My Empire

Chapter 1061: Under control

"I'm so thirsty... so thirsty..." He felt like he was walking alone in the desert with nothing to drink beside him.

He struggled like this, the air around him was burning with the temperature of his skin. He walked in such an environment, in the endless heat, without seeing any hope.

However, when he was most desperate, he seemed to see a river, not far in front of him.

Almost subconsciously, he used all his strength to run toward the river that could save his life, running desperately.

His feet plunged into the hot yellow sand, and his body seemed to be dried by the sun immediately. But he still had a breath, he didn't want to just die in the desperate sea of ​​sand.

What makes people desperate is that when he feels that he has run to the edge of the river, he is still in the yellow sand, but the river has disappeared.

The river almost in front of me was engulfed by the endless sea of ​​sand. The only hope was like the moon in the water, close in front of me but far away in the sky.


The vocal cords, which had no moisture, shattered in the shout, and the pain irritated the man, preventing the poor man from fainting.

In the end, death seemed to conquer everything. The man fell, fell into the yellow sand, and was gradually engulfed by the gravel.

Suddenly, everything in front of me seemed to disappear, and darkness struck, engulfing everything.

However, the long-lost coolness rescued his body in this way. It was a kind of relief, a beautiful feeling that transcended fear and death.

In the boundless darkness, a ray of light flooded in, and the man squinted his eyes unconsciously, adapting to the light in front of him.

He heard the sound coming from his ear. It was an excited and hopeful voice that he had never heard before: "He's awake! Doctor! He's awake!"

"I'm so thirsty... so thirsty..." The man lying on the white hospital bed finally adjusted to the light seen by his eyes, with his lips squirming full of dead skin.

He muttered softly, wanting a little water to moisturize his throat, which has been stopped working for many days.

He just opened his eyes and saw a bottle of transparent liquid hanging upside down on the iron shelf by the bed. One after another bubbles are slowly rising in the liquid, and finally break on the surface of the liquid, mixing into the air at the bottom of the bottle.

He looked down the transparent tube at the mouth of the bottle and saw a white thing on the back of his hand.

Almost subconsciously, he wanted to twitch his arm, but found that his arm was fixed to the bed by a belt. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Before he could shout anything, the attention of the man who woke up was frightened by the complicated machines beside his bed.

He saw a strange device, a line was beating constantly, and there were some strange numbers next to it, all strange things that he couldn't understand.

These devices made him feel uneasy. He wanted to struggle, but he didn't have much strength. The terrible disease exhausted his strength, and now he was as weak as a corpse.

"Prepare some water for him, and feed it carefully! Don't give too much." A man in a white long coat walked in, took out a long and slender light-emitting device, and shook it before his eyes a few times.

When he was lying on the bed, he heard that the other party was going to feed him some water, so he felt relieved. If the other party wants to kill him, he can do it easily as long as he doesn't give him water.

"Has the temperature been measured?" Standing by his bed, the man in the white long coat asked the woman in the long coat who had been by his bed.

"It's measured! It has dropped to 37.9 degrees!" The woman said professionally: "I supplemented with vitamins three hours ago..."

"Knowing what this patient means to us?" the male doctor asked solemnly.

This patient is very important to both of them, or to the entire southern region.

Hearing the male doctor’s question, the female nurse nodded and replied: “I understand! Doctor! So I’m pretty sure that his body temperature has begun to drop. Although his body is a little weak, there is no major problem anymore.”

"Here, where is it?" the weak patient asked in his own faint voice on the bed. He saw that he was wearing a clean nightgown, and his dirty old clothes had long since disappeared.

Lying in such a clean room made him feel uncomfortable as a tramp. He was flustered because he didn't know why he was lying here.

According to his memory, before he went into a coma, he was very weak. He kept coughing and trembling all over, exactly like those who died of the disease.

To be reasonable, he should be dead now, no one can wake up again after falling sick and fainting, and he has no hope of giving back.

What disturbed him was that he woke up and was lying in a place so incompatible with his identity.

Hearing the question of the patient in the bed, the male doctor looked down. He looked at the tramp lying on the bed and replied softly: "You are now at the Shakeben First National Hospital."

"I, I fainted before..." The tramp reiterated that he didn't come here on purpose to make trouble.

However, the male doctor obviously did not understand what he meant: "Yes, when you were found, you were in a small village on the outskirts of Shakeburn. You were transferred here. When you came, you were diagnosed with plague infection. Severe patients."

"I... I didn't even die?" The tramp said with embarrassment and some rejoicing.

The female nurse took the conversation and comforted her: "You are very lucky! After the injection of the special medicine, you were in a coma for three days, but eventually you survived."

"...I, I don't have money... I don't have money to pay for medical bills." The man said with difficulty, speaking of his dilemma.

"It's okay! As the last recorded source of plague infection in the southern region, your rehabilitation expenses have been waived." The male doctor waved his hand generously. Anyway, he didn't pay for the reimbursement of medical expenses.

"The last... the last one?" The tramp repeated in disbelief.

"Yes! After you were discharged from the hospital, the plague in the southern region was basically eradicated! We controlled the plague..." The male doctor nodded proudly and said, "The disaster is over! It's over!"


Talk some words:

Long Ling owes a lot of updates and hasn't made up. After all, there have been a lot of physical problems over the past year, and people have become a lot lazy. This is a fact, so Long Ling has no face to ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards. But everyone will still give Long Ling encouragement, and Long Ling will remember it in his heart, thank you very much, thank you.

When Long Ling slowly replenishes it, if it is enough, then shamelessly ask for a monthly ticket for a reward... well, there will be one day.

I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine's Day.

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