My Empire

Chapter 1218: Monster

In the end, Fergan still mustered up the courage to face the **** in his heart and asked a shameful question: "Well, do you have a toilet here?"

Hearing this question, Haji felt that he had been dug a big hole. How should he translate this kind of translation?

Just as he was thinking about it, Marvin had already understood the other party's problem through the translator, so he smiled slightly and said to Marvin: "Take him to the toilet!"

When Haji heard this, he immediately stood up, made a please gesture, and then took Fugen to solve the physiological problem.

In a rush all the way, Fergan even forgot to see the scenery along the way. After all, he was really anxious, sweating profusely, and even a little overflowing anxiety below.

However, when I came back, it was different. Because Fergan was not in a hurry, he saw a lot of things, many things that surprised and delighted him.

When Fogan watched the huge figure spread his wings, he didn't know what to say.

He walked along the way, always thinking that this mysterious power comparable to gods had only one powerful weapon.

But now, he found that he was wrong, which was a bit outrageous. Because he saw the dragon for the first time.

The huge wings and the scales all over his body left a deep impression on him, and the sharp teeth in the open mouth of the blood basin also made Fulgan startled.

What kind of world is it possible to have such a terrifying creature! He hesitated, stood there looking at a weak human being in the distance, and walked to the life that looked terrifying.

"Get down!" Hearing the middle-aged man in strange armor and not so strong, he made a downward gesture at the huge terrifying creature.

Then, the huge creature with its head held high, which seemed to be about to roar, lowered its head honestly and prostrated in front of the weak person, cleverly like a hound.

Fogan really couldn't imagine why such a powerful creature surrendered to the feet of a weak human being in his opinion.

He felt that if following the normal development, this creature should swallow the human in front of him in one bite, then spread its wings and fly into the air, wherever it takes to occupy the mountain is the king.

Unfortunately, the **** scene he was looking forward to did not happen. The human in weird armor stretched out his hand and slapped the extremely strong monster twice. The monster seemed to enjoy it.

After swallowing a spit, Fogan felt that his brain was not enough. He really didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment, those weird things had already made him feel numb.

"Yes! Yes! Arrange the charging pile over there!" In front of a tent, a human wearing a steel helmet was waving his hand at a dozen puppet soldiers.

In front of him, several puppets were carrying special charging piles, and behind these puppets, there was a row of puppets helping to pull wires.

It is impossible for the Ailanhill Empire to transport gasoline and diesel on a large scale. In addition, the Ailanhill Empire is making breakthroughs in electric energy technology, so many vehicles have been converted to all-electric power.

However, due to technical reasons, the current all-electric power system can only be equipped on cars, and tanks cannot be used.

This is also why the Ailan Hill Empire is willing to put oil tigers such as the Type 99 main battle tank into the spacecraft.

An all-electric car can take on a lot of work, but it needs to be charged frequently to supplement its own energy.

Therefore, the Ailan Hill Empire is arranging a large number of charging piles inside the base to facilitate the charging of cars anytime and anywhere.

And these electric energy sources are completely dependent on the supply of an energy reentry cabin. But don't underestimate such an energy reentry tank, which is equipped with the safe and convenient second-generation nuclear fusion reactor of the Ailan Hill Empire.

With such a super reactor as an energy supply, the Ailanhill Empire can quickly establish a huge energy network on the Hope 2 planet.

This is the power of the fusion reactor and the power of the Ailan Hill Empire power system.

With these devices, the Ailan Hill Empire can operate for a long time on the Hope 2 planet. Only a small amount of radioactive energy materials are needed to provide a continuous and convenient supply of electricity.

Of course, the seemingly unremarkable fusion reactor energy re-entry tank, in any case, is no better than that terrifying dragon in terms of visual effects.

At this moment, when Fogen passed by the second Yalong, he was completely numb with shock. He really couldn't imagine that the gods had so many terrifying monsters.

In his stunned mouth, Haji felt that he had found his own pleasure. The important empire he used to look up to, now in front of him, is as stupid as a hillbilly.

Although he was frightened by the sight in front of him, his legs were a little weak, but he remembered what the demon officer told him before he came-as long as he works honestly, he will be fine.

Therefore, after composing himself for a while, Haji adjusted to a more calm tone and urged: "My lord, let's go quickly. Don't let the great gods wait too long."

" long have you served the long?" Fogen took back his eyes from the puppets who were carrying the charging piles and walked hard step by step, looked at Haji and asked.

Haji, who was not called Haji, thought for a while and gave an approximate time: "I have served them for three days."

"Since you have become a servant of God, do you know something about God? If so, tell me about it." Fagan felt that he should know some things about God, so that he could win some negotiations for later negotiations. Bargaining chips.

"God is terrible." Haji can still clearly remember the scene of the demon officer turning his wings behind him that day and smashing the opponent's head with a sword.

He still remembered that the demon officer gently waved his arm, and a dazzling magic circle appeared in front of everyone.

In the magic circle, a ball of flame spewed out and burned the headless corpse. From then on, no one in the entire town had any objections to the coming of God.

"God is also merciful." When Haji broke free from the terrible story, when he recalled some things, his mind was filled with the delicacy of luncheon meat and Budd mustard.

In a sense, the mustard produced by the Ailan Hill Empire is even a weapon more powerful than a cannonball. Before the aircraft cannon has conquered the opponent, Bud mustard has often established his reputation among the opponents.

Now, there are still many such alternative weapons in the Ailan Hill Empire. For example, the instant noodles that not many people love to eat, the spicy sauce that is well-known in the Pingku Mountain area, and the invincible Lao Ganma...

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