My Empire War Game

Chapter 497 The Dark Maiden

Tower of the North Wind, treasure house.

The hill-like gold was randomly piled up on the ground, and there were countless gold coins, gold bricks, gold products, and precious stones. At this moment, countless gold coins suddenly fell to the surroundings, and a huge monster with a hideous appearance climbed up from the gold mountain. The fiery red scales exude a metallic luster, and the hideous bone spurs all indicate that this giant beast is very dangerous.

Strange, why do I suddenly feel as if I have become stronger? Onixvia shook his head, Forget it, it's a good thing to increase your strength, continue to sleep.

A burst of golden rain fell, and the red dragon fell asleep on the golden mountain again.

In the barracks horse farm, tens of thousands of horses are grazing and running leisurely in the horse farm. A strange energy swept across. Most of the horses did not respond. Only a few horses seemed to feel something, and looked up and down. , but nothing was found.

In the luxurious stables of the royal palace, Pegasus who was eating was startled for a moment, then raised his head to look around, but there was no other movement except a breeze blowing by, Pegasus snorted and then continued to eat the big meal with his head down.

After the construction of the Qilin Pavilion was completed, a strange energy swept out from here, covering the northern city of the town in an instant, and then disappeared. After Su Lun felt that there was nothing abnormal, he left the Qilin Pavilion and suppressed all the wonders in the northern city. Buildings are guarded by special personnel, and this place is no exception.

Although these buildings are all magical buildings, they are strong and sturdy, but it does not mean that they cannot be destroyed. In order to protect these buildings, Su Lun arranged guards around the buildings.

The sky was gradually getting darker, and the weather in early spring was still a bit cold. The ice and snow had melted, and the spring plowing in Zhenbei City was about to begin. When Su Lun returned to the palace, only Angela's two personal maids were here.

Chris has returned to the underground world. Some of the harpies are about to transform. Alex went to take care of them. Hathaway is still researching in the North Wind Tower. Phyllis is in San Ferto City. A person has time to eat with him.

Where are Jushi, Johnson, and Karina? Su Lun handed the cloak to Angela and asked.

The two generals haven't come back after clearing up the robbers. Your Excellency Karina went to hold a sacrifice today. Today is the birthday of the dark girl Eilistraee. The night elves who believe in the dark girl usually hold a sacrifice on this day. An Qi Ra said.

Sacrifice activities? Su Lun was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he remembered that some time ago, Karina made a request to him after she came back from suppressing the rebellion. The drow wanted to resume the sacrifice. Su Lun was thinking at the time Other things were agreed casually.

I didn't expect it to be ready so soon! Su Lun nodded. The drow elves who had been protected by him in the past few years have not been hunted down by the locals, and their lives have stabilized, so they picked up the sacrificial activities that they were forced to give up before.

Su Lun will basically not refuse this kind of request. This is not a sacrifice to the evil god. Besides, the dark girl has already fallen. In Su Lun's view, their behavior is more of a memory. Since it will not cause harm, And to gain their favor, why not do it?

Your Majesty, dinner is ready, would you like to eat now or wait a while? Annie stepped forward and asked.

Let them send it up! Su Lun said.

The dinner was very simple, Su Lun didn't overemphasize the ceremonial specifications, and this was not a formal banquet. The dinner was roasted whole lamb and fruit and vegetable salad prepared by Frodo, plus a shredded mushroom tripe soup.

The lamb is tender, grilled by Frodo's master chef and sprinkled with spices, which tastes great. After dinner, Su Lun thought of the sacrificial ceremony of the drow elves, and suddenly wanted to see it.

Just do what you want, Su Lun explained, and then rushed directly to the gathering place of the drow in the city. The gathering place of the drow is in the inner city, which is a separate square city, and the residents living in the inner city are basically Su Lun's followers or their relatives.

The place here is big enough, and they arrange their respective residences according to their own preferences, just like half-elves, they usually plant various trees around the house, and each household will plant several yew and oak trees, So their living area looks like a forest.

The barbarian's living area is simple, apart from the house is a large school field, these energetic guys like wrestling in the school field most. The residence of the drow is not far from the left side of the palace. Their residence is not much different. There are some green trees planted outside, but there is a small altar in the center of the residence.

Su Lun came outside the gathering place of the drow elves. At this time, it was already the climax of the moon. A round of bright silver moon appeared in the sky, and the whole city was covered with a layer of moonlight. At this moment, there was a melodious The singing came out from inside. Su Lun hesitated for a moment, but did not knock on the door. He came late this time, and the sacrificial ceremony inside had already begun.

