My Empire War Game

Chapter 86 Fragile Alliance

The sugar trade was negotiated in the lord's castle in Suron, and the stewards of the eight chambers of commerce came together early the next morning.

Chris sat lazily on the sofa in the main seat. The charming style made several chamber of commerce stewards stunned, and the performance of several caravan stewards was even worse.

Cough cough! Fernand, who was the first to recover, reminded with a dark face when he saw the ugly state of others.

The faces of everyone who came back to their senses were a little embarrassed, but as an old fried dough stick, their cheeks were thick enough, and they continued to talk as if nothing had happened.

Welcome all the caravans to our Zhenbei Fort, the conditions are poor, please bear with me. Chris said with a smile.

We have 500 catties of sugar for sale this time

Five hundred catties of white sugar, which is a lot, how about the transaction method and price? Fernand nodded and said, without waiting for Chris to answer, and continued, We can eat all of these commodities. We negotiated a high price for you.

The expression seemed to have been settled, and the other party could only accept it.

Chris picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip, and didn't say anything. This situation was already expected by Su Lun, and even the solution had already been discussed.

Seeing that Chris didn't say anything, Fernand felt that they had acquiesced, and then continued to say in that tone: Your town is too far away from Carthage City, and every time you come here, the cost is very high, So you need to make concessions on the price, and of course we will give you some compensation, if your town needs any goods, we can help you to traffic it, and the price is negotiable.

Our eight chambers of commerce control 60% of the trade in Carter City, and have enough strength to meet your requirements.

Oh, what do you think the price of white sugar is? Chris said with a hint of mockery on the corner of her mouth.

Fernand and the others looked at each other, secretly proud in their hearts, it was indeed a small nobleman in the countryside, a country bumpkin, as long as they showed their muscles, they would simply admit defeat.

Cough, we have discussed it, and the price of eighty-five jinnars per pound of white sugar is very suitable. Owen next to him said.

Chris didn't answer, but looked at the other caravan masters, but none of them spoke.

Very well, I know what you mean. Chris nodded and put down the teacup, but we have a better way.

Then he stood up and said with a big smile, This batch of 500 catties of white sugar will be divided into five parts. All the stewards of the chamber of commerce can bid, but the bidding method we used this time is a dark bid auction.

Everyone has a sign on the table. You write your price on the sign, and then hand it to me. In the end, we will choose the five caravans with the highest prices to trade. As for the three caravans with the lowest price, then I'm sorry, I made you run for nothing. Chris played with a small leather whip with her jade-white fingers, and said with a smile on her face.

By the way, to remind you, there is only one chance. After speaking, he blinked mischievously, and then returned to his seat calmly.

Impossible, we will never agree to trade in this way! Absolutely! As soon as Kris finished speaking, Fernand, who was still graceful just now, couldn't help shouting.

As the head of the largest chamber of commerce in Carter City, he has always said the price is the price, and no one else has dared to refute it. Unexpectedly, it was planted in this remote place today.

Mr. Fernand, why are you dissatisfied with our arrangement? Chris said with a smile, but the tone of his voice seemed to come from the cold wind from the extreme northern wasteland, which sent chills down your spine.

Uh. Looking at Chris's pretty face, Fernand opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Who else has an opinion? You can leave now. Chris looked around, her whole body was full of oppression, and the air on the facade of the living room became extremely dignified, and no one got up and left after waiting for a while.

It seems that no one has any opinions, so let's start, write your price on the sign, and we will have someone to collect it in a while. Seeing that no one left, Chris chuckled, and then went back to on the seat.

The eight caravan masters glanced at each other, and then said politely with a smile on their face. Then they picked up the pen and wrote down their prices on the sign, but the price was really hard to write, and the writing was too low. Several chambers of commerce have written high prices, so he is likely to come here for nothing this time, write high prices, and be a little unwilling. So these people haven't started writing.

Chris looked at the tangled expressions of these businessmen leisurely, and admired the bidding method given by the master Su Lun. Just one secret bid, it was easy to directly defeat the eight chambers of commerce alliances.

The way of the hidden bid makes these people have no chance to unite, and another advantage is that those chambers of commerce that were originally intimidated by the power of the Flamingo Chamber of Commerce and did not dare to compete with them have no scruples this time.

About fifteen minutes later, several barbarian girls came in and collected all the dark signs written by these merchants. Chris picked them up and started to check them.

Chris did not directly announce the results, but asked all the chambers of commerce directors to go back and wait for the news, and then left the living room with the dark sign.

Owen, how much have you written? a caravan steward asked casually.

Eighty-five gold nars, if you agree to give them this price, you can't change it! Owen said extremely stubbornly.

How about you, Robert?

Of course I firmly support the price we agreed on before! Not even a single copper nar can be added. Robert said righteously, his expression as if he was a knight expressing his heart to the king at the consecration ceremony.

Yes, we should unite, and we can't let these hillbillies take advantage! Another caravan steward shouted.

Hearing these people's words, Fernand nodded secretly, it seems that this time it is stable.

After the head of the caravan left, Chris started to check the hidden bids they had given. The one with the highest hidden bid offered a price of 180 gold nars. Chris looked at it and found that it was actually from the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce. Owen. In second place is Robert, with one hundred and seventy-eight kinnars.

The lowest one also offered a price of 120 jinnars, more than double the price of 85 jinnars they said earlier.

The lowest price of the top five chambers of commerce was 173, and the average price was 175 jinnars. Five hundred catties of white sugar sold at least a hundred thousand jinnars this time.

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