My Empire

Chapter 1215: translator

A puppet light infantry regiment, in fact, is not very powerful. If you have a good deal, you will only have less than 2,000. This also includes logistics units that transport ammunition, including some second-line units that are responsible for communications and reconnaissance.

If only the combat troops are counted, it is only about 1,500. These battle puppet robots belong to three battalions, each with 500 puppets.

And with such a small force, it is not easy to completely control a city, especially when the other party is not cooperating.

The head of the orc was gratified that when he punched the most brave general in the city, the people here had no idea of ​​resisting.

Who said it? As long as you find the strongest enemy and defeat him, you will be suppressed... Orcs believe this, and they like to solve problems this way.

After ordering the puppets to be stationed on the wall and barely enclosing the entire city, the head of the orc tribe sent a telegram to Burrison.

The content of the telegram is very simple. It is to report that they have occupied the city and request instructions for the next step.

Burrison's call came soon, and the order was very clear: the 2nd regiment stood by for further instructions.

As the ground commander of the landing force, Burrison was just a division commander. He did not have the authority to help the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs make important decisions.

So he can only wait, wait helplessly, and wait for the personnel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to follow the arrival of the second fleet before he can move further.

There is no way. After all, the scale of the entire war operation is so small that the front-line commander does not even have the power to decide alone.

The high-levels of the Alanhill Empire still don't know what happened on this Hope 2 planet. At this time, His Majesty the Emperor is still waiting for good news from Planet Hope 2.

Several transport fleets have already set off and will arrive at the front line one after another, sending more ammunition supplies.

In short, the conquering operation against Planet Hope 2 has been fully launched, and no one can reverse it.

"The magic ball of knowledge for translation has been made. There are two types." An engineer on the scientific expedition spacecraft said with his back behind his back.

For more than a day, he has been thinking of ways to make samples of the magic ball of knowledge-as long as there is a sample, more magic **** can be copied.

"For his own people, it takes some time to modify. For the local indigenous people, I think there should be no problem." In a sense, he is very confident in his technology.

As for why the experimental products for the indigenous people can be directly distributed and used, and the experimental products for their own people need to wait, then only he himself knows the reason.

"Isn't it more convenient to give these native gods directly?" the engineer's deputy asked with some incomprehension.

"How can those people directly learn the language of gods? This is a blasphemy against the gods!" The engineer scolded very harshly: "Let the natives learn the language of gods? Don't even think about it!"

"I think this kind of persistence has no benefit except wasting the magic spar that made the magic ball of knowledge." The assistant muttered softly, but stopped talking about anything, and just stepped aside.

The first batch of magic **** of knowledge landed in the landing field with a small reentry capsule after more than an hour.

The soldiers responsible for fetching these supplies are the famous heavy-armored grenadiers of the Ailan Hill Empire. They now have a more resounding name, called the Imperial Star Paratroopers.

Soon, several local soldiers who had knelt down and begged for mercy, and kept surrendering, were asked to use the magic ball of knowledge.

In the evening, the soldiers of the Ailanhill Empire who were watching these test items suddenly heard a familiar voice behind them: "Great, sir...Excuse me, when can we leave here?"

"Don't worry, it won't be long." The soldier on guard answered casually without turning his head.

After the answer was over, he realized what had happened. So he quickly turned around and rushed into the house.

In the room where these civilians were held, the dozen or so local aborigines who were the first to come into contact with the Magic Sphere of Knowledge now seem to be able to speak.

What's more, what they were talking about was the lingua franca of Ailan Siris, the pronunciation was fairly standard, but the pronunciation was a little weird.

No way, after all, the lingua franca of the Ailan Xiris Empire used to be a similar pronunciation system, and now it is corrected. Although it is awkward, it is still more or less common.

It is precisely because of this that those locals who have just come into contact with the Ailan Hill Empire quickly mastered the pronunciation standards of the Common Language.

Just when these people wanted to express their disdain for Ailan Sirius's lingua franca, the guard at the door pushed in.

"Someone among you was talking just now? Who is it, stand up!" The human heavy-armored grenadier said with a blank expression with his gun.

"Yes, it's me!" A man raised his hand nervously, obviously he understood the guard's question.

The rest of the people can understand the conversation between the two people, they want to admire it, this kind of experience is really great.

You know, the aborigines on this planet have not discovered the existence of magic. They live in the magical world, but they have not revealed the talent for magic.

Therefore, they have never seen such a big killer like the Magic Ball of Knowledge. They can feel the power contained in the Magic Ball of Knowledge, and then open their eyes and find that they can speak a foreign language again!

"There seems to be no obstacle to communication." An officer walked in from the door, threw his gloves on the table, and looked at the local natives who had been sent from various places and were willing to cooperate with the Ailan Hill Empire.

While talking, he walked to an old man's side and motioned for him to stand up with his finger.

Of course, the old man didn't want to touch any mold, so he stood up immediately and let the young officer sit down.

"Soon, you will be treated as translators and fly to Berlin to perform tasks." The officer continued: "I hope you will not have problems because of fear or other reasons."

"According to the standard of an officer, prepare some food for these people! When you are full, let them quickly take office!" The officer waved his hand and motioned to the guard at the door to quickly report on the situation here.

Then he walked alone in front of one of the natives and asked casually: "I heard that your so-called envoy sent by the emperor has arrived..."

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