My Empire

Chapter 1079: obstacle

The large group of B-52 bombers were still bumping in the wind and rain. At the same time, they were also looking for the **** target they were going to attack, the largest city of the demons, the temple of Withalans.

In the bumpy wind and rain, a pilot of the Ailan Hill Empire B-52 bomber frowned, and a strange feedback appeared on his monitor.

"This is the Navigator III, and this is the Navigator III... My radar may be seriously malfunctioning..." He glanced at the storm directly in front of him, then looked down at the dashboard in front of him.

He pulled out another hand and clicked several buttons on his control panel, but he couldn't adjust his navigation radar to the correct state.

So he pressed the communication switch again, and with the sizzling voice, he continued to report the problem with his navigation radar: "This is the Navigator 3, and this is the Navigator 3! Mine! The navigation radar may be malfunctioning, and my navigation radar may be malfunctioning!"

"Navigator 3! This is Navigator 2! My radar has a problem too! Its echoes are so scary! It seems that there are echoes everywhere!" The pilot of Navigator 2 also reported at this time.

"My radar also has a problem! It told me that there is a wall in front of me! But my altitude shows that I am still at least 7000 meters from the ground!" The pilot of the Navigator 4 made a somewhat surprised voice. Into the headset.

"Call Navigator III! Call Navigator III! My radar also has a problem, showing that there are huge obstacles ahead! Maybe the visibility is too low, I can't determine whether the radar is accurate!"

"Just kidding! Floating City can't have such a large radar launch area! Even if it's a mountain, it's impossible to make the radar echo so huge." The pilot on the Pilot 3 reluctantly adjusted the radar again.

Now his radar showed that there was an unprecedentedly huge obstacle directly in front of him, but he saw nothing through the windshield of his cockpit.

There are still lightning and thunder in the distance, still violent storms, the only thing missing is that **** obstacle!

"I still can't see anything!" The driver pressed on the phone annoyingly, and complained to his companions: "Next time, we should let those ground crews check it out. Recently, we have been bombing frequently and they have too much work. I didn't get serious at first."

"It's impossible! Navigator III! If there is a problem with one radar, it is likely to be a fault. Two radars have the same failure together. The probability is negligible! Now we have three radars with a problem together. , Do you think it is possible?" The pilot of Navigator 2 questioned on the channel.

"It's not three radars, it's four... The Navigator 1 radar also has the same problem! Pay attention to the front! If the problem is found, feedback immediately!" In the headset, the leader of the Navigator 1 also reported to himself at this time Radar problem.

"Navigator II understands!" The pilot on Navigator II replied cautiously.

"Navigator 3 understands!" The pilot on Navigator 3 glanced at his radar screen and replied somewhat helplessly.

Analyzing according to the navigation map on the plane, they are not far from Withalens, and they should be able to see the target.

But now they are flying at an altitude of about 9,000 meters, and there are abnormal dark clouds everywhere, which seriously affects their sight.

Suddenly, the pilot of the Navigator 1, the captain of the Navigator B-52 bomber, saw some rain on the front windshield glass of his cockpit.

He frowned slightly, and then realized that at their height, there shouldn't be such raindrops! They are at the top of this strange air current. Here are cirrus clouds that are being bullied and squeezed high. The rain clouds should be below.

Realizing this problem, he looked at his windshield carefully, and then saw that it was not the rain falling on his glass, but the distant clouds, as well as the terrible lightning and tornado, what seemed to be Things twisted and refracted.

"What's going on... I X!" He suddenly realized something, and then simultaneously held down the communication lines inside and outside his plane: "I am Navigator One! I am Navigator One! Lost the bomb! The bomb is lost! Pull up! Turn around! Quick!"

"What's the situation?" Just looking up from his faulty radar screen, the pilot of the Pilot 3 heard the command, and his face was stunned.

Before he could figure out what the situation was, he saw that the B-52 bomber flying on his left had thrown away all the 500 kg aerial bombs hanging under the wings.

The Navigator 2 bomber was only one second late, and at the same time it began to throw down all the aerial bombs it could throw away.

The two B-52 bombers began to raise their noses one after the other, and then they were still maneuvering greatly to the left. With the B-52's awkward fuselage, this is already the greatest degree of maneuver that this aircraft can make.

What's up... The pilot on the Navigator 3 plane also wanted to confirm what happened, but on his plane, the computer prompt sounded abruptly: "Pull up! Pull up! Your altitude is too low." Pull up! Pull up! Your height is too low!"

"I X!" Subconsciously, the pilot on the Navigator 3 pulled his joystick backwards with all his strength. Even with the assist system, he still felt the extremely heavy weight of the joystick.

In the next second, he saw the airflow outside the windshield shattered, saw what was cut in half by the storm, and saw the lightning seemed to be blocked by something on the other side!

"Boom!" The B-52 bomber directly hit an invisible wall and exploded into a ball of flames. It was as if it hit the ground directly, and the wreckage splashed everywhere in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the Navigator 4 bomber also slammed into this solid invisible transparent wall, exploded on this side of the wall, but did not reach the other side of the wall at all.

"Pull up!" The captain of Navigator 1 tightly pulled the control stick of his plane, and the last bomb dropped because of inertia also hit the invisible wall and exploded.

"Obstacle ahead! Obstacle ahead! Pull up! Pull up!" In the cockpit of the plane, the computer's prompts kept repeating, and the red warning light was also constantly flashing.

"Sir...I'm sorry...I'm very honored to be able to fight with you!" In the headset, the voice of the captain of Navigator 2 was mixed with interference and passed over.

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