With a flash, Su Lun directly entered the square city, and all the drow elves in the square city gathered near the central altar square. Su Lun came to the square without making a sound. Shocked.

Under the silver-white moonlight, the whole square became a bit hazy. Several drow girls on the altar danced in the moonlight almost naked. The silver-white moonlight shrouded them, and the smooth and tender skin slightly reflected fluorescence. The silver hair that reaches the ankles is like silver light leaking to the ground.

These drow girls have a bumpy figure, wearing a tulle, dancing in the moonlight, looking from a distance, they are as beautiful as a group of fairies under the moon, and the surrounding believers form a circle under the altar Singing, after a song is over, another drow girl will start dancing, Su Lun soon found Karina.

As the patriarch of this group of drow elves, Karina is also the priest of the dark girl Eilistraee, and she is also the chief priest, and compared to the other drow priests, Karina's figure is more popular, She has long silver hair that reaches to her ankles, and her body is almost bare, but those long silver hairs just cover some parts of her body, and a black tulle is wrapped around her waist, which is even more visible under the night light. A trace of mystery.

Slender thighs, smooth and firm skin, exquisite facial features, and the perfect curve on the body make people feel hot, and the light dance makes people intoxicated. With Karina's dance, the entire sacrificial ceremony reached its climax.

The silver-white moonlight shrouded the altar, and the concave-convex body was beautiful under the reflection of the moonlight. The long silver-white hair fluttered in the wind, which made people feel swaying, but there was a trace of unresolved sadness in the singing and sad. Fascinating.

In fact, if the dark girl hadn't fallen, then He would give power to believers next. Unfortunately, this deity had already fallen and died at the hands of her mother, Spider Queen Rose. It is said that His fall was a conspiracy. There are a few twenty-five boys who played a very key role in this.

For this god, Su Lun still feels very sorry. Although she is a drow elf, she is a kind god. He protects those kind races in the underground world. It won't take long for the good races to be annexed and wiped out.

The reason why Spider Queen Rose killed her was to completely integrate the spiritual beliefs of the drow elves, and then look for opportunities to become a powerful god. The master of the Demon Realm and the conspirator in the multi-dimensional plane finally succeeded. After years of planning, the Spider Queen Rose was successfully promoted to a powerful divine power in the Battle of the Spider Queen.

Su Lun still has a good impression of the dark girl. This girl god can be said to be a tragedy from birth.

Dark Maiden-Eilistraee is a deity of the good alignment. Her nickname is Dancing Lady. She lives in the planes of the Elven Gods and the Pit of the Devil. Her vocations are singing, beauty, dancing, swordsmanship, hunting and moonlight. . The elven gods are not good for her senses, and Mystra, the goddess of magic, and Selene, the lady of the silver moon, are her allies.

She is not a powerful god, and her status is quite embarrassing, because she is the daughter of Rose, the queen of spiders, but her nature is not evil at all, on the contrary it can be said to be quite kind. Therefore, she has been against her mother for a long time, and most of the time she loses more and wins less, and finally dies in the hands of her mother.

This goddess represents the remaining goodness of the drow elves, and her fall also means that this race has completely fallen into evil.

Su Lun and Eilistraee still have some common languages ​​and hobbies. For example, they both like music and dancing, but Su Lun likes to listen to others singing and dancing, while Eilistraee likes to sing and dance by herself. Besides, Both of them are fruit and sleep lovers. Of course, Eilistraee also likes fruit and Ben, which Su Lun can't do. He prefers naked combat.

Of course, Su Lun still likes this kind of Eilistraee's sacrificial ceremony. From an artistic point of view, the dance of these drows is very good. After a sacrifice, it is a perfect visual enjoyment. Su Lun is fascinated by it.

With the end of the singing, this grand sacrifice also ended, and the moonlight still shone on the altar, but the dark girl couldn't respond to her followers.

The drow elves were a little silent, but they had expected this situation. After the sacrifice was completed, they returned to their respective houses. Seeing that the sacrifice was over, Su Lun also turned around and entered the darkness next to him. Invited to come here to secretly observe these sacrificial celebrations of the drow elves, I still couldn't help but feel a little guilty in my heart, and planned to slip away quietly after seeing the sacrificial ceremony.

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