My Empire

Chapter 1234: Still human

"We stand here, representing the interests of this empire! For the interests of the empire, for the interests of the people! We can even give up part of our vested interests! You understand this sacrifice, so I am willing to share the future with you!" Reese said.

"Those who have abandoned the people, have deviated from the empire! They are not qualified to enjoy the exquisite food, are not qualified to squander the benefits of the empire!" He said, pressing down on his palm.

The rich men who stood in their positions, and the great lords who talked about one thing on a certain planet, sat down one after another, with their chins high, and continued to wait for their emperor to finish their words.

These people know that when His Majesty said these words, there will be new rich people born in this world, and there will be countless big nobles and rich people who will leave the stage sadly.

His Majesty the Emperor holds the direction of future development, he is like a prophet, controlling the future of technology.

Therefore, when a certain rich man is unwilling to cooperate with His Majesty the Emperor, their competitors will obtain the help of His Majesty, using technology or huge capital to brutally destroy them.

Because he controls a sufficiently exaggerated power, the emperor of the Ailanhill Empire can appoint and remove any official at any time.

In the face of such a powerful power, no force dared to challenge the imperial power. Because it only needs a word from the emperor, a prominent noble group, a high-ranking bureaucratic party in the depths, will be wiped out in an instant.

Because it did not lower the fees according to the emperor's requirements, the seemingly unbreakable commercial monopoly group was replaced by new technology overnight, and could only declare bankruptcy in an instant.

There are too many such things, and they are already numb. Everyone knows that in this empire, those who follow the emperor prosper, and those who oppose the emperor perish, without exception!

Over time, the emperor's request will rarely be rejected, and the will of the emperor is the will of the entire empire!

"I hope that Planet 2 is different from the previous unowned planet development procedures. Therefore, the ownership of this planet cannot be directly handed over to any group or individual. I hope everyone understands this matter." Chris said softly. The things that came out carried a smell that couldn't be denied.

Dessier sat on one side, glanced at a few pale-faced nobles on the other side, and did not speak.

This time, the development of the Hope 2 planet would not have been the turn of the Longtaite family he represents. So this time, it was not his richest man outside the imperial family who was losing.

On the other side, officials from several other big families also showed some gloating expressions on their faces.

No way, when I heard that there would be human life on Planet 2, the group that took turns developing the planet was full of joy, and the expression of joy on its face couldn't be suppressed.

You know, the benefits of being able to develop a living planet, and those that are transformed, or the three types of mineral planets, are completely different from each other.

But now, they haven't been happy for a few days. His Majesty the Emperor has "nationalized" Planet Hope 2 in this way. This is really the result of a thunderbolt on the blue sky.

"Dare to ask your Majesty...Is this an eternal rule of the empire, or a special case?" An old nobleman coughed softly and asked in an old voice.

Chris didn't mean to compromise, so he slowly replied: "This is the eternal rule of the empire! Next time, any planet with human-like life forms and civilizations will be handled in the same way as the Hope 2 planet. "

"Wow..." All the nobles, chaebols, and even some officials who were waiting for the answer began to whisper. They are all talking to each other, digesting this new news.

Previously, all the second-class transformed planets, in accordance with the rules of the empire, had to be taken over to the empire after thirty years of development authority.

Only those mineral planets that have no way to live have 100 years of formal mining authority.

In fact, even for the three types of mineral planets, the empire also has strict mining control regulations, stipulating that the total amount of planet resources mined shall not exceed 10% of the total mass of the mineral planet!

Now, not only the second or third types of planets, but even the first type of planetary empire has to be nationalized, which is obviously a huge blow to the various chaebols who are actively exploring the universe.

Even if one handles it carelessly, it will affect the speed of the empire's expansion, which in turn will affect the speed of the empire's development.

Therefore, from the perspective of the Empire's encouragement to explore the universe, Chris's decision to make such a decision is obviously a bit untimely.

"Quiet!" Dessell frowned and dragged a long tone to stop the whispers of those people for Chris.

When the venue was quiet again, Chris continued to speak: "The territory of the empire has become incredible."

"During the three years of expansion, we have found countless planets. Because of the large number of mineral planets, our current wealth can be said to be meaningless to us!" His fingers are habitually on the edge of the table. He tapped and said while tapping.

His voice echoed in the hall and floated into everyone's ears: "Today, our gems are piled up like a mountain, and we have so much gold that we can use gold bricks to pave the way! Those precious metals in the past are now ordinary enough to be seen everywhere! "

"Today, the empire's iron reserves can build tens of millions of huge space battleships! The empire's magic spar can also be used by the empire for thousands of years!"

"We have hundreds of millions of puppet robots reclaiming wasteland in the most dangerous places, and mining in the darkest mines!"

"Aren't these enough? Your wealth can't satisfy your desires?" Chris' eyes swept over everyone: "You think it's not enough. You still need to exploit those lagging civilizations, squeeze the poor natives, and earn that. Little poor profit?"

In his tone, he almost patted the table and asked, "He is still a child! Are you still human?"

"..." Although everyone present felt that the benefits were endless and endless! But who really has the courage to speak out such ambitions?

You know, along the way, the imperial royal family has always been the largest capital group in the empire, and has always suppressed all the capital predators who want to monopolize a certain industry in the empire.

That's why they can still sit here patiently now, whether they like it or not, they can only follow Chris's arrangement, and they don't even dare to raise the voice of complaining.

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