My Empire

Chapter 1063: Nuwa's helplessness

Chris walked into the spacecraft with the hideous scars left on its exterior, and Andrea also walked into the spacecraft.

Chris, who was eager to figure out what exactly attacked the spacecraft, called the only "person" who had experienced the accident as soon as he entered the spacecraft.

"Goddess (Nuwa), I have one thing to confirm with you." Chris said to the air.

A second later, Nu Wa's voice came out: "Your Majesty, I am here. I can feel that the dirt around my shell seems to be cleaned up."

"This is also one of the reasons why I came here today! We have already seen the scars on the hull of your spacecraft!" Chris said as he walked towards the main control room, "Are you sure that the collision with you was a meteorite? "

"After analysis, there is a 70% chance that a meteorite collided with the spacecraft." Computer Nuwa replied.

"Is it possible that it is an external attack?" Chris thought for a moment and asked.

Hearing this question, Andrea looked at Chris. She realized that it seemed that Chris didn't trust this computer so much.

As expected, non-human beings wandering like ghosts on a spaceship 10,000 years ago are indeed not worthy of trust.

Nuwa also heard Chris’ question, and she did not hesitate, and directly replied: "I don't know whether it is an attack or a meteorite. In fact, most of my sensors are turned off during the flight."

This kind of answer is kind of panacea, which is tantamount to saying I don't know. Not knowing this sentence also deepened Chris' suspicion a lot.

But then, Nuwa continued: "When the streamer engine started, the spacecraft was sailing at sub-light speed, and most of the sensors were turned on, and there was no way to work accurately."

"You can't expect a spacecraft that is only a little slower than the speed of light, relying on conventional detection methods to monitor everything happening around it." It was very innocent and gave its own explanation, and this explanation was very reasonable.

"Of course, the main sensor still needs to run, because the quantum computer needs the intelligence information provided by the main sensor to analyze and avoid obstacles in front of you." After a pause, Nuwa continued to explain: "However, in the event of a collision. , The main sensor is malfunctioning, and the quantum computer is malfunctioning. I can’t troubleshoot the malfunction, so I’m not sure. It’s a collision or an attack.”

"After all, I am just a computer, not an artificial intelligence in the true sense...Although I am very smart in a certain sense, there is still a certain gap compared with a person who can move." It said here. At that time, there was a slight pause.

Then, it continued to speak and explained its analysis of the collision: "According to the damage, I can only know which of my external sensors, including cameras and sensors, are malfunctioning, which can be repaired, and which cannot be repaired..."

This analysis is very reasonable, and it is reasonable for Chris to be unable to spot any faults: "Of course, I checked the quantum computer attached to me and confirmed that the fault was not caused by interference, that is, I ruled out human attacks. possibility."

"At the time of the collision, there was no interference. At least the failure of the quantum computer was just an accident. This is everything I know." It seemed to find that Chris didn't mean to speak, and it continued.

At this time, Chris finally spoke: "This conclusion can be made so easily! There is an obvious flaw in your logical inference."

"I would like to hear more." Computer Nuwa said quietly, and then continued to wait for Chris to speak.

"It just lost power and crashed. How could the streamer engine be lost with the strong hull of the Fengling 004 escape spacecraft?" Chris suddenly asked.

"..." Sure enough, Nu Wa was silent, it seemed to be analyzing, and it seemed to be organizing its own language.

In the end, Nuwa's voice came, still so calm: "Your deduction is reasonable. I will include this deduction as a reference for subsequent logical deductions."

"That terrible attack damaged the structure of the spacecraft, so when it crashed, the streamer engine broke away from the spacecraft and exploded in the atmosphere." Chris continued.

"..." Nuwa was silent again, and after a while, she continued to explain: "I am not a combat spacecraft. Although my spacecraft is also equipped with laser weapons, its main function is not combat."

"After all, this is an escape ship. Its main purpose is to inherit the essence of earth civilization..." it said embarrassingly.

"In addition, I only checked the spacecraft equipment that I could check. In fact, there are at least one-third of the equipment on this spacecraft, and I don't have the right to browse and inspect it." After it finished, it began to wait again.

"You mean..." Chris asked.

"Tian Shen (Fuxi) system, I don't have the authority to intervene..." Nuwa explained: "That device is the core of this spacecraft. Only the crew is qualified to use this device."

"Take me to take a look and see this mysterious device." Chris said with some curiosity when he heard Fuxi's device.

"Yes, you have the authority to check all the equipment on the spacecraft. After all, you are the heir." Nu Wa answered directly without any hesitation.

After it finished speaking, the gate on the other side of the main control room was opened, and Chris and Andrea walked in like this.

Andrea felt that as long as she was in this spaceship, she seemed to have no chance to open her mouth to speak. She didn't know the spacecraft, but Chris came here as if he had returned to his own home.

Because the equipment was huge enough, there was no need to look for it. Chris and Andrea stood in front of the Fuxi system easily.

This is a huge device, including a radio frequency antenna connected to the outside, and a large quantum computer device for internal storage.

However, because the huge energy was released in an instant, the core device seemed to have been completely burned.

The energy transmission that occurred more than 10,000 years ago almost affected the fate of everyone in the vicinity-the power of its energy can be seen from the device that was completely short-circuited and burnt down.

"It looks like this device... is completely finished." Chris said as he looked at the darkened device in the hatch.

"I don't know, I have no way to detect this device, and there is no sensor of mine." Nuwa said regretfully, it seems that it can't change anything in this cabin at all: "I can communicate with you here, completely It is because it is possible to control some of my functions here, so I set up speakers and microphones..."

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