My Empire

Chapter 1042: Interceptor bomber

The interior of a B-52 bomber is filled with 250 kilograms of aerial bombs. These bombs were lying densely on the pylons, and the warheads of each bomb were painted bright yellow.

On the bomb's body, there are white artistic fonts, and what is painted is a prayer followed by a sentence. This is the super power of the Ailan Hill Empire over the enemy, the super power of civilization over barbarism...

A civilization is not that it cannot be barbaric, but that it is willing to conceal the ugliest and bloodiest things in the flowers and stars.

When a civilization is brutally hurt, when the blood is soaked in the brightest and most radiant things, the strength of the civilization will be revealed. Because in this world, even if it is the Buddha, there are also glaring vajra who protect the Dharma!

The soldiers of the Ailan Hill Empire are the King Kong who protects the Buddha, the darkness concealed by the beautiful flowers and stars.

Following the turbulence of the bomber slightly, the Ailan Hill pilot with a soft hat corrected their course in front of the computer based on the satellite positioning.

This bomber flew among the bomber group that couldn't be seen at a glance. On the black fuselage, the golden eagle shone sharply in the sun.

"Keep heading!" a commander reminded all the navigators and pilots on the public channel.

Soon, someone repeated the command: "Keep the course! We are already 500 kilometers away from the enemy's territory!"

"Their interception attack hasn't started yet... Are you going to surprise us?" a pilot joked. Update the fastest mobile terminal::

"They might not even have a decent anti-aircraft gun!" The other pilot grinned.

After all, the devil's air defense force is indeed weak, and there are not many enemies that can threaten them. So the atmosphere on the plane is relatively relaxed, and everyone is in the mood to joke.

If tens of thousands of anti-aircraft guns were aimed at them violently at this time, presumably the content of the communication on the radio would be tense and more formal.

"Even if there is, there is no way to intercept so many planes, right?" Another pilot responded when he heard the jokes of his comrades.

"Do you know what we are going to do?" An officer had to bring the topic back to the task.

A bombardier replied loudly while pressing the communicator: "We are going to bomb the **** source temple Withalans!"

"Bomb the devil's temple!" Another bomber also replied.

"Bombing the most sacred place in their hearts!" The third bombardier replied with a smile.


On the ground, a demon officer held his sword and looked up at the sky. What he saw was the densely packed Ailan Hill bombers, like locusts, passing over where he was.

Those bombers were above the clouds, but because the clouds were not heavy, he could clearly see the presence of these bombers.

What made him desperate was that he had never seen so many enemy aircraft, and had never seen such a powerful air force.

The demon bats that obscured the sky once dominated the sky, but now these demon bats don't even have the courage to fly into the air when the enemy flies.

"Hurry up and sound the battle horn! Let the demon bats fly into the air! Stop them! No matter where they are going! Stop them!" The demon officer shouted, pointing to the sky above his head.

"My lord! The devil bats can't intercept the enemy forces above the clouds! They can't fly to that height!" a low-level officer said helplessly.

"Where's the magic dragon? What's the magic dragon! Let the dragon move! It's good to be able to intercept an enemy plane!" The officer yelled excitedly, pointing to the sky.

"Big, sir...I, our... Demon, Demon Dragon was transferred away three days ago..." This subordinate continued to explain in embarrassment.

A few days ago, the nearby magic dragon troop with the strongest combat effectiveness was evacuated by the envoy of the source of magic, and there was not even one left.

It is said that those dragons have been transferred to Whithalans to defend the most lofty and greatest temple in the heart of the devil!

But the devil dragons were all transferred away, and the remaining demon forces almost completely did not have any air supremacy, although they did not have any air supremacy.

On another demon's defensive position, a 130mm large-caliber anti-aircraft gun slowly raised its barrel from the dry camouflage and budding branches.

The muzzle of its black hole pointed to the sky, to the B-52 bombers flying in groups in the distance.

This cannon was dispatched here a month ago, after all, the devil has a little bit of its own industrial foundation.

They also have factories, especially near Witthalans, where a large number of Mozu factories have gathered, and the black smoke from the chimneys simply obscures the sky.

Withalans can produce hundreds of cannons and dozens of demon fighters every day. These weapons have now become the most advanced weapons against the Airanhill Empire.

Although compared with the weapons of the Airanhill Empire, these weapons are backward and low in combat effectiveness, but without these weapons, the devil would not even have the ability to cause trouble to the Armies of the Airanhill Empire.

Nowadays, those demon forces carrying Mauser 98K rifles and using 130mm caliber howitzers and anti-aircraft guns can be regarded as the main force in the true sense...

It is a pity that even though these troops are already the main force of the devil, they are still a group of lambs to be slaughtered in front of the enemy...

"Boom!" The concealed anti-aircraft gun fired a fatal shot, but a few seconds passed, and there was no bomber in the distant sky slowly falling with heavy smoke.

It seemed that nothing happened, but the cannon did let out a roar just now.

A demon anti-aircraft gunner camouflaged in a concealed branch slammed his thigh with a fist in depression: "Damn it! Not enough range!"

A demon loader behind him holding a cannonball was full of frustration, because they had nothing to do with the bombers now.

Air defense, ten defenses and nine air defenses... Even modern air defense missiles cannot completely cover the entire theater, let alone traditional 130mm air defense artillery.

Even if the B-52 bomber really flies over the head of this anti-aircraft artillery, its shooting height is only more than 8,000 meters.

After all, the devil's anti-aircraft guns are not capable of reaching a height of about 10,000 meters, so they can only barely be imitated and kept in a usable state.

In fact, the performance of these weapons has been greatly compromised due to the increased speed of work and imitation in wartime.

Although the Demon has accumulated hundreds of Demon fighters and thousands of artillery in the past two months, none of these weapons can reach the original design performance.

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