My Empire

Chapter 1212: Love Lanhill more

  In the spacious and bright classroom, a group of 7th-grade students are sitting in front of their heads, shaking their heads and reciting the most difficult "Ancient Gods" in God's words.

  The immature voice echoed in the air, giving the whole classroom a strange feeling of inconsistency.

"Hey, the danger is high! The difficulty of the road of Shu, it is difficult to go to the sky! The silkworm and the Yufu, how lost is the founding of the country! You are forty-eight thousand years old, and you are not in contact with Qin Sai. Xidang Taibai has a bird way. , You can cross Emei Peak. The collapse of the mountain destroys the heroes to death, and then the ladder stone stacks are connected." The Chinese language skills of these students are already very good, the words are round and there is no feeling of big tongue.

  Listen to them recite such poems, and look at their serious appearances, and you will know the importance of God's language teaching in the school.

  Since His Majesty the Emperor appointed God’s Word as a compulsory language in the royal court, there has been a super wave of learning God’s words in the entire Alanhill Empire.

Among the nobles, it is no longer unusual to learn to speak Huaxia, and it is not a day or two to communicate completely in Huaxia during a meeting.

  Not only that, the Ailan Hill Empire did not know when it started a Chinese style in terms of music.

Princess Jessica enthusiastically showed everyone what Chinese style is called. She casually hummed two songs from China's "classical" music "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Fireworks are easy to cold", and immediately let similar songs It has become the most popular piece of music at the moment.

  Even in those romantic places in Ailan Xirisi, the emperor of the Ailan Hill Empire, the guests who wore expensive costumes to find flowers and asked Liu, now their favorite musical instrument has been replaced by a pipa! This is the power of a strong culture, and this is the result of self-confidence.

  This is definitely not a joke. If the people holding foreign guns and cannons were Huaxia, who can guarantee that the most popular music nowadays must be trendy with a section of gongs and drums?

Who would dare to say that if it was Huaxia Civilization that had a strong and powerful boat back then, those white singers would not have two raps like "800 pacesetters running to the north slope" at the end of their debut to show that they represent the most avant-garde trend. Where is the wind direction?

  In short, the current Ailan Hill Empire seems to have become a branch of China that has risen outside the star field. Everyone is proud of learning Chinese, and everyone has entered the pit of Chinese civilization.

  Under this huge wave, Huaxia language has become the lingua franca of the entire empire, and even the dragons have been forced to accept it and begin to learn this obscure language.

  However, a group of children with different hair colors reciting ancient Chinese prose is still full of incongruity and weirdness.

  Of course it’s weird, there are far more weird things! Because they have never been in contact with the history of Huaxia, all children who receive education must learn from the beginning.

They must understand the world of God, the development and experience of God’s world, of course, these courses should not be mixed in the subject of "history", because the history class to explain is the history of the world, the empire of Ailan Hill History.

  So, the long history of Chinese civilization was put in the theology class. Yes, that's right, it's included in the theology course!

After experiencing the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and after the melee of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, God was finally unified by the great God Emperor Yingzheng. After thousands of years of development, the brilliant Chinese civilization gave birth to countless great artists, writers and thinkers...

  After Chris knew all this, he couldn't laugh or cry. He did not expect that one day, the history of Chinese civilization would be regarded as myths and legends.

   But more weird things, there are many more. For example, now, these students are reciting the famous poetry of the Tang Dynasty Li Bai's Shu Dao Difficulty, but these students can't understand why they want to learn the old sayings that the gods have already eliminated.

  Unfortunately, doubts return to doubts, and the recitation still has to be continued. The recitation in unison in the classroom did not stop, and the beautiful sentences were read out by the immature children's voices.

"There are six dragons returning to the high standard of the sun, and below are the rushing waves and reversing back to Sichuan. The yellow crane cannot fly, and the ape is desperate to climb and support. The green mud is pan, the hundred steps are ten folds and the rocky mountains. Li Jing leaned back and breathed, and sighed with his hands."

  The teacher walked in the aisle in the middle of the desk with his hands behind his back. He was very satisfied that his students could recite the ancient Chinese scriptures so fluently.

  When the recitation paused for a while, he nodded slightly and reminded loudly: "Very good! Remember the knowledge points here! The school monthly exam next week is for the exam!"

"Ask you when you will travel to the west? You can't climb the rocks on the road. But when you see the old wood of the mourning bird, the male and the female fly around the forest. Then you hear the Zigui crying the night and the moon, worrying about the sky. This withered beauty!"

  After hearing the teacher’s reminder, these students worked harder to recite. They don't know why Shu Road is so difficult. In their opinion, a short trip to the next planet is not too difficult.

  Sometimes the school also organizes outings, so that everyone can see the exotic customs on other planets. As for what Shu Road is said, it is totally unreasonable to them.

  No matter how difficult it is, just build bridges and build roads? Take a look at the mechanical equipment of the Ailan Hill Empire that is larger and taller than the hill. Where are the roads that cannot be repaired?

  It’s just that, if you complain, you still have to learn what you should learn. After the teacher explained the key points of the exam, the students continued to recite the following under the direction of the teacher:

  "Lianfeng goes to the sky without surpassing the ruler, withered pine hanging upside down against the cliff. The turbulent waterfalls compete for noise, the cliffs turn to the rocks and the thunder. The danger is the same, and those who are far away from you are here!"

  These students still don’t know that their homeland is already in a distant star field and has raised a butcher knife against another civilization.

  They don’t know yet, the war of the empire has once again kicked off.

  They still don’t know that the inner saint and the outer king are also part of the Chinese civilization and an inseparable part.

Therefore, they are still reciting: "The sword pavilion is surging and Cui Wei, one husband is the gate, and the man is not open. The guards or bandits turn into wolves and jackals. Avoid tigers at night, and snakes at night; grind their teeth and **** blood and kill people. Like Ma. Although Jincheng is happy and happy, it is better to return home early. The difficulty of the Shu Road is difficult to go up to the blue sky. I look sideways and look towards the long counsellor!

  But in fact, they still don’t know that the great **** named Li Bai has written another article.

  If they knew that, as a teenager in the Ailan Hill Empire, they would definitely feel that the phrase "Kill one person in ten steps, do not stay for a thousand miles", seems to be more "Alan Hill"——

  Add a chapter and continue tomorrow.

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