials and thieves! A general said loudly. Before the words were finished, the surrounding generals raised their heads high and patted their chests towards Su Lun, each of them scrambling to send troops to destroy the rebellion in the south.

These old people who have followed Su Lun since Zhenbei City have blind confidence in Su Lun's strength. Many people blindly worship Su Lun. After so many fights, Su Lun is a god in the eyes of these people. They were not worried that Su Lun would lose at all.

Moreover, Su Lun is still very generous to his own people. The salaries of the soldiers are very high, and they will also give out land. These generals have many castles and manors under the command of Su Lun. As long as they make meritorious service, Su Lun will never be stingy with rewards .

The last time Su Lun ascended the throne and became king, he conferred two earls and six viscounts in one breath. Although none of these titles were entrusted with territories, there were still many castles and manors rewarded.

Now that there is an opportunity to fight, these generals can't wait to go into battle immediately, and use the heads of those rebels on that side to increase their ranks.

Su Lun didn't speak, and flicked his fingers on the throne very rhythmically. Soon the hall became quiet, and only a rhythmic sound could be heard.

It's all over? Seeing these people quiet down, Su Lun sat up straight and said.

Now that I've finished talking, I'll start talking!

After looking around for a week, Su Lun continued, Since those southern rebels are in a hurry to die, I will personally send them a ride.

The main hall fell into silence, and then it became noisy.

Your Majesty, no!

Your Majesty, as a king, how can you take the arrow yourself? As long as you give an order, you will definitely bring that Medici family back to you!

Your Majesty, I am willing to share your worries for Your Majesty!

Hearing that Su Lun was going to go out in person, those nobles who had surrendered to him immediately dissuaded him, and more nobles just put on a show of persuasion. The acting skills have soared one by one. If it wasn't for the fact that Su Lun's system data showed that the loyalty of these people hadn't reached 60 at all, maybe he would have believed it.

Soaring acting skills? Speaking as if no one would know how to do it, Su Lun immediately pretended to be arrogant and arrogant and said, Don't try to persuade me, I've made up my mind!

PS: There is only one chapter today, and I will make up for what I owe in a few days when I am not busy.

Thank you Fengaiyuanxing book friends for the 1500 starting point currency reward, thank you for the 1989 book friend for the 500 starting point currency reward, thank you Dashe 886, Xianfandao for entering the pit book friend for the 500 starting point currency reward, and thank you Yi who can chop vegetables Fu, Yunzhong 128, Zhuangzai Old Qin Han, Master Zixuan, Fangmei Naguo, Long Time No See in the Tavern, cqs Qingsheng, Overlord of the Galaxy and other book friends' rewards!

Thank you Floating Dream!

Happy New Years everyone, love you guys! mwah!

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