My Empire

Chapter 1229: Ancestor bless

When the emperor of the Storm Empire came back to his senses, he almost fainted directly again. Because he saw the earth under his feet, and felt the screaming wind.

He saw himself flying in the air, seeing himself flying in the air just like that. Without any protection, without any preparation, it is much more exciting than bungee jumping.

At this moment, he was scared and screamed loudly. He wanted to struggle but didn't dare to move at all. He really wanted to tell the person who was holding him, hoping that he could hold himself firmer.

Because of the angle, he couldn't see that the arm holding him was a mechanical arm, and he didn't know how powerful the mechanical exoskeleton of the Ailan Hill Empire was.

Of course, even if he knew these things, he was very scared, because even if the power exoskeleton of the Ailan Hill Empire was so reliable, he would still doubt whether the armor and clothes he was wearing would contain anything. Quality issues.

After all, this is not a safety project in an amusement park. He really didn't even tie a safety rope, so he was wrapped in an arm and flew several hundred meters in the air.

Just the turbulence of the airflow and the helicopter rope swinging back and forth in the wind already made him feel that his stomach was constantly churning.

Now, he really wanted to open his mouth and vomit out all the food he had just eaten, so as to make his body uncomfortable and find a way to vent.

But he didn't dare... he really didn't... he was afraid that he would suddenly make some movement, and he would fall directly, hanging on the tops of the big trees under his feet, piercing and bleeding.

He even seemed to have seen the picture of his intestines being pulled out by the branches, so he tightened his muscles even more, trying to maintain his posture.

As a result, he didn't know whether it was a psychological effect, or he could really hear some strange sounds from the wind. He seemed to hear the sound of his own clothes being torn apart.

At that moment, he really wanted to look up and shout to the person who was holding him: "Big brother, hold on! You must hold on!"

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw a giant dragon not far from him, flapping his wings.

This is the first time he has observed a sub-dragon at such a close distance. He can see the scales on the dragon, which are like small shields.

A special saddle was fixed on the dragon's body. On the saddle, there was a dragon knight wearing black Kevlar armor.

Until now, His Majesty the Emperor of the Gale Empire fully understood what the monster that attacked his palace looked like.

Frankly speaking, in his opinion, such a huge and powerful creature is simply irresistible. If he had known that the other party had such terrible weapons of war, he would never leave his imperial capital.

Perhaps, only those huge ballistas on the head of the Imperial City could bring him such a little sense of security.

Ildo didn't know anyone was watching him. At this moment, he was urging the dragon under his crotch to keep it up with the speed of the helicopter.

Originally, the Ailan Hill Empire had a V-22 helicopter, but because the speed was too fast, there was no way for the Dragon Knight to keep up with cover, so it was not sent to the Hope 2 planet.

Although the UH-60 helicopter is a bit too old, its speed is just right, it is easy to cooperate, and maintenance is more convenient and quicker, so it has always been in service in the army.

Finally, the Emperor of the Gale Empire, who felt that his clothes might split at any time, saw a miracle in the distance.

He saw some huge machines, building a straight, long road. I also saw the buildings rising from the ground on the other side of the road. He didn't know that it was an airport under construction, or what it was for.

Then he saw two gray-white A-10 attack aircraft that had arrived and were parked on the side of the road. Because the construction of the airport has not been completed, they can only park there quietly now, and did not participate in this raid.

Then he saw one huge round flat ground after another, on which a huge "stop" was outlined with a thick line. In his opinion, that is a neat strange pattern composed of stop characters.

In a few circles in the distance, there are some strange equipment with teeth and claws parked. On those equipment are strange long strips, and under the five long strips is a black-gray device that looks like a fish.

Of course, he didn't know that it was the UH-60 helicopter of the Ailan Hill Empire, or that it was an improved Z-20 helicopter.

At this moment, he found that he was descending, and one of the neat circles was getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes.

At this time, he noticed that right in front of him, there was already a weird aircraft with a rotating blade, which was slowly descending.

The flying helicopter made the emperor of the Gale Empire realize that the similar aircraft parked in those circles, he did not expect that those weird and strange designs were actually flying artifacts!

Next, he saw that on the helicopter in front of the descending height, long ropes were hung, and above those ropes, there were still figures hanging one after another.

When he vaguely saw a familiar figure wearing armor, being held by a person, he finally fully understood his current state.

Blessed by the gods, he actually lived through such a difficult and dangerous road. It was really blessed by the ancestors, and the gods appeared.

It's a pity that it's not over yet. His feet are still touching the ground, so he can't say that it's completely safe now.

Ever since, he was still frightened, still very nervous watching the helicopter in front land on the airport, watching the great knight commander of the Royal Knights he was familiar with, landing safely.

Even his confidant was arrested? It's... what a shame. The emperor of the Gale Empire was muttering in his heart, and then he felt the wind above his head pouring down, and the wind brought by the helicopter's blades made him a little bit unable to open his eyes.

Then, he felt the person holding him stand on the ground and started to walk out with him.

After stepping out of the helicopter's propeller blowing range, His Majesty the Emperor of the Gale Empire dared to open his eyes.

"Huh..." It was like riding a catapult roller coaster in an amusement park. After confirming his safety, His Majesty the Emperor of the Gale Empire let out a long breath.

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