My Empire

Chapter 1231: Telling the truth and bluffing

  When I saw Fogan again, the emperor of the Storm Empire could calm down and look at everything he had encountered.

  At least now, he already knows how far he is from God. After experiencing the event of his being captured alive, he can almost accept everything.

  Although he still didn't know why the other party knew that he was in the palace at the time, after seeing that the other party was able to fly, he almost had a guess.

  Because it can fly in the air, detection should be a breeze for these gods.

   Frankly speaking, he actually guessed it, because it was really a satellite of the Ailan Hill Empire, and it monitored the movement of the Storm Empire Brigade on the ground.

  It’s just that he couldn’t guess at all, how terrifying the real height of the object flying above his head was.

   "Get up! I don't blame you anymore." Waved, the emperor of the Storm Empire, a middle-aged man named Norshal Storm, waved his hand to Fogen and said.

   Then, he sat opposite Marvin, maintaining as much as possible the courtesy of an imperial emperor, "I am Norshal Gale, the emperor of the Gale Empire!"

  He has now magically mastered the lingua franca of the Empire. Although he is not fluent yet, there are no obstacles to communication.

  This is all thanks to the magic of the magic ball of knowledge. As long as the energy is input, the user can immediately master a lot of knowledge in the book.

  For the kind of rote knowledge that does not require flexibility, the magic ball of knowledge is particularly useful. Similar languages ​​and laws and regulations can be mastered very quickly by using the Magic Ball of Knowledge.

  Before making a translation like Haji, it is because the computer will inevitably make mistakes when collecting vocabulary for analysis, so we can only find some insignificant people to experiment and use.

  Nowadays, more and more words are analyzed, and the accuracy is getting higher and higher, so there is no need to train special translations.

  As for civilians like Haji, they are naturally assigned to some less important working groups and continue to use their residual heat.

"Marvin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Alanhill Empire." Marvin introduced himself, and then corrected the other party's words. "You shouldn't continue to call yourself emperor, because there is only one emperor in the entire universe! Your majesty the emperor of our empire can claim the emperor."

   "Although I have been captured, I am still the emperor of the Gale Empire. This cannot be changed." Nochal pointed to himself, sneered and said to Marvin, "I haven't abdicated yet!"

"Then sign the prepared abdication edict!" Marvin took out one from the stack of documents, pushed it on the table and gave it to Nochard. "Write your name here, and then cover it. The seal of your empire is the seal, which you called the seal of the State Seal..."

   "..." Nochal really wanted to tell this **** named Marvin in front of him that this is not the way to talk about negotiations!

  Where can there be negotiations to let the emperor himself abdicate? This has touched the fundamental interests of the royal family, how can we talk about it?

   "Even if you kill me, the ministers who stay behind in the Storm Empire will still elect an emperor..." After suppressing his anger, Noxal gritted his teeth and emphasized to Marvin.

  It is obvious that he is warning Marvin not to think that you can do whatever you want if you capture him.

   "I think you have misunderstood. It was only an accident to capture you. Before, we were just looking for a negotiator who can tell the truth." Marvin explained.

Having said that, he looked at Fergan a little bit pitifully, and continued to explain, "There is no way. We hoped to talk to Mr. Fergan before, but he said that he could not be the master. So we had to set out on our own and find someone who could be the master. people."

   "As a result, what we didn't expect was that we caught you directly." Marvin smiled when he said this, "but it's good, at least we found a negotiation target that is most useful for talking, didn't we?"

After explaining for a while, Marvin opened his mouth again and said, "Also, I hope you don’t get me wrong. The reason why the Ailanhill Empire emphasizes the uniqueness of the emperor is not because you are captured, but because it belongs to the Ailanhill Empire A matter of dignity."

  "Excuse me, do you think there will be a **** who will tolerate those tiny lives and claim to be a god?" Marvin made a small metaphor.

  While speaking, he stretched out his palm, his five fingers curled and stretched slightly, and a ball of flame appeared in his palm.

  The flame throbbed in Marvin's palm as if it was alive, exuding dangerous heat, but it didn't hurt Marvin's palm.

   Soon, the flame turned into a small fire snake, swimming around Marvin’s fingers, tumbling and shutting continuously at his fingertips.

"We are not targeting the Gale Empire, but in our opinion, all the people who claim to be the emperor, all the forces that claim to be the empire, are the targets that we must destroy!" Marvin put away himself in the horrified eyes of several people The flame in the palm of his hand said to himself.

   "We have the ability to destroy the mountains and the earth to break up. We can let the ocean evaporate, and we can turn all life into ashes." He continued without waiting for Nochal to continue speaking.

  After finishing speaking, he looked at the few people in front of him and said solemnly, “I emphasize once again that if you don’t believe everything I said, then I will let you go and let you go back.”

"After that, the army of the Ailan Hill Empire will directly use weapons of mass destruction to wipe your city from this world." He finished in one breath, and then put his hand on the abdication edict." Sign or refuse... live or die! There is only one choice I can give you."

  The emperor of the Gale Empire, Noxal·Guangfeng, stared at Marvin, hoping to see the bluff on the opponent's face with a slight expression. But he was disappointed, because Marvin's face was full of peace, as if everything he said just now was taken for granted.

  In fact, although Nochar did not know, Marvin himself knew it all. He was not bluffing at all just now, he was just telling the truth.

  In fact, a long, long time ago, the diplomats of the Ailan Hill Empire stopped bluffing. They are just telling the truth, depending on whether the other party believes in the facts that sound absurd, but in fact they are not exaggerated at all. .

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