My Empire War Game

Chapter 603 Death Valley

In the evening, everyone finished the battle and returned to the camp. Su Lun summoned the magic guards for vigilance, and at the same time set up some security circles. All the soldiers who no longer needed people to watch the night began to set up bonfires to prepare food.


Why does this python meat have a strange smell? It's really unpalatable! A soldier tasted the roasted python meat, and then threw it aside with disgust. Su Lun smelled the python meat, and there was a strong fishy smell on it, so he threw it aside, then cut a piece of ferocious bear meat and continued to roast it.

A tempting aroma soon spread from the dire bear meat. Su Lun took out the barbecue seasoning prepared by Frodo and sprinkled some on the barbecue.

Night fell. Su Lun entered the room to meditate, and everyone else fell asleep. The forest was very quiet because of the killing during the day, only the magic guards summoned by Su Lun stood around the camp.

The night passed quickly, and when the sun rose again, the camp was bustling again. After a simple breakfast, Su Lun led the soldiers to the Death Canyon.

Group Acceleration Technique!

A flash of spiritual light flashed, and everyone felt their bodies lighten, and then their movement speed increased a lot. The group acceleration technique can make people run faster than galloping horses. If they are wanderers who are good at agility, they will even do Make even more unimaginable moves, such as flying over walls, and even running on almost vertical walls.

The Death Canyon is very dangerous. Su Lun led the soldiers along the way, and encountered undead creatures wandering around all the way. After feeling the breath of life on everyone, they would immediately rush up to attack, but these dead creatures Most of them are zombie beasts or ghosts.

These monsters may cause some troubles to others, but facing the army of Zhenbei City, they are completely destroyed, and they are easily swept away.

Although there were not many people dispatched in Beicheng this time, their strength was good. A team of barbarian warriors had all been implanted with the blood of ice giants. After transforming, his strength is close to that of a legend, and dealing with these undead creatures that are generally only second-level is completely sweeping a large area.

With the cooperation of this barbarian, the army of Zhenbei City was like a broken bamboo, and soon came to the vicinity of the Death Canyon. As soon as they approached here, a strong breath of death enveloped them.

The entire valley of death is enveloped in such an aura. This evil aura is completely poisonous to normal people. In this environment, they will be constantly transformed by this evil energy, and finally become a fallen person with a twisted mind. .

Various monsters and undead creatures wandered at the entrance of the Death Valley. In the valley, Su Lun also saw a strange forest of mushrooms emitting faint fluorescence. There are a lot of fluorescent mushrooms growing on the ground of the Death Canyon. The light in the originally dim canyon has become dim, and some fluorescent spores are floating in the air. When the breeze blows, these fluorescent spores are immediately scattered with the wind.

Warning! The concentration of pollution energy around the host is extremely high! Please take precautions!

Warning! The concentration of pollution energy around the host is extremely high! Please take precautions!

Magic resistance! Su Lun's body flashed, and then a wave of magical energy instantly enveloped everyone around him, and the evil force around his body was instantly repelled.

Your Majesty, there is something wrong with those fluorescent spores! Just after buffing the skills, a half-elf archer next to him came forward to report.

This kind of fluorescent spores is the cultivation of fluorescent mushrooms. The mushrooms that grow in the Death Canyon are called ghost head mushrooms. They are a kind of potion, but their spores are highly poisonous.

The half-elf archer squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil and squeezed it in his hands: The soil moisture is very high. It should have rained here recently. The rain has made Death Canyon even more humid. This environment is very It is suitable for the growth of ghost head mushrooms.

The ghost head mushroom usually begins to bloom with fluorescent spores after rain.

There are a lot of these ghost-headed mushrooms in front of us, and the whole canyon is densely covered with a layer. The outermost ghost-headed mushrooms are only a few centimeters high, but the deeper the ghost-headed mushrooms are, the bigger they are. Su Lun found many nearly one Mi Gao's giant ghost head mushroom.

While Su Lun and the others were observing the Death Canyon, a group of undead monsters who felt the breath of the living rushed up howling, and the barbarian warriors who had been waiting for a long time swept away, cutting everything they passed, as if Cut leeks are generally neat.

Wind Art!

A gust of wind was summoned, and the storm quickly rushed into the canyon. The fluorescent spores that were flying away were directly swept into the sky by the storm. A large number of fluorescent spores rushed directly into the sky like a giant python.

Although fluorescent spores are poisonous and reproduce quickly, they also have a problem, that is, they cannot be exposed to direct sunlight, which will quickly kill the spores. Even those ghost-head mushrooms cannot be exposed to sunlight, otherwise they will die soon.

Although it is better to use the strong light technique here, but the strong light technique will destroy those ghost-head mushrooms while killing the fluorescent spores. Ghost-head mushrooms are a good magic material, and the value is not low. So many ghost-heads If all the mushrooms were destroyed, Su Lun would not be willing.

Soon all kinds of monsters at the mouth of the death canyon were cleared up, and Su Lun led the crowd to continue forward. As the distance got closer, Su Lun found that there were a lot of bones where these ghost-head mushrooms grew, and some of them grew directly On the bone, these ghost-head mushrooms will use the corpse as a nutrient to grow rapidly.

After the group entered Death Canyon, monsters appeared and attacked continuously in the canyon. Su Lun ordered the ghost-head mushrooms to be picked and put away, and wiped out the monsters here.

It is unknown how many creatures were buried in the Death Canyon. The entire canyon floor is gray and white, and the bones of various unknown creatures are completely mixed together. Undead creatures are constantly being resurrected and attacking.

After picking the mushrooms, the army of Zhenbei City began to go deeper. As they went deeper into the Death Canyon, there were more and more undead creatures in the Canyon, and a large number of monsters attacked them in groups.

Su Lun soon discovered that after the death of a large number of undead creatures, some gray soul crystals will be left behind. Although most of these soul crystals are low-level, they can still be used to make clay golems and rock golems. After discovering this, Su Lun already planned to build a camp here and kill the undead creatures here to collect soul crystals.

With these soul spars, Zhenbeicheng can create a large number of clay golems and rock golems for various jobs.

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