My Empire

Chapter 1066: Sticky blood

Almost at the same moment, on the front line very far away from Witthallans, the demon recruits who were imagined to be very miserable were enjoying a very luxurious meal for them.

Each demon was given a piece of bread and a bottle of mineral water. For them, this treatment was beyond imagination.

In the past, they might still have a bit of resistance to this kind of food, but now that the devil's supply has completely collapsed, these foods, in front of the devil troops who have been hungry for a few days, are like a full-fledged man.

They chewed on the bread with happy smiles on their faces. They put down their weapons as ordered, and they immediately came to the Pure Land of Bliss.

"It's so fragrant..." The demons here are fundamentally different from what Withalans imagined. The demons here have already lived a happy life.

The army of the Ailan Hill Empire was passing by these prisoners who had just handed over their weapons. They looked curiously at these former enemies who seemed to be reborn as starving ghosts, without any special expressions on their faces.

They don't have time to pay attention to these poor surrenders, because they want to use the fastest speed to kill Withalans.


"Woo..." When the starving demon on the outskirts of Witthaorance swallowed a word of decomposing corpse, a stern sound echoed in the sky.

That is the sound of the defensive horn, that is the sound that can only be heard when the nightmare begins.

Lifting his head, the demon worker squinted his eyes, and he finally discovered that the dark clouds in the sky were actually densely packed human bombers.

"Boom!" In the open space not far away, inside the temporary fortifications built of gravel, an anti-aircraft gun roared deafeningly.

However, despite the great momentum, the shells fired by these anti-aircraft guns rarely threaten the altitude of 13,000 meters.

The demons around were really taken aback by this anti-aircraft gun. They had never seen a weapon like this that could attack the enemy so earth-shaking.

However, when they want to understand that these powerful weapons are still unable to defeat terrible enemies, they are full of fear for the future.

"The enemy is coming! The enemy is coming!" A winged demon flew low in the sky, and loudly reminded his compatriots that they should avoid or fight quickly.

As he shouted, the blackened Ailan Hill Empire bomber had already flown over the heads of these demons.

The bomber covering the sky opened its bomb bay, and then poured the old bombs hanging in it onto the heads of these poor demons.

"Boom!" Facing the bombs falling like raindrops, another anti-aircraft gun on the anti-aircraft gun position fired a shell against the sky.

"Fire! Fire! Get rid of those **** bombers! Quick!" a demon pointed to the sky and shouted at the demon gunner beside him.

Whithalans, who was almost no different from the ruins, raised the magic defense barrier. Amidst the shaking of the earth, the thick magic defense barrier began to collapse, and then the rain-like bombs fell.

"Boom!" This time, the ground shook even more and the ears became more deafening. Because this time the explosion came from an aerial bomb, not the roar of an anti-aircraft gun.

After discovering that Withalens were all masonry structures and the architectural style was relatively heavy, this time the bombers of the Ailan Hill Empire carried 500 kilograms of aerial bombs that were more effective against masonry structures.

The weight is doubled, and the charge is naturally larger. The explosion is more violent, the shock wave is more brutal, and the destruction effect is naturally better.

A large aerial bomb exploded on a street, and the huge shock wave spread, knocking down the surrounding walls.

The earth began to vibrate in an instant, and the dust on the ground was bounced high, and then swept in all directions by the shock wave.

The old and tall building collapsed suddenly, smashing into the ruins of another building destroyed in the previous bombing, rolling up dust from the sky.

The whole land shuddered and trembled in the explosion, one after another, and those explosions still seemed to be covering the entire Withalans carpet, covering from one side to the other.

The covered area could not be seen, and the raised dust engulfed the collapsed buildings. The place not covered by dust will be swallowed by a new explosion in the next second.

Witholens was once again submerged and covered by the explosion, and the flames of the explosion and thick smoke billowing straight into the sky were everywhere.

The magic energy liquid stored in the city finally exploded this time, and the factory that could barely work was completely turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The heavy city wall collapsed in the explosion, and the stone bars that built the city wall fell into the barracks at the foot of the city wall, hitting the four-legged orangutans who were frightened.

The screams were engulfed by the explosion, and when the explosion gradually subsided, the curses and pleadings of the wounded could be heard again.

On the bumpy bomber, a pilot of the Ailan Hill Empire watched the black dragon hovering helplessly under his feet, and slightly adjusted his course. Update the fastest mobile terminal::

His navigator glanced at the map, checked the satellite navigation system in front of him, and chatted: "I haven't seen so many bombers in continuous bombing missions."

"No way, there was a death order. I heard that this war will be ended in two months..." The pilot said to his navigator, controlling the plane that had dropped bombs and became extremely light. "So we must Get out and completely razed this city to the ground!"

"If it weren't for the mood of the surrendered demon, we would directly attack with a nuclear warhead..." The bomber removed his eyes from the sight and said.

"We've discussed this topic before..." The navigator shrugged and said helplessly: "We just need to perform the task. If there is too much nosy, don't worry about it."

Thousands of bombers flew by, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and the sound of explosions still kept one after another.

Freed from the floating soil on the ground, the thin demon worker squinted his eyes and looked around. The ruins he had just cleaned up desperately became even more shattered. There are ruined walls everywhere, stumped limbs and arms everywhere, and distorted and completely scrapped mechanical equipment everywhere.

"Ah... Your lord? Your lord?" He knelt on the ground and crawled forward, climbed to the side of the demon officer, and reached out to shake his body lying on the ground.

As a result, he felt black blood, extremely viscous, and slowly dried up on his palm.

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