My Empire

Chapter 1078: Big storm

"Be careful of those **** horizontal winds! Disperse! Disperse!" Inside the radio headset, the navigator's nervous voice was very rapid.

The channel is full of electromagnetic interference. After all, this kind of **** ghost weather, even the most advanced aircraft, must be carefully faced.

"Crack!" A thunderbolt fell in front of all the B-52 bombers, and the huge thunderbolt that was wider than the plane penetrated the sky and the earth, illuminating the entire bomber group at once.

At this time, it was possible to see clearly that a whole group of bombers was hidden in this storm.

"The weather department said today's weather is very good! This is not a normal storm! This is definitely not a normal storm!" A bomber pilot stabilized the bumpy plane and shouted to the co-pilot next to him.

"We should pull up! Get out of this **** unstable air current!" The officer on the co-pilot frowned and complained.

"The formation is too dense! Look over there! Look over there! Your right side! Your right side! Damn it!" The driver suddenly shouted loudly again.

The co-pilot looked to his right hand, and suddenly saw the lightning and thunder in the distance, a huge tornado wriggling his body wantonly.

"Damn! Navigator, navigator! Do you see the tornado on the right? This is not normal weather, repeat, it is not normal weather!"

"I'm checking the weather forecast! The weather in front of us just now is good! Of course I know this is not normal weather!" The navigator entered the calculated flight route on the computer screen and deployed it at the Weather Forecast Center in Stoffel. , The reminder that the weather is good is still given.

"They should come and see for themselves, this is what they said the weather is good!" He cursed depressed, and the pilot had to deal with the problem by himself: "Continue flying 30 kilometers! If the weather conditions get worse, we will Raise the height!"

"Well, I try my best. It's not easy to climb with 25 tons of ammunition!" The pilot turned off the intercom: "Keep the course! Keep the course! Where is the escorting fighter unit?"

Above their heads, the escorting fighter units were flying above the clouds. At this time, the scenery under their feet had surprised them speechless.

They saw a sea of ​​clouds that could not be seen, the sea of ​​black clouds, and the terrible sea of ​​clouds with lightning everywhere!

This kind of phenomenon is actually rare, because even if they are using the world's most advanced fighter jets, they will not be dispatched to perform missions in such bad weather.

After all, in such bad weather, their opponents are even less likely to dispatch the air force to fight.

Therefore, it is the first time for many ace pilots to see such terrible ghost weather.

In the cockpit of an F-15 fighter jet, the pilot was looking at the manic dark clouds at his feet: "Have you heard? Have you heard? The bomber unit saw a tornado over there! What kind of spooky weather is this?"

"I have uploaded the video to the command and coordination center! They are communicating with the weather forecast center." The pilot of the other F-15 fighter is a hard worker.

"No, they are not blind? Wouldn't it be over if the mission was cancelled? Would you like to be so risky?" Before his words were over, other pilots in the formation questioned.

The pilot who uploaded the video image murmured: "As long as they are not blind, they should know that there is a problem with the weather forecast! My God! Look ahead! The clouds are getting darker!"

"My God! Is there a problem with the computer! Where is the violent wind above the clouds... My plane is actively correcting my control! The computer shows that I am deviating from the scheduled course!" At this time, the first F said The -15 fighter pilot looked at the somewhat disordered instruments and said to his companions.

"Damn it! My computer shows the same number... We are off course! In other words, the strong electromagnetic environment affects the aircraft's sensors!" Another pilot also noticed the instrument change, and their course was being automated by the computer. Correction, but whether this route is correct or not, then you know God knows.

At this moment, another exclamation came from the bomber unit's radio channel: "Gods are up! I saw a B-52 bomber hit by lightning! It was hit by lightning!"

The frontline commander in charge of directing the bombing mission immediately became nervous. He didn't want to lose an expensive bomber casually.

So he immediately grabbed the intercom and asked loudly: "Who is talking! Make it clear! Make it clear! Who saw an airplane hit by lightning?"

"We are from the 23rd Bomber Wing. One of our planes was hit by lightning! But the plane is not a major problem. They are checking their own aircraft status!" On the radio, a wing commander took a few seconds. Confirmed the situation.

After another ten seconds, his voice sounded again, making the nervous pilots sigh of relief: "It's okay! It's okay! Their communication system is normal, the engine is working normally, and everything is normal for the plane's fuselage. , There is no problem! There is no problem!"

In any case, the B-52 is also an all-weather strategic bomber. It is not surprising that its airframe has a lightning protection design, not to mention that these B-52 bombers are protected by magical defense barriers, and their safety is even more successful. Times of improvement.

"You scared me to death! Damn it! This spooky weather!" Finally, a pilot on the radio said a word that many pilots wanted to say.

"Our call is being interfered by strong electromagnetic interference... the interference is getting worse! I don't think this is an ordinary storm!" Another pilot said to his comrades through a radio with louder and louder currents.

At this moment, the attack aircraft units that flew lower couldn't hold on. Their aircraft were smaller and were more affected by the air currents.

After all, the A-10 attack aircraft is different from the B-52 bomber. It can't be fully loaded with ammunition, and it can rise to an altitude of 10,000 meters to avoid turbulent air currents.

Therefore, the commander of the A-10 attack aircraft requested on the radio: "This is the A-10 attack aircraft group, this is the A-10 attack aircraft group! We can't continue the mission! We can't continue the mission! Request a return! Request a return!"

"Approve to return! Approve to return!" The voice of the command center has been disturbed by the electric current. It has been following the A-10 attack aircraft group under the B-52 bomber, and began to turn dozens of dozens of aircraft.

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