My Empire

Chapter 1048: waiting

"The space magic power engine starts to start, five, four, three, two, one!" After the countdown, everyone inside the spacecraft entered the illusion together with the spacecraft.

In the next second, a huge planet appeared in front of them. On the orbit of this planet, various orbital vehicles sparsely floated.

"Mayne... we're here!" The captain is about thirty years old, and he doesn't even have a beard on his face. This makes him very prestigious in front of the crew, because the image of the beard with a pipe in his mouth is so popular. .

He was floating in the bridge in a weightless state, and the huge porthole in front of him could see the vast starry sky and the sun that was mostly blocked by the planet.

This kind of glass has been specially treated so that the sunlight just penetrates in just right, and it does not appear to be dazzling at all.

The captain floated to one of the crew members on the left and ordered: "Check the orbit of the spacecraft!"

"Orbital correction begins! The main power system starts! The flight attitude adjustment begins! The simulated gravity system begins to charge!" The crew member began to operate non-stop on the keyboard, and the other crew members also began to report the status of the spacecraft.

The milky white hull began to tilt slightly, and the head of the spacecraft no longer pointed at Mayne in the distance. The outline indicator light on the spacecraft was flickering brightly, and the huge number 18 on the side was shining brightly in the sun.

"Wanli No. 18 arrived at the scheduled orbit! Call the ground command center, we are starting to deliver the transport items!" The captain grabbed the intercom and began to contact Mayne's ground command center.

"Welcome to you! We are ready to receive and can release your reentry!" After a while, the ground command center responded to the captain's call.

"The orbit correction calculation begins..." The crew on the side operated the computer and adjusted the flight course of his spacecraft.

"You are so lucky. Starting tomorrow, the calculation time for reentry is extended to 15 minutes." On the walkie-talkie side, the **** puppet on the ground said with a smile.

"Ha! There are more and more buildings on the ground, and the re-entry cabin can't be littered." The captain immediately realized the problem and said.

No way, there were only temporary camps built by **** puppets on the ground before. They were small in scale, and even if they were hit by the reentry cabin or something, there would be no big loss.

But now it's different. In the past, people who were barefoot were not afraid to wear shoes. Now that they have shoes, everyone can only be cautious.

At least, with the already built city as the center, within a hundred kilometers of the surrounding area, it must be designated as a safe zone, and you can't just land and re-enter the cabin.

"Yeah! We have already started to build two other cities, and we must avoid these locations before entering the cabin." Sure enough, the **** puppet said on the side of the intercom.

"It doesn't matter, the calculation accuracy of the computer can ensure the safety of ground targets, but it takes time to calculate." The captain pressed the switch of the intercom and chatted with the other party daily.

The other party seemed to want to find someone to speak, so he continued: "Maybe soon, you will have the function of active adjustment of landing after entering the cabin."

There is no way. In this almost isolated world, working in wasteland, you can only occasionally communicate with the people who come to support. Everyone will become a chatter, and communicate with every life that can chat.

"The first batch of return cabins have been placed!" The crew on the side reported loudly while operating.

The **** puppet continued to chatter endlessly: "The radar has detected these re-entry capsules... But the target is about to be lost. Our air search radar is really too few."

"The amount put in is close to 50%...more than 50%..." The crew member still continued his work.

Those re-entry compartments look larger and more advanced than the previous ones, and on the outer shell, they are more in line with the standards for loading cargo. It is almost a rectangle with a propulsion device for deceleration on one side.

A **** puppet stepped forward and opened the reentry cabin. Everything in the reentry cabin was once again exposed to the air. Pairs of eyes looked at this new world curiously.

Yes, it still contains all kinds of animals, still rabbits, elk, and all kinds of herbivores.

After all, one supplement cannot establish the entire ecosystem at once, and the reproduction of herbivores also takes time.

Therefore, capturing new herbivores and transporting them directly to Mayne is obviously a more economical and more appropriate method.

In order to quickly build a world that can be inhabited by people, the Ailan Hill Empire even directly transported live pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks and other captive creatures.

These livestock and poultry have been raised in large numbers by farms in the Ailan Hill Empire. They are transported to this planet and will be immediately kept in captivity in the city's farms.

When they are transported, they are in the state of cubs. The **** puppets who landed on Mayne first can use Mayne's forage to feed these cubs until they grow up and become a qualified source of "meat food".

Pieces of birds once again soared into the sky, and little deer jumped into the new world.

Countless insects buzzed out of the container to store them, and some low-level herbivorous monsters began to occupy the mountain as king here.

The roar of machinery still reverberates in this world, and huge exploration equipment crushes the bushes in the forest and knocks down the thick trees.

The small animals nearby were frightened and fled, the yellow construction vehicle was still slow, like a huge monster, wandering in this world.

On the edge of the forest, several huge machines are also working hard. They can chop dozens of big trees every hour and cut them into neatly arranged planks.

Farther away, explosives roared and a huge mountain was blown to pieces. That is the stone factory is collecting stones to build more buildings.

There is a busy scene everywhere, and the camp that was first built is now a city that has begun to take shape.

It's just that the part of this city that only supplements magic energy is prosperous, and there are many **** puppets returning to replace energy devices.

In the rest of the place, there was only one empty building next to it, as lifeless as a ghost domain.

There was no pedestrian on the empty street, and in the room where there was no time to install the glass, only the wooden bed was covered with dust.

There are still grooves for wiring on the walls, and there is nothing in the black holes in the reserved network equipment positions.

Everything here is waiting, waiting for the arrival of the real master who is thousands of miles away.


The conscience of heaven and earth...Long Ling copied the lyrics last night, the number of words is extra, but it didn't take up the content of the text...

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