My Empire

Chapter 1239: Along the way

   "Damn it! There is no gunfire support..." Riding on the bumpy car, Harold sighed with a depressed expression while holding his weapon.

  As interstellar paratroopers, they actually rarely have artillery support, but in this operation they are following the large forces to act together. There is no artillery support, which is obviously a bit depressing.

  The occupant of the other commando sitting in the car grinned and said: "No way! In this state, if you want to use the artillery, you still need to wait for a while. Although the capacity is huge, it is still not enough."

  There are no roads in this world, and the poor road conditions make it difficult for cars to travel.

  Possibly, this is one of the methods used by this world to stop the attack of the Alanhill Empire.

  Another commando holding his own weapon explained: "In other words, the price/performance ratio is too low. We occupy a planet. If we transport too many weapons, these weapons will eventually remain on this planet."

  This is determined by cost. When weapons are needed, they must be transported to the place where the war broke out.

  However, with the end of the war, most of these ultra-long-distance weapons transported to the battlefield can no longer be transported.

  After all, no second war broke out, so those cheap, heavy weapons and equipment can only be left in place, or even completely wasted.

   Therefore, when the Ailan Hill Empire sent troops to the front line, it was very selective with many familiar weapons, but in fact it did not transport the front line at all.

  For example, the large-caliber artillery was basically not shipped to Planet Hope 2. This easy-to-use suppressive weapon was easily abandoned by the high-level military because of its large size and high ammunition demand.

  If strategic suppression is required, space destroyers staying in high orbit can be bombarded with electromagnetic main guns. If tactical suppression is required, let the Air Force do so and suppress it.

  Even the Air Force has no plans to transport aircraft to Planet Hope 2 on a large scale. Everyone felt that it was enough to have a dragon knight.

  Because of this, in fact, looking at the forces deployed by the Ailan Hill Empire on the Hope 2 planet, the scale is actually very "shabby".

  The real main force is actually a heavy armored grenadier regiment commanded by Burrison, and a small interstellar paratrooper special operations unit led by Harold.

  The remaining three divisions of light infantry are all fighting puppet robots. The combat effectiveness of these troops is actually very low, only because the weapons suppress the opponent, so they can be used as a real army.

  Of course, this force is supported by a battalion of logistics supply electric trucks, a reinforced Type 99 tank company, and another UH-60 helicopter unit.

  For the air force, apart from the two A-10 attack aircraft, only the Dragon Knights are left. Moreover, the size of the Dragon Knight troops is actually not that big, only 60.

  No way, as an air unit, Dragon Knight has too many advantages. Not only does it not require the support of ground crews, but it is also very convenient to find supplementary food locally.

  In addition, these dragon knights can continue to fight when the ammunition runs out, and maintain a very high attendance rate without a large amount of supplies.

  In contrast, as the first wave of troops on the battlefield, the Dragon Knight troops are simply the most perfect.

No see, the two A-10 attack planes that arrived earlier have not been able to take off action. They need to be maintained before they can take off.

  It is obviously impossible to rely on this force to defeat the entire planet. It is the right choice to be able to defeat the opponent, make the opponent aware of the power gap between the two sides, and surrender honestly.

  Because of this, when Burrison issued combat orders, he asked the troops to focus on driving and defeating, instead of conducting annihilation wars.

  He asked the offensive troops not to have a large amount of active force to kill the enemy, hoping to dilute the hatred of the opponent during the later negotiation, and make the negotiation easier.

  To promote peace is the goal of his offense. As for how many enemy troops to destroy, this is not within Burrison's consideration at all.

  Want to destroy the opponent on a large scale, as long as he grabs the phone and calls the destroyer above his head to bombard the most prosperous area of ​​the opponent, he can instantly annihilate the opponent's large number of active forces.

  The mighty puppet robot carrying its own weapon, marching on both sides of the road that is not too spacious, and the road is full of potholes, and there are electric trucks one after another.

  These trucks carry a variety of supplies, including the magic spar batteries needed by the puppet troops, the ammunition they may consume, the food and fresh water for the heavy armored grenadier troops, and all kinds of equipment.

  According to the plan, after defeating the opponent's defense forces, they will establish a new defensive node in the place called Soth City.

   Then, they have to disperse their troops, control the nearby area, and then find a way to communicate with the Rock Empire, so that the other party can honestly surrender and surrender all their power.

   Just as the ground troops were advancing, the dragon knight troops burst out over their heads. This time, they carried a 250 kg aerial bomb on the back foot of Yalong under their crotch.

  Choosing bombing and mounting is to create chaos as much as possible, so that the defenders of the Rock Empire stationed in the city of Soth will abandon their useless fortifications.

   "It's really backward! This kind of air support was almost eliminated five years ago." Through his car window, Harold saw the Dragon Knight troops drifting away, his tone was very emotional.

  Sitting next to him, another commando smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect them to come back."

  "Stop complaining! Look over there!" The commando sitting by the car window on the other side pointed out the car window and said: "They brought this thing here, so why don't they send two more dragon knights over here!"

  The powerful off-road electric vehicle drove off the roadbed, and saw a Type 99 main battle tank, cumbersome and slow on the road.

   "Ha!" When Harold saw the Type 99 main battle tank, the expression on his face was wonderful: "Why not change to the M109 howitzer?"

  "Are you the first day to be a soldier? There is a lack of heavy equipment everywhere now. Isn't it already a routine to find what to use?" A commando with a big beard rubbed the bridge of his nose and said.

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