My Empire

Chapter 1093: stubborn

"Can you imagine? This ancient Chinese nation, they are quiet and leisurely in their bones. They yearn for peace and nature, and they pursue moderation and indisputability!" Chris talked to himself endlessly there. With everything he is familiar with.

Andrea listened there with gusto, as if she was touching the distant god-like kingdom with her slender and beautiful fingers.

She yearned for that world, that splendid, more mysterious world than the Ailan Hill Empire!

From Chris' narrative, she could feel the love. She didn't know where Chris's soul came from. What she could understand is that just by virtue of the heritage of civilization, Chris has already loved and yearned for that world so much.

It was a resonance from the soul, a resonance that shocked Andrea. Of course she didn't know that under the wrong circumstances, two Tangnings crossed in time and space that had been separated by thousands of years. With loyalty and love, the two Huaxia souls brought the seeds of Huaxia into this other world.

At this moment, Andrea suddenly discovered that Chris' black hair was so beautiful and dazzling.

Chris didn’t notice Andrea’s brilliant gaze, and he was still talking about the hometown of his soul: "Is it ridiculous? When the Chinese people exchanged the most beautiful things like food, clay, tea, and silk for the beauty they yearned for. In life, those **** **** broke their dreams with muskets and cannons!"

Although no one knew that it was his hometown, and no one knew that Chris' body was a soul from a long time ago.

Luther was also listening carefully, listening to their Emperor, describing everything about the alien civilization in his mind.

Just listen to Chris continue to say: "And when the people of China had nuclear weapons, laser weapons, and electromagnetic guns, these shameless **** began to talk nonsense about freedom and environmental protection!"

When you make sense, he plays a rogue, and when you make sense, they make sense! This is the world, this is the human heart! In this world, one cannot look directly at the sun, and the other is the human heart!

"Do you know why I don't give anyone a chance in any country? It's very simple. I don't want the country I built by myself to act on the faces of others! I don't have time to waste!" At this point, Chris finally lost his thoughts. He walked out, regaining his domineering aura as the emperor of the Ailan Hill Empire.

That is really the royal temperament cultivated in eight years. As long as he stands there, it is like the sun, radiant!

"I don't want to be like them, because of endless infighting, I missed countless opportunities to accelerate development..." Chris increased his volume.

He looked at Andrea and Luther: "Ten years were wasted here, and ten years were wasted there... Finally, when the doomsday comes, they can only integrate all the brilliant things they have created. Give it to a stranger!"

Behind him, another spaceship soared into the sky, full of the magic spar ore on Moon Xiris, and flew towards the Ailan Xiris star ring.

And on the huge and brightly lit star ring, one spacecraft after another is being built, and they are neatly arranged on the pier where the spaceport is like a branch, a little bit more complete. They represent the strength of the Ailan Hill Empire, and they prove Chris' will!

Chris spreads out his hands as if catching something: "It is China’s Captain Tangning who left me the seeds of victory, and it is China’s Sergeant Chen Zhen! So Ailan Hill is a heritage of China. !"

"What I have to do is to seize the opportunity in front of me and rise at the fastest speed! I want to rise on behalf of China and become the master of this world!" He raised his chin, and firmly declared his sovereignty over the entire starry sky.

"I am strong because if anyone dares to insult the flag of the Airanhill Empire, I will destroy their homes, lash their children, and use the most barbarous means to punish those who do not live or die!" He squeezed his own tightly. Double fist, said word by word.

"I am strong because if someone dares to search my people's pockets casually, I will take away his clothes and money, move his house, strangle the dog in his yard, and break the glass of his car! "He was impassioned and said in the most confident tone.

"I am strong because if someone dared to raise a pistol against my people, I would chop off his claws, pull out his teeth, crush his Adam's apple, and put his toes into his mouth!" When he said this, he saw Luther's eyes full of worship.

Putting away his fists, Chris continued: "I'm sorry, those **** facts have taught me that if civilization is not protected by barbarism, whether it is brilliant or gorgeous, it will eventually become a mist!"

He is like a lion, patrolling in his territory. And in front of him, all ants crawling under his feet.

"What I want to do now is to use the darkest means to protect the brightest world! It is to maintain the happiest life with the most cruel killings! It is to use the least reasonable to make the world learn to be reasonable!" He Having said that, I finally stopped. The air seemed to be filled with the fascinating smell left by a strong man.

Mortals have also suffered from exploitation and suffering, so Luther and Andrea didn't feel strange at all when Chris said this.

Anyone who has been bullied is eager to live what they hate most. They are not to bully the weak, but to stop giving those guilty **** a chance to make trouble again!

There is no mercy and justice in a world where the weak eats the strong. Host your own justice and pursue your own justice yourself. This is the world, this is the reality, and this is the blood-stained fairy tale.

"I'm starting to understand you!" Andrea said with a look of drunkenness.

"It doesn't matter, this kind of thing doesn't need to be understood by others! I can go on it myself! There will always be some madmen, or fools, who agree with me and go on with me." Chris was stubborn indifferently.

"I may be the lunatic or fool you are talking about." Andrea raised his smile.

"Then let's go down together." Chris stretched out his hand and made an inviting gesture.

"Okay!" Andrea stretched out his hand and placed it on the palm of Chris's.

"Thank you." Chris tried his best to be gentlemanly.

"No thanks, are my man now!" Andrea was as straightforward and bold as a pungent girl.

"Ha! I like it very much for this reason!" Chris raised his mouth... He suddenly remembered that he hadn't smiled for several days, that's right, that's right.


In fact, I have been holding back and I am unwilling to participate. But in recent days, those ghosts have been a bit too bully. So Long Ling stayed up late and vented these two chapters. It was purely the author's own self-esteem, YY, but what I want to express is the feeling of being a patriot.

No matter how great my motherland was, no matter how much she has endured, and no matter whether she can rise in the future, I love her, and every drop of blood is the love for her!

Whether I write German, fantasy, or science fiction, no matter what I write or say, I hope that my love for the motherland can be passed on to all readers in my words!

Yes, I am a patriotic fan! ***! I'm the silly X who squatted in the corner and clamored about how to use Jianbaerye to fight F22! What's the matter? I am!

Those shameless, unreasonable, unwilling to see the good **** of my motherland! I am impatient, I can only write and scold you, I despise you, but I just want to spit out this sputum, and I will be disgusting to die of you! Don't plan anything else, just plan your own comfort!


Remember Werthalens? Lan, I added it later!

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