My Empire

Chapter 1209: Knight on the run

"Get out! Get out of me!" A knight holding the flag of the King of the Storm Empire straddled the war horse and galloped across the not-so-wide road.

While galloping his horse, he yelled at the same time, so that pedestrians walking on the road quickly avoided: "Get away! Get away quickly!"

Since the morning, he has been riding his horse wildly, and now he has lost half his life, and he still doesn't dare to stop for a while.

After all, he witnessed it with his own eyes, a real slaughter. The knights he was in were slaughtered by those terrifying enemies in less than half an hour.

Those occasional rays of light flashed across everyone in an instant, and then the blood began to splash, the horses neighed, everything seemed like the end of the world.

The grand knight commander of the knight order asked him to send a message, which actually gave him a decent way to survive. If he is not allowed to pass the news, he should have died on that land just like those knights at this moment.

When the charge started, he waited for the result of the battle on Gaogang. After a short period of time, he pulled over the horse's head like a frightened bird, and ran wildly towards the direction of the imperial capital.

The Knight Order is over...completely over! As long as you watch 20 seconds after the start of the war, you are not a fool to know that the Knights are over!

So he was panicked, so he couldn't choose his way, so he ran away desperately, embarrassed like a dog in the family.

Even the extreme fear made him lose the courage to stop. He really didn't dare to turn his head or stop, so he could only ride the horse under his hip, and kept flying in the opposite direction.

Because he was afraid, afraid that as soon as he turned his head, those terrible weapons would hit his head.

This feeling is like experiencing an eternal nightmare, not waking up, struggling in the dream without end.

His lips had dried up, and he didn't even dare to drink a sip of water on the way, so he ran like crazy without any delay.

"What the **** is going on?" A passerby looked at the rushing knight, his face was full of surprise.

Next to him, another passerby was also blank. They rarely meet such a knight who sends messages, and even if they do, they will not be so rude and run so panicked.

So he shook his head and said to the passersby by his side: "I don't know, what happened again."

Of course something happened. In the morning, the meteor showers all over the sky can be easily seen by anyone as long as they look up.

The appearance of divine light made the entire empire panic. More than a month ago, the light of God had appeared in this world.

The unpredictable state of blessings and misfortunes has continued to this day, this time the divine light has appeared again, and once it appears, it is like flying in the sky.

No one knows what such a spectacle actually means. Everyone is speculating whether it was someone who angered the gods and God sent the punishment from the gods.

"Those terrible light in the morning... densely packed, have you seen it too? How could it be okay..." The voice of passers-by was also louder as he looked at the knight who was going away.

Anyway, there is no one else here, and no one will know about some dangerous topics. The Holy See would not know it anyway, they may all be studying the divine light in the morning.

"Shhh! Stop talking. Be careful to get caught!" Another passerby tried to cover his mouth, but failed, so he quickly lowered his voice and warned.

Hearing the warning from his companions, the passer-by also changed the subject: "That knight, look at the pattern on the king's flag. It belongs to the 3rd Knights, right? They are not stationed in Faisala?"

However, he changed the subject, still talking about things that annoyed the Holy See: "I don't know, if I am so anxious to go to the imperial capital, whether it is a good news or a funeral."

"Shhh! I've said it all, shut up!" His companion couldn't stand him a bit, and said bitterly.

After saying this, the two of them closed their mouths when they saw a carriage coming from the opposite side. After all, in this world, the Holy See still needs to be respected, and criticizing the gods is itself a felony.

The magnificent carriage passed them by, and while the two were still amazed by the metal decoration on the luxurious carriage, a gleam of light suddenly poured down over their heads.

The two people looked towards the sky subconsciously, and then, in the next second, they saw a scene beyond imagination.

Because, still in this sky, once again densely packed "sacred lights" appeared, like those in the early morning and in the morning, almost covering the entire sky.

"Oh my God!" The passerby sighed in disbelief, raising his head. He had never seen such a scene, and he could not say whether it was scary or spectacular.

Another passerby standing beside him was already shocked and speechless, and he did not expect that the same scene would appear three times in a day.

"God! Are you going to abandon us?" The passerby murmured, his legs trembling constantly.

"Great God! Please save your people! Shelter us..." Not far away, some passers-by knelt directly on the ground, praying to the sky.

The luxurious carriage that had just passed by stopped at the side of the road at this time. In the carriage, a nobleman dressed in gorgeous clothes pushed open the door and stared at the countless meteors falling in the sky.


On the ground, standing in the middle of the town, the demon officer's face was full of smiles. He held his hands behind his back, his narrow eyes scanned the crowd in front of him, looking at everyone's faces.

The residents of those small towns cuddled together nervously, observing the handsome officer from outside.

In their opinion, being able to grow up like this is absolutely blessed by God. Just looking at this face, you know that the owner of this face is a good person.

"I need some volunteers! If someone is willing to cooperate, I can appropriately agree to some of their requirements! For example, to ensure the safety of his family members, such as giving food, such as giving money..." The demon officer is very casual Said.

The translator on his body translated his words to everyone present. But still no one stood up, everyone stood there a little nervously, as if they didn't understand at all.

It seems that these people don't plan to cooperate anymore-or that they don't know what serious consequences will be if they don't cooperate.

"Well... it's your turn! Haji." The demon officer looked at his little "pet" and waved his hand and said, "If you can't handle them, just die with them."


Two changes will be made today, and we will continue to make changes tomorrow.

